
Love came with the snow

Kris, Lay and the boy which name I didn't know continued chatting in Chinese. The tallest pulled Lay with him trough the door behind the counter and they were gone. Suddenly Chanyeol dropped himself on the chair where Lay was sitting just a few minutes ago. Sehun came out of the door and looked around for Kai. He spotted him and made his way over. "Oh. EunHee-Noona annyeong." He waved at me with a shy smile and sat down at the chair across from me.

"So Kai. Why aren't you flirting with Eunhee. I mean she is totally your typ and she's pretty too." Chanyeol asked Kai. I could feel that my ears turned red and my cheeks got lightly pink. Kai scratched his head in embarrassment. "Well, if I'm honest I already flirted with her." He said quietly starring at the table. "But?" The happy boy asked. "She rejected me." He ended. A few seconds of silence followed his answer. Suddenly Chanyeol broke of in big laughter. Even Sehun, who already did know the story, couldn't help but giggle to himself. "The big Kai, who gets every girl, got rejected by a simple high school girl?!" Chanyeol was practically screaming because of laughing. "Simple?!/Yah!" Me and Kai screamed at him while hitting his right and left arm at the same time. "Owie~!" He whined and got up from his seat. "I'll go back to work. Those two are too violant." He mumbled to himself and left. Kai held his hand out for a high5 and I gave it to him. "By the way Chanyeollie." Kai emphasized his name. "She's too smart for you~!" he sang and grinned. "I-I'm not that smart." I stuttered and blushed again. "Not that smart? Noona what are you saying." Sehun made big eyes. "Depends on what Kai means with 'smart'. For Kai everyone who gets better grades then him is smart." Baekhyun explained, while he exhamined a magazine. "Let's make this clear." Kai crossed his arms. "My grades aren't that bad anymore. Thank you very much Byun Baekhyun. And second. She, Kim Eunhee." Kai pointed at me. "Is the first-rank-student since we got into High School." Kai stated firmly. "No. 1 student?!" Baekhyun exclaimed. Kai nodded. "Well then.Nothing for Derpyeol there." he pointed over at him with his thumb. Chanyeol just gave him a glare from the side, but didn't say anything. "Anyways. Why didn't you two introduce us to her earlier? You three seem close. Sehun even calls her Noona." Baekhyun looked away from his magazine and gazed at us. "Sehun calls everyone Noona." Kai sat while poking my glass with his finger. "That's....true." the youngest grinned shyly.

It was shortly before 7AM as my cellphone rudly ripped me out of my sleep. I groand while I d around on my bedside table to find my loudly ringing phone. "What?!" I moaned into the speaker after I took a look at the caller-ID. "Rise and shine my dear Eunhee. I know we have no school today, because to much snow outside, but that doesn't stop me from dragging you shopping with me." my best friend Yoona chirped at the other side. I let ou a sigh. "Na~. You know I love you right, but do you know what 'The school won't take place today,because the snow is everywhere' means? It means don't go anywhere and stay in your bed." I rolled over and my stomach and rested my head on my arms. "Tsh lazy bum. I'm already infront of your door. So move down and opend before I freeze to death here." she shot back. Aish this girl. "Fine I'll be right there."I sighned and hang up. Slowly; I wrapped my blanket around me and toddled the stairs down to the front-door. My hand reached out for the doorhandle and pulled it open. "Finally." Yoona groaned and strolled in. "Yeah come in." I said as I looked after her and closed the door. She went straight to my living room and plopped herself down on the couch. "That's what I love about your house. It's always warm. Even on a freaking hot summerday when it felt like 40 degrees. It's always a bit warmer inside your house." she grinned sarcasticly. "Ha..ha...you're so funny." I threw ad glare at her. Sometimes I wasn't sure why she even was my best friend, but if I think about it I would be totally lost without her. "What do you want?" I asked her and sat down next to her. "You know this market in the German district right?" she gave me her puppy eyes. "Yeah..and?" I looked at her. "Please go with me and some friends to the christmas market. Please please please." she moved that she were sitting on her knees while she pleaded me. "With whom?" I gave her a look. "Secret. But please HeeHee.I can't go alone." she grabbed my hands with her own."Why not?" I narrowed my eyes at her. "Because he's bringing a friend too." she smiled innocently.  "Fine." I gave in.

I ducked my head deeper into my scraf. Yoona did let me change 7-9 times because she wasn't satisfied with my clothes. At the end she looked through my wardrob herself and gave me something. It was to cold for my thinking, but she said we didn't have enough time to change more so I just wore it. "Where are they?" I asked impatienly. "There." Yoona chirped and pointed  towards two persons. My gaze followed her finger and found Kai and Sehun. "But.." I wanted to start, but she interrupted me. "Yeah yeah I know what you think, but please. I really like him."she giggled and waved at Kai which were waving back to her. Yeah, you really like him, but does he really like you? It's not that I was disliking Kai or anything, but everyone knew he was playboy. "Hey Yoona.Nice to see you again EunHee. By the way greetings from Chanyeol." Kai greeted us with his normal smirk. "Huh? Again?Chanyeol." Yoona looked at me. "Ehm.." I wasn't sure how I should explan this to her. "We met surprisingly in the café of my friends. And Chanyeol is a waiter there." Kai explained while he patted my shoulder.  "Yes." I nodded. "Ah~ ok. Let's go." Yoona nodded and turned around. Kai grabbed her hand like it was natrual. I raised one of my eyebrows, bu kept my comment for myself. "Eunhee-noona." Sehun softly called my name. "Ah. Annyeong Sehunnie." I greeted him with a smile. "Sorry that we need to drag you along." he ruffled his own hair. "Na. It's fine Sehun." I grinned. An awkwared silence built itself between us. I looked around and let my gaze wander over all those things at the stands. The air smelled like cinnamon. Did I mention that I love cinnamon? "Hey you two." Kai turned to me and Sehun. "Huh?" I looked up to him. "We're going to wander around alone. So have some fun on your own." Kai quickly explained and pulled Yoona with him. I looked after them bewildered. "Um..." Sehun looked at me. "Let's go to the café of your friends ok?" I smiled at him softly. Sehun just nodded.

"Hyungs." Sehun chirped happily as we entered the café. It was a 180 degrees turn of his personality. Unbelievable. "Ah Sehunnie." a baby-faced boy him. The his gaze landed at me. "Oh. You brought your girlfriend?" he smiled and came towards us. I looked up to Sehun and I saw he was blushing. "I-It's not like that." he scratched his neck. I decided to help him out. "Hi. I'm Kim EunHee. Just a friend from his class." I smiled at him and streched my hand out for him to shake. "Oh, ok. Sorry for that. I'm Luhan." he took my hand and shook it softly. "Sehuns friends are my friends aswell." he added. "Nice to know." I answered shyly. Suddenly two long arms closed around me. Pinning my arms against my body. "EunHee." a familar voice chirped right next to my ear. I turned my head lightly to the left to find Chanyeols head leaning on my shoulder. "Oh Chanyeol." I smiled at him. "Woah she remembered me." Yeol trhew his arms in the air. "Why shouldn't I? You were the most memorable from yesterday." I giggled at his childish behavior. "So you were here already?" Luhan questioned. "Yes. I passed by accidentally and I were bored anyways." I told him. He nodded, but then he turned Chanyeol and glared at him. "What?" he looked at him innocently. "Why didn't you told me there were a pretty girl in our café?" he whined while hitting him playfully. Why couldn't they stop calling me pretty, while I was totally not. "Pretty girl? Where?!" Baekhyun exclaimed from behind the counter. "Eunhee." Chanyeol chirped in reponse. "Oh Annyeong Eunhee." Baekhyun waved enthusiastically. "Hey." I waved back shyly. "Why does everyone know her besides me?" Luhan ruffled his hair and pouted. "Whom?" a deep voice came from behind. I turned around and looked directly at a chest covered by a white shirt. I slowly look up and saw a huge boy standing right infrot of me. "Oh Kris-hyung." Chanyeol greeted him.

So there is Kris ^-^. How is it going so far?
I hope you like it :33


LOL Derpyeol and Kris :DD

Luhan...no hitting xD Especially not Tao D:

See you next time guys ^^ *waves*

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Chapter 2: update soon
chocolatefreak #2
This story is very interesting
Please update soon! :D
chocolatefreak #3
This story is very interesting
Please update soon! :D