Anonymous Gift

The Baddest Chick in the Game


Athena’s POV


Jaejoong is singing on the recording studio. It is my first time to watch him actually do his work. Observing him quietly, I couldn’t contain my smile because he looks so charismatic and handsome in my eyes. He is working hard on this new album and even though I’m not a professional in music, I can say that the material has a great potential.


He is burning with passion since he starts going back to work. He works day and night writing lyrics and brainstorming with the other composers. He’s really busy these days so this time, I’m the one who goes and visit him. I would like to support him as much as I can.


I mime the lyrics to the song he is singing...the one with the title ‘One Kiss’.



            “He’s working so hard. Seeing his work ethics, it’s admirable and inspiring....The way he commit to his’s hard to find that on newcomers nowadays...” Kim Bada sshi comments.


I turn to her beside me. Like me, she’s also watching over Jaejoong’s recording. She’s a former S.E.S. member and now working with Jaejoong with his album. We just met today but we already chatted about some things.


            “It’s gonna be a hit....we should rest assure.” She follows.

I give a half smile.


There is no doubt that he’ll come successful in this. He’s been in this industry for almost a decade so he knows exactly what to do....I do believe fans and non-fans will love this new offering. I already made a plan of buying some copies on the first day of release. I’m going to walk in to the record store and buy them personally to show my support. He’ll definitely be surprised.


            “Ah, before I forget....can we take a picture together?” she asks.

            “Sure. That’s an honor...”

With the help of an assistant, we snap some photos. We check them after.

            “ really are pretty! How could you still be this pretty when you hardly wear any make up? Your skin is really good...” she praises me while we look at the pictures on her phone.

I smile feeling a bit shy.

            “Thank you Kim Bada sshi...The truth is you look great too. You look younger than your age...”

            “Really? I hope so!” she chuckles. “Can I post this on me2DAY?” she asks after.

            “Yeah...” I nod.

            “Great!” She immediately types in some captions. “Working..... in with.... Kim Jaejoong.....and look....who’s here!...” she says what she’s typing.




Jaejoong comes out of the recording booth after finishing the song.


            “What do you think?” he places his hand at the back of my waist.

He was practicing the song earlier and I think the lyrics is great.

            “The music is awesome. I actually like it...” I honestly answer.

He smile and look at Bada sshi beside us.

            “Bada noona, what’s that?” and he take a peek at the photo she’s uploading.

            “Athena sshi and I took some photos earlier. I’m uploading them on my me2DAY.”

            “Seems like you had fun without me.” He utters.


We sit on the working table and the two proceed to discuss some album details with the music director. I excuse myself telling them that I’ll just buy us some coffee.






I move to do my errand with the bodyguard assigned by my agency for me.  The weather is good and I couldn’t spot any paparazzi near so I decided to walk to the nearest coffee shop which is just a few blocks away.


Jaejoong is so busy right now so I guess I’ll just stay for another hour before leaving. I think to be able to maintain a relationship in this industry, both should give ways to each other. If one is working on a big project, the other one should have a lighter schedule to support and see the busy one. That way, they can avoid drifting apart due to work. I’ve heard a lot of celebrities breaking up because of their tight schedules. Imagine they are so happy and with each other all the time then the next minute is that they could hardly see each other leading up to a split. That probably ....


I ask the bodyguard to wait for me by the door. I walk in to the coffee shop. The place is neither empty nor crowded. The customers look my way and I smile to those I meet gaze with. I start seeing smiling faces as they respond to it. I quietly stand in the line.


            “Ms. Athena, you can go first if you want.” The lady in front says.

            “Don’t worry. I don’t mind falling in line. Thank you though.” I politely refuse.

I notice a group of girls looking at me with some shy expressions. I smile at them.

            “Hi there.” I greet.

I think it’s the only signal they are waiting for. They walk towards me and ask for autographs and photos. After that, some other customers approach me for the same thing.


            “You are not a snob like what other people say....” The girl says as I sign her notebook.

I smile and shrug my shoulders.

            “Yeah...they sure do.” I agree.


I’m not good in making a good impression and I know that. I don’t have a good relationship with the media and paparazzi and that makes my image even worse. Though I admit that I at socializing but still, I know how to treat and prioritize a fan.


            “How’s Kim Jaejoong, Ms. Athena?” asks the other.

            “Well, he’s doing great. Are you his fan?” I ask.

The girl shyly nods.

            “When is he going to be active again? I hope he can perform again soon...”

I smile and decided to give her a tip.

            “Don’t worry, it won’t be too long for that to happen. He’s working on an album so you’ll get to see more of him in the future.” I say with a quick wink as a guarantee.

The fangirl place her hands in front of .

            “Omo! Really?! Oh Gosh! I can’t wait!” she says in an excited tone.

            “And you are the first to know that.” I reveal.


I reach the counter but before I go on, I place my index finger in front of my mouth to keep them from making a commotion. They are so excited and happy with what they found out and making a noise would disturb the other customers around…..that’s the last thing I would wish to happen.


So I order some drinks for Jaejoong and the studio people. I take a sit on a corner table while waiting for my orders.



            “Athena sshi!”

I stare at the man and bow my head slightly.


            “I’m Myuk PD of SBS’s Healing Camp.” He introduces himself. He probably read unfamiliarity from my expression.

            “May I?” he asks for a permission to sit.


            “I can’t believe that I’ll bump into you in this café.” He says.

            “I was just around the area and so I took a coffee break.”

            “Uhm…the truth is, I tried approaching you to ask if I can invite you on our program…..” he starts.

I listen intently.

            “We’ve been trying to get you as a guest for three years now but your agency kept on rejecting us.”

            “Ah…is that so?”


Aside from my TV dramas, I don’t usually appear on other programs simply because I don’t like sharing other things about me aside from my acting.


            “If it’s not too much to ask, I wish to personally invite you in our show. I can compromise on any terms you want so I hope you consider it.” He sincerely says.

            “This ‘Healing Camp’ is a talk show. Isn’t it?” I ask.

            “Yes. We feature different celebrities every episode. It’s like spending a day with them. The guest will show the viewers how they usually spend their day. Also, with the help of our hosts you’ll get to share some things about your career and personal life.” He says.


I didn’t say anything.

            “But of course I know how private you are so maybe we’ll work on things that you can only share…” he adds.


In this situation, a short and direct ‘no’ is my normal response but now I’m thinking, ‘why not?’. Maybe I could make an exception.


            “What do you think?” I could see eagerness in his face.

            “I think it’s a lucky day for both of us Mr. PD….Maybe we can give it a try.” I say.

His face brightens.

            “Really?! Is it a yes?”

I nod carefully.

            “Yeah…it is a yes.”

He closes his fists with excitement.

            “Thank you! Thank you so much Athena sshi….You don’t know how much your words made my day!”


            “Mr. PD….can I also ask for a favor?”

            “Definitely! What is it, tell me….tell me…”

            “I’m not supposed to ask this….and I don’t ask favors like this but uhm…” I hesitate for a moment.

            “Don’t hesitate to tell me. We can help each other Athena sshi so tell me…”

I breathe in.

            “Is it possible to guest JYJ on one of your shows?”

He stares at me.

            “I know the situation but since both sides already reached an agreement, I was thinking if you can give them a chance to appear on TV? Don’t get me wrong, I say yes to your offer but this has nothing to do with that. It’s just uhm, I think it’s not fair for them if the TV networks would always be afraid to take a risk for them… If nobody would step forward, nothing will change. JYJ are doing their best…Park Yoochun just finished a TV drama, Kim Junsu did a series of solo concerts and currently, Kim Jaejoong is working for his own album. With this, I think the people would like to see them back on TV. Now, it’s my turn to ask if you can consider this.” I bow my head.


I hear him sigh.


            “Actually, I feel sorry for them. Other PD’s are afraid to touch on that matter because of the possible consequences. But just like what you said, if nobody would step forward, nothing will be changed…..I’ll talk to the bosses. I will do my best to put in some good words.” He says.

I stare at him.

            “After three years of pursuing you to be on the show, today I finally succeed. I believe in luck so let’s also try to extend our luck on this one.” He utters with a smile.

            “Thank you so much Mr. PD.” I smile too.

            “What show should we put them in?” he asks.

            “I don’t know. It’s up to you….I know you know best where to put them in.”

            “For their television comeback, I think variety is what suits them best. How about ‘Running Man’? I’m also handling this show.”

            “Running Man?” I heard it’s a popular show lately. I nod.


My orders are done so I have to go but before I say goodbye, I also asked Myuk PD not to let anyone know especially JYJ that I ask for this favor and he promised to keep it as a secret between the two of us.


Jaejoong and I are in a relationship that is work free. We don’t meddle with each other’s career decisions. However, I would like to help JYJ this one time.


God, please make this work….I promise to stay away from doing more than that. I pray you bless this small gift from me and let me remain anonymous ‘till the end.






A few days later....

Jaejoong’s POV



            “Arch your back a little and look intensely to the camera.” The photographer instructs which I follow.

We wrapped up the recording just yesterday and I’m doing my album photo shoot now.

            “Nice..” he praises as he continue to take more shots.



            “Alright....” he stops. “We’ll just take a short break.” He says.


I immediately walk towards Athena and sits in the couch with her. She gives me a bottled water and I drink.


            “Aigoo.....suddenly, I want to take a nap....” I utter as I lie on her lap.

She consciously looks around.

            “What do you think you’re doing? A lot of people can see us....” she whispers.

I smile to myself. She’s not fond of PDA as usual.

            “I’m just lying down because it is break’s not something to be shy about.” I answer.

She just shakes her head as a form of surrender.

            “After this shoot, go home and take a lot of sleep. You haven’t getting enough sleep these days.” She says.


            “Are you tired?” she asks.


            “I’ll give you a massage.” She says.

I sit with my back facing her. Her soft hands press my shoulders and neck.

            “What do you think you’re doing? A lot of people can see us....” I with the same dialogue.

She presses harder inflicting pain to me.

            “Ahh!!!Just kidding! Just kidding....” I say.


I close my eyes and enjoy her massage. I’ve been so busy lately but it is not an issue with her. In fact, she’s the one making efforts for us to be able to be together. Though she has her own schedules, she sees to it that she could join me. It’s nice to have her around while I work because I can show her what I do. I can introduce my music to her. I think she’s doing a great job in adjusting. People around me are now comfortable with her presence too.


I am truly thankful of the full support she’s giving me.


            “What time is your schedule today?” I ask her.

            “I have to go after thirty minutes.”


            “Are you nervous about the album’s release?” she asks.

I smile.

            “No. I’m more of excited and proud....While doing the recording, I know that my fans will like it.”

I really didn’t feel any pressure doing it. I don’t know....I just enjoy doing this album.


Athena puts her hands down.


            “Silly of me to forget about your overflowing optimism....” she comments.


Manager hyung approaches us.    


            “Jaejoong ah, good news! We got positive reactions about the teaser!” he says.

They released a video clip of my studio recording.

            “See?” I tell Athena.

            “Congratulations hyung!” Yoochun and Junsu say in unison.

They came with manager hyung.

            “Oh, You are here?” I say.

Manager hyung goes out as he answer his phone.

            “Anneyonghaseyo..” Athena greets them.

            “Ah, are here too?” Junsu says while Yoochun nods at her.

The two pull out chairs to sit on.


            “ I feel like having my own solo too...” Yoochun jokes.


I know he’s just trying his best to act normal. He might appear to be in a good mood even thought it wasn’t that long since he split with Park Ha but I know that he’s thinking a lot about it.


            “We brought some snacks.” Junsu gives me a bag of snacks.


            “Guys!” Manager hyung gets our attention. “That moment is finally here....” he says with excitement in his voice.

            “What is it, hyung?” Junsu asks.

            “The office just called me. There’s an offer for the three of you to appear on Running Man....this week.” He announces.

I’m speechless....I don’t know if I heard it right.


            “Chincha?!” Junsu reacts.

            “They asked us to guest on their show?” Yoochun clarifies.

Manager hyung nods.

            “Yeah!!!!!!” Junsu and Yoochun stands because of joy.

I turn to Athena.

            “You heard that? We’ll be appearing on TV again.....” I say.

She smiles.

            “Are you happy?” she asks.

            “Am I happy? I am more than happy! This is awesome!” suddenly, an excited feeling spread across my chest.

            “Congratulations then. I’m happy for the three of you.” Athena says to us.

Yoochun, Junsu, and I hug each other because of happiness.

            “Hyung, finally.....finally....a chance!” Yoochun says.

            “This is totally daebak!!!JYJ will be on television again!” says Junsu.


I can’t describe how happy I am at this moment. After years of holding it all in.....a door of chance opened for us. We can finally make a television comeback as JYJ where we can also officially greet the viewers. 





[Author's Note]:


My heart pounds and I know why......

It's because I know that this story is reaching it's end.....yup. 

This will be my last update for the week. I won't be updating the week after because I want to concentrate writing the last few chaps. 

So, I want to hear your thoughts......please comment.

See you again after 12 days......^_^



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write....:( I'll try to do an update next week...sorry...


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Sweetdryad #1
Chapter 93: This is by far one of the best I've ever read!! I love how his characters really grow and you see their relationship develop. I hope u write a lot more stories like this!!
Chapter 92: Gosh I can't believe Jae is back from the army! I do not how many times I have read this but jinjja I used to think how it will be like if he will go to the army and now he is back. I am so happy Jae has finished his service and get to be with us forever! I missed him so much when he was gone and this story is the medicine from my longingness of Jaejoong.
PiKai_chu #3
Chapter 93: no words could describe how good this story is . i enjoyed reading it and i'm glad for their relationships . ♡♥♡
Chapter 93: As far as i remember i subscribed to this story, i think you're in the middle of writing chap. 10 - 20.. But haven't had a chance to read the whole story, but now after 501 years i finished readin it and i super duper love it. One of the best jaejoongxoc story. I love athena's character. She's an epitome of strong woman. She's been hell but despite all those bad circumstances, she stand up on her own two feet and showed everyone she deserved what she have. I also like how you portrayed everyone character. I just love it!! I can't find the exact word to show how i love the story. Their love is worth the wait. I love these so much!!!
sn123456 #5
Authornim you have no idea how many time I've been reading this. It's not one of the best, but it's the best story I've read. It gave the feeling of realistic and attachment. You have a great talent so please share more works from your talent with us. Please come back soon.
HyunJane #6
Chapter 93: I don't remember how many times I have read this story and I got really hooked with this. Author-nim can I request for a sequel? I swear J really like the plot of the story and this story is close to reality because it explains every consequence of having an idol-boyfriend. So here I am asking for a sequel and I hope you grant my wish someday Y(^_^)Y
Chapter 94: Ash,this was the best story i've ever read.Why has it now been featured?I think it deserves to be featured
HyunJane #9
Chapter 93: 4th time rereading this! OMGGGGGGGG~~~~~ I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!! <333333333 really jjang! /thumbs up/
this fic is one of the best fics!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
i hope you will do some fanfics like this again~ or a sequel? ^_^ nahh~ too much request~xD
i hope you will do some jaejoong fics again!^^^^
Love this story so much. I love how aside from the two main characters you have side story for junsu and yoochun as well :) jaejoong is so perfect i cant even hahaha hope to see more story from you ^^