And this is how I met your mother/father

How I met your mother/father.


One night, as Daehyun and I were putting our 3 year old daughter, Eun Chan to bed, she asked us a question that made me smile and recall memories. "Momma, how did you and daddy meet?" Daehyun and I smiled at each other, recalling those days that brought us together.
"Well, baby. It started like this." I said and started the story.
It's another day of college... There's only one person to get me through it all. Daehyun oppa. I walked through the gates and as always, Daehyun oppa was there to greet me. "_______!" Daehyun oppa said as he saw me, he opened his arms, which ment, 'I better get a hug.' 
I walked into his arms and hugged him, he hugged me back. "Good morning oppa!" He smoothed out my hair, "Morning, my beautiful dongsaeng." He never failed to make me blush.. 
"Oppa!" I heard a squeaky voice call. Ugh, it's the school's , Hara. She clung onto MY OPPA's arm... I'm jealous... As usual... We're not dating, but, I really like Daehyun oppa! "Oh.. Hey, Hara.." Daehyun oppa said, he rolled his eyes then looked at me. He was just as annoyed as I was. He totally understood me.
"Oppa, I'll catch you later." I said as I knew I was going to be late for class. "Arasso, I'll see you later! I'm coming over to your apartment after school, so just wait for me after your classes!" Daehyun oppa said to me. I waved goodbye and went onto my first class.
~First period. Done.~
That was torture! I HATE MATH! Well, at least the worst is done. As I opened my locker to get my other books, a pink note folded into a heart fell out of my locker. I picked it up and unfolded it.
My dear _______, 
At lunch, meet me on the rooftop. 
Love, your secret admirer. 
P.S: YOU KNOW ME!!!!! :D
I giggled at the last sentence. I took my books, put the note in my pocket, went to class and waited for the lunch period.
~Second period. Done. Time for lunch!~
I hurridley packed my things and went to the rooftop. Candles led me to a table, prepared with white roses, and food. "Ahem." I heard a voice behind me, I turned around. "Daehyun oppa..." He was in a tuxedo holding a bouquet of red roses this time. 
He walked near me and held my hand. "_______, will you be my girlfriend?" Tears started streaming down my face. "No, no, no, don't cry! If you don't want to be my girlfriend you can just say no!" I smiled, "Oppa, you're a pabo! Of course I'll be your girlfriend." As I said that, he captured my lips with his. 
My first kiss, was taken by Daehyun oppa.
~End of Flash back.~
"That's how it started, Eun Chan." I said and I her hair. "Daddy! Tell me another part of the story!" Eun Chan said. Daehyun laughed, "Alright, I'll tell you."
Daehyun's POV
I was dating the best woman ever! Seconds passed, minutes passed, hours passed, weeks passed, months passed, years passed.
It was finally our 2 years anniversary! I went to a jewellry shop, I found a white gold ring with a diamond, not to big, not to small, just right, in the middle. "Ah, I'll buy that ring." I said to the clerk. She pulled it out and wrapped it for me in a blue velvet box.
I payed and walked out the store. Every thing was complete. I called _______, "Oppa?" The sweet voice of my girl. "Yeobo, can you meet me in the park from out first date?" I asked. "Yeah, I'll be there in 5 minutes." I smiled, "See you yeobo, saranghae."
~End of flashback.~
"Do you want your mommy to tell you the rest of the story?" I asked Eun Chan, she nodded.
_______'s POV
I walked to the park and sat on a bench. Suddenly, a little boy came up to me with a red rose in his hand. "Noona, this is for you." He gave me the rose and ran away. There was a tag, it said, 'Will.' 
Then a little girl came up to me, with a pink rose in her hand, "Unnie, this is for you!" She handed me the rose and it said, 'You.'
Another two came towards me, a boy and a girl they both held a rose. The little boy gave me the red rose first. 'Marry' Then the little girl gave me a pink rose, 'Me?' They both ran away. 
Suddenly, Daehyun oppa walked towards me in a tux, kneeled infront of me , and pulled out a box which had a ring inside.
"_______, you're the first girl I ever loved, and I hope the last girl I'll ever love will be our daughter. Will you do me an honour and marry me?" Tears streamed down my face. Once again, a shocked expression filled Daehyun oppa's face. "You could say no!" He panicked again. I kissed his lips, "Yes! Yes! I'll marry you!"
He put the ring on my finger and swung me around and he kissed me once again. He rested his forehead against mine, "I love you."
~Year later~
Daehyun oppa and I have been married for 5 months. Now, we're expecting our first child.
~End of flashback.~
"Yay!!" Eun Chan exclaimed. "Daddy proposed to mommy!" We laughed at her words, kissed her forehead and tucked her in. "Now you know mommy and daddy's story, you can go to sleep, our little princess." I said.
"Night mommy, night daddy, I love you!" Eun chan said, then falling asleep.
Daehyun and I walked out of her room and quietly closed the door. He hugged me from behind and said, "You know, our baby is growing up. It's never to late to make another one." I slapped his arm playfully, "What are you thinking, yeobo?" I asked.
"Let's have another baby." I kissed his lips, "You'll just have to get lucky. But tonight, I want to sleep!"
We climbed into bed, cuddling. "Saranghae, Jagi." Daehyun said, "Night yeobo, saranghae." I said, then we fell asleep into eachother's embrace.
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xcrystalx16 #1
Chapter 1: omo cute ending
^^ kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Chapter 1: AAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I can't stand the adorability! I'm having high fever due to overloaded adorability! =D
Sungahlovehoya #4
Chapter 1: aww~ *smiles like an idiot*
Black_x_Rabbit #5
Chapter 1: AWWWWWWWW <3