
A Reason


After finishing up the grocery shopping and embarrassing myself, I jumped onto my bed and laid flat on my stomach.  I was too tired to do anything else, so I closed my eyes and decided to drift away into my thoughts.


I was suddenly woken up by my grandmother poking my with a cane.  I slowly got up.  It felt like a good hour or so, but was only a 15 minute nap, which I would be quite thankful for later.


"Let's go" She said as she turned her back to me.  She started to look at my things on the vanity.


"Where?" I asked, I got off the bed and slipped on my slippers.


"You need to come with me to the hair dressers," She picked up one of my rubrik's cubes "I'm taking this" and stuffed it into her bag.


I was already standing at the door waiting for her.  I couldn't say no, but I wanted to.  Sitting in the hair salon as she got her hair.. fixed, and gossiping with the other ajummas about whatever was probably one of the worst things that could ever happen to me.


We walked out of the house and locked the gate.  She shook the gates making sure it was locked and we started to walk.  My grandmother instantly grabbed my arm and held it.


"What do you want for dinner?" She asked looking straight ahead.  Looking around, and not paying attention or answering her, she smacked my arm.


"Ow.. " I said pretending to feel hurt, whilst grabbing my arm.  "I'll eat anything, I'm not picky" I finally answered.  I was never much of a talker, unless I was talking with a really close friend, or people i've only just met.  I think I had an adult phobia, as well as an infant phobia.  They're just so scary to communicate with.


"Are you sure?" She asked.  I felt as though she didn't think I liked Korean food since I hadn't eaten much the entire time I was here and since I was born and raised in Canada.


"I'm not a picky eater" I really wasn't, I'll eat anything that's given to me.  Even if I don't enjoy eating it, i'll eat it for the sake of having something in my stomach to eat.


"Okay" We continued walking to the hair shop in silence.  I didn't mind the silence, I enjoyed every bit of it.  Being in silence was one of my favourite things, because loud noises really bothered me, usually scaring me. 

We finally got to the main street with my grandmother leading the way.  I've never been to this side of the neighbourhood so I stood quite close to her.  She probably sensed that I was uncomfortable with atmosphere we were in and grabbed on tighter to my arm.. that or she was uncomfortable too.  This was the first time she finally went out of the house since my grandfathers' death.


Walking by a small convience store, she spotted someone she knew and immediately made us stop.  "You wait here" She ran inside.  I looked in to see who it was, I didn't know who but she seemed like a really close friend of my grandmothers'.  They were laughing anf hugging eachother.


I stood around, holing onto my cellphone and glancing at it here and there.  I looked so awkward just standing there with everyone walking around.  I stood there and looked around, scanning my surroundings, then back into the shop to make sure my grandmother was okay.  Just then, behind a car, I saw a Dalmatian puppy on a leash walking.  It was the first time ever I have seen one.  I couldn't contain my happiness, 101 Dalmatians was one of my childhood memories.  I ran up to the Dalmatian and kneeled down.


"Annyong" I said to the Dalmatian and softly petted it.


"Ouu, Bbanggu yah, you're so popular" The owner said.  I quickly stood up because I totally forgot to ask if I could pet his dog.  "Oh it's okay! He's a nice pup`, and he loves the attention" He said with a smile.  I just smiled back and kneeled back down.


"Bbanggu?" I said and tickled it's chin.  "Is it a boy or girl?" I asked looking up.


"Boy" He said and kneeled down, he started to pet Bbanggu. "Good boy"


"He's so pretty" I said and continued to stare at Bbanggu. 


"Hyung!" A familiar voice came from behind me.  I didn't care to look back, as I finally took my phone out to take a picture of Bbanggu.


"Ah, took you long enough to get here.." The owner said and stood up to greet the person.


"Who's that?"


"Uh.." He thought.


I stood up and turned around to face them.


"Kieun ah !" My grandmother shouted and I quickly turned around. 


"Ah" He said and pointed at me, then to himself, "I'm the cute guy"


I laughed. "I'm .. Kieun"  My grandmother was beside me and pinching my arm.

"Kieun ah, I thought I told you to not move" She sharply said.  She was going back in forth with scolding me and smiling at the boys.

"Sorry, I just, saw this Dalmatian and had to come see it" I whined as I grabbed onto my arm where she pinched.  I looked at the two guys who were staring at their feet.


"Let's go, I don't want to be late for my appointment" My grandmother mumbled and started to pull me away.


"Hey! I'm Daniel ! Chae Daniel" He said loudly as I was being pulled away.  His arm was in the air waving as I looked back at him.  I waved back and turned back around to my front view where I finally saw the salon.

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Chapter 2: Update soon~
Chapter 2: Lol yay an update \o/
Taha, the second encounter where she sees Daniel again and he still is te cute guy hehe. Awhh Bbangku made an appearance \o/ I love that dog haha
Chapter 1: LOOOL omg cute boy. That's Daniel right? Haha.. Update soon!
Chapter 1: It started off sad and ended up being hilarious.
Thanks for the update~