The Search for King Arthur

The Tales of Jiho and Kyung


Author's Note; I noticed I forgot Yukwon and Jihoon's pics last chapter so I put them in this one ^^;;
The Search for King Arthur
Later that week found Kyung sitting in between Yukwon and Jihoon, thinking about everything. The dream was but a foggy memory now, yet he still had a faint trace of that voice inside his head. If he heard it again, he would recognize it.
It was breakfast time, about fifteen minutes before classes started. Kyung was just about to pour salt into his coffee when Jihoon stopped him.
"Hyung, that's not the sugar." He pried the salt shaker out of his hands and replaced it with the right item.
Yukwon gave Kyung a comprehending look, "Is there something wrong? You kept disappearing after class the past couple of days."
Kyung took a long look at the sugar in his hands. How did that get there? He looked around and noticed that Yukwon seemed to be waiting for him to talk. "Come again?"
Jihoon looked perplexed as he turned to whisper towards Yukwon. "Hyung, I think the mall's open but nobody is shopping." 
Now it was Yukwon's turn to look perplexed. "Is that a code for ?"
The maknae turned as red as the cherry tomatoes on his plate. "Hyung! That's not what I meant!" He almost let his head fall onto the table in embarrassment.
"Well then stop speaking in tongues. We aren't even talking about shopping and all you can think about is the mall, shame on you." Yukwon reprimanded. "Kyung is out of it-"
"That's what I was trying to say!" Jihoon whined.
At the mention of his name, Kyung snapped out of it. "Guys! I'm okay. Sorry, I'm just a little-" He sighed heavily.
He didn't want to start good friendships like these with lies. But he had absolutely no idea how he was going to explain that he had magic, let alone the reincarnation business. He wanted desperately for his friends to know so he wouldn't be alone, but it was just too complicated at the moment.
So, shaking his head and replacing his look with a careful expression, he brushed it off. "Ah, ya know what? It's nothing. Just new school jitters. I'm sure I'll get over it."
Jihoon and Yukwon both exchanged similar looks. They didn't believe him for a second, but they let it slide for now.
During their second class, the three of them were partnered up with two third years for a group assignment that would take a few months to complete.
It was their History class and they were assigned a project worth 75% of their grade. That's when the professor decided to divide the class into groups of five. The three of them were very lucky to be in a group together. Kyung may or may not have had something to do with that. 
The third years in their group didn't seem like they were unfriendly so they all introduced themselves with an easy going manner.
Their names were Taeil and Jaehyo. Taeil was on the shorter side but he had tattoos and piercings that gave him a real tough image. Despite that, he was actually very nice and had a soothing voice. Jaehyo was skinny and had his perfect hair in a pony tail. Ulzzang maybe? He was nice too and maybe just a little weird. Actually, he was pretty weird in general.
All of them had pulled their desks together to make one big table and were in the middle of discussion for their project. It didn't take long for Kyung to notice that they had made a round table without even meaning to. 
He mentally face palmed. And then he had an epiphany of sorts.
He interrupted their brainstorming, "Guys!" All stopped talking and turned their heads in his direction. "I have an idea that's pretty unique. I'm sure no one else will think of it."
And I'm going to hell for using my friends, he thought mildly. The professor had said it was up to them to decide their choice of history.
"We could do the Arthurian Legend."
"You're a conniving little bastard, aren't you?" Himchan asked with a gigantic smirk plastered on his face.
It took a considerable amount of will power for Kyung to not flinch at that remark. He crossed his arms sternly. "Hyung, we need all the help we can get."
"True. The extra hands on the research will be most helpful. Albeit, they don't know they're actually helping us." 
Kyung chose to ignore the implying tone in his voice. Like he didn't already feel guilty. It nagged him at the back of his head.
Himchan broke his thoughts, "So!" He clapped his hands together, causing Kyung to jump a little. "I have a few ideas on how to get started on looking for Arthur."
He hauled himself on top of his desk to sit, his legs swinging over the front as he leaned forward. "We know that you're Merlin's reincarnation because of your powerful magic. So we find Arthur by looking at Albion's best students."
Kyung had barely opened his mouth when the professor shushed him. "Let me finish explaining."
The younger rolled his eyes but nodded for him to continue. "King Arthur was famous because he was literally the best of the best. He excelled in many things and he ruled like no other. Now let's think outside the box and say he went to school." 
Kyung was beginning to understand where he was going with this as he played along, "He would be like the school's 'golden boy' or something. A popular kid that everyone knew and liked."
"My thoughts exactly." Himchan nodded in agreement before continuing, "One way of narrowing our field is to start by looking at the top students roster. It's not a straight shot but it's something to get us ahead of the game."
Being a professor, Himchan had access to the student files in the university's main library.
So that's where they were, sifting through piles of paperwork. It was during Kyung's free period so he had about an hour to help before he had to get going back to class.
After some organizing, Himchan finally narrowed down the stacks of papers to just a few student files. There were four stacks, one for each year at uni. Each file was labeled on the side with the student's name in bold black letters. As they opened each one, they're met with a picture of the student plus various details and records.
Kyung's eyes widened as he scanned the papers. "You guys are very thorough."
Himchan shrugged as he opened another file. "Albion likes to keep tabs on their best students. Gives them bragging rights when there's competition between schools."
Even after narrowing it down, they still had quite a few students to look at. None really stood out to them either. 
It wasn't until Kyung came across a file labeled WOO JIHO. He opened it and automatically grimaced at the picture. 
Himchan must have noticed his contorted expression. "See something you like?" He asked jokingly.
Kyung flung the file at him. "That guy we can automatically scrap. He's no King Arthur, trust me, I've met him already."
The elder raised an eyebrow before opening the file. It was a picture of a very handsome blonde boy. He was a first year like Kyung but his records were impressive. He excelled in most all of his classes and he was a star athlete. He was already captain of The Knights soccer team, varsity level. That was almost unheard of for a first year.
Himchan's eyes grew comically wide. "Are you an idiot?!"
At this, Kyung almost fell out of his chair in surprise. "What?"
"WE ARE NOT GOING TO SCRAP THIS GUY!" He caught himself and lowered his voice, "We are not going to scrap this guy. He's got all the qualities we're looking for."
"Hyung, you haven't met this guy. That file says nothing about his personality so I'll tell you right now, he doesn't have one. He's a prick." Kyung looked at him as if that settled it.
Boy, was he wrong.
"Oh hell no." 
Kyung was not happy. Actually, that was an understatement. He's completely and utterly screwed and he hates Himchan and this is a terrible plan that's going to go horribly wrong and how is this his life, seriously?
Himchan tutted at him, "Now don't go getting all pouty on me here. This is the only way."
If looks could kill, Himchan would be in his grave right now. Kyung was not amused. "Can't you think of anything better than this?"
The plan was to try and make contact with Jiho. Physical contact. Himchan had explained that with Kyung's abilities, he should be able to sense who King Arthur is by touch. All he had to do was place his hand somewhere on Jiho. Sounded simple enough when he had told him.
Now, he's pretty sure Himchan is trying to kill him.
Himchan pushed him out of the locker room and out towards the stadium, where all the students were waiting for the fencing tournament to begin. Where Kyung was currently going and participating in. He couldn't wield a sword to save his life. Hence, why he's a freaking wizard.
"Well you missed the soccer tryouts! Jiho is captain of the soccer team and that would have been ideal except that you can't get in." He continued to push Kyung against his will.
"And you don't have any classes with him except for this one. So fencing it is. You don't have to win the match, just get a hand on him during the match."
Kyung shrugged his hands off angrily, "Easier said than done! I'm going to get slaughtered out there! I only took this class as an extra curricular, I'm no good at this!"
Himchan rolled his eyes. "Don't be so over dramatic! This sport is perfectly safe."
As he says this, off to the side they see two opponents going at it and then one flies off the arena, landing awkwardly on his leg. He screamed in agony.
Kyung and Himchan both turned to look at each other, both with slightly frightened expressions.
"Well for the most part it is!" Himchan cleared his throat uncertainly.
"I. Am going. To die."
What's worse is that Kyung was in this alone. Yukwon and Jihoon were there but they were in the stands, a part of the crowd, spectators to the whole thing while he was going to his impending death.
He looked for them first, just to see their faces and hopefully bring him some peace of mind. He spotted Jihoon right away, his long blonde hair was like a beacon. Next to him on his right was Yukwon and on his left were Taeil and Jaehyo. Huh.
Jihoon must have invited those two to sit with them. The kid had automatically connected with Taeil when they first met.
He walked over to the benches to sit and wait for his turn along with all the other opponents. A few preliminary matches had already passed by so soon it would be Kyung going up there. He had to at least make it past that, otherwise he wouldn't even face Jiho.
"First Year Park Kyung vs. Third Year Lee Donglim!" The announcer exclaimed over the intercoms.
Kyung cursed under his breath. Already things weren't looking good, he was going up against a third year. He looked over to see who his opponent would be. The guy had a vivid shock of blue hair.
He turned away and took a deep breath to calm himself. If the guy was too skilled, he could always use his magic as back up. But ONLY as a last resort! Himchan's voice reverberated inside his head.
He looked over to the side where the teachers were and spotted the professor. Himchan had a grim expression on his face as he looked towards the arena. It disappeared when he noticed Kyung looking at him, he held up his two hands in a thumbs up motion with a greasy smile on his face. Typical.
"Here we go." Kyung muttered under his breath as he stepped up.
Both opponents were in full fencing uniform aside from the helmet. It wasn't until they bowed to each other that they were allowed to put them on. 
The referee stood between them, nodding to each one before holding his hand up in a "get ready" motion. He then let his hand drop, signaling for the buzzer to sound.
Kyung's heart was pounding, he could hear it in his ears, the rush of the blood. He almost didn't see the first blow coming, it was so fast. He brought his sword up at the last minute to block. The force was great and knocked him a few steps back. That was close.
He can't allow the match to end so quickly. He got his head on straight. He watched Donglim carefully, waiting for his footwork to give away his next move. The guy feinted a low swipe, catching him off guard. Kyung faltered as he went for a low block. It was too late to change to a high block and he got a hit on his arm. Damn.
He could hear the crowd gasp in the background. Points were deducted and Kyung was currently losing as Donglim had the upper hand. If he could just get his chest for a "killing" blow, that would end the match right then and there. There was no way his stamina would last against this third year, he was fast.
He almost tripped over himself when Jihoon's booming voice shouted, "YO HYUNG YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Kyung muttered under his breath before sprinting across the arena.
He attacked Donglim relentlessly, trying to create an opening for him to strike. Donglim was overwhelmed by the sudden flurry of attacks, just how he wanted him to be. It was after about the ninth strike that Donglim's wrist gave out and he was able to come in at an angle. His sword struck right at his chest.
The buzzer sounded, indicating that Kyung had won. The crowd erupted into massive cheers and clapping. Kyung took off his helmet and made his way over to his opponent and offered him a hand up.
The blue haired boy took off his helmet and looked up at him for a moment. His expression unreadable until his face broke out in a grin. "Thank you." He said as he took hold of Kyung's hand and hauled himself up.
"You're good for a first year. I hope you decide to stay on the fencing team, we could use someone like you." His smile was almost blinding at this point.
Kyung could only manage to nod as Donglim walked away, blue head disappearing out of sight.
He turned towards the crowd to see that his friends were whooping and hollering in congratulations. He laughed as he waved at them, walking off the arena and back towards the benches. He successfully passed the preliminary rounds.
The main matches after that weren't as bad.
Kyung managed to win every single one he's been in, which hasn't been many but that was beside the point. He was getting closer and closer to the final rounds and so was Jiho.
As much as it grudged him to admit it, Jiho was actually good. No scratch that, he was beyond good. He won every match effortlessly, so much so, that Kyung was beginning to regret this plan all over again.
Another match was about to begin. Whoever won this match would go up against either Jiho or Kyung next, it all depended on how it was drawn. The opponents are decided at random.
"First Year Kim Dongjun vs. Third Year Lee Minhyuk!"
At the mention of the second name, the crowd went wild. Kyung was confused at the huge uproar. What's special about this Lee Minhyuk? He looked up at him. He was very handsome with raven hair and dark eyes. He held himself with an air of complete confidence, that much was certain. He looked stoic, as if his expression were trained that way.
He turned to Donglim sitting next to him (the guy took a liking to Kyung right away), "Who's Lee Minhyuk?"
"Only the best fencing man we have." He turned to Kyung with a small smile, "He's our champion. He's beaten fourth year students since he was a first year at Albion. He's no joke."
Kyung looked at him as if he had grown a third head. "He's that good?"
Donglim nodded solemnly. "I kinda feel bad for the first year kid, Minhyuk doesn't bull around."
And he was right. As soon as the match started, it was painfully obvious how much Minhyuk overpowered Dongjun. The kid didn't stand a chance. No sooner had the match started, it was over. Minhyuk had feinted a blow, quickly turning his body to the opposite side and striking Dongjun not once or twice, but three times in a row. All across his chest.
The crowd's reaction was instantaneous, going from gasping to cheering in quick succession. 
Everyone went completely silent, waiting in utter suspense for the announcement of the next match. It was going to be either Kyung vs. Minhyuk or Jiho vs. Minhyuk. Either way, the odds were definitely not in his favor. 
"And the semi-final match will have..." 
Everyone held their breath.
"First Year Woo Jiho vs. Third Year Lee Minhyuk!"
Kyung thought the crowd went wild the first time around, this time they practically shook Camelot Stadium with their cheers. Students were standing up, jumping up and down, and yelling at the top of their lungs. He was screwed.
Whoever won this match was going to be his opponent in the final round.
Donglim seemed to have sensed the tense aura for he put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it. Kyung didn't say a word. He couldn't say a word as he watched the match unfold before him.
The buzzer rang.
Everything was blur from there. Minhyuk was fast but Jiho was just as fast, if not faster. When one would feint, the other would be ready. They matched blows and strikes, neither one actually landing an attack.
Kyung thought this was going to go on for hours when suddenly, there was a huge simultaneous gasp from the crowd. Minhyuk had been flipped over on his back, Jiho looming over him. Somehow Jiho had found an opening and knocked the elder opponent off balance. 
No hesitation. One blow across the chest. The buzzer rang, signaling the end of the match. 
Jiho had won in a matter of mere minutes.
Being a professor had many advantages, Kyung had to admit.
Himchan had allowed access for Yukwon and Jihoon to both come down from the stands. Taeil and Jaehyo stayed where they were, saving their seats.
So now Kyung was in the middle of hyperventilating while Yukwon, Jihoon, and Himchan lord help him, were all trying to calm him down. Yukwon and Jihoon were busy trying to convince him that he would do fine while Himchan stood back and reminded him to breathe.
They all tried to talk at the same time, voices overlapping each other, none of them making any sense. Kyung was about to yell at them to shut up when Minhyuk began to walk by.
There was barely any sweat on the tips of his bangs, but it was there, a sign of exertion used in the match against Jiho. He was just passing by, didn't even take a look at any of them. He was so quiet that everyone had just stopped talking. It was like an eerie effect.
That was when Yukwon decided to do something completely unexpected and marched right up to Minhyuk, blocking his path as he stood in front of him.
Jihoon and Kyung almost sprang at him to pull him back to their group because, hello, what in the hell was he thinking? This guy was not exactly a social butterfly. They didn't get that chance as Yukwon pulled a small red cloth from his back pocket and held it out to Minhyuk.
Himchan snorted behind them. Kyung and Jihoon didn't see what was so funny since their friend was practically in the line of fire.
Minhyuk took a look at the cloth, made no move to grab it, then looked at Yukwon with the barest quirk of an eyebrow. 
Yukwon didn't seem fazed. "I thought you might want something for your face. You know, since you're kinda sweaty."
At this, Minhyuk's expression flickered for a brief second before returning to his stoic one. No one was quite sure how he felt about that. Yukwon then realized his choice of wording wasn't great as he scrambled for an explanation.
"I mean, not that your face looks bad! I'm just saying it could get in your eyes or something and sweat in the eyes isn't pleasant. It could end up doing some serious damage, gotta take care of those corneas ya know? Don't wanna get serious night blindness or early cataracts. Not that you can get those from sweat. But it could be a cause! The start of some horrible eye disease!"
Jihoon and Kyung didn't know whether to die from laughter or second  hand embarrassment. The sad thing was, Minhyuk was listening to every word. He didn't even try to stop the poor sap from rambling on about eye problems. As if reading their thoughts, Himchan began to laugh quietly behind them.
And Yukwon wasn't even embarrassed at all, he just held the cloth out further with a big grin on his face. Oh the agony.
What happened next surprised everyone, even Himchan because he abruptly stopped laughing. 
Minhyuk moved, -you-not, he moved and gently took the cloth from Yukwon's hands. Yukwon was absolutely ecstatic about this turn of events. "And you don't have to give it back! Use it for as long as you like hyung!"
Minhyuk smiled, again -you-not, he smiled and gave a brief nod. "Thank you. I'll try to take care of my eyes better next time."
Did that really just happen?
He smirked as he walked around Yukwon and towards the other side of the field. Everyone was kinda speechless. 
Well sans the man of the hour himself, "My name is Yukwon by the way!" He yelled happily and waved at the man's retreating back.
Minhyuk didn't turn around but he held his hand up in what seemed to be his version of a wave.
Himchan decided to break the silence then. "Yah, I didn't know his face could actually move like that, with expressions and everything!"
Kyung face palmed.
"Remember, you have to touch him." Himchan stated as he handed Kyung his helmet and sword.
Kyung took a few deep breaths. "I know hyung. I've made it this far, I'll be damned if I screw this up now."
He turned and walked up to the arena without looking back at the professor. Himchan watched him carefully and whispered "good luck" so quietly that Kyung almost didn't hear it.
As soon as got to his position, he took a brief glance towards his friends. Taeil and Jaehyo had a makeshift sign in their hands saying "PARK KYUNG JJANG <3" while the other two were trying (and failing) to make up some sort of cheer/dance thing.
He smiled to himself before turning forward to face his opponent. Woo Jiho.
The blonde boy was staring right back at him with that -eating smirk on his face. "I thought I warned you to stay out of my way for your greater good?"
Kyung's defenses automatically rose up. This guy got under his skin so easily, it was irritating. "Well then maybe this is a way of me saying that I'll probably be the greatest good you're ever going to get."
Jiho laughed. God even his laugh was annoying. "A smart , I should have known. Let's see if your moves are as fast as your mouth. You're gonna need more than sass to take me down."
Kyung was about to snap back when the referee ordered them to get ready. They both put their helmets on and got into their fighting stances. 
The crowd grew silent. The referee held his hand up. Kyung braced himself as best as he could. He had to get close to Jiho one way or another, just to lay a hand on him. Although currently he would like to smash his face into the ground. Maybe some other day.
The hand dropped and the buzzer went off. 
Jiho was on him in the blink of an eye. Christ.
Kyung used every ounce of strength he had to block the incoming blows. Jiho was frighteningly strong and his strikes had a fierceness to them that was uncanny. On top of the strength, he was speedy.
He was being knocked backwards, scooting closer to the edge of the arena. Kyung was going to lose by going out of bounds if he didn't do something and fast. He had no choice, he had to use magic in this case. It was a last resort situation after all.
He quietly muttered an incantation under his breath. As he finished, Jiho's movements slowed down. Not only that, everything had slowed down. Kyung had managed to slow down time itself, but he could only hold that spell to a limit as it was very powerful. 
He saw the strike that Jiho was about to land on him, his sword only mere inches away from him. Kyung maneuvered his sword to come up and parry the attack. If he could time it right, he could maybe touch Jiho after the block.
He allowed the time spell to break off. Jiho's sword came down on his own, successfully giving Kyung an opening to lay a hand on him.
But because this is Kyung and his life , Jiho reacted as quick as lightning. He saw that his attack had failed and pushed himself away from Kyung, knocking him off balance.
Kyung barely had time to regain his balance when Jiho was on him again. His strikes more menacing, he took a low swipe at Kyung's legs, knocking him off his feet. The crowd reacted, a bunch of "oh my god's" and audible intakes of breath. 
Jiho was about to land a strike on his chest but Kyung shifted at the last possible minute. The strike landed on his arm instead. It hurt like a .
The crowd gasped loudly. The buzzer sounded, indicating points had been deducted. Jiho was now in the lead.
Cheers were heard, along with some boo's. Wow, Kyung actually had a fan base at this point. He quickly shook his head to regain his bearings. He hauled himself up and flinched a little at the stinging pain in his arm.
Thankfully it was his left arm and not his right. He knew Jiho couldn't see his face due to the helmet but he couldn't help but glare.
As if sensing his animosity, Jiho began to taunt him. "What's the matter? Did the ground not taste the way you thought it would?" 
That's it, he's had enough of the golden boy. It was time to take him down.
As soon as round two started, Kyung focused on Jiho's feet. He made the idiot lose his footing, causing him to almost fall flat on his face. Kyung took that chance to come at him with everything he had.
He attacked like a madman, his strikes erratic and coming from all directions. The blonde was being backed up towards the edge of the arena, clearly not ready for the barrage of blows. It was satisfying to say the least.
However, Kyung was no swordsman. He began to lose stamina fast. Jiho sensed the loss of strength behind the attacks and took advantage of it. He parried the last strike and flung his entire body at Kyung, knocking him on his back.
Jiho was about to come down on him with a finishing blow but Kyung had other plans. He used his magic to make the sword slip out of his grip. As Jiho was distracted, he brought his own sword up and swiped blindly. 
He managed to land a strike on Jiho's leg. 
Points were deducted and now the two were tied. The crowd reacted wildly. This match was by far the most interesting one they've seen all day. Go figure.
Jiho and Kyung were now both spent. Their chests rising and falling rapidly as their breathing refused to slow down. This was getting intense. They could both feel it. Neither one wanted to back down.
Round three started with a bang. They both came at each other at the same time, their swords meeting in the middle. Their helmets were almost touching as Jiho said, "Well well. Looks like the smart mouth has a few skills after all. Who knew?"
He angrily pushed him away and then came at him with a high strike. Jiho blocked it.
"I thought you'd be more of challenge." Kyung retorted as he went in for another high strike. "Seems like that was all show then." Another strike, this time aimed at his lower body. "I don't see what the big deal is." Several more strikes. 
"You're just another opponent to me."
Jiho got up in his face again after that last comment. "I thought maybe you'd gotten this far on dumb luck alone."
He then came at Kyung with a flurry of blows, sending him sprawling backwards. "Come on tough guy, I thought your forte was to talk me to death."
That's it. Kyung practically growled as he hauled himself up and came at Jiho with a new fervor. He attacked as if his life depended on it, forcing Jiho to block and only block. 
In his small fit of rage, Kyung lost his concentration and didn't notice what Jiho was about to do. So he didn't brace himself when he was suddenly flung over backwards. 
It all happened so quick. Jiho had parried an attack and in the process, he grabbed Kyung's arm and used his weight to fling him over his back. Kyung had been sent flying, landing on his back with a loud thud! The wind had been knocked out of his lungs at the force. His helmet had come off as he landed, rolling off the side of the arena.
All in all, things looked really bad. The crowd was astonished. Students had risen to get a good look and see if Kyung was alright or not. Gasps and worried whispers were heard all around.
Kyung's vision was spinning and he could barely breathe.
Jiho made a time out motion with his hands and took off his helmet. He then quickly made his way over to Kyung without even waiting for the referee to call the time out.
He loomed over him. "Yah Kyung? Kyung can you hear me? Are you alright?" His voice actually sounded worried.
Kyung nodded slowly. His voice hadn't quite come back to him yet. He began to slowly pull himself back up to a standing position. It was during this that he hissed in pain. His right ankle felt like it had been sprained. .
Jiho seemed to notice this as he held his hand out for him to grab onto. "Are you sure you can even stand? Your ankle looks injured, maybe you should stand down."
Now was the time for Kyung to make smart life choices and take his hand. If he did that, he would touch Jiho and in the process, he would succeed in finding out if he's King Arthur or not. Easy as pie right?
But no, something in Kyung made it impossible for him to just take Jiho's hand like that. Because his life can't ever be that easy.
So instead of accepting the offer of his hand, Kyung stood up on his own. He felt like he had to prove something. Prove he was worthy. Of what, he didn't know. He just had to do this.
Jiho took a step back in surprise as he watched the injured boy slowly but surely get up. Kyung was in pain but he controlled his expression even as he stood, facing Jiho with a set determination.
"I'm not going to forfeit." He stated calmly.
Again, Jiho looked surprised and man did that feel good to be the reason for that expression on his face. That was reward in itself.
Kyung continued, "I want to end this the right way. One last round, you and me." He picked up his sword.
"And you better not hold back on me Jiho."
The blonde had the briefest moment where his expression softened, a small shadow of emotion crossing his features. As quickly as it was there, it was gone. His expression was now one of glee, his eyes glimmering with joy. 
He tossed his own helmet off to the side and Kyung couldn't help but feel a small amount of admiration for him. Damn. This guy was pretty noble after all. Maybe, just maybe, he's the one we're looking for.
The crowd's reaction was deafening. Many cheers and shouts were heard as the two now faced each other. As equals this time, a lighter feeling in the air.
The final round.
The crowd continued to cheer as the match started up again. Everyone was running on excitement and adrenaline. 
Jiho didn't hold back like Kyung had asked and so the fight was beginning to die down pretty fast. He only had so much energy left before he was on the verge of passing out. 
As the blonde was running at him for another blow, Kyung took the initiative and turned the tide. He felt like he made his point anyway.
He allowed Jiho to get past his defenses. He only pretended to block.
At the last second, he let go of his sword so Jiho wouldn't have anything blocking his attack. He braced himself for the blow across his chest. Jiho saw what he was doing but was too late to hold back. The strike landed across Kyung's chest, winning him the final match and the entire tournament.
Kyung should have been sent flying onto his back but instead, he felt a strong arm hold onto him to keep him from falling over. He opened his eyes to see Jiho looking at him with concern. He also seemed to be saying something angrily at him. Something along the lines of "are you crazy?!"
That's when he finally took his chance. The arm that was holding onto him, Kyung grabbed it. The next thing that happened was almost unimaginable.
He felt everything from nobility to courage. From love to faith. He saw visions. Bursting colors of crimson red and glorious gold, bright and glittering. A vivid shape of a dragon. A castle that stood tall. Knights fighting battles. He felt honor and loyalty in everything. A kingdom blooming at it's finest hour. The passion that was there was so grand, he felt like he could cry.
Woo Jiho was King Arthur's reincarnation. Holy .
Soon he had out from the sudden surge of emotion and power.
Author's Note; sorry if anyone here is a huge fencing fan or something lol cuz my version is probably horribly wrong but I do what I want ^^
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Chapter 14: This is by far my favourite Zikyung fic, I don't know why but the story and the characters are just perfect. I come here everytime I don't know what to read but finally. Seriously, good job and thanks!
cutekyungcumber #2
Chapter 14: this is the 5th time i'm reading this and i still cry :'))
Dark_Kermit #3
Reading this for the 3rd time and it's still the best Zikyung fanfic I have come across. You did an amazing job!!!
comeandgetitmarkjin #4
Chapter 14: This fic was so good! Write more authornim I seriously love your writing style
ying9202 #5
Chapter 14: *tearing up rite now*
ok so like
i just finish marathoning this fic
cutekyungcumber #6
Chapter 14: THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING FANFICTION I'VE EVER READ. i feel like crying because it's over. i honestly want this to be a real AU and i wanna make fanart.
Sekaisoo19 #7
Chapter 14: THAT WAS IT?! Oh my holy moly! I just found this awhile ago and now I've just finishes it for Zikyung's sake! Hahaha lol. Btw, this is the best fantasy story that I've ever read! Woaa you got me on that. If you don't mind, please have another Zikyung story please? It's because they're just sooooo CUTEEEE /Jihoon voice. Thanks for sharing this :) Godbless you and your knowledge and skills! Hahahaha ~
Dark_Kermit #8
Chapter 14: I can never get tired of this fanfiction. It's amazing! You sure did an incredible job writing this
Chapter 14: amazing fanfic!!! THAAAAAANK YOUUU <3