Learning about Love

Master Krisus's Doll


During the spring of 1950, when the flowers were more colorful and the days slighty shiny, a weird rumor delighted the city. The appearing of a pretty doll shocked everybody, its face was so well formed that it looked that the word ‘beautiful’ was invented just for describing it, with its features so well detailed, that it was almost unbelievable that nobody wanted to buy it. The beauty it had was worth of nothing because this doll was cursed, it could move and talk; people just referred at the doll as a ‘him’ not an ‘it’ because he looked like a human. They say that when the lights around the city go off, he would insert his white teeth on the skin of his own master, with his little hands he would strangle him to death and all the blood he has, just as a vampire would do. They called him “The Bloody Doll”.

Nobody wanted to be his master, everyone was afraid of him. The few owners he had, ended up giving him away; just like that, without home, without master, the doll kept going from hands to hands, up until now.




“Master Kris, someone sent this through the mail today” A shy voice interrupted the man inmersed in his own thoughts of the day ‘What should I wear today?’ Something really irrelevant considering that he has tons of clothes sent from around the world. 

“Leave it over my bed please” The so called Kris answered not interested, making his servant go back to do his activities.

The boy was lying over his bed and eventually sat up grabbing the package; it was a little box that looked really insignificant to him, decored with a little note on top of it. “The Bloody Doll is now yours

This just made him laugh, well, his father was basically one of the most successful people over the country; owner of one of the most important museums around; yet, he bought a doll to add for his collection? That seemed a lot like a joke to Kris.

By trying to analyze things; only a few details made him curious; its beauty, that was no joke, its eyes, round and black; like a night sky without stars; its pink lips well painted, adding to this its fluffy hair colored in a light brown that made it look even more… atractive?

All the dust that covered it didn’t made it less beautiful; with a little piece of paper he started to clean it. The cobwebs around the clothes of the doll dissapeared, and by talking about the clothes, let just say they were really weird, a set of feathers around its neck, plus a black outift that looked like the one Dracula would be wearing. Kris was surprised, regardless of how old it looked, it seemed like this doll was in perfect conditions.

When he finished cleaning it, he realized that this doll wasn’t that awful after all, it was pretty and really cute, he could sell it to someone for a good prize after all.

“Oh! I haven’t decided what to wear yet” He exclaimed leaving the doll over his bed starting to search for clothes to wear.

As soon as he left, a shadow started to form behind him. The room felt cold, the time seemed to stop, the sun started to hid, everything stayed silent, only one voice could be hear, and that voice wasn’t neither from Kris nor his servant.

“So, you are my new master?”

Someone was talking, no, something was talking; Kris turned around, the doll was now smirking at him, he was as tall as him, as handsome as him, as human as him. Even if he looked pretty as a doll, he looked really handsome as a human. The doll touched his face and started to caress him.

“I’ve been going from master to master, but this time, I’ve decided to stay with you” Kind of impressing how through his mouth a deep voice could be clearly heard, his cute face wasn’t compatible with his voice, it was somehow genetically incorrect.

At this rate, Kris only had one thought, go and tell his parents that the pretty doll his father just bought is now a human and he is talking to him with a deep voice trying to seduce him. Sure his parents would believe him after sending him to the psychiatrist, with a slight posibility of begin know as a “Forever Alone” for imagining a toy persuading him. This might be on the news of tomorrow if he says something.

Definitely, the option “Go tell your parents” was obviously a no. First dead than loosing his own reputation.

After thinking for a while, and just feeling the cold hand of that doll on his cheek, he just decided to use another option. “Go kick him right in his nuts” only.if.he.has,since.he.is.a.doll…

“What’s your name?” The doll asked getting closer to him; instead of answering, Kris raised his hand and tried to punch him, but he dissapeared.

“Idiot!” He heard under him, looking down, he noticed the doll staring up at him, he wasn’t a human now.

“Are you surprised master? I have a soul while my master loves me, and for me to take human form on the very first day is really awesome, you must really love me” He exclaimed happily.

That was the first time the master saw his doll smiling. That smile, a smile from ear to ear that looked more like a smirk to Kris. A cold yet atractive smirk. Could it be possible to fall in love with a doll? The doll said Kris started to love him. Really? Maybe Kris was a Forever Alone after all.

“Now the rules” The little weirdo said while trying to climb up to Kris’s shoulder. “You must say ‘You are beautiful’ and ‘I love you’ almost five times a day, and don’t worry, I’ll let you love me as much as you want”

The tall boy was almost dying inside, this weird toy was telling him what to do, and to make it worse, it seemed like his fate was to fall in love with it. Maybe the option “Tell your parents and make yourself look like a loser” wasn’t that bad after all.

“Hey! Are you listening?” The little one asked while hitting his master’s head. “Why aren’t you listening to me? I’ll forgive you if you give me a warm hug and a wet kiss, do it quickly pleas-” He couldn’t finish what he wanted to say, because his angry master smacked him, making him fall on the floor.

“Oops! Sorry, I thought that if this was a dream it would be okay to hit you” He said with a so straight face that scared the beautiful doll. “But this isn’t a dream master!” 

“Tsk! Now I understand why you get sold over and over again, you are such a pain in the ” Kris finished saying.

Maybe it was just his imagination, but he could swear that the doll got hurt somehow. “That’s right master. I’m a pain in the like you said” He expressed while smiling again. Such a fake smile.

“I always get sold, nobody wants me, the first time they have me, they dress me, play with me, wash me, promise me that we are going to be friends forever, all those people promised me that, but, from the moment I start moving, they get scared, they look at me with that awful gaze that makes me want to puke. The cute laughs they left out by watching me dissapeared. They don’t want to be by my side anymore, they think I’m terrible, weird, a monster that will kill them, some of them even tried to burn me and others to break me, I still remember the first time they tried to hurt me. How can I kill them master? I just wanted to be their friend, Am I a monster? I’m not a monster, I loved them. I don’t even know why I’m a doll, why aren’t I a human master? Sometimes I feel that to be born as a human would be so fantastic, to have a real skin and no paint, the pain, the love, the dreams, I think, to feel all of that and much more would be so fascinating…”

Kris stayed silent, he wasn’t a bad doll, he didn’t even knew why he was a doll, he never was a human before, yet he looked like one and acted like one too.

“Hug?” The little one asked with a pout, stretching his arms waiting for the hug he was afraid he wouldn’t receive. Kris let go a sigh and hugged him.

Even if he thought of him as a human, he felt like a doll, he was cold, cold like the clay he was made of, that doll was just clay with form, nothing more.

“Master, since you love me, I’ll let you pick my name!”

“Uh? Don’t you have a name?” Kris asked not saying the “Since when did I said I love you?” part.

“Yes I have, Chanyeol, but, you can pick another one for me” He said happily, the fake smile he had a while ago left his face.

“Okay then, I’ll call you Eggyeol” He answered. Sure Eggyeol, Kris is so original with names.

“EH! Eggyeol?! What kind of name is that?!”

“Your name” The taller boy stated.

“Whatever” he heard from his Eggyeol. “May I know your name master?”

“My name is Kris”

“Kris? PUAHAHAHA!!!” He started laughing while jumping up and down.

“What’s so funny?”

“So you are the so called Krisus?” He asked while grabbing his tummy that ached because of so much laughing.

“That’s just how people call me”


"They think I'm some kind of god with the power of sensuality or something like that"

“I’m going to call you Master Krisus then, since you call me Eggyeol”


“Yay! Master Krisus, I think our friendship will last long” Chanyeollie said, while having a pink color decoring his not longer cold cheeks.




“Okay, now go sleep on the floor”


“I don’t have a bed for you so you are going to sleep on the floor”

“I can sleep with you master”

“I don’t want to sleep with you”

“So unfair! I’m not a dog!”

“Listen, you stink so don’t sleep in the same bed as me, go sleep on the floor”

“Go sleep on the floor because I’m Master Krisus and my big fat needs somewhere for me to roll like a buffalo, Uhu I’m so y bullying little Chanyeol” Yeollie said, trying to annoy his Master but it didn’t worked.

“Master” poke.

“Master~” poke.

“Master~~~~ Aing~” poke with aegyo.

“MASTER KRISUS!!” smack!


The room filled with silence at that last shout of Kris. Chanyeol stayed silent, Kris stayed silent, but now the silence felt so empty, the noises so missed. The master turned around and saw Chanyeol his knees on the floor and his head over the bed with both of his arms, looking at him.

“What does dammit means?”

“Don’t say that word! Is called swearing”

“Can I swear too?”



“You need to be 2000 years old before you start swearing”

“2000 years? You must be really old master”

“Yes I am, now go to sleep”

“I don’t want to” Chanyeol answered pouting, crossing his arms like a little child.

“Go to sleep Chanyeol”

“I’m a doll Master, I can’t sleep, I’ll only stay unmoving” He answered ending the conversation.

The next day Kris woke up because of non-human sounds that seemed like ghost’s laments that echoed in his room, he stayed quiet, he was scared, with his blankets he tried to cover himself until he noticed the one who was making those sounds. Only his Eggyeol who was laying on the floor.

“HEY YOU!” He shouted trowing a pillow to his doll who was in his human form. And to make it clear now, when his Chanyeol is in human form, he is , his doll’s clothes only exist when he is a doll, something really weird, and even weirder that Kris didn’t notice this the first time he saw Chanyeol.

With a last groan, his doll woke up, a white mark could be seen 'beautifying' his chin, a trail of saliva to be exact, he hugged the pillow Kris threw at him and after mumbling a bit he greeted his master.

“Ayo~ Whasssup Kresseezz!” He sang happily.

“I don’t sleep, I’ll only stay unmoving” Kris said imitating what Eggyeol said last night. Chanyeol just looked at him and started to laugh. His laugh was soft sometimes and ridiculous other times. But hearing that laugh was enough to make Kris smile.

“Please put some clothes on” The master stated.

“Why? Clothes are uncomfortable”

“But seeing you makes me feel like some kind of e”

“Hey! Is not my fault that you watch gay !” He said pointing at Kris.

“What?!” Kris shouted while wanting to smack his doll right on his head.

Definitely, Chanyeol wasn’t normal, not even a normal doll, nor a normal human. The definition Kris thought could fit his image was a Happy Virus.




“Now, you need to brush your teeth”

“But I don’t have real teeth, this is just clay with paint”

“Then you will brush your clay, your mouth smells” Kris grabbed the toothbrush and put it inside his doll’s mouth.

“Okay, now move it up and down and don’t forget to clean your tongue too”

“Agg! it tastes weird”

“You are not supposed to taste it”

“But master, it's so awful” He complained while taking the toothbrush out of his own mouth putting it inside Kris’s mouth. The master took it out quickly and started to spit.

“See? It tastes weird” Chanyeol said without understanding that Kris was spitting because of his saliva and not because of the taste of the toothpaste.




“Master, what’s this thing?”

“That’s called a TV”

“TV? Oh~~ Like the movie!”

“The movie?”

“You know, that one called ummm… Oh! E.T!”

“Is not the same, and how do you know about E.T but not the TV?”

“E.T is a classic, master; but, are you sure this is a TV? It's really big… and black… and plain… and the scenes that pass on it are in different colors”

“Maybe you only saw those small TVs of black and white”

“I think those are better…”

“Are you sure? Maybe you didn’t knew about this!” Kris exclaimed as he showed a remote control.

“WHOA! A chocolate bar!”

“What? No! This is called remote control, with this you can control the TV”

“Oh~ Is the TV your servant?”

“Of course it is” Kris said proud of himself.

“Oh! Then can you control the TV to transform into E.T?”

“That’s not how it works” Kris facepalmed himself.

“Eve~” Chanyeol imitated E.T while pointing to the sky. Kris just sighed at this. “You are wrong, That’s WALLE, not E.T”

“Home~” Chanyeol corrected himself.




“What are you doing master?”

“I’m preparing myself” Kris answered by doing sit-ups.

“For what?”

“I’m goint to fight”

“With who?”

“The enemy of every student!”

“Are you talking about…”

“Yes, I’m talking about it”

“A math exam! Krisus, I don’t think you can do it”

“Trust me Chanyeol, I can and I’ll do it”

“Take this with you then”

“What is this?”

“My drumsticks of luck, I bet you will approve with this”

“And if I fail I can hit my teacher with this on his head”

“That’s the spirit Kris! Go and show them your internal fire!”

“Yes, I’ll do it!”

“Okay… Now please help me, the TV is refusing to transform into E.T again”




“Good, now give me your hand” Chanyeol just did what he ordened.

“But master, why should I use clothes? It's really uncomfortable…”

“If you don’t use them, you will end in jail”

“Jail? What’s that?” Chanyeol asked as his head popped out of the t-shirt.

“Is a horrible place with no freedom… nor E.T”

“No E.T?”

“No, only a big purple dinosaur named Barney who will kill you with cute songs and hugs” Chanyeol gasped at this.

“But I like hugs…”

“Given by purple dinosaurs?”


“The nightmare of all the kids” Kris lied, “So, are you going to use clothes or not?” He asked already knowing the answer.

“Yes, I’ll use three t-shirts, five pairs of socks, four pants, two belts and one hat!”

“Good kid” Kris patted his head.

“Stop patting my head, I’m not a dog”

“Of course you aren’t” Kris added still patting his head.

“And what is this?” His doll asked pointing to something.

“Oh that? Is called a scarf”


“Yes” Kris said smiling while putting it around Chanyeol’s neck.

“I don’t want to use it! It will strangle me”

“What? No, This is something ninjas usually use to be in secret missions”

“Really?” Kris nodded. “Oh~ Then I’ll be like an invisible and mortal shadow~” He said while making his master chuckle, is too easy to trick Chanyeol.




“Here, milk”

“Is that the liquid that comes from the cows?”

“If you say it that way, it sounds disgusting”

“Whatever, I don’t want to drink it”

“You never want anything I give you”


“Aish, just drink it and you will grow taller”

“What? Even more? I’m sorry master but I would look like a tree just like you”

“Is impossible to talk with you”

“Is imposible to grow as tall as you!”




"What is this puffy thing?"

"It's called a cheek"

"A cheek?" The doll questioned while he poking his face.

"Yes, my cheek" Kris answered while taking away Chanyeol's hand.

"Why my cheek is not puffy?" He asked, Kris leaned in and caressed it; indeed, it wasn't soft, the feeling of touching it was the same as the feeling of touching a table, a cold table.

"Because... You don't drink milk" He answered, not knowing what else to say, he didn't wanted to say "Because you aren't a human" or maybe "What you have is not skin at all". Things like that would break his heart; if he has a heart of course.

"Then I'll drink milk and I will have puffy cheeks!" The doll announced. "Is milk going to make this puffy too master?"

"Agg! That's called an ! It's different Chanyeol!!"




“OUCH!” Kris shouted as he started to caress his leg.

“What’s wrong master?” Chanyeol asked worried.

“I think… my leg… Ouch!” Sure Kris, you made a point.

“What is that? What happened to your leg?”

“It feels as if little ants are running up and down my leg, it just feels so uncomfortable”

“Oh!” Chanyeol pronounced as he tried to imagine the feeling while Kris was dying right in front of him.

“I think I’m getting the feeling!” Chanyeol said happily and while grabbing Kris’s leg, he started to jump. Leaving the pain by a side, because it hurted like hell. Kris thought it was kind of cute.

“You are such a dork” He said while poking Chanyeol right on his forehead. The doll was surprised. “A fork?” He asked confused.

“A cute dork” Kris replied correcting him. Chanyeol just stayed silent with his head down, and when he looked up, all his face was wet with tears.

“My vision is blurry because of this things…” Yeollie said while touching his cheeks.

“How is this called Master?”

“What? Do you mean the tears?”

“Tears? Even I am capable of tears? That’s so cool” He exclaimed with a smile. “But, I’m feeling a bit sad”

“People cry when they are sad”

“Ah, I understand” Yeollie exclaimed. “All this time I was waiting for this moment to come, master, the moment when someone would take care of me, I’m finally feeling all this things I've never ever felt before, and it is just as nice as I thought it would be” He said “All those times people left me, all those painful memories where they kept me by a side and gave me away not considering my feelings, all those times they called me a monster, all those times they wanted to throw me to the trash; in all those times I never got to cry or to laugh because people always stopped loving me right after I started to move, I’m really surprised I’m capable of this master!” He was excited, “What do you do when you cry master?”

“When you are alone, you put your hands right on your eyes, by this you can make the tears go away with your fingers, and cry until you feel like there’s no need to keep crying…” Chanyeol did what Kris said, his little Hip Hip sounds while crying made his master feel touched. How his mouth curved, how his big eyes were getting wet.

“But, when you are with someone, you should hug him, and let all your tears flow over his shoulder, because he will wipe all your sorrows away” He finished by hugging his doll. Chanyeol looked surprised, his eyes still wet, same as his cheeks and his little nose with the color red, just like his mouth. With a little move of arms, slighty, tightly, almost shaking, shyly, he hugged his master, closing his eyes, letting all the tears run across his face; the sweet scent of Kris made him feel better, the delighful need of his perfume made him smile, the beautiful feeling of not begin alone filling all his mind was so precious, again, he heard the cute laugh of his master, again, the promise of begin together forever appeared, and with a little word, that may be simple but really meaningful, just with a “Thank you” Chanyeol accepted the fact that this master was someone he needed to treasure the most.

“And what is this master?”

“Ewww!! That’s mucus!!”

“Can I eat it?”





“Master, what happened to your finger?”

“I got cut” Kris explained with a painful groan.

What happened? Well, Chanyeol wanted to try to eat, and with his skills of aegyo plus a little bit of flattery, he got to move Kris to the kitchen and made him cook for him. But, his so beloved master cut himself with a knife right on his arm, and it was bleeding non-stop.

“What is that red thing?”

“That’s called blood”

“Blood? What’s that?”

“The liquid that runs through all the human’s body” He answered.

“Kris! Come here!” He heard his mom calling him.

“Wait here, don’t move, I’ll come back soon” He said to his doll. Chanyeol stayed still, but the red thing on the knife was calling for him. Could it be, that I have blood too? He asked to himself as he grabbed that cookware and placed it on his arm, he couldn’t feel how cold that knife was; with a little movement, he made the cutting edge touch his skin.

He waited and waited, the seconds seemed to become minutes and then hours, but nothing came out, nothing happened. There’s no blood. He just saw the clay his arm was made of. Even if he has human’s form, he is not one of them.




“Eggyeol, bath time!”


“Come here you little brat” Kris shouted to Chanyeol as he grabbed him by the arms and made him enter into the bathroom.

“Now, take your clothes off”

“Oh my~ I knew this was going to happen someday, I’m going to get ” He said making Kris put a ‘What The Hell?’ face.

“Shut up, you are dirty, you should clean yourself” He started to take off the t-shirt his doll was wearing.

“But I never took a bath before” He pouted.

“Let’s make this your first time then”

“First time of what?!”

“You dirty minded doll, I’m not talking about ”

“OMG! You said the word of three letters!!”

“What are you talking about? ? You are a doll how do you know about it?”

“You should hide your magazines on some other place…” He answered by sticking out his tongue.

“Sure sure, now go inside the bathtub ert”

“ert? I’m not a ert! I consider myself ually Educated

“Sure sure ert, just go in”

The water came out and touched Yeollie’s skin really softly, making the doll shiver a bit because of the excitement, not because of the cold water he couldn’t feel. His master started to wash him and to take off all the dirt from his body. Chanyeol on the other side, was playing with the water, making lots of splash sounds. With the shampoo he started to put it on his head and to rub it making it look like a white wig of foam.



“When did you started moving?”

“Let me see~ I think near 1990, eventhough I was made around 1950”

“The first master you had, how was him?” This made him stop playing, his hands slowly left his hair, his doll was now serious and nostalgic.

“The first time I woke up as a doll, I was on the roof of a house, inside a little box, it was already night, and the rain started to fall over the city, the thunders started to be heard, but people’s noises couldn’t be listened. Everyone was sleeping, except of me, I went out of the box and started to experiment, to walk, to try to talk, master was sleeping so I wanted to sleep with him, I was afraid of the sounds that came from the outside so most of the time I stayed hidden inside the box, until I decided to move out and entered my master’s room, it was nice, the colors, the smell, his sweet scent, I laid by his side, and covered myself with a blanket, looking at him, his sleeping face, I still can remember it. The next day he woke up and noticed me, he got scared, I was moving, snoring, he grabbed me and threw me to the wall, it was the first time I experimented pain, not phisical, just emotional pain. I escaped from there, but I stole a pair of drumsticks to remember him, my first master, the first one who loved me but hated me at the end, I stopped moving the moment he threw me to the street”

Kris became silent listening to what his doll said. He got closer to him; he was sad, his eyes reflected him, they were so pretty and shiny. Their eyes connected and this precious moment just lasted one second because Kris grabbed the soap and put it inside his doll’s mouth.

“Don’t be sad because of that, you are not a monster, you are beautiful…”

“Wad? Ju fink I’n biutigul?” (What? You think I’m beautiful?)

“Ah? What? I’m sorry I can’t understand”

“I fikl rige kraigun agaun” (I feel like crying again)

“Yes yes, I know I’m nice”

“I dund’t sei dat” (I didn’t said that)

“Sure sure, I also like rice”

“Yu ar sysh a grol!” (You are such a troll!)

“What? Do you want some more? Sure” He said putting another soap into his doll’s mouth.




“Master Krisus!”


“Do you want to hear a good joke?”

“Okay tell me” He was yawning.

“Beware, this may make you have tummy ache from so much laughing that your is going to-”

“Just tell me the joke!”

“Okay! I once got a pet pig, and I taught it some cool kung-fu moves, now, it won’t stop doing porkchops; get it?” Kris stayed in silence for a while. He just looked at him with a ‘Oh you didn’t said that’ face.

“You are so lame...”

“What are you saying?! I laughed a lot when I first heard it!”

“Your sense of humor is weird then…”

“You are such a mean master!!”

“You are the one begin mean!”




“Master Krisus, how old should I be until I have my first relationship?” This question made Kris spat out the tea he was drinking.

“What? Why do you want to know?”

“Today I was seeing through the windows and I noticed two kids holding hands and each other face, I thought the guy wanted to take off the girl’s face for a while, they were absorbing each other like vacuums machines”

Kris was about to black out, his not-so-little Chanyeol was already interested into this!

“Well, you should atleast have 100 years and be married before having a boyfriend”

“I’m going to have 100 years soon master!” He said excited, Kris forgot he was an old doll. “But getting married? Isn’t the boyfriend first and then the marriage?”

“Not in this house!”

“Then I should get married first, with whom should I marry?”

“With a dog”

“Then, master please marry me” So, Kris = Dog.

Again Kris spat out his tea. This doll will surely make him have a heart attack.

“Are you out of your mind?!”

“You are right… I better go and marry E.T”




It was past midnight, the stars started to shine slighty, everyone was sleeping except of this peculiar doll. He was sitting in the darkness of the room, seeing how his beloved master was shivering because of the cold. Kris was sleeping, but he was shaking, before he went to sleep, his doll told him to use a blanket to cover himself but he ignored him.

Chanyeol stayed in silence, he stood up, grabbing a blanket his master gave him before and with a bit of fear, he approached his bed. When he was about to lay, he started to remember those painful memories where people didn’t wanted to sleep with him, and to make it worse, Kris said that he should sleep on the floor away from him. The doll thought for a moment, but seeing his master shivering was hurting him, so, ignoring his worries, he layed by his side, his master’s back was facing him; slowly, he put the blanket over both of them, but Kris kept shaking, worried, he put his arms around his body and hugged him, putting his face on the boy’s neck, he really liked his scent.

The bed was really soft, it felt so nice to be lying there, he felt safe when he was near his master; soon, he started to feel the breath of Kris, how his chest went up and down, slowly, he tried to imitate those movements, Chanyeol wasn'’t breathing, he doesn't breath at all, he was just imitating, it looked like a popping dance though.

By laughing at how silly it looked, he placed a kiss on Kris’s forehead and by muttering a ‘Goodnight’ he felt asleep. What he didn’t knew was that his master wasn’t sleeping, he was feeling his doll’s hug. That was the first time, the body of his doll felt warm and human, the first time it seemed like he had skin instead of clay.




“More letters” A servant said entering into Kris’s room.

“Leave it over my bed please” He responded without looking, he was playing with his little doll.

“Are you a Forever Alone now?”

“Shut up Jongin”

“Whatever, atleast I’m in a real relationship you know” He finished saying and went out. A real relationship, those words kept repeting on his mind, was his relationship with Chanyeol something unreal? Oh wait! There’s no such relationship deeper than friendship. He shouldn’t been asking about this things.

“What is this Master Krisus?”

“Just some letters”

“Can I read them?”

“Do you know how to read?”

“Of course, I learned when I first started to talk” He answered. “Okay then”

Chanyeol grabbed the firt one he saw “Who sent this to you?”

“I have fans you know?”

“Ah~ My master is such a popular guy~” With a little chuckle, he began.

“Hello, my name is Minyoung, I saw how hard you work, how you take care of the people who are closer to you, I really like how your eyes shine and eventhough you have a face, I can see you are a really warm person from inside. Some people say you are their especial one, but to me, you are more, you are like an inspiration. When you cry, it make me want to hug you and kiss you, everyday I think about how much I love you, but it also make me sad because I know that you will never know me or get interested in me; even if I’m infront of you, I bet you won’t notice me. But I can’t help to feel happy just by getting near you. I’m childish sometimes, and I make jokes of wanting to kidnap you, but I’m just kidding because in fact I don’t understand how a person I don’t know, can make me smile so much, I love you”

At this last part ‘I love you’ Kris felt even more touched, because Chanyeol said it. He was liking how Chanyeol read the letters, it felt like he was saying his feelings to Kris. He knew he shouldn’t feel this way because that wasn’t fair for the fan who wrote it, but to hear Chanyeol saying it, was even more precious. Oh no, the feeling he was getting; is maybe the so called love?

“You are so loved Master… I’m envious” He said a bit sad. “I… I love too…”

“WHAT?!” Kris almost shouted while getting up. “What do you love?”

“Rice...” He felt embarrassed, making Kris black out.

“May I read another letter then master? Master? Oh God I killed him!”




“Yes master?” A servant asked as he entered to Kris’s room.

“Oh! Jongin, you are finally here, I want to talk with you”

“What is it?” The so called Jongin asked. He was one of Kris’s few friends.

“I’m feeling a bit strange when I look at this person, sometimes my heart let go an unexpected beat that’s not supposed to be heard so fast, I feel so happy when I’m with that person, and when his smile appeares I feel like melting, what I like the most is his personality, and I really love the fact that I got to met him…”

Jongin just stayed silent, by hearing everything he touched his lips and covered them, his eyes started to get wet.

“I’m sorry, I’m… I’m just so touched” He said, but inside he was like “LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL HE FINALLY FELT IN LOVE!! JNEKDNJDKENKJDEKJD!!!”

“And why do you tell me this?”

“Because I felt in love with a guy” The taller one said embarrassed.

“This just make me want to cry master, such a beautiful story” but inside “LOLOLOLOLOL JDNKDNKENDKNDJKNE!!!”

“If you love him, don’t hid it, even if he is a guy, because what is more important is the soul of the person and not his appearance, that also implies people of the same gender; what matters are your feelings, just go and tell that person your feelings, I bet he will kindly accept them” He said impressed of his own words.

“Thanks” Kris smiled and hugged him, but Jongin was too busy on his own thoughts, “LOLOLOLOLOL”

“Wait! Are you making fun of me?”


“You little brat!” He threw himself over his friend and started to tickle him, “Die! Die!” He repeated while the other was laughing non-stop with tears forming on his eyes. Just then, a vase crashed on the floor, scaring both of them.

“Eh? How did it ended there?” Kris wondered looking at the spot where the object was before, noticing his Chanyeol sitting there, angry. Oh no he was here all the time.




“Hey Eggyeol”

“Shut up master”

“Why did you broke that vase earlier? It was a gift from Jongin!”

“Oh! Now I’m more glad that I broke it”

“What’s wrong with you?! Acting so inmature”

“What’s wrong with me?! You are the one who were laughing with that guy right in front of me eventhough you knew that I was sitting there, all I could do was watching how you had fun! I felt upset! I belong to you and you belong to me! You are my master not his! So why where you with him?!”

Kris tried to grab his doll’s wrist but the other one was stronger and at the moment he touched him, Chanyeol threw him to the floor.

“Ouch!” He exclaimed. Chanyeol just stayed in silence, laying over the desk of his master in his doll form. “Whatever, do as you like” Kris said going to his bed.

The doll just stayed there and hugged himself, he closed his eyes, buried his face in his arms and his mouth started to curve into a sad smile, he wanted to cry again, it felt like the other times when people neglected him.




“Eggyeol, talk to me” The tall boy said a bit sad. “I want to make up, we shouldn’t fight over something like that” It has been three days since the last time his doll moved.

“Chanyeol?” He murmured waiting for a response that never appeared. ‘Why doesn’t he react at all? I still love him so that means he can still move… Could it be that, he is pushing me away?!’

“You stupid piece of clay!” He shouted “Why aren’t you moving?! I’m trying to be your friend again and you are here ignoring me! If you aren’t going to talk to me never again, then just tell me why! Just please, say something”

As seconds kept passing, his doll started to move a bit his arms.

“Kris” He said looking up while playing with his own hands.

This just made Kris’s anger raise up, until he saw the tears that were forming on his doll's eyes and how he started to shiver.

“I’m sorry master!” The doll apologized while getting himself over his knees with his forehead down touching the floor. “I’m really a Bloody Doll! I’m so sorry! I even attacked my own Master! I didn’t think at that time! I just didn’t think what I was doing, is just that by seeing you with that guy, to see you smile with someone else, to see you look the slighty happy with him, made me feel something heavy on my heart! I felt something so awful, something I can’t control, my heart is still in pain” He started to cry, “Now I understand why all my masters feared me and hated me, I’m such a monster; you must hate me too!” He was crying hard putting his hands over his eyes trying to take the tears away.

“I promise that I’ll never move again master! Just please, don’t hate me, I really do treasure you, please, don’t hate me, if you want, I won’t move until the eternity ends, I won't move ever again! I will stay in my doll form forever, just please don’t hate me Kris”

Hate; Chanyeol hated the hate; ironic, but true. He just couldn't accept hate towards him or someone else, and if not being able to move means that people will love him, then he would accept to never be able to express himself through his body.

“Chanyeol… you aren’t a bloody doll, what you felt is normal, you were just jealous” Kris said smiling a bit. His anger was gone. “That’s something normal, people also feel like that” His doll stayed confused.

“Chanyeol, what exactly do you feel when you see me?” Kris asked curious.

“Buing Buing!” Chanyeol answered while putting his hands over his cheeks starting to make aegyo. He didn’t understand the question.

“Oh~ So you feel Buing Buing?” He asked and his doll nodded. Definitely, Yeollie’s mind was the same as a child.

“Then, whenever you feel Buing Buing, just tell me ‘I love you’ and everything is going to be alright”


“Yes, I think Buing Buing means love to you, or if you want you can say I Buing Buing you” He said laughing at how stupid that sounded.

“Love… I’m not sure…”


“Everytime I love someone, I always end alone…”

“But I’m different than them, because I care for you”

“That doesn’t mean that you love me…”

“But at the same time doesn’t mean that I hate you”

“Yeah, you are right… I may love… you…” He said playing with his fingers, wondering which one of them was the so called thumb. He was having the feeling of giving his master a thumbs up, until, he felt something funny on his face.

“Master… I feel so weird, my cheeks… are burning”

“That’s because they are red”


“Is called blushing”

“I don’t want to blush, I feel like my face is going to explote”

“Ah? But you look cute”

“I don’t want to look cute”

“But you are cute!”

“AG! No, I’m not! I’m manly!”

“You aren’t manly, you are cute”


“See? That’s weird but cute, you are a cute weirdo” He finished while looking at his doll’s reaction, he was pouting.

“Chanyeol” Still smiling, Kris hugged his Yeollie who was still in his doll form, and kissed him right on his pink lips.

Your very existence is a mistery, but I’m totally willing to accept every single aspect of you.

When he separated, Chanyeol was as red as a tomato, or even more red than that and with his eyes wide open.

He was just looking at him and without knowing what to do, he suddenly fainted, making Kris laugh as his cuteness.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a doll or a human, I’ll always be with you.




“Master, this time, can I sleep with you?”

Kris looked at him, such puppy eyes. “Sure” He muttered, enough to make Chanyeol smile again.

They both shared Kris’s bed, it was a cold night, but the warmth of their cuddling was enough to not feel it. The silence filled the room, until Chanyeol decided to talk.

“Master, from now on, can I take your hand?”

“Why do you ask?”

“I haven’t said this before, but when I hold people’s hands, I feel protected” He was shy.

“I would love to hold hands with you” Kris answered, making a big smile appear on his doll’s face.

“I love you” Chanyeol murmured putting the blanket over his mouth, such a cutie. Kris just chuckled at this action and for the first time he answered “I Buing buing you too”

“Aish! That sounded so stupid comming from you! Who invented it?”

“YOU!” He shouted making Chanyeol chuckle.

“Can you kiss me again?” The doll asked shyly.



“You will get excited”


“I don’t want to”

“Oh please! Kris! Just a little peck, just something really small”

“Okay then” Kris sighed as he put his index finger over his own lips and then placed it over his doll’s mouth, it can be considered as an indirect kiss, and that’s something. Chanyeol just blushed and then started to kick the pillow like a little child. “Such a troll!” He shouted.

From that moment until their eyes closed, they kept talking and talking, ‘Let’s do this tomorrow’, ‘Let’s do that too’, the joy could be feel from both of them. Sad, that they didn’t knew what was the fate that was awaiting for them.




The sun was shining like always, or even more today, it hit on Kris’s face waking him up, noticing someone who was by his side.

“Eggyeol wake up” He said, but got no response, the other one was snoring and drooling; his whole tummy could be seen because his t-shirt got a little up, his hair was messy but it made him look even more adorable and his leg was out of the bed, plus his arm was over Kris’s neck. He was a mess.

“You lame doll” The master muttered as he started to tickle him on his foot, making him giggle trying to stop him. Just then, Jongin, his servant, entered wanting to wake his master up, but then he noticed the scene.

“Oh~ Someone got last night~” He said mocking.

“We just slept together, nothing more”

“Oh~ You are so nasty~”

“And you are a er”

“Oh~ So that means that you two were getting on”

Chanyeol was just sitting there awkwardly not knowing what to do.

“Oh right, he is Chanyeol, my boyfriend” Kris announced making his doll surprised.

“He is the one you were talking about? He is such a cutie!” He said squealing, “My name is Jongin, nice to meet you”

“Ahh! Nice to meet you too! My name is Eggyeo-”

“CHANYEOL! Haha His name is Chanyeol” Kris interrupted.

“Aish! I should have brought my boyfriend” Jongin murmured, “Oh well, how about if we go together to eat something tomorrow?” He invited.

Chanyeol kept silent with his mouth in a ‘o’ form, until Kris murmured to him ‘It seems like you got a new friend’, this made Chanyeol blush and almost shouting, while grabbing his master’s hand and raising it up he announced “WE’LL GO!”




That same day near 02:00 pm, they went to Kris's father museum. It was a whole new world for Chanyeol to be outside a house in such a shiny day, he wanted to buy this, to have that, to eat those. He was like a child in a candy store.

Kris just laughed at bit, while looking for the correct way to get there, after a few steps, they entered the museum, and it was so amazing, to Chanyeol's sight especially; the two of them were smiling and talking until Chanyeol, in his human form, got punched by someone. Kris was surprised, worried, caressing the spot where his boyfriend got hit, forgetting that Chanyeol can’t feel phisical pain.

“What’s wrong with you?!” He asked to the person who was now looking deeply into his doll’s eyes. "Father..."

“Master” Chanyeol muttered to the man. “My first master” He said.

“The Bloody Doll! The monster!” The man shouted. “That guy is a puppet, you know that right?!” He asked to Kris. “And you aren’t afraid of him?! You must be crazy! He can’t love you and you can’t love him!”

The doll just stayed silent and hugged himself while shivering, he was afraid. “Just ignore him” Kris murmured while caressing his back. "Just stop dad"

“You must be a monster just like him!” The man shouted after getting lost, leaving a confused Kris and a scared Chanyeol. “No, I’m not a monster” Chanyeol murmured, his eyes getting a bit wet. 

Kris's father was Chanyeol's first master? Then why he bought Chanyeol a few days ago? Wasn't it because of the Museum? Why he acted like that? Was he the one who said those rumors about his doll? Now that he thinks about it; his father one time told him about the Bloody Doll. Could it be... that he was talking about his Chanyeol?

As soon as they returned to their house, Chanyeol went to the bathroom, and he saw himself reflected on the mirror, I’m the same as them, he started to touch his face and still he couldn’t find any signs of why people called him a monster. I’m not a monster, he said trying to convince himself.

They think I’m crazy, they think I’m the one who is out of his mind, but I’ll show them, I’ll show them, why is he a monster. The devil possessed him, he is the devil in a doll’s form! If only he didn’t exist, everything would be perfect.




It was already night and Kris wasn’t in his home yet, he went to his friend’s house to end some homework, leaving Chanyeol by himself. The doll felt anxious so he left the security of the room and went outside the house, sitting over the grass, waiting for his master to come, getting distracted by the shining stars on the sky. It was already 03:30 am, Chanyeol started to get worried. He was hugging the drumsticks he always carried everywhere.

Everything was calm, everything was silent, until he heard footsteps getting closer to him. “Kris?” He asked turning around seeing someone in the dark.

“Kris? Are you there?” He was afraid. “Is that you?” He kept asking without getting an answer.

That someone seemed familiar to him, he was definitely someone he knew. Chanyeol wanted to cry without understanding why. “Answer me please” He begged while the shadow called for him. Chanyeol is like a kid, he is as innocent as a kid, he slowly stood up and went near the person. The clouds started to hid the stars and everything was darker now. Just then he noticed, it wasn’t Kris.

“Master” He murmured.

“I’m sorry, but I need to do this”

“W-what are you talking about?”

“You are dangerous for my son”

“No, I’m not!”

“Yes you are! A doll that can move? A devil must have possessed you”

“I’m not a devil…”

“Then how do you explain that you can move?”

“I don’t know…”

“You must be a monster then”

“No! I’m not a monster!” Chanyeol yelled while putting his hands on his ears.

“Come here” The figure said stretching his arms “Come here” his voice was soft now. Chanyeol didn’t know what to do, he was doubting, that guy once was his master, that guy was someone he loved before, that guy was someone who took care of Chanyeol, that someone was special to Chanyeol, so maybe that someone really wanted to hug him, maybe.

“I know you like hugs” Chanyeol looked at his arms.

“Yes I do” The doll answered. Slowly Chanyeol approached him, kids do whatever you want them to do; he felt how that man put his arms around his body, but it didn’t felt like the hugs Kris gave him, it felt gross.

“Master, let me go” He wanted to break the hug grabbing the shoulders of that guy trying to pull himself away, but he couldn’t, he wasn’t strong enough.

The sound of the birds starting to fly away in the middle of the night was clearly hear, how they spread their wings and went up to the sky; Chanyeol for the first time of his life wanted to be as free as those birds… To be free? That was just an empty hope he had on his head, just a plain thought he had inserted there, but still; it was a dream, yes a dream, that never got fulfilled because something hard made contact with his head and everything became black to him.

Screams were heard through the street, screams of someone who was now trying to live, but, even if the screams were heard through the city, nobody came to save that someone; maybe nobody listened, or maybe, they just ignored it, sure, ignore it, just ignore it, the scream of someone in pain; ignore it; because when people hear someone who is in danger, they just pass by, they try to ignore that person like the cowards they are. That was the only thing Chanyeol hated about humans. Hate was inevitable after all.

Soon, the screams stopped, The “No, master, no” stopped, and the silence returned while someone left the scene.

I’m sorry Kris, it seems like I won’t keep our promise of staying together forever.




“Eggyeol~ Where are you?” Kris asked going inside his house, “I bought cake~”

The front door had been opened all this time, he asked his servants about his doll, but they knew nothing, of course they wouldn’t know, they didn’t knew him in his human form.

He started to get worried and went out to look for him, maybe he was waiting outside. The cold feeling he was getting wasn’t a good signal; “Chanyeol!” he started shouting “Where are you?”

His hopes of finding him were getting lost in the middle of the night, the clouds were hidding something more than just the stars, as soon as the master walked through the street, a figure catched his attention, a really familiar one, he found him, his Chanyeol, with part of his head broken, part of his body broken, part of his heart broken, lying lifeless on the cold road; His face was into pieces, same as his legs; Kris looked at him, it looked like he was sleeping, so peacefully, so calm, hugging his drumsticks like the little kid he was. There were no blood, only clay, there were no skin, only paint, he was a doll after all, so his body was just like one. Except for the fact that he could die.

Maybe it was something weird, but Kris didn’t felt like he was gone, not at all, he felt different, like he was still there, he felt like at any moment he would wake up and start telling jokes trying to make his master’s smile. Kris stayed silent, a little note was on his head, on the very top of his hair “Is his fault for begin a monster” it said. "I did this to protect you" it said.

Who would kill someone as lovely as him? Kris wondered, a bitter feeling filling his heart and mind, a feeling that he wasn’t able to swallow, and without containing the tears that were forming in his eyes he started to remember his Chanyeollie, how he was so happy all the time and smiled so much. Kris started to make the tears go away with the back of his hands but it just made it worse, it doesn’t feel right, he needed someone, a person who would hug him in this moments, someone who would kiss him and make his sorrows go away, he needed his Chanyeol just as much Chanyeol needed him.

“Chanyeollie, I bought cake” He said hugging his doll, but it wasn’t the same, “Is the flavor you like so much…” He kept talking, his empty words trying to fill his heart with hopes; at the moment he lifted him, his mouth opened, but no word came out, it was the first time he saw his Chanyeol so static, the first time he didn’t see a smile on his face, he started to wait any signal of him moving, to wait if by any chance he started to snore, to see if he would start to drool like everytime he slept; he was waiting for the moment he would wake up and say that this was a joke, just a joke; Kris was trying to wait, but the time seemed lost, and he accepted it, his Chanyeol is gone.

Slowly, he held his doll’s hand, slowly he caressed his cheeks, slowly, he took away the only tear his doll left placed on his beautiful face, slowly, he kept crying in silence; slowly, he apologized “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you…”

I just wish I could understand my father...





“Don’t call me like that”

“I’m sorry Kris…” It was his friend Jongin. “I’m just worried, you have been inside your room since that day… I can help you, just open the door please"

Kris was lying over his bed, all the things Chanyeol had were around his room, all those memories were still hurting him. After a few moments, he stood up and opened the door, he looked as messy as Jongin imagined, with his eyes red, same as his nose.

“Look” His friend said while showing him a paper “I found a lot of doll repair shops, I bet they can make Chanyeol look like new again”

“Thanks, but I don’t want anyone to fix him” Jongin got surprised at this, he thought Kris would reply something like “Thanks for caring about me” or maybe something like “What are you talking about? Chanyeol is still alive” trying to lie to himself.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t need it”

“What? Why? Are you giving up?”

“No, I’m not, I just made a decision”

“What decision did you took?”

“I will move forward; I’ll leave this house and all those memories, Jongin”

“Are you going to leave us?”


“But, are you sure you want to forget?”

“Yes, I want to forget”

“B-But Why?”

“I just decided to forget”

“That’s stupid master! Stop lying! You are giving up!” Kris sighed, “I’ll go now”




A lot of time has passed, it was now a rainy day, same as the day Kris met his first love Chanyeol; the raindrops echoed by touching the roof of the houses of the city, at this sounds, someone, or to be more especific, something woke up in a room that wasn’t familiar to him. His little fingers started to move and then a surprised look took over his face.

“Where am I?” He asked to himself, touching part of his head. I’m alive, but how? I remember begin attacked by my master.

He noticed where he was “This is not Kris’s house…Oh no! Have I been trown away?!” He was starting to shiver. “Calm down, calm down. This happened to you before, is not the first time people gave you to other persons; you should be familiar with this feeling… you should… unless you only want Kris and nobody else” He let go a long sigh, again he started to hug himself, his arms, repaired; his head, repaired; his heart, still broken .

“Me begin able to move means that I have a new owner,  will I be hated by this one too? It would be imposible to find another master like Kris” He started to feel his heart aching. “I only want Kris...” He bit his lip trying not to cry.

However, he soon stopped moving as he heard footsteps getting closer to where he was. He really disliked those sounds.

The door opened and he saw his new master approaching him.

“Good morning… Eggyeol” He heard.

Chanyeol looked at him “What? Is this you Master Krisus?” He wondered looking right at the eyes of the person who was now talking to him “You look so different from before…"

“Well, after that incident, I started to learn the skills needed to make dolls, I wanted to repare you with my own hands, time kept passing and by the moment I have returned to my senses, it had already been sixteen years…”

“Sixteen… Years? You… Idiot! Wasting so much of your time on me, a mere doll! You are so stupid!” Chanyeol yelled angry.

“Chanyeol… My choice for these 16 years wasn’t an easy decision to live by, but I changed my entired lifestyle to see the person I wanted to see the most”

“Kris…” The doll murmured while starting to get teary. “Why do you care so much about me? I don’t deserve it…”

“Ah? You are still a crybaby like before…”

“No I’m not!” He said already crying.

“Yes, you are, look you are crying”

“No, I’m not”

“Yes, you are”

“Noooooooooooo!!” Kris chuckled at his response, he put his finger over his doll's cheek and then started to his hair.

“What? have you forgotten Chanyeol? This is the moment when you should turn into a human, then hug me and kiss me, telling me that you love me”

Those words were enough to make the doll jump to his master and start to kiss him. “I love you so much” He said, while giving Kris more kisses, nobody cared for him as much as he did, and he was grateful. “I love you, I love you, I love Kris the most” His tears kept falling as he hugged him, “I missed you so much” Kris smiled.

“Though I’m quite sad that I came to life on a rainy day”


“The day is so ugly…”

“That’s because the heavens had to send down their only angel left, so they were sad, this day is just a prove of how much they miss you, too bad you are already mine” Chanyeol blushed at this.

“Don’t say that!” He shouted smacking him. “Since when are you a casanova?”

“Since I discovered that a beautiful doll named Chanyeol existed”

“AGGGGGGGGGG!!! Maybe heavens aren’t crying because they are missing me, I bet is raining because the heavens are spitting at you for saying those things!”




“Are we there yet?”


“And now?”


“How about now?”

“Chanyeol, we are going to arrive in two hours, why do you keep asking me that if you know that the answer is going to be ‘no’?”

“I’m bored master!”

“Go play by yourself”

“No! Let’s play together”

“... Okay, what do you want to play?”

“How about to tell us how much we love each other~”

“Okay then, start”

“Master, how much do you love me?”

“Look at the stars and count them, that’s just how much I love you”

“But… is morning”


“You are a troll! Is obvious that you really love me, last night you were saying it over and over again"

"That was obviously an act"

"WHAT?! An act?!"

"Just a technique to make you happy"

"A technique?!"

"But saying that would be a lie"

"Wha? A lie? Ah~ I'm so glad"

"Though that's a lie too!!"

"Eh?! Which one?! Stop playing with my mind!!"

Chanyeol doesn't hide his feelings, he smiles when he is happy, cries right away when he is sad, and looks at me like this when he is feeling insecure; everything he is thinking can be shown in his words and expressions, so there are no lies; because of that I can believe in him and can return his feelings.

"I really do love you"




"Just kidding!


But his expressions are cute, so I won't stop teasing him.




Once upon a time, there was a doll that only needed

his master’s love to develop a soul.


But because he was so unique, he was feared by the

people around him and became very lonely.


Then one day, he met someone who would accept all of

him for who he was, a master who gave him many

new experiences and emotions.


After many trials, the two discovered their mutual love

for one another, and swore to remain together forever.


Many long years after, the master’s life was finally nearing

 its end, his hair changed to a white color that confused his doll, his skin started to wrinkle, 

and he became slow, but even then the doll remained by his side.


 And when the master finally passed away, the doll never moved again…




Those two must have gone to heaven together.




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babybaekhyunee #1
Chapter 2: Awww my heart...this is so touching awww and so beautiful
foyezza91 #2
Chapter 2: omo,its so beautifully written that its hurt so much!!! awwwww! >_< the end?why im still hoping that channie will become a human too at last?huhu,i hope they are happy in heaven~
Chapter 2: I've read a manga similar to this...but i didn't remember the tittle...
The ending is really touching...my heart ache..
choiandlee #4
Chapter 2: I feel like crying after reading the ending. It's so sweet yet so sad.
hi ~^0^~ I am a KrisYeol shipper come from Vietnam =))))))))))) I like your fic very much <3 <3 <3 today is my friend's birthday, she is a KrisYeol shipper too. so can I translate your fic and share with her please???
exo_fanfan #6
Chapter 2: Wow. Just how many times have I read this beyond perfect fanfic. Just reading the ending makes me cry my eyes out TT___TT *CRIES*
exo_fanfan #7
I really love this story.
WoW.. I really LOVE this story. It's amazing and it deserve more...... Great job Authornim
whovian #9
Chapter 2: Such a sweet and unique story!
Chapter 2: Waaaaah, this is amazing!!!!! ^^
I love it, I love the way you show how sad Chanyeol is when he will got rejected again, oooh so touchy :)