Lights Go on Again



I wrote this in two days. Soooo . . . yeah . I hope you like it! I seriously love Kris and Sungyeol . . . together. XD I can't help it !


Sungyeol liked to think that falling in love once was enough to satisfy his craving to be with someone. He was the clingy type of person, and he knew that he needed someone that could handle his jealousy, his strong emotions, and his need for physical contact, be it holding hands or sharing kiss after kiss. Sungyeol couldn’t help that he liked the touch of skin against his, the feel of someone’s fingers combing through his hair, or the feel of a warm chest pressed against his back. He didn’t necessarily care that he liked men or the fact that his father and brother were repulsed by it; he was merely on the pursuit of happiness and if that happiness lay with the same , so be it. The tall, stalking male wasn’t necessary the picky type of person, not one person is physically, mentally, and emotionally perfect, and he understood this, he just wanted someone he knew he could love forever.

And then he met Myungsoo.

And things fell into place.

Myungsoo was physically alluring to both es and could quiet a storm with a simple smile from his beautifully pinkened lips. He was a bit short by Sungyeol’s standards, he figured he could cope with it, but what he made up in size was a love that Sungyeol had been craving, searching, yearning for. He treated Sungyeol as if he were a delicate glass figurine, too important to handle without care. He knew Sungyeol inside and out, just by the look on his face he could tell how the taller felt, what he wanted, and he could see the love pooling in his eyes.

When Sungyeol fell in love for the first time, he assumed it would be his only.

He was sure of Myungsoo and that their love was real, that Myungsoo would not betray him. He was positive that he refused to look at anyone else but Myungsoo. He listened to Myungsoo, no matter how farfetched the tale seemed to be, as to why he couldn’t take him on a date or why he forgot to call, or how he forgot their anniversary for the third time and how his birthday gift would be late. Sungyeol didn’t necessary care about the trivial things in life, his love was a blinding light that shined in his eyes and left him too dazed and confused to notice the lies.

The lies were, in fact, blatantly obvious. Myungsoo began to become more distant, more attracted to looking at others and it would leave Sungyeol crushed and feeling lonely. The bright light that once shined on him began to dim, began to die bit by little bit and Sungyeol was finally free of Myungsoo’s spell to where he could see his sultry gazes lock eyes with the pretty girl at the coffee shop or the boy that delivered male in his neighborhood or even the young, beautiful librarian at the local library. They would all return the secret, knowing gaze, as if they had already done a terrible deed that they found exhilarating and exciting to keep over Sungyeol’s head.

Even so, Sungyeol could take pain. He had been kicked out by his father when he revealed to his family his ual orientation back in middle school and spent two months in different houses for a few days at a time before his mother finally convinced his father to allow him back into their home. She had accepted him, but losing most of his father’s love and respect left scars that Myungsoo’s love had covered. But with the light dimming fast into darkness, the pain of it all began to convert back into tears across his pillow, text messages unanswered, and feeling as if their relationship was falling apart due to his carelessness. He could take pain rather well. In the seventh grade, he broke the entire left side of his body. It hurt like hell, but this was not comparable in the least. Feeling as if Myungsoo was slipping out of his fingertips left Sungyeol lost and afraid. He wasn’t use to feeling alone and lonely all in one, the bulb had gained a crack along the rim.

And when Sungyeol felt as if he couldn’t take the guilt anymore, he whisked his way in and the lights went on again, brighter than before, fuller in that little room of his heart, shining so hard that the heat rivaled the sun in full.

His name was Kris Wu.

He had recently transferred from China with five of his other friends for a foreign exchange program and began attending his high school freshman year. Kris was different; he was Sungyeol’s exact height, their faces were similar to the point where people had to have a double take and look closely to realize which male they were truly looking at, and their bodies were quite similar as well. He was quiet, kept away to himself besides his friends, and from the looks of it, he hated Sungyeol to his very core. It might have been caused from Sungyeol’s overly friendly attitude and the smile that revealed his gums that never seemed to run away, or how wide he could make his eyes when excited over receiving a single piece of candy.

Kris always seemed to find a way to make Sungyeol happy. They barely knew each other, yet always seemed to stay in close proximity since Kris’s friend Suho was close to his friend Sunggyu, which did not go well with Suho’s lover Lay and Sunggyu’s not-sure-what-they-are Woohyun. The gravitational pull of the two led Sungyeol to be with Kris a lot more frequently and less time with Myungsoo, who either didn’t care or didn’t seem to notice. Sungyeol refused to admit that it was Kris making the light in his heart fuzz over with warmth as it shone brightly and in turn brightened his face; he blamed it on the food or receiving a good marking in class, or gave no reason at all.

And they weren’t on the friendliest terms either. It always felt like Kris was staring him down with an unreadable yet judging fashion. They made eye contact on more than one account, and though Sungyeol always looked away, he could still feel that frigid gaze tethered to his face. Maybe he really did have something on his face?

Then Sunggyu made a statement that forced Sungyeol to face his issues and reassess the crushed bulb in his heart.

“Last night I was out with Woohyun and then . . . Myungsoo . . . I saw him . . . with a girl.”

And if that in itself was not bad enough, Suho added on to his pain, a pain that hurt for no reason at all. It hurt so much that he excused himself with a blank face, a first for everyone who knew Sungyeol, and ran away.

“Lay and the others are leaving next week. Now Sehun will keep talking about Luhan again. What am I going to do with that kid?” Sungyeol’s hearing had simply tuned into the word ‘others’ because ‘others’ meant Kris. It wasn’t fair to his heart to be aching so much like this; it was unethical.

He ran, using his long limbs to his advantage, for the nearest room which happened to be the bathroom. His chest rose and fell harshly, his vision foggy and tear stained, the light bulb falling apart as black ash dotted the shattered glass. He flung himself into a bathroom stall and locked the stall door with trembling fingers, sinking down with his back against the door and his face buried in his knees. He cried softly, a childlike keening of a son for his mother, his tears wetting the material of his pants. All he could hear was his disgustingly shallow breathing, and it covered the sound of footsteps shuffling into the bathroom, the dropping of a bag, and the sitting of a figure as they lay their back against Sungyeol’ door. But Sungyeol heard him, and it felt as if a new light bulb was being installed as he spoke.

“You should stop crying. I don’t want people to ask me if I’m okay when you’re the one in need of someone.” It was the first words Kris had ever spoken to him directly, and it gave Sungyeol a new experience to cherish. He liked the sound of Kris’ voice, the perfectly deep ocean that spewed into his ear, the rugged fullness, and the rich huskiness of it all. It sent Sungyeol over the edge. He quickly stood and pried the door open, ignoring Kris’ quirked eyebrows and dropped to his knees, enveloping Kris in a much needed hug.

He needed it.

And he didn’t know,

But Kris needed it too.

“I didn’t say you could hug me,” Kris muttered lowly, yet there was a smile silently creeping its way onto his face as he caressed the back of Sungyeol’s raven locks.

Kris felt his light switch turn on and the darkness flood with impalpable light, a small bean of bright white that slowly spread to warm his chest.

One week was not enough, yet to them, it was all they truly needed. Sungyeol began to forget the pain of his first love, after successfully breaking it off with Myungsoo, and leaned on Kris when he felt he couldn’t breathe. The odd part was, and Sungyeol had no idea at this time that Kris was a much different person when they were together, Kris let him. He let him cry and scream and giggle like a first grader all he wanted to with not a negative thought in his gorgeous thoughts. They began spending more time together, and slowly, Kris opened up and showed Sungyeol who he really was.

He told Sungyeol about his family, his overbearing father and his prissy mother who spent too much money on shopping and not enough time on his father and him.

He told Sungyeol of how he loved psychology and one day he wanted to be a psychiatrist and translator since he was good with languages. He promised to teach Sungyeol sometime soon.

He told Sungyeol of his past, of the ignorance he showed in relationships and how they left him heartbroken again and again. He could never find the right thing in the wrong person and usually found the wrong in one he deemed right. He was sick and tired of being alone when everyone he knew had someone and no matter how much they downplayed their affection, it was a slap in his face every time. He loathed them and that in itself made him feel disgusting.

He let Sungyeol know that he liked spending time with him. He liked how Sungyeol could listen and talk at once, how when they were together, his eyes never looked anywhere else. He felt safe with Sungyeol; he felt the small flickering light in his heart would be safe with Sungyeol, that everything would be fine if he let Sungyeol in and gave his heart in exchange.

“I don’t know what to do.” Which was a first for Kris Wu and everyone present at the lunch table gave him incredulous looks. Suho, who sat the closest, pressed the back of his hand to Kris’ forehead just to be sure and turned to the rest of the table.

“No fever. I think he might be going crazy though,” Suho mused, giving Kris an onceover.

“I’m fine,” Kris snapped, the snarky attitude he developed from his mother coming out in full swing, “I just don’t know what to say to Sungyeol.” He was fine with admitting the truth, that he fallen in love with his twin of sorts, and these were his friends. He trusted them to help him in his time of need. He, Tao, Luhan, Lay, Xiumin, and Chen would be heading back to China at the end of the week and Kris didn’t want to leave with these feelings weighing down his chest. He needed to tell Sungyeol that he loved him, even if Sungyeol did not reciprocate.

“Oh, that you love him right?” Xiumin stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. His best friend Chen snickered into his shoulder and Kris just wanted to yell at them to finally face their own feelings instead of judging him. They were much more obvious than he was!

“I think you should tell him,” Lay voiced, “It seems like he feels the same way.” Kris needed to be sure.

“But how? I don’t want to force myself on him when he just ended his relationship with that prick Myungsoo. It’s not fair to him or to me. I don’t want to be a rebound.That would be much more painful than being turned down.

“Pull him off to the side and read him poetry,” Baekhyun insisted. Kris cringed at the thought.

“Sungyeol isn’t  . . . the poetic type.”

“Then write him a letter after we leave,” Luhan tried, only to feel his entire body glomped by his young lover. Sehun wouldn’t put an end to the bouts of affection since he knew it would be a while until they see each other again and he loved Luhan more than life itself.

“No.” Luhan pouted.

“Kiss him,” Kyungsoo called lightly from down the long table, his head comfortably laid against Kai’s shoulder. Kris kept his face calm and composed, but everyone could tell of his embarrassment just by peeking at his increasingly pinkening ears.

Kiss . . . Sungyeol?

Not that it wasn’t something Kris had thought about, but to actually initiate a kiss with the childish boy he had fallen for, Kris felt equivalent to a ert.

“Just do something you think will get the point across,” Suho said, grasping lay’s fingers under the table and out of Kris’ view. He hated thinking of how lonely his nights would be after Lay was gone, too far away for him to follow when his parents said it was out of question to tag along. They knew of Lay and didn’t care if they were together, but Suho had to stay.

Kris sighed and dropped the topic quickly, busying himself by ignoring Baekhyun’s argument with Luhan over who had the better boyfriend. Kai pointed out that he was automatically better than both of them put together and he could easily get Kyungsoo to testify.

His friends were indeed idiots.

“Sungyeol, you okay?” It was even weirder to see Sungyeol with a face of concentration instead of his gummy smile, but Sungyeol needed to think.

He was in love or as close to love as he could get.

With Kris.

That he knew for certain, but somewhere in his heart, he still yearned for Myungsoo and he hated himself for it. He hated that he couldn’t fully move on and give himself to Kris, who he trusted to take care of him. He didn’t want to mess things up and have Kris never ever speak to him again, whether in China or not.

It was hard to choose.

He could:

A.      Confess to Kris and see what his answer is. After all, Kris could and most likely would surprise him.

B.      Keep his feelings to himself and be subjected to the worst pain in his existence. Breaking up with Myungsoo was a piece of pie compared to this. Kris was his friend, his best friend, and he could reap the benefits of staying friend zoned just fine. Though he did want to kiss Kris so badly sometimes just to erase that stoic expression of his.

C.      Live out the rest of his days wondering why and dying all alone with his nineteen cats.

Option C did look very promising and Sungyeol had always been told “when in doubt, choose C.”

But no.

Option A was the best choice. Sungyeol knew Kris long enough to know that he wasn’t the type to make things awkward.

“I’m fine,” Sungyeol replied slowly, his face scrunching up as his thoughts mulled over a few names for some of the cats.

“Then why do you look constipated?” Sungyeol felt his thoughts disappear and laughter bubbled to his lips, loud and vibrant, so much so that Kris and his friends could hear him from their table.

“I was trying to think.”

“Is the world coming to an end?” Sungjong dramatically exclaimed, munching on a bag of Doritos. Hoya and Dongwoo giggled from next to him, busy eating off of each other’s plates and sometimes faces in a public display of affection.

“Is it about Kris? I heard he was going back to China in a few days.” Way to bring it up Woohyun. It was no use trying to cover it up anyhow.

“Yes,” Sungyeol sighed, “I’m having a crisis of the heart.” That sounded a bit too advanced for Sungyeol to be saying.

“Did you get into my drama collection again?”

“Sorry Hoya.” Sunggyu rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm around Sungyeol in a friendly manner, ignoring the pissy looks Woohyun kept sending him, and rocked them side to side.

“Tell him how you feel if you’re truly over Myungsoo. If not, you’re not really in love.” Sungyeol sighed and laid his head against Sunggyu’s shoulder. Sunggyu was always there when he needed him.

“How do I know?”

“Which one makes you smile?”


“Which one makes you laugh?”


“Which one have you dreamed of recently?”

“  . . . Kris.”

“Which one do you love?”

“Kri-“ Sungyeol paused, using his teeth to envelope his lower lip and stop himself from saying Kris again.

“And if that wasn’t enough, Kris is coming over. Don’t go too fast, and always use a .” Before Sungyeol could erupt in protest, the self-proclaimed Infinite discarded him and the table, leaving him defenseless to Kris’ caring eyes.

Oh, I love those eyes.

Their so  . . . deep.

I feel like I could get lost in them.

They remind me of hot chocolate with not too many marshmallows and a squeeze of straw-

“Sungyeol.” Sungyeol shook his head and his bangs flew into his eyes as he tried to break the spell on him. It was stronger than Myungsoo’s had ever been.

“Hey Kris,” Sungyeol tried to sound as natural as he could, but it came out awkward as ever.

“Can I talk to you for a second?” It sounded important, but then again, everything Kris said was important to Sungyeol. The tall male with the famed gummy smile nodded his head and Kris took the vacant seat in front of him. The dirty blond cleared his throat and placed his hands on his knees, squeezing the material of his jeans and the flesh beneath in his bout of nerves. He was going to say it.

Say it.

Say it.

Go ahead and say it!

“Sungyeol, would you-“Kris sighed. This was not as easy as they said whoever they are.

“Yes?” Sungyeol could feel his heart rate increase but tried to stop his brain from thinking that this was the moment he had been waiting for.

“Would you-“

“Yes?” His voice rose in happiness; Sungyeol could now feel it, that rush of love and joy he had ever only experienced once in his life, but this time around it was so much stronger.

“Be my . . . Okay, it (Sungyeol flinched, though by now he was used to hearing Kris cuss), look Sungyeol, I know we haven’t been the best of friends for a long enough time for me to eventual feel this way, but I want you. I want to know everything there is to know about you, I want to bring you Americano in the morning and watch you smile when you take that first sip because you’re just that happy. I want to be the reason you feel safe, I want to protect you from ever being hurt again; I’m not Myungsoo. I would never cheat on you, lie to you, or do anything that could jeopardize you being with me. I really like you, and I think you like me to, so can we cut out this ty confession and go get ice cream or something? I’ll pay.”

Definitely not like Myungsoo’s confession, where Sungyeol was showered with roses and serenaded to tears. No, they were definitely not the same.

Considering Sungyeol liked this confession much, much better.

He flushed, his lips pulling into a gum revealing smile, and he nodded his head fervently, his voice lost somewhere in his throat. This was the love he wanted, the kind he needed. Kris smiled, it was a sight Sungyeol was still in awe of, and stood, holding out his hand and tugging Sungyeol from his seat without asking. He grabbed Sungyeol’s bag and tossed it over his shoulder, it looked way too cool to be real, and locked their fingers together as they passed a few other students at another table. They instantly began to whisper, but Kris was too busy watching Sungyeol’s face change color and Sungyeol was too nauseous to hear anything.

As they walked along the sidewalk, school a few blocks away, Sungyeol suddenly came to the realization that he had never had to deal with a long distance relationship.

“W-When you go back home . . . What will we do then?” Kris turned to Sungyeol and quirked an eyebrow.

“What made you think I’m going anywhere now?”

That lightbulb.

The same one that had bursted.


And a splash of dazzling light engulfed them both.

Sungyeol was no longer Lightless.

Kris had found his Light.





The End. 





Wahh, that was so much funnn. XD 

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 1: Gooddd
So nice! Good job!
Chapter 1: i"m going crazy.....this is 2 gud.... arrrrrrrrr (screaming of joy)
Gosh.. its so cute~ aww.. I really liked it, although Myungsoo was such a bad guy there. Kris is so cute^^ his confession was.. awesome XD not such a romantic thing.
Chapter 1: Oh my god, this story is amazing, thank you for writing =)
Chapter 1: wow. that was quite well-written. it has your krisyeol 'feels' written all over it.

this fic talks of falling out of love and finding the right one. and, it's as if i'm reading this with rose-tinted spectacles.

ouch~~ says my myungyeol heart. ouch~~ says my 'other' krisyeol heart but my baekyeol heart says "wh0re. move on already". but i say, "i'm just glad i can have myungsoo for myself now. haha~~~"

and tip of advice to wu fan. don't ever say your confession is sh!tty, 'cause it will be remembered by the person you confessed to as sh!tty (that's how real-life goes). well, at least you said "you'll pay".

and thank God he won't be going. long-distance relationship is truly difficult.
haha~~ ohh... the endless amount of things you can do in math class. but it seems you get bored in a lot of your classes, not just math.
Chapter 1: Aww! That was so cute!!!! I can totally see Kris's confession in my mind!!! Such a great short story!!!! Loved it a lot!!!!
akaonim #9
Chapter 1: omg i love Kris' confession lol

and Kris didnt leave awww how sweet lol