
Aren't you my sweetest thing?

Dedicated to all Inspirits, especially Bianca, since she's feeling down lately. Cheer up darling, think about other happy things in life and smile, you're beautiful. Everyone, hope you enjoy this, saranghae (。◕‿◕。)

I suggest listening to this while reading, it's up to you anyway~



You suddenly open your eyes in panic. You can feel your heart beating fast and sweat is covering your forehead. Looking around, it’s dark but you’re glad that you didn’t draw the curtains earlier so thanks to the moonlight, you still can see some of the your familiar things and sigh in relieve that you’re still in your room. You put your hand on your chest, calm yourself down by saying that it was just a nightmare. You try to go back to sleep but despite how tired you are right now, you just can’t. All the things that happened in that nightmare are still clearly in your head, you’re scared that if you fall asleep, it will come back to you once again.

“It’s 3 a.m already” –It shows on your phone’s screen. You open your phonebook and glance through all the name in it, then you stop by the name “Gyujiji”. You let out a small giggle, remember how many times that Sunggyu secretly changed it back to “Sunggyu oppa” like you did back then because he said that he didn’t like it, that you were just like s, bullying him by giving him those weird nicknames. You wonder if you should call him or not.


You’re startle because there’s voice coming out from your phone. You look at the screen and see that Sunggyu’s on the line. Gosh, your finger must have unconsiously hit the call button when you were so lost in your thinking.

“Ah.........I’m here oppa!” –You awkwardly answer him.

“What’s wrong?”

You hear his exhausted voice as he asks and you know he was sleeping. With his tight schedule, you understand how precious sleep is to him. You suddenly feel guilty for disturbing him at this hour and mentally curse yourself.

“’s nothing.......I just can’t sleep.”

“Did you have a nightmare?”

“Hmmm.......” –You shyly reply him –“But it’s okay, I feel better now so I guess I’ll just go back to sleep!”

“Are you sure? You don’t sound better at all!”

“Gwenjana oppa, don’t worry!”

“Jinjja? Or should I come over?”

“No no oppa, jinjja, you don’t need to!”

“Okay then. I’ll come by tomorrow so sleep well, and don’t think about it anymore arasseo?”

“Ne oppa. Annyeong~”

“Haha, annyeong jagi!”

As soon as he hangs up, you start to feel nervous again. Your lovely room, the room that took you all week to decorate it, why does it look so scary to you now? The closet looks scary, the dressing table does and even a shadow of the tree outside your window on the wall opposite your bed is scary. You curl up in your blanket, hug your pillow tight and hope that the morning will come soon or at least this feeling won’t last long so you can back to sleep. It’s when you’re about to sleep again then you heard the sound of the electric lock of your front door. Is there someone just enter your house? You’re so scared right now that your body is freeze and your eyes are closely shut. The only thing you can do now is hope that nothing happens and convince yourself that it’s just a dream. You try to calm down but you even freak out more when you hear the footstep, which becomes more and more clearly as the person comes closer and closer to your room. Then the footstep stops and there’s the sound of your door slowly opened.

“Please don’t hurt me please don’t hurt me!!!” –You pray.

The person walks to you and touch your shoulder. Tears start to well up on your eyes then you hear the familiar voice.


You pull off the blanket and turn on the light to see that it’s Sunggyu. You immediately hug him and burst out crying.

“What happened?” –He asks, hugging you back.

You don’t say anything but crying non-stop for a while, then you let go off him and he caress the tears on your cheek with his thumb.

“Why are you crying?”

“I thought that that nightmare came true, someone’s here to take me!” –You says in whimper.

“Babo.” -He gently smile at your silly answer –“I think that you’ll be fine but it turns out that you’re not. I know it so I come here. You always make me worried you know that?”

“Mian oppa.............” –Your voice becomes lower and so does your head because you feel embarrassed.

“It’s lucky that we live in the same apartment so I can come here immidiately.” –Sunggyu yawns –“Now let’s go back to sleep.”

Sunggyu pulls you closer to him, lets you rest your head on his arm and embraces you. Lying next to him, feeling the warmth from his body as he hugs you, smiling at his breath slightly tickle your nose, you never feel secure like this moment. Even if the storm is coming, you won’t care, as long as Sunggyu is here with you, you won’t.


You wake up from the sound of the phone’s alarm. You reach to your phone to turn it off. You still feel tired from the short sleep last night, your arm and shoulder are aching because you slept on your side. You slowly open your eyes to see Sunggyu’s still sound asleep. You can’t help but smile at the sight of him sleeping next to you. His fair skin shining under the sunlight, his messy blonde hair, his lovely plump lips, it seems like you adore all the things that belong to this young man. You lean over and softly put a kiss on his cheek not to wake him up. Suddenly you feel his arm tighten around you while the other arm hold the back of your head.

“Seems like someone try to steal a kiss!”

“Hmmmmm” –You try to say something but you can’t because your lips still on his cheek.

Sunggyu laughs out loud seeing you so hopeless so he lets go off your head.

“Yah!!!!!” –You hit his chest but you do it too strong while he’s lying on the edge of the bed so he loses his balance and falls to the floor.

“Ouch!” –He groans in pain.

“Gwenjana?” –You axiously ask, give out your hand to help him.

Sunggyu catches your hand and instead of sitting up he pulls it, causes you to also fall off the bed and lie on him. You intend to get off but he pulls you back.

“Stay still!” –Sunggyu demands.

“It’s so uncomfortable! Let me…….”

“Just for a while!”

You listen to him and stay in that position. Your head lies on his chest so you can hear the rhythm of his heartbeat, which sounds like a beautiful melody to you.

“What did you dream last night?” –Sunggyu asks, tugs your hair behind the ears.

“You’ll call me silly.”

“I won’t, so tell me!”

“Hmmm, I dreamed that you and I were together. Then a man chase after us, so you took my hand and we ran……..”


“Then when we were running, you suddenly let out of my hand so I fell behind. I was exhausted so I ran more and more slowly. I was calling you but you didn’t hear it, you just kept running. When that man almost caught me then I woke up…….”

“And you cried over that? How silly you are!”

“See?” –You lifts your head to look up at him- “You call me silly!”

“Aigoo!” –Sunggyu pushes your head back to down on his chest –“It’s not that. I just say it because you’re cute!”

“I’m cute?”

“Why did you cry?”

“Because I was scared that someday you would actually leave me……You won’t right?”

 “Leave you?”


“I don’t know. It depends on my feeling for you over time.”


“Aigoo, I’m just kidding! You’re so cute, how can I?” –He says, rubbing your hair.



“Am I heavy?”

“No need to ask, like I carry a whale on my body!”

“Haha I should get off then!”

You  sit up and so does he, then he leans on the side of your bed while you snuggle up to him, rest your head on his shoulder.

 “Jaigi-ah!” –He calls you again.


“You know that I can’t always be there for you right? Like when you need me?”

You slightly nod your head approve instead of answer his question.

“So when there’s something happen, you have to be brave although I’m not with you. The nightmare last night was just a little incident. You’ll still have to face many things in life. You can’t just sit back, do nothing and let it effect you. Think of another beautiful things in life, so you can overcome the hard time.”

“Then what do you think of when you have difficulty oppa?”

“It’s something that I already smile just to think about it! Can you guess?”


“It’s one of the things but not the most important!”


“Another clue, it’s small!”

“Woohyun oppa?”

“He’s small?”

You and him bust out laughing because of your silly answer.

“No he’s not, just kidding! It’s hard oppa!”

“One more clue, it’s beautiful!”

“Ah~, I think I’ll get it right this time? What’s the reward?”

“Hmmm, a kiss on your forehead?”

“It’s your reward, not mine!!!” –You whine

“Haha, okay, just say it!”


Sunggyu smiles, kisses your forehead.

“It’s you, silly!”

“Look what Woohyun oppa have done to you! You’re so greasy! But I have to be greasy too to say this. Aren’t you my sweetest thing?”

You and Sunggyu both laugh over your greasiness then you see Sunggyu suddenly being distracted by the laughing of the kids outside. Sunggyu turns his face to the window to hear the sound more clearly, then he turns back to you. This time he doesn’t look because he’s actually gazing at you.

“What?” –You feel uncomfortable under his gaze.

“I’m just thinking.”

“What are you thinking?”

“That how beautiful my kids will be since their mom is pretty!”

Your face slightly turn red because of his answer. You look away not want him to see the obvious embarrassment on your face right now.

“Who said I would marry you?”

“If you don’t then you gotta regret for the rest of your life to let go off a man like me!”

“Prove it!” –You pout at him.

“Prove what?”

“Prove how a man you are!”

Sunggyu moves his face closer to you and lift your chin up. He then puts a kiss on your lips, a small, soft, sweet one.

“I’m a man who has nothing but his heart.”

“And small eyes.” –You giggle.


The end~


Any comments please, I would be very appreciated~ Thanks for reading~ *throw hearts*

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hyumi7 #1
Chapter 1: Lol hahahaha
mkiss-aisb2st #2
Chapter 1: AWWWWWWEEEEEE!!!!!!! Huge amount of fluff! DAEBAK!! Keep writing, I'm now officially a fan :D
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwwwww sweet sweetest sweetness!!!!!!! SO NAISEEEE>< cani be the girl in that story??? PRETTYPLEASEEE... LOL ANW NICE STORY AUTHOR-NIM:333 /throw NAMSTAR HEARTSSS/ CATCH IT!;)
Chapter 1: Wahhh!!! I can die from too much sweetness!!! > _ <
LumosStorm #5
Chapter 1: awwwww........
Chapter 1: awwww so sweet...
clouds930428 #7
this story is so sweet
i like it author-nim ^^
Chapter 1: omooooooo! I love this damn much. >< how cute and cheesy sunggyu is! :DD thank you very much for this wonderful and romantic story. ^^ *you should make it longer* :3 buing buing~