TAKE ME AWAY. {Myungsoo One-Shot}

TAKE ME AWAY. {Myungsoo One-Shot}

Take Me Away. {Myungsoo One-Shot}

Always being abused at home and taking all her insults, hits and everything in; if everyone knew about this, would they still wonder why you were so cold? Your death glare, anger, and mysterious aura coming out — it threatened your classmates, even teachers and staff. They tried to ask you why, even your mom, but she would lie saying that it was just your mean personality. Everyone tried to get you kicked out because it was haunting them to sleep that someone dangerous was schooling in where they school and work for. However, your high grades kept you still in place. The government was the only one protecting you, for now.

They were so judgemental that it erked you, annoyed you, disgusted you, confused you and killed you. The sweet, cheerful girl once, turned into a b*tch because of one big mistake you made.

The day you ran for your ball out in the streets, and your dad tried to save you but was caught in an accident. Ever since then, your mom hated the living hell out of you.

Even if you were her daughter. Her husband, your dad, was everything to her. And you took that away. |||

Just like in big fat lying fairytales which you positively (100%) not like so much — continued mocking you with their happily ever after. Every insult in the dictionary couldn't even be all that you wanted to describe them as. Their life was 180 degrees of yours. The only similarity is how the evil, bad characters' life was likely yours. Unfair.

Not everyone has a happy ending... one of them is your mom. But what about you? Won't you ever have a happy ending? *Sarcasm* Yehhh right---!

But just like what everyone would say, "Expect the unexpected~~~"

There were 7 new boy-students in school. They were hot, handsome, y, sassy — admired by everyone; in other words or word, perfect in everyone's eyes. Except for yours (maybe some others). To you, they were normal, ordinary boys who likes to flirt with any girls who catches their attention.

Like expected, there was one new student in your class. Nam Woohyun. He introduced himself earning himself squeals from really high-pitched girls, including Ms. Jung — your single-celled teacher. Okay maybe not single-celled but, you know what I mean. Aloner... like you.

There were two seats left and it was infront of you and beside you. Expected that too right? Everyone gasped when the new boy made his way to sit beside you. "Hey pretty~ Mind if I sit here? And maybe even have a lucky date with this handsome man?" he proudly exclaimed.

You turned your gaze to him from the window view outside. "I don't need a seatmate," you uttered in a monotone voice. "Move."

A shock expression was written all over his face, but you didn't care and went back to looking outside. It stunned him even more, because he just got ignored. "Playing hard-to-get," he scoffed then moved to the seat infront of you and flirted with the girl beside him. *Playboy...*

Ms.Jung cleared before starting the lesson while trying to get the new boy's attention. Pulling her skirt up, opening the top three buttons of her girl-polo, showing her bra and cleavage as she call them. You admired the beautiful sun as it shone beneath the field making it look magical. You desperately wanted to shout at the sun in fume. The weather was also one of your biggest enemy. Shining so brightly everyday, fighting away the rain --- you hated it. *Won't you rain once? Pour and blend your sorrow along mine...*


You glowered your attention to a boy laying down on a shady tree. He was wearing your school's uniform and came into a conclusion that he ditched. You admired his posture; a hand on his tummy, his other arm on his forehead, his legs crossed, eyes closed --- nevermind.

A familiar feeling came to you, the same feeling you feel whenever your mom approaches you. Nervousness.

"Since we have a new student, why don't we ask him to get up again and show us his abilities?" Ms.Jung giggled at her intelligent excuse.

"Why don't you just tell him directly to your bed," you plainedly announced. Your chin resting on your palm with your elbow propped and the desk supporting both.

"E-Exxcuse mee?" the teacher stammered with her voice, embarassed with another different feeling. "T-THhat was very inconsider-ate of you... Ms. ---"

You looked at her straight in the eyes, shutting her up. "Whatever," you stood up from your seat then went out of the classroom. Woohyun suddeny felt what the others' were feeling; fear. It just automatically ran through his spine as he observed the class. Everyone were bowing their head down while some have already shrunk in their seats. *They're scared of her...* He gulped.

Walking out of the school building in annoyance  you felt sick seeing your teacher act like a towards a boy who was twice as younger than her — pedo. With your head down as you kicked a rock you found, letting your feet control you, it took you to the sleeping boy and accidentally kicked the rock at him. The stone crashed onto his waist. The both of you ended in the same position as before, where he opens his eyes and caughts you staring at him.

"Oh look! My stalker finally confronted me," he snickered, still laying down.

"Who said I was your stalker?" you scoffed then sat beside him.

"I fully caught you Missy. Don't have to deny it," he smugly grinned.

"That was just a coincidence Mister," you rolled your eyes then layed beside him.

"Indenial~" he continued to tease you while just kept quiet and looked up at the sky.

For a second you closed your mouth, he turned to actually take a good look of your face. Don't need any actual description; let's just say that he liked what he was seeing. He did his usual signature smile and kept observing you. Ought to know that it was uncomfortable, you didn't bother to tell him off because another thing was bothering you even more. "Why does the sun shine so bright?" you questioned as you looked at the light blue sky.

"Don't ask me, I'm not a scientist..." the brunette-haired boy chuckled then turned his gaze to the sky.

"And I thought you would be smart, Kim Myungsoo..." you shook your head.

"See you are a stalker! I didn't even tell you my name yet!!" he raised his voice a bit in a childish way.

"Your nametag..." you simply replied.

"Oh. I should really tell them to change it to L."

His confidence lowered down a bit and went back to his usual pokerface. In the inside, you couldn't help but laugh so hysterically but you kept it all in. A few minutes of awkward silent. "Doesn't it have darkness though?" you kept with your question. People say that even light has a tad bit of darkness. And then vice-versa. So maybe the sun has as well.

"The moon."

"No. Inside the sun," you remarked.

"Yeah. They're combined. Mentally," he reasoned.

"You're mental," you said then sat up.

"Why are you even asking that anyway?" it was his turn to ask as he sat up as well.

"I don't have to tell a stranger," you replied coldly before standing up and walking away.

Myungsoo planned to caught up with you, but his friends interrupted him. Six boys started jumping on him, tackling him down. "Agh!" he groaned. "Get off." Everyone then one by one obeyed with a cheeky smile. Myungsoo glared at them before looking to the direction you went -- but you already left. "Thanks alot guys," he told them sarcastically.

"Who was she anyway?" Sungyeol asked.

"The b*tch everyone is scared of," Woohyun muttered.

"She's not a bliip!" Myungsoo defended you.

"Bliip?" Sunggyu raised a brow while Dongwoo started laughing while Hoya joined. *Contagious Dongwoo...* Myungsoo thought while shaking his head from left to right.

"He doesn't swear," Sungjong replied for the frustrated Myungsoo.

"You know what, I'm hungry..." the brunette muttered then left the boys alone.

"This is my place. Get out," you coldly said as you ate your plain bread while finishing up your homework.

"Now it's mine as well," he stuck his tongue out then sat beside you in the corner. The wind was continually blowing, the sun still up, the head of the trees were the only part from them that were showing, the only darkness and shade was in the corner of the opened room. Technically, it isn't a room but you treated it like one. Guessed right. The rooftop.

"You're so annoying," you stated firmedly.

"And you're so cold," he argued then pinched your nose.

After shooting him a glare, you retorded, "What of it? Stop messing around and leave me alone."

"But I want to be your friend and friends are always there for one another. And eat," he responded before shoving your bread into your mouth as you roughly chewed it, eyeing the boy.

"You lunatic..."

Gossips were being passed around school about your friendship with Myungsoo even though you always treated and replied to him coldly, he made everything so official that it just happened way too fast. His friends even confronted him but he kept his with his decision; to be your friend. "Are you playing me?" you asked him with a glare. "Because I really don't like games."

He stood there watching your eyes, he saw something that you had been hiding for such a long time. Sadness. Once he got back to his senses, you were already a far distance away from him. "WAIT!" he called out then tried to run after you.

Letting out a really long breath, calming your beating heart, you entered your home. ||||

Just as you expected, you recieved another beating that day and dragged yourself in your room after she had been tired out. No one had ever seen you the condition you were in. Crying from the pain. "YOU B*ASTARD! GO BUY ME SOME BEER!!" your mother yelled at you as she barged in and threw coins at your face. "And clean yourself," she sternedly ordered.

Wearing a thick sweater to cover your bruises, slighly limping and was in a severe situation; because you didn't even get to treat your wounds yet. Walking to the usual store of where they sell your mother's favourite kind of beer, you were about to enter when a hand grabbed you. You winced then spat, "What?!?!"

"So this is why you're so cold." Sympathy emitted from his dark-brown eyes, which made your anger fume even more.

"I don't need you to pity me," you growled while pulling your arm back.

"I'll take you in," Myungsoo simply said; not letting go.

You looked at him, confused. "Escape from that hell and come with me. Live with me instead."

"Why is it so easy for you to take me in?" you questioned his offer.

"Because. I want to change you. And I'm your friend, remember?" he grinned. You looked at him, searching his eyes if there was another intention he holds.

"NO." Reaching for the handle bar and was about to pull it open, he cut you off.

"YOU made me do this," he sighed before carrying you over his shoulder and running away.

"YAH! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!?!??!?!" you yelled while hitting him on the back and begging him to let you down. "I SAID DOWN!!"

But instead, all you got was a laugh as he kept running. *Fine. Then... TAKE ME AWAY.*


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AS_SarahW #1
Chapter 2: OMG this story I like it someone who colder than Myungsoo!!!>.< and I really want to pinch Woohyun cheek (I can't punch him he's handsome)how can he just judge her from the cover that's why there's a quote "don't judge people by the cover" and Myungsoo so cool!I'll read the sequel!anyway good job author-nim
Infinite_7 #2
Chapter 1: i really enjoyed this very much!!!!!!! <3333 write more stories like these!!! it's not fluffy, or sad, or cheesy, or mysterious/horror for a one-shot... it seems so unique with its own style... realistic too. just wow! i love it!
also, the character's personality is daebakkkk! she's not girly, boyish in a way... i like her! i want to be her friend! lol! i really like her actions and blunt words! haha xD
and myungsoo's curiosity.. and its perfect for how the infinite member's reacted. of course they'd be shocked. cause she was considered as a b*tch.
i really love this story but i wanted more... the ending was short. so now! off to the sequellll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nice job author-nim! i'm a fan of your work now!
usachanpeace #3
Chapter 1: waiting for the sequel! <3
Chapter 1: Awuh! He's her savior <3
Chapter 1: I think so, too! ~ please write a sequel!!! >___<
choheex33 #6
You should do a sequel please ^-^ ❤
hithere-- #7
Chapter 1: SEQUEL PLS~ I really enjoyed this story!! <3
EuphyYu #8
That JUST READ. is awesome! *goes to read*