Would you be mine?

Just Your Pawn?

“Chunji~,” L.Joe called out affectionately as he sat down at the dining table where the members are all looking at him except Chunji who just gave him a what-the-hell-you-want face.

L.Joe whispered something into Chunji’s ears as the older boy started giggling; C.A.P and Niel just shook their heads as Changjo looked at Ricky who is obviously feeling real upset now, “I’m done eating,” Ricky stood up and said before walking away.

“I’m done eating too,” Changjo said as he followed Ricky behind. Ricky and Changjo sat down on the sofa; Ricky’s eyes never left the ChunJoe couple. He only looked away after spotting L.Joe walking towards them.

“Hey, lovely Ricky,” L.Joe called out as he sat down beside Ricky, he placed his arms over Ricky’s neck and pulled him closer to him. “You… You are jealous right,” L.Joe whispered into Ricky’s ears before smirking.

“Ricky, Ricky, I need to discuss something with you,” Changjo interrupted the RickJoe couple as he pulled Ricky away from L.Joe.

L.Joe caught hold of Ricky’s hands and said, “Changjo-ah, where are you bringing my baby to?”

Ricky is rather soft-hearted, “Changjo-ah, we will discuss another day.” He said to the younger boy with his back facing L.Joe, Ricky mouthed the word, “I’m sorry.”

Changjo sighed and nodded his head before walking back to his room. Ricky came in later to check on Changjo, “Changjo,” he called out.

Changjo was rather disappointed, with his back facing Ricky, he answered, “When will you know that L.Joe-hyung isn’t serious about you?”


“You will just get all hurt one day.”


“He is just using you to get Chunji-hyung.”


“Wake up! Ricky-ah!”

“I DON’T NEED YOU TO CARE AT ALL!” Ricky shouted as he left the room and slammed the door shut.

While walking to the toilet, he saw the ChunJoe couple making out. His heart shattered, but he put on a brave front and walked to the toilet acting as though nothing happened.

“Ricky… He saw it,” Chunji stopped to inform L.Joe.

L.Joe smirked and answered, “Just ignored him, let’s continue.”

Once inside the toilet, Ricky’s tears flowed down non-stop as he recalled the stuffs happening between L.Joe and Chunji. Am I tired? Does he even love me? What am I to him?

As Chunji, Niel and Changjo have radio schedules at night, there’s only L.Joe, Ricky and C.A.P left in the dorm. As usual, C.A.P spent his time on the laptop doing some self-study since he doesn’t have time to attend school. Ricky was watching movie at the living room when L.Joe came to join him.

“Hey, lovely,” L.Joe called out affectionately as he placed his arms around his neck and whispered, “You, saw it, didn’t you?”

Ricky knew exactly what he is talking but acted dumb, “Hyung, what do you mean?” He smiled and answered.

L.Joe didn’t answered but kisses him on his lips, Ricky was surprised but gave in and the two started making out for a good ten minutes before Ricky broke the kiss and gasped for air. While gasping for air, L.Joe attacked Ricky’s neck and left a hickey, “You, belong to me.” L.Joe smirked and said before returning to his room leaving Ricky dumbfounded on the sofa. Ricky went to the toilet and saw the hickey around his neck, near his collarbone. Ricky was confused by L.Joe’s action. One moment he is making out with Chunji, another moment, he kisses him and said weird stuff.


L.Joe started getting closer and closer to Ricky and Ricky is happy of course, they are just like a real couple and L.Joe stopped getting hanky-panky with Chunji and Chunji didn’t really care much about L.Joe and instead, Chunji got a new target that is none other than Changjo.

While L.Joe is together with Ricky, he didn’t stop looking at Chunji and he still gets jealous when he sees Chunji with Changjo. L.Joe knew that he needs to do something to get back Chunji’s attention.

“Ricky-ah~” L.Joe called out even though Ricky is just beside him.

Ricky looked at L.Joe, “It’s our 100th day together, do you even remember?” L.Joe said while a small pout formed on his mouth.

Ricky laughed and nodded his head, “Of course!”

Ricky ran to his room to get the present while the members looked on, Chunji didn’t give much emotion, “Time flies, you guys have been together for 100 days,” Chunji commented while eating his food.

“Congratulations,” Changjo said while forcing out a smile, “I’m full, I’ll go back to the room first.” Changjo said as he retreated back to the room.

“I’ll follow you too,” Chunji answered and followed Changjo.

L.Joe was kind of pissed that Chunji didn’t even feel jealous at all. L.Joe started getting moody and vents his frustrations on Ricky while the both of them are inside L.Joe’s room.

“Do you like Changjo?” L.Joe asked Ricky even though he knew that it is ridiculous.


“I need to talk to Changjo to stop seeing you.”

“Hyung! No!”

“Why are you protecting him so much?”


“You like him right?”

“Are you doubting me?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

“Everyone can doubt my love for you, but you can’t!” Ricky shouted before leaving the room in a fit of anger.

In a fit of anger, L.Joe sweeps the stack of papers on his desk off. L.Joe regretted quarrelling with Ricky, he called Ricky but he knew Ricky won’t answer his calls, and it have been hours and Ricky still isn’t home yet. Left with no choice, he went to Changjo’s room and saw Changjo and Chunji hugging each other.

“Changjo… Can you… help me find Ricky?” L.Joe requested since he knew that Ricky is close with Changjo.

Upon hearing that Ricky is missing, Changjo stood up and asked, “What happened? Why is he still not home at this hour?”

L.Joe sighed and felt guilty, “We quarrel, and I know I’m in the wrong, I shouldn’t have quarrel with him on our 100th day. I called him but he doesn’t want to answer it, Changjo-ah, can you help me find Ricky, please...”

“I shouldn’t have let Ricky go out with you!” Changjo screamed right at L.Joe’s face before heading out to find Ricky.

As Chunji is about to leave the room, L.Joe grabbed Chunji’s arms and said, “Do you like Changjo?”

Chunji didn’t answer but said, “You should go and pacify your baby instead, hurting him so hard on your 100th day.”

“What about us?” L.Joe asked looking right into Chunji’s eyes.

“I’m game for some fling, but today is not the time,” Chunji said before going back to his room.


After that quarrel, L.Joe and Ricky had a cold war and instead L.Joe went to find Chunji and didn’t bother to pacify Ricky leaving Ricky heartbroken. L.Joe and Ricky still shares the same room, L.Joe still cuddles Ricky to sleep even though Ricky resisted but he gave in because he knew that he sleeps best with L.Joe cuddling him.

One day, Ricky, Chunji and L.Joe was at home since the other 3 have schedules, Ricky knew that L.Joe likes to drink banana milk, he poured a cup and intends to bring to his room and apologized for that quarrel, the moment Ricky opened the door, he saw L.Joe leaving hickey on Chunji’s neck.

Ricky’s eyes widen, he dropped the glass of milk and Chunji and L.Joe stopped what they are doing, L.Joe tried to explain but as he gets closer to Ricky, Ricky backed off, L.Joe saw the tears forming around Ricky’s eyes and for some reason, his heart hurts. Ricky just shook his head in disbelief.

Ricky felt betrayed, “I will never believe you again. NEVER!” Ricky shouted before locking himself inside the room.

L.Joe tried to stop Ricky from locking the door but he was a step too late. Ricky only unlocked the door the next morning, he cried the whole night as his eyes are puffy red. L.Joe walked towards Ricky and tried to explain but Ricky looked at him with hatred in his eyes, “Don’t touch me! Don’t even come near to me!” Ricky raised his voice and this is the first time the members have seen Ricky like this.


Though Ricky have never tell L.Joe that they are breaking up, but Ricky doesn’t even go close to L.Joe at all, no matter how hard L.Joe tried to get close to Ricky but Ricky will always avoids him and instead went to find Changjo. L.Joe started to realize that the person he love isn’t Chunji anymore, but it’s Ricky.

“You, like me right?” Ricky asked Changjo one day over dinner as all of them looked at Changjo.

Changjo just nodded his head before blushing. Ricky smiled when he saw Changjo’s answer. “Shall we go out together?” Ricky asked he wanted his revenge; he wanted L.Joe to have a taste of what is heart break.

“No way!” L.Joe protested.

Ricky became another person whenever he talks to L.Joe, “I don’t think you have the right after whatever you have done to me.”

L.Joe pulled Ricky away to his room; he locked the door and kissed Ricky forcefully. Ricky struggled and managed to break free, “What do you think you are doing!”

“You are mine, and forever will be mine!” L.Joe shouted as he tried to kiss Ricky again.

“After what you have did to me? You said this after the heartaches you brought for me?” Ricky shouted back.

Tears forming in Ricky’s eyes, “I hate you! Do you know how much I hate you! I hate the look in your eyes, I hate your smile, I hate your laughter, I hate your smirk, I hate you for getting close to me, I hate your everything, I hate you for ruining my life!” Ricky cried and fell to the floor.

L.Joe was upset, he walked toward Ricky and tried to comfort him but Ricky flung off his hands when he tried to touch him, “I will bring this hate to my grave even till the day I die, I want you to regret!” Ricky said coldly before picking himself up.


Chunji and L.Joe have officially stopped getting intimate ever since Chunji made it clear to L.Joe that he could see that the person in L.Joe’s heart is Ricky and L.Joe should try to win Ricky back since he love Ricky so much.

Ricky and Changjo are officially going out together and Changjo knew that Ricky still cannot forget L.Joe because in Ricky’s sleep, he still calls out L.Joe’s name unknowingly.

“L.Joe…” Ricky called out in his sleep again.

Changjo heard it and he don’t blame Ricky at all as long as Ricky is with him, he is fine.

The next morning, the manager informed them that C.A.P, Chunji, Niel and Changjo got a schedule to attend; Changjo looked at Ricky who is obviously nervous. “Can I bring Ricky along?” Changjo asked the manager who shook his head.

“Its okay, Changjo, I’ll take care of myself,” Ricky smiled to assure him but deep inside his heart, he is scared.

After they left, Ricky just stayed inside his room avoiding any contact with L.Joe. He heard a knock on his door and immediately jumped up from his chair, he went to open the door and it’s L.Joe standing infront of him, Ricky immediately ran to the toilet but L.Joe caught his wrist.

“Let me off,” Ricky said as he tried to fling L.Joe’s hand away.

“Why are you always avoiding me?” L.Joe asked as Ricky continues his struggle.

“What if I said I still love you?” L.Joe continues and Ricky stopped struggling.

Ricky put on a brave front, “After everything you did? Have you forgotten that I said I hate you?”

L.Joe was frustrated that Ricky is saying everything just to spite him, he looked at Ricky, “If you hates me, you won’t be scared of me!”

Ricky answered, “I-I’m not!”

“You are stuttering! You are!” L.Joe insisted and Ricky just kept denying the fact.

“Why are you always assuming? I hates how you assume that I’m fine whenever I saw you getting intimate with Chunji-hyung, I hate how you assume I’m didn’t see you getting intimate with Chunji-hyung, I hate-“ before Ricky could finish listing down all his hates to L.Joe, L.Joe kissed him on his lips to shut him up.

Tears flowed down Ricky’s face; L.Joe stopped and asked, “Why are you crying?”

“Because I hate you…” Ricky shouted before going back to his room.

L.Joe pulled Ricky into his hug before he could go back to his room, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” L.Joe apologized.

“It’s too late…” Ricky answered.

“I’m with Changjo now and he treats me really well,” Ricky continues praising Changjo as L.Joe could not help getting jealous.

“I can treat you well too,” L.Joe reasoned.

“You can’t.”

“I can love you as much as him too!”

“You can’t.”

“I can give you what he gave you!”

“You can’t.”

L.Joe started panicking, “I – I, I can – I can,” L.Joe could not think of something and this makes him realized that all these while, it was Ricky who treats him well, Ricky who love him much more than he love Ricky.

“Look, you can’t even think of something that you can win Changjo,” Ricky said before walking away.

L.Joe turned and finally said, “I won your heart and he can’t.”

Ricky froze in his step, it’s true, L.Joe had been always in his heart and he can’t fit Changjo in his heart although they are together. The rest of the members came back and saw L.Joe a distance away from Ricky, Changjo rushed forward and saw that Ricky had cried before, angry, he walked towards L.Joe and punched him in the face, “Why are you always hurting Ricky!”

Ricky heard the commotion and went to protect L.Joe from Changjo’s punch. “Ricky!” Everyone was surprised that Ricky will protect L.Joe.

“Please… don’t hit him anymore,” Ricky pleaded as he cried on L.Joe’s chest.

Changjo knew that he had lost; he sighed and gave a stern warning to L.Joe, “L.Joe-hyung! If you hurt Ricky one more time, I’ll make sure you suffer more than what Ricky is suffering!”

L.Joe smiled and looked at Ricky, “I promise I will love you much more than Changjo,” L.Joe said as he wipes off the tears on Ricky’s eyes.

Ricky hugged L.Joe and whispered, “Pabo!”

Ricky then went on to check on L.Joe and realized that his lips is bleeding, “Is it painful?” Ricky asked as he frowned.

“It’s worth the pain because you are finally back to my side,” L.Joe answered before kissing Ricky.

Ricky pushed him away and shouted, “Ewww, the taste of blood!”

L.Joe laughed and went on to kiss him again and they eventually went to L.Joe’s room and L.Joe bit Ricky’s lip and Ricky screamed in pain, “What are you doing?!”

“Tasting your blood!” L.Joe answered.

Ricky used his hands to block L.Joe from kissing him, “You are sick! That’s all for today!” Ricky went to find the tissue to wipe off the blood.

L.Joe backhug him and asked, “Where are you going?”

“Taking my stuff back to your room,” Ricky answered before leaving.

That night, Ricky could finally sleep well in L.Joe’s embrace and the both of them woke up the next day smiling, “You are the most beautiful pig in the world, I love you,” L.Joe whispered into Ricky ears.

Ricky smiled and replied, “I love you too~”


YEAH! Another RickJoe one-shot! Enjoy! & Please don't plagiarize. I found a story on RickJoe and the author using most of my ideas/dialogues from the story 'Believe'. On the first look, It looks just like my story except that the author changed the phrasing and sentence structure. It kinda upset me, but I didn't report that author. You can get inspiration from my stories and developed your own from scratch but please do not just take the dialogue and changed some words and rephrase it and make it your own.

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Chapter 1: Omg... my heart was like jumping everywhere while reading this. I loved it~~~ rickjoe forever ♥
LovingKitty #2
Chapter 1: Omo sweet. but sad for changjo T^T but still love it LOL ^_^
Chapter 1: whoa loving it~ RickJoe <3
babyljoe #4
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :))))))))))
Chapter 1: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

this is so refreshing after so much frustating routine. Thank u for made this sweet RickJoe ff ^^