
One Spring Day

I was there yesterday again, watching for the seagull's flight but he wasn't there i was waiting for him but he was not there.

"Unnie! the delivery is there already!" one worker shouted.

"Ah, really? oh please settle it for me thank you!" i said sweetly. 

"Ah, yes!" she replied loudly.

"Woah, how are you today? you look so beautiful today." i said.

"You're talking again to your dear flowers aerine." Father said.

"Appa.." i said 

"Oh, hahaha, my dear daughter." he hugged me and ruffled my hair. 

"Ah! appa, my hair." i said releasing his hands.

"Unnie! ah, please sign it, it's for the delivery next week, we also have to oder some stargazer for the coming wedding of Mr &Mrs. Dee." a girl remind.

"Ah, is that so? Cory please handle it for me order the stargazer needed okay? by the way? where's erikca?" i asked.

"ah, unnie, she's still, on the.. ah" she said stammering

"AH! I'm here, sorry for being late. sorry." she said bowing unklimitedly.

"Better start your work." i said calmly.

"Ah! Yes!" she said.

"Oh by the way, tomorrow is the delivery for the occasion in seoul where you need to do it with me erikca." i said.

"ah, ne! i understand boss." she said.

"okay very well then. you better be good, i don't want that gathering will be good for nothing okay?" 

"Yes! boss! i will do my best fighting!" she replied.

"Fighting erikca-ssi" the girls whispered to her. she just made a fighting position.

"Oh, cory, min, ah please settle it okay?" i asked.

"Yes boss! thank you for trust boss!" they both shouted.

I just bowed and smiled.

"Ne~" i answered with a smile that can see my  appreciation.

"Ah, aerine. what a wonderful workers you have eh?" father said out of the blue.

"Ne~, of course i have. that workers was mother's workers children, i know that they treasure this farm because this is one of their life possession, because their parents work here and made dreams insisde this farm of course they'll sure treasure it like i do." i said smiling.

"Ah, you're right. your mom love this, when she was still young she dream of this since the day he knew my name."

"Ah, father, you make me miss mother, how can you possbly do this to me." i asked mercily."Ah. beg with me i know you miss here but, you just can't say that out of the blue."

"AH my dear daughter, you're one of the biggest girft hat i have received and your mother as well, and this. This farm that we only have." 

"I know father, i know" and together as we reminiscence.

By the way, my name is Aerine (pronounce as I-re-ne) Goo. Goo Aerine. I live in the northern south korea. Gyeonggi region near Seoul. I have this dream since i was 8, i can't understand what it is. but, i always see this man, standing far away from me, i always sat on this bench beside this old tree, infront of the wide sea.  He's always staring at the sea, he alwasy wear this white collar shirt, flying with the strong wind. All i can saw is him an dthe view of that wide sea. All i can do is wake up, and think about it everyday. But, just can't let that dream make me worst everyday. But i will make everyday a mysterious happy day. Now that i am 19 i can still dream that dream, that view was a view from the near spot of it, and it has a bench an dthat big tree. But the bench was almost drown to the dried leaves the tree giving away an dthe bench is almost going to break because of the lack of maintenance. That was the spot, the spot where i saw myslef looking at this view an dthat mysterious man, standing far away from me.

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No problem :) Nice story !