Misfortune and Luck

Can't fight your luck


“Good evening, uhh are you Dr. Kim Jongin?”

“Call me Kai, uhh, how..how can I help you?” He stuttered.

“I, I’m Eun Jin, I just chipped my tooth and figured that no other Dentist is available at this hour, my friend Soo Ah gave me your calling card”


It’s 11 p.m. you chipped your tooth from banging your head on the library shelf after tripping at a book on the floor, Your tooth bled endlessly, and you hoped you didn’t have to come here, Not now, not ever.

Soo Ah:  He is, the hottest Dentist ever, just meet him okay! Oh my god, if only I was single, I’d definitely date him! And besides, I’m obviously not his type! But you? You’re perfect my darling Eun Jin.


“There all done” Kai walked to the corner taking his coat off

“How much for the tooth” You can’t wait to get away from there.

“Just…just buy me dinner”,

“Sorry but, I’d rather pay for the tooth, sorry”


You tried to get up from the chair but as you did, you hit the dental tray and all the utensils flew in the air, the sharpest one stabbing Kai on the back


“OUCH!! OW! OW!” he tried to reach for it.

“OH MY GOD!, I’m  so sorry!, You’re bleeding”,

“No, No it’s fine, just…let me take you home”, he wore his coat back on.

“I actually have my car in the parking lot”,


The both of you went to the parking lot where his sports car was also parked. You opened the car door and waved goodbye, but your car wouldn’t start.


“Uhh. Kai? Could you jump start my car?” he smiled and got to it.

“Eun Jin, step on the gas when I tell you to okay?”


“Now?”, “No not yet.”

“Now??” “wait a second”

“NOW?!?”  “OOOOOWWWWW!!” you accidentally stepped on the gas and found Kai’s finger electrocuted.

 “OH GOD!!!!!! I’m so sorry!!!!!!!!!” , “NO! NO. I. I’m fine” His fingers were black.

“I’m sorry, I am really, I…If you only let me pay for the tooth?”, He shook his head and smiled.


You smiled back and opened the car door, you turned around.


“Uhh, Kai? Thanks for the tooth, and….thanks for bringing me home to get my spare keys?”

He smirked and opened the door for you,  He drove you home.

“You are quite clumsy huh”

“I have always been, Ohhhh it’s cold! Is this the heat?” you pressed a button

“No that’s the-….” His convertible top flew away.

“, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry”

“You say that a lot huh” he laughed “It’s fine just buy me dinner” you shook your head.

“Coffee?, Juice?, water?, whatever just tell me”,


He stopped in front of your house.


“Gooddnight Doctor” you turned around and *rrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiippppppppppppppp

Your skirt got caught by the car door as you closed it and your undies were exposed, you covered yourself and looked back at him in surprise. 

He laughed. “If you go out with me, I won’t tell”



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Chapter 1: Bwkwkwkwkwk...OMG,this is hillarious!!!
Chapter 1: wow! it's amazing! but all her misfortune brought her a lot of luck...nice one!
KpopLoverSelina #3
Chapter 1: O///O Well, that is embarrassing if you ripped your skirt in frount of Kai.
hithere-- #4
Chapter 1: Lol, so funny and sweet~! ^^