
The bet




Kyuhyun was nowhere to be seen and I've never given more about my dignity and some ty bet and what Kyuhyun would do to me.

Nothing mattered anymore, facing the angel in front of me.

And I want to taste his lips so badly.

Not even his lips in particular.

Just him.

A hug is enough.

The touch of one of his fingers.

His breath that tingles my skin.

I just have to bend forward. Only a few centimetres... Then push the woman away.






Push... the woman away...?










I just stared at his lisp.

Anticipating something that'll never happend when her face appeared in front of me.

Right in front of me.

Too close.

Definitely too close.



The content of my glass wets her face and I couldn't care less.

For a second.

Then I realize what I did and close my eyes tightly, awaiting a hit or a scream or again her hands at my crotch.

But nothing happens.

There's just her (in my opinion not so) soothing voice.

"Well. If he doesn't want to, what about you cutie?"

There she is.

Turning her back to me, all over Donghae.

And my insides start to boil, more that I have experienced in a long time.








At least when it comes to me.

I stare at him with my eyes wide open. Did he just...

...Use THE bad word?

My... Hyukjae curses??!!

His face turned red, even noticeable in the dark. He looks pissed off, something I've never witnessed before.

Just for a few seconds.

But then it's back.

The face I know.

He looks so apologetic all of sudden.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I just--" He jumps on his feet, bows slightly and disappears in the crowd.

For a moment I can only follow him with my gaze.

"What's wrong with him?" the woman asks, still clinging to my shirt.

She's definitely too drunk for her own good.

I would tell the barkeeper to call a taxi for her but I've got someone to chase after.

So I just push her gently to the bar and nod slightly before I follow Hyukjae.

Holy crap...

I never thought he also had that kind of side.

Not that I mind.

That woman was outrageous. And he was totally right to tell her to get the off when she tried to seduce me. Not that I had problems to tell her mys--


He told her to off when she tried to seduce me?

Does that mean he was...


I can't help but to smile as I make my way through the crowd. There's it again, this pressure in my chest. 

Loveliest troublemaker I've ever met.

And while I keep looking for him I swear to myself not to let him out of my sight anymore.

Literally and proverbially.




I finally find him in the embrace of Leeteuk who seems to be quiet confused.

I feel kind of relieved.

Don't know what ideas pop into his head if he's embarrassed.

" Leeteuk." I approach them and I can see how Hyukjae shrinks when he hears my voice.

" What the hell happened to him?" Leeteuk asks.

He keeps holding his brother but I can see how his gaze wanders off to the girl next to him who looks more pissed by the second. Seems like Hyukjae disturbed them.

I put him off and softly pull him out of Leeteuks embrace. He still looks kind of worried but I assure him with a nod that he's okay and Leeteuk turns back to the girl.

I put an arm around Hyukjaes shoulder. He keeps looking to the ground, his hands playing with the seam of his shirt.

My stomach turns upside down. Too adorable.

I pull him closer. "You want to go home?"

He nods hardly visible.

"I'm sorry, Donghae."

"For what?"

" For acting that way. I shouldn't talk like this to a person. She scared me and then...", he shakes his head. " Nevermind. I'm just sorry you had to witness it."

" I found it kind of cool."

"Hh?" finally he looks at me with round eyes and I can hardly keep myself from pinching his cheeks.

" You know. Most of the times you're too nice for your own good. Sometimes I feel like a really bad person next to you. But it seems like you're human in the end.", I smile at him and tighten the grip of my arm. " Don't worry about the woman. She's too drunk to even remember her name."

He keeps looking at me and slowly his eyes start to sparkle. "You're the best Donghae."

"I know."

" I really l--"


I don't get to know what he really likes when Sungmin and Kyuhyun, followed by Kangin appear next to us.

Kyuhyun keeps a hand on his cheeks, sending glares to an unfazed Sungmin.

"No one told you to approach me from behind. Let's play? Phh... you should be glad I didn't kick your balls."

" Boys..." Kangin tries to appease them but I just laugh and shake my head. "Forget it. They'll be on it until one of them cries."


Sungmin kicks Kyuhyuns shin. " Stop screaming! Everyone's already looking!"

" Kangin.", I ignore their constant bickering and turn to Hyukjaes brother. " He wants to go home."

"It's still early..."

" If you want to stay I can take him home."

Kangins eyes lit up. " You would do it?"

"Well... if Hyukjaes alright with it." I look at him but he just nods, his cheeks turning pink again.

"Well. Then it's settled. I guess my sister also wants to stay longer. Could you send her back home later?"

" Sure."

I take a quick look around and spot her a few metres away dancing with a mischievous looking guy. " And could you please keep an eye on her. She tends to pick the wrong guys."

Hyukjae followed my gaze and I can feel how he freezes in my embrace when he sees Amber.


" Donghae. Take me home." Kyuhyun says pouting.


"I don't want to stay here anymore. Sungmin is mean to me."

"Phh..." said person snorts.

I shake my head in disbelief and finally let go of Hyujaes shoulder... sadly. I could have hold him longer... much longer... but Kyuhyuns gaze fell on my arm around his shoulder and for tonight I had enough of explaining things.

"Alright, then let's go."






Kyuhyun and Sungmin fell asleep at the backseat, they're heads leaning against each other.

I turned off the music and Hyukjae talks quietly about all the things that come to his mind.

I just listen a smile plastered on my face. I could drive like this forever.

Too soon we arrive in front of Hyukjaes house.

" Thanks."

"You're welcome."

He unbuckles the belt and rests his hand on the door opener.



" Thanks for being my friend, even if I became human in your eyes." And with that he opens the door and disappears in the dark, leaving me inside dumbstruck.

I don't wait until he's inside the house.

I'm afraid he will look back.

He can't even see me in the dark car but still I'm afraid he will see how much more I yearn for him after this night.

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najinpi #1
Chapter 19: Will u continue this fic? Please update soon
Chapter 19: Wow.. Hyukjae being furious, just wow.. I can imagine Donghae's face xD
Update soon :)
Chapter 19: cute ha ha ha
I love hyukjae ^_^
Chapter 19: Hahahahahahaha xD I can imagine Hae's surprise lol
haebeast #5
Chapter 19: He says my fingers are like magic
and he wants me to do his cucumber
one day."
A bowl falls to the ground. " HE
" Yes. I reacted the same way."
" How couldn't I? I mean... he's
old enough. He should be able to
cut vegetables on his own."
And he vanishes for five minutes.

/died laughing/
camomile31 #6
Chapter 19: hyukkie explode :), nice one
hae def love hyukkk
keep blushing
Chapter 19: Hahaha hyukkie.....hae must be shocked
257471 #8
Chapter 18: this is great...
what's happen? why hyuk is scared? go to hyuk fast hae...
can't wait to read the next chaps, update soon please :)
Chapter 18: Thanks for the update~
Donghae, you should go to Hyukjae! :o I just wonder what's happening.. Why Hyuk is scared?