A Carpenter's Love

*krrrinnngggg krriiinggg*

"Uh, hello?" Wong Jin answers.

"YAH! Where are you?! Mr. Park is waiting!" Mr. Jung shouts.

"I didn't notice the time, sorry. I'm coming."


I took a bath, changed my clothes as fast as possible, I went biking and arrive 8 minutes later.


"Yah!" Mr. Jung shouts again.

"Stop shouting." Jong Jin said.

"This is Mr. Park, you'll work for him."


"Hello, I'm Park Junshin." Mr. Park offers his hands.

He look at it.

"No, my hands are quiet dirty.."

"It's okay. Come on."

He shakes his hands slowly.

"Nice to meet you, sir. I'm Won Jong Jin."

"Park Jungshin. Nice to meet you too."


"You look young, how old are you?"

"I'm 19."

"You don't go to school? Same age like my daughter. I want you to meet her tomorrow."

"I'm an parents died in a car accident. It'll be a pleasure to meet your daughter sir." 

"I'm sorry to hear that. I ask too much, just looking if you can be know. Call me Jungshin." *smiles*

"'s okay. Don't worry, Jungshin~ssshii.. What do you want me to do Jungshin~shhi?" 

"You know...just a small...treehouse. Can you do it alone?"

"Oh, treehouse. Easy, very easy. Ne, I can do it alone." 

"By the way, how did you become a carpenter?"

"An old man adopted me...he's a carpenter so he taught me how to be just like him."

"Where is he?"

"He died because of sickness."

"Oh gosh, sorry."

"It's okay.."

"You know...I'm the owner of Seoul University....and I want you to go to school, I'll provide you everything, uniform, clothes, allowance, books and everything. For one condition.

"What is it?"

"You guard my daughter. Protect her..hmmm...She's a little mean to somebody she doesn't know, but don't worry she's good."

"Sure! How can I contact you Jungshin?"

"You can start your job tomorrow. here. *hands him a calling card* Call me. I need to go now, Jong Jin. You take care, good child."

"Ne..take care too, Jungshin~sshii."

He goes to Taejun's house to tell him.

*knock knock*

"WAIT!" Taejun said.

*knock knock knock*

"I said wai- hey sup, dude."

"What took you so long?"

"Call of nature bro."

"Did you wash your hands?"

"Idiot, of course."

"Guess what?"



"How? why?"

"I'm working for the owner of University of Seoul/Seoul University."

"You're so lucky. I want to go to school too."

"Don't worry, If I get rich, I'll let you go to school."

"Stupid. I'll be dead by that time."

"But, I need to guard and protect her daughter."

"So, what you're saying is you're also aa bodyguard?"

"Guess so."


Hours passed so fast. He ate at Taejun's house and went home to sleep.



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this is not Myungyeon?
Chapter 2: Jong Jin as jiyeon's bodyguard....
Btw, who is Jong Jin!? Is he an ulzzang!?
Chapter 2: Woooooow. Jiyeon's bodyguard? Sounds cool xD