Chapter 1

Teacher [GS]

Yoona and Donghae had been a married couple for almost eight years now, and in those eight years, they had been given a beautiful daughter that they named Yoonji. Yoona and Donghae are living happily and lovingly. They faced each problem that comes their way together. No one can separate them and they love each other so much together with their little angel. In the eight years of being together, Donghae worked hard for his family and soon reached the top, he now owns his own company, Lee Corp. Inc. Yoona decided to just stay at home since her husband earns a lot. She just takes care of the house and their daughter Yoonji, who’s at the age of eight, is attending the school, in her grade two class.


Their family life is perfect, until one day, Yoona fainted at home. Yoonji is currently at school while Donghae is at work. Both of them had no idea of what happened to their house since they are both busy doing their things.


Donghae was surprised that Yoona didn’t open the door for them once he and Yoonji arrived. He also noticed that the house is quiet and he doesn’t hear anything from her. He started to worry. He quickly checked their bedroom to find Yoona when he heard Yoonji crying coming from the kitchen.


“Umma! Umma! Appa!” Yoonji cries trying to shake Yoona. Donghae quickly comes down to the kitchen and got shocked when he saw Yoona lying unconsciously on the floor while her daughter was crying trying to wake her up. He got back to his senses and quickly went to her side and carries her bridal style and sprintly went to the car, Yoonji following behind. Yoonji opened the car and Donghae placed the unconscious Yoona at the backseat.


“She will be alright.” His voice cracked as he told the crying Yoonji beside him.


They reached the hospital in 30 minutes and the nurses quickly attended to Yoona. They patiently wait outside the emergency room wondering what is wrong with her. Soon Yoonji fell asleep, her head rested on Donghae’s lap.


After less than an hour, which for Donghae seems like forever, the doctor emerged from the emergency room. Donghae got up; holding Yoonji by his arm so the latter’s head is resting on his shoulder.


“You must be her relatives?” The doctor, Dr. Kim, who looks like not more than her forties, asked Donghae.


“She’s my wife. I’m Lee Donghae. What happened to her? Is everything alright?” Donghae asked the doctor, tears streaming down his face. Dr. Kim looked away and shook her head.


“Mr. Lee, we’ve tried everything we can but...” Dr. Kim said looking at Donghae and he looks miserable, it hurts to see people who cry in front of her for their loved ones who she can’t save. “...but, it’s too late, Mr. Lee, when she arrived here, she still have a very weak pulse, we tried to save her, but it looks like she collapsed for so long already. Does she have a heart problem?” Dr. Kim asked but Donghae wasn’t paying attention. If it wasn’t for Yoonji who’s been in his arms sleeping, he might faint with all the news that’s been given to him. His eyes were clouded with tears as tears kept on streaming down his cheek. He just can’t believe what’s happening. He shook his head as an answer to the doctor and to himself that this weren’t real and he’s just dreaming and soon, Yoona will wake him up.


“She got a heart attack, so you didn’t know she had a heart problem? It seems like she hide it from you. I can see that she’s taking medication but it looks like the medication failed this time.” Dr. Kim shakes her head. “I’ll be going now,” she left Donghae whose still in shock with what just happened.


The following days became so hard for Donghae and Yoonji. Donghae didn’t go to work for about a month and all he did at home was to cry his heart out and reminisce the happy days. He also started drinking alcohol and started smoking. On the other hand, Yoonji tries to comfort her father but he always shook her away. Yoonji cries silently at her room. One day at school, her teacher finally noticed her after seeing her looks so helpless a day in class. Yoonji talked to her and her teacher promised that she’ll help her.


After one year...


Donghae still hadn’t move on with the death of his wife. He still cries every night and he sleeps with Yoona’s picture on his side. He got back to his work and he completely changed. When it comes to work, he became strict and cold-hearted to his employees. His employees became afraid to him but he doesn’t care. He stays on his office for the whole day and then fetches Yoonji at her teacher’s house then they go home together. This has been his daily routine for one whole year and maybe, for the coming days too.


As much as possible, he tries to avoid going in the kitchen, thus, eating dinner with his now, 9-year-old daughter outside every day. Since his life is now dedicated to his work, he got no time for his daughter anymore. He knows that she’s hurting but he’s doing this for her future. She’s becoming distant and it hurts to know that her teacher, which she spends the day every day with her, is much closer than him. So he decided that he’s gonna spend more time with Yoonji and he will try to move on.


The first thing he thought was to buy a new house. He decided to sell the house they’re currently living and he just bought a condo unit near his company. Yoonji doesn’t like the idea but since she thought that it’s the way of her father’s moving on, she agreed to it.


At a young age, Yoonji has been a bright and intelligent kid. She knows what her father’s feelings at the moment so she tries to understand him. She’s lucky to have a teacher, who takes care of her, for her teacher knows what is happening with Yoonji. Donghae trusts her to take care of Yoonji. So Yoonji and her teacher have a relationship that’s not like the student-teacher relationship. She’s happy to open up with someone whenever her father is busy, just like a mother.




Hello! new fic~~! hope you like chap 1. Omg i'm so sorry i will try to update my other fics in the coming days if i still can.

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wnazura #1
Chapter 2: Found this and really like the story. Author-nim pls update soon.
Chapter 2: Please update soon
muchLove #3
Chapter 2: Hope Hae will attend the family day just for Yoonji.
Chapter 2: cant wait for the next chapter
thanks for sharing^^
Chapter 2: Hae is such a mean person. I bet he doesn't go cause he doesnot like it when he sees guys with their wife.
love ur fic
update soon:))
kina_kirana #7
Chapter 1: love this...pelase update frequently.good job
muchLove #8
Chapter 1: New Reader! Your fic is interesting. Will subscribe to this :)