Stay Hidden

Bump in the Night
a/n: okay so i wrote this on my phone so sorry about any mistakes, i'll go through it and fix it once i get to a laptop. i hope you enjoy! ___________________________________________ I couldn't take it anymore. I was alone and scared, no one hear to protect me. I needed to get out of there but I didn't want to risk it. Something was out there, waiting for me. Waiting for the right time to kill me. The window slammed open, the wind blowing wildly. I screamed with fear as the curtains were flapping the wind, the rain crashing down. I cried loudly, my tears clouding my sight. I pulled my blankets tight over my head as the wind howled, circling around my room. I hated being alone. I needed someone to hold me tight. But not anyone, just that one special person. The same person I kicked out earlier that day. I needed him. He would always keep me safe. But I was stupid. A bright flash of lightning lit up the room momentarily, then followed by a loud clap of thunder. I cried out for him to come back. I sobbed into my blanket. I need to hide somewhere, learn to protect myself. I grabbed my phone and my blanket and charged to the kitchen. I grabbed a knife from the drawer to use as a weapon if needed. I pulled all the pots and pans from a low cupboard, then crawled into it, closing the door behind me. I used the blanket to muffle my sobs. Another ear-splitting crack of thunder rumbled through the apartment. I held my knees close to my chest, trying to make myself as small as possible. I heard the front door open and then slam shut. I shoved the corner of the blanket in my mouth to try and stop myself from screaming and giving away my position. I gripped the handle of the knife tight, my knuckles turning white. I heard keys being dropped. I was shaking in a blind panic. "Daehyun?! Daehyun where are you?!" He screamed, slamming room doors open as he charged through the apartment. His voice made my heart skip beats, making it even harder for me to breathe. I could hear his heavy panting and footsteps. He was close. Thrn everything went silent. All I could hear was the violent rain crashing against the windows. Suddenly the cupboard door swung open, exposing me to everything once again. He was dripping wet, his hair stuck to his face. "Oh my god, Daehyun!" He pulled the knife from my hand and placed it on the counter above me. He grabbed my hands and pulled me out. He held me close to his chest, and my hair. He sighed heavily, then began to rock me back and forth. "Daehyun, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I left. I'll never leave again, okay?" He voice was soothing. He placed a gentle kiss to my forehead. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "I'm sorry for kicking you out." I whispered in a barely audible voice. I sat up so I could look him in the eye. I pushed his hair back and held his face in my hands. "I love you, Youngjae." I gently kissed his cold lips. "I love you too." He kissed me again, then pulled me back into his chest and continued to rock me. He my hair gently. "Trust you to hide in the kitchen though, fatass." "Shut up." I hissed back. He chuckled at me, then kissed the top of my head. I'm never letting him again. He's my angel, and only mine.
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Chapter 1: awwww soooo cute =] heheh