Chapter 21

My Angel



“Since when did she start to feel the pain in her chest?” Dr. Adams asked Min Ho.



“I don‘t know, she doesn‘t complain to me anything about it. Could you tell me what‘s happening to my sister?” Min Ho asked while holding Hee Young’s hands whose now asleep in bed with oxygen in ..



“Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy was seen on her ECG result. It is a condition in which the heart muscle becomes thick. The thickening makes it harder for blood to leave the heart, forcing the heart to work harder to pump blood. Her heart is now unstable. The count of her red blood cells are starting to drop down as well, It can‘t be helped since she was already diagnosed for Leukemia five years ago.” The doctor explained to Min Ho



“Can‘t you do something about it? I can pay a huge amount of money just to lengthen her life, Please Dr. Adams! Do anything that you can!” Min Ho pleaded.



“Mianhe Mr. Lee, but only a miracle can lengthen her life now. I‘m really sorry…”



“Will she stay longer here in the hospital?”



“She can be release by tomorrow. Just remember that she can‘t afford to be upset nor too excited. When these things happen, her heart could stop on functioning and can cause her a sudden death.”



Min Ho can’t help but to sob quietly. He remember what happen 5 years ago.



-Flashback (5 Years ago)-



“Mr. Lee, does your family have a history of having Leukemia? ” Dr. Adams asked.



“De, my aunt died two years ago because of it. But….please don‘t tell me that my sister inherited it. ”



“I‘m afraid that she did… She have a chronic leukemia..”



“Andwe! she‘s too young to have it. Please do the test again!”



“We‘ve already done several blood test to her and still have the same result. Chronic Leukemia grows slowly so she can still live her life normally for the next few years.”



“So you‘re just telling me that my sister has only few more years to live?”



“I‘m really sorry about it Mr. Lee.”



“No, I won‘t allow it to happen, I‘ll bring my sister in abroad and will find a way to cure it.” Min Ho said sternly said to Dr. Adams.





Hee Young stands in front of the glass window in the lobby, looking at the sky. Comprehending everything she overheard in Min Ho and Dr. Adams conversation.



“My precious!” Min Ho exclaimed while heading towards to her.



“How was the result?” She asked, pretending that she doesn’t know anything.



“Oh, about the result, Dr. Adams said that your just anemic. Nothing serious.”



“Come on Min Ho oppa, you know that you‘re not good in lying. Are you really going to hide everything from me?” she said calmly.



“What are you talking about?”



“I overheard your conversation with Dr. Adams”



“You did?? Didn‘t I told you to wait for me here?”



“I did wait here, but you left your phone on my bag and Mr. Kim was calling you about your meetings so I decided to follow you. Then I overheard it.”



“Why are you still calm knowing all about it?”



“Does my crying will solve anything?? I’m not afraid to death, but I‘m afraid to lose everyone that I love.” Hee Young tried to hold back her tears but she failed .



Min Ho wiped the tears in her cheeks and embraced her. “it‘s alright to cry my precious, we‘ll go to US and find the best doctors that could cure it. You‘re not going to lose anyone.” Min Ho said to her dongsaeng who’s now sobbing because of  pain.



After 5 Years



“Min Ho oppa, I want to stop now.”



“What are you talking about?”



“I don‘t want to continue with the medications anymore. I want to go back to Korea now, I want to spend my remaining time there.”



“Why are you saying these things? didn't we agree that we were going to do anything just to cure your illness?”



“De, but we both know that my body stops responding to treatments six month ago. There‘s no reason left for me to stay here. Let‘s just go home. I really miss omma and appa. I want to spend my time with them.”



“Are you really sure about it?” Min Ho asked.



“Yes, ”



“Arasso, I‘ll tell to Ms. Shane to send in Korea all the pending documents that I need to sign.  We‘ll go back to Korea tomorrow.”



“Kumawo Oppa…..Jeungmal komawo…”



-End of Flashback-



 “Why does she have to experience these horrible diseases?” He asked himself. “If only I could take away your sufferings, If only I could be in that bed instead of you. If only I could give my life just to extend yours.” Min Ho said in tears.






“Hyung Jun ah!” Jung Min exclaimed when he saw Hyung Jun sitting outside of Hee Young’s room. He ran towards him followed by Young Saeng, and Kyu Jong.



“Jung Minnie!!!” The crying maknae ran and hugged him tightly.



“What happened?, we leave the studio as soon as we received your call.” Jung Min said as he patted his head.



“Minnie, I‘m scared. I’m really scared when I saw her passed out in front of me. I don‘t want Hee Youg Noona to die” Hyung Jun cried harder.



“Pabo… She can‘t die like that. Maybe she just got stressed out.” Kyu Jong said to him trying to brighten up the cloudy atmosphere and trying to hide his fears as well.



“Hyung Jun ah…. Can you loosen a bit your hug?  I can‘t breath. I might be admitted here too if you won‘t loosen it.” Jung Min said.



“Where is she now?” Young Saeng asked.



“She‘s inside her room with the doctor and Min Ho Hyung.” Hyung Jun replied and escaped himself from hugging Jung Min.



“Min Ho Hyung is already here?” Kyu Jong asked.



“De, noona told me to call him before she passed out” Hyung Jun said while Jung Min wiping his tears.



Doctor Adams came out from Hee Young’s room.



“How is Hee Young doing?” Young Saeng asked first.



“She‘s still sleeping. As of now, she‘s not in critical state anymore so you could relax .”



Kyu Jong sensed something after hearing the words “As of now” from Dr. Adams.



“Wait a minute, why did you say ‘as for now‘?? Does it mean that it may occur again.”



“Mianhe but I have other patients to attend to.” Dr. Adams avoid to answer his question just like what Min Ho requested to him.






“Can you keep this thing between us? I don’t want to let them know what’s happening to her. My sister wants to live her life normally.” Min Ho said.



“I understand.” Dr. Adams replied.



-End of Flashback-



Min Ho wiped his tears  when Young Saeng, Kyu Jong, Jung Min and Hyung Jun entered the room.



“Min Ho Hyung, how is she?” Kyu Jong asked.



“Dr. Adams said that she‘s fine now.”



“What happened to her?” Young Saeng asked this time.



“She got stressed out. That’s all. Hyung Jun ssi, komawo for giving me a call. ”



“Anniyo, noona said that i should call you. I just got lucky to find your number in her phone.”



Min Ho hide his tears and just gave them a smile. “I‘m going to fix her hospital papers. She will be release tomorrow.”



“Hyung, Isn’t it too early for her to be release tomorrow?” Kyu Jong asked.



“The doctor said that she’s already fine, and you know her Kyu, she‘s not the type of girl that would like to stay in bed.” Min Ho leaned to her bed and give his donsaeng a kiss on her forehead. “My precious, Oppa will be gone for a few minutes to fixed your papers so we could go home tomorrow. Have a rest now. ” He whispered before leaving her with the guys.



“Guys, could you take care of  my precious for a while? I’ll be back as soon as I fixed the hospital papers.”



The four guys just nod to him in response. After Min Ho leaves the room, Young Saeng and Kyu Jong sit beside Hee Young’s bed while Jung Min and Hyun Jun sit on the couch.



“Hyung Jun ah, how come that you‘re with Hee Young when this things happened? You told us that you‘re going to leave the studio early so you could buy your cousin a present right?” Young Saeng curiously asked.



“Mianhe hyung, I asked Hee Young noona to help me to buy a present. If  I knew that this would happen, I shouldn‘t asked for her help in the first place.”



“You could‘ve just ask one of us or lianne noona to come with you. You know that she‘s already busy with their company.” Young Saeng continued to scold him.



“I‘m sorry hyung. I‘m really sorry.” Hyung Jun said in apologetic manner.



“Do..n’t scold ….him ” Hee Young said to Young Saeng while trying to remove the oxygen in .



The guys gather around her bed when they saw that she was already awake.



“Are you okay now? Do you need something? Should I call the doctor?” Kyu Jong panicky asked. He was about to leave to call the doctor when Hee Young hold his hand.



“I‘m fine, just call them later. Sorry if I made you worry about me.”



“It‘s okay, it‘s good to know that you‘re fine now. Please don‘t exhaust yourself too much” Jung Min said.



“Noona, mianhe. I‘m really sorry. I never knew this could happen.”



“Kwenchana, I‘m fine now so stop being sorry about it.” Hee Young said to him. “By the way, what are you all doing here? don‘t you have practice today?”



“We‘re done with it, only Hyun Joong Hyung left in the studio. He said that he‘ll be here as soon as he‘s done with it.” Kyu Jong replied.



“I still feel sleepy, I‘ll just catch more sleep okay?? ”



“Go ahead, sleep now. I‘ll be here when you wake up.” Young Saeng whispered to her while caressing her hair.





Hee Young got released on the next day. Min Ho told Young Saeng that her sister cannot continue her P.A activities with him anymore just to prevent her from being stressed again and Young Saeng agree with it. The boys often come to her house for a visit. They make sure that they could see Hee Young once or twice a week even if their schedule was fully packed.



One night, Young Saeng asked Hee Young out for dinner. When they arrived at the venue, Young Saeng covered her eyes and helped her with the steps until they arrived on the right spot. He slowly take off his hands. Hee Young found herself on an open garden with a table arranged for two. The view of sea on the side makes the place more romantic. After Hee Young and Young Saeng had their dinner, Hee Young stood up and takes a few steps to see the full view of the wide sea.




“How can you find places like these? And how can this moments exist?”



“Let‘s just say that I‘m pretty good to find a perfect place for the right girl” Young Saeng replied.



“It‘s like the wind, I can‘t see it but I can feel it.”



“And what do you feel?” Young Saeng asked.



“I feel wonder, beauty, joy, love. It‘s like I‘m the center of everything.”



Young Saeng stood up and walks toward to her. He stands in front of her and stare at her face.



“Can I kiss you?”



“I maybe bad at it” Hee Young shyly replied.



“That‘s not possible.” Young Saeng take a few more steps and reach her lips. He kissed her passionately and Hee Young just follow his lead.



“Hee Young, I love you…” Young Saeng finally got the courage to confess his feelings to her.



Hee Young stares at him for a while, trying to comprehend everything that he just said.



“Now will be the right time to say something.” Young Saeng said, trying to provoke her to say something.



“I told you not to fall in love with me…” She said with a sad look.



Young Saeng reached again her lips and embraced her tightly

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mako336647 #1
Chapter 23: Awwwww your story is so sweet and so sad at the same time. Can't help myself crying specially on the 'capsule' thing. That was so romatic. *sigh*

Very nice story. Keep up the good work author-nim. : )
ouch!!~~ that was really sad..i cried much at the end of story... i thought before finishing this story there would be really a miracle to happen even i know its too impossible..coz it will make the story not realistic.. but im just hoping it..coz i dont want young saengie to be hurt..but anyway its really nice i love made me really cried so much... especially at the last statement of young saengie..<br />
<br />
your a good nice story!!~~ love it..:)) just keep it up..
youngsaengprincess #3
thanks meggie!! ^^,
First Comment~ lolzz<br />
<br />
PS: all reader~ u must read this story~ Youngsaeng oppa so cute in here ^^ lolz