Crack!Fic: Ddangkoma Style

Prompt: Dinosaur

Lalala~ Today is a very important day! Ddangkoma is going to be turning 118! Betcha didn't know! I bought him all his favourite foods, especially ice cream and fillet mignon. But... Where is Ddangkoma... I better look for him...
"Yeobo~~ Where are you~?" Oh! There is he is! I went to give my baby turtle a hug but he disappeared. What? OHMYGOD. Someone stole my turtle and replaced him with a hologram! What the hell is going on!? I must get to the bottom of this. I whipped out my detective cap and magnifying glass to look for clues. I decided to start with the obvious and check for footprints. There was nothing on the table but on the floor... There was... DINOSAUR FOOTPRINTS.

Oh my God.

Jonghyun has stolen my Ddangkoma.


Only a paragraph... But I'll continue it if I get any inspiration. Happy Thanksgiving~~ Please enjoy my nonsense fiction. xD

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lostxxforgotten #1
Chapter 1: you said it wouldn't have to do with Jonghyun. xD