

Kyungsoo stares at the handsome man in front of him, wondering why life always seemed so unfair to some, but so good to others. The windows are open and the autumn air is freezing to the bones but he doesn’t bother because Kim ing Jongin is smiling at him smugly and looking like he  probably belongs there in Kyungsoo’s precious music room and he’s not going anywhere anytime soon because he knows he’s annoying the hell out of Kyungsoo and is enjoying every second of it. Damn Kyungsoo just felt like whacking that smile off  his pretty little face.

“Why are you still here? I thought I threw you out 10 minutes ago.” Kyungsoo asks, crossing his arms over his chest and giving Jongin a judging stare.

“Awww you’re so cruel. You really think I’d stay in that cold empty hallway rather than sitting in this warm and cozy room with the one person I love most in this whole wide world? Pshh you’re funny!” Jongin says, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

 Kyungsoo scoffs and walks to the window, settling down by the window sill. He can’t be bothered about Jongin anymore, so he just ignores the latter and stares out of the window.

Jongin mocks a loud gasp. “Are you ignoring me now?”

Kyungsoo just rolls his eyes and continues to stare out of the window.

“Fine, then. Ignore me. I’ll just stand here by this beautifully plain white wall if you finally decide that you need me anytime soon~” Jongin winks exaggeratingly and Kyungsoo has to try to refrain himself from puking out his lunch.

“Yeah. And that would probably be umm never.”

 Kyungsoo smiles sardonically and resumes staring out of the window, trying to get inspiration for his new song. Jongin just shrugs with a silly little lopsided grin etched across his picturesque face and leans on the wall next to the grand white shiny piano by the door. And like that, they both loose themselves in their hurricane of thoughts and monologues.


“What’s it like?”

It’s been two hours since Jongin walked back into the music room after being kicked out and he still looks like he’s not going anywhere anytime soon. Kyungsoo wonders why. He long since gave up on trying to kick Jongin out of his music room again. Instead they fall into compatible silence as they both enjoy the bronze glow of the autumn afternoon and the chilling wind blowing through the open windows.

It isn’t half as bad or awkward or annoying as Kyungsoo had expected. In fact, for once, it felt quite pleasant to have company instead of sitting in the music room alone.

Kyungsoo wouldn’t really admit that, though. He’d rather be run over by a bus rather than see a smugly smirking Jongin winking at him in the hallways or on the campus lawn and barging into his music room anytime he wanted just because he knows Kyungsoo enjoys his company.

“What’s what like?” Jongin asks confusedly. The question was too open, he didn’t know what Kyungsoo was referring to as it.

Kyungsoo shifts his gaze to Jongin who’s still leaning against the wall beside the grand white piano, looking effortlessly like someone who just stepped out of the Vogue magazine. His skinny jeans and black turtle neck, paired up with his favourite pair of grey converse. The headphones hanging on his clothed neck. The contrast of his skin tone against the white walls and grand piano. Even his messy out-of-bed hair. Everything complimented him perfectly and made him look like he was in a ing photoshoot.

Life really is unfair, Kyungsoo thinks.

He reverts his eyes back to the scenery outside to avoid anymore unwanted feelings of unfairness invading him.

“What’s it like to be loved and appreciated by so many people, but at the same time, hated and envied by others?”

Jongin smiles a crooked smile that makes his eyes shine and plops himself beside Kyuungsoo by the window sill.

“Well…” The famous dancer pauses to think and smiles when he thinks he’s found the perfect answer. “It’s like… right now. It feels sweet and thick with a tinge of bitterness. It leaves a strong but refreshing aftermath that leaves me wanting more. More than what I can get.”

Jongin’s smile is still crooked and his eyes are shining brighter than before. Maybe it’s because he feels content and sincere about what he said. Or maybe it’s the hope that glows in his eyes. Kyungsoo tries not to frown or laugh at how corny and double-meaning-ish that was. He pretends he doesn’t get the message.

“What the heck is that supposed to mean?”

Jongin rolls his eyes and sees right through the pretense. But, determined not to let Kyungsoo get away with it and to make Kyungsoo receive the goddamn message he was trying to relay, he answers the older’s stupid question anyway.

“It’s like right now. Only right now, there’s only one person involved. Only one person who’s playing all the roles. Only one person who’s hating and loving.”

 Jongin smiles but his eyes are serious. Kyungsoo really frowns this time.

“I hate you, yes. Obviously. But I love you? Emmm nope. I don’t think so.”

The dancer chuckles hearing Kyungsoo’s answer and affectionately ruffles the older’s black cropped hair, earning a grumble and something that sounded like a for heaven’s sake is it not enough that your hair is already way better than mine that you want to ruin it?!

Jongin smiles fondly at the cute doe eyed boy beside him and Kyungsoo feels a piece of his heart drop down into his stomach, fluttering and pulling a few heart strings along with it. It makes him squirm and  he feels a sudden warmth spread from his heart throughout his body. The feeling is pleasant and Kyungsoo finds himself trying hard not to smile back at the dancer.

“You don’t? Really? Hmmm I guess that’s not your role then. It’s my part to play, huh?”

Kyungsoo falls silent and he stays quiet for the rest of the afternoon.

Jongin fails to ignore the beautiful majestic strawberry red painting Kyungsoo’s porcelain pale cheeks, staring adoringly at the beautiful tint that makes Kyungsoo seem to glow.

He thinks it’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen in his life.

“Hyung, saranghae.”


Kyungsoo feels it again.

 He feels a piece of his heart drop down into his stomach, fluttering and pulling a few heart strings along with it. This time, he relishes in the warmth that spreads throughout his body doesn’t try to fight the overwhelming urge to smile at the handsome dancer.

 He doesn’t realize the dews gathering up at his eyelashes.

“Shut up.”

Kyungsoo thinks giving up on trying to kick Jongin out of his precious music room was one of the best decisions he has ever made in his life.

Jongin wipes away his tears and embraces him warmly, his chuckles sending more warmth to Kyungsoo than he had ever felt in his life.  Kyungsoo melts into the embrace and nuzzles into the dent of Jongin’s neck.

Nado, Jongin-ah. Nado.”




Oh my gosh!!!!!!! This is the first time I’ve ever finished a story!!!!! Omggggggg I feel so happy :D lol I’m sorry if it isn’t much ;A; I tried TT.TT lol this fanfic is dedicated to a friend who’s been nagging at me to show her one of my fanfics.i kept telling her I couldn’t because I hadn’t written any finished fanfics yet. YOU SEE THIS, MUSHROOM?! THIS IS FOR YOU!!! :P lol and this is also dedicated to my subscribers and readers. I’m sorry to all my Loosing My Mind subscribers and readers for not updating in so long. I’ll try to update on that as soon as I can. but it’ll take some time though, coz I’ll be having exams and well I’m a lazy so don’t expect too much :P hehe~

Thanks for reading ^^ feedback,please? :D <3

p/s: ok edited already :D


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AsianfanKC #1
Chapter 1: That was cute ^^ I just wish it were longer..
Good job!^^
Chapter 1: Asdfghjklzxcvbnmqwefttppsnxjajahvavajsj. Okay that's how I feel right now. ;AAAA; <3333
Chapter 1: So flipping cute!! Omg Kai, kyunsoo, eee~~ seriously good job author-nim ^^
honhonbaguette #4
HardCShipper #6
Chapter 1: AW! ITS SO FLUFFY! Omg! That story was so adorable! I love the way you described eveything, I loved everything! I wish I had an :,) admirer like kkamjong
Chapter 1: This was sooo sweet and perfect <3 and CONGRATS ON YOUR FIRST FINISHED STORY!! :D