A Thief in the night ...

Stealing is NOT that Bad

Dara was a young orphan who grew up to be different from the nuns who took care of her. She steals -- the main reason why she ran away from the orphanage and lived alone in a small apartment in Seoul. She works at a small eatery as she lives to hide her identity. She's the anti-social type so she has no friends, only this guy who lives next to her -- Jiyong.

Jiyong lives alone because he lost his parents at an early age. He works as a cop since it is his very dream and ambition. He has this girl friend named Dara who is very innocent to him. He didn't know..

"Eagle alpha, the suspect is running towards Gwangju street 4110. Repeat. Gwangju street 4110." Jiyong said on the phone as he drove, chasing the car of the thief who just broke in a jewelry shop.

"Copy that." a voice responded.


"That building! You can see it clearly there! The Twin Tower!" the pilot shouted to the sniper who was assigned to snipe the thief.

The helicopter stopped 50 feet above the roof of twin tower as the sniper went down. He then positioned himself to target the wheel of the thief's car.


He fired.

The car stopped. The police car that was chasing it suddenly braked that caused it to bang the car in front. The police officers hurriedly went out , opened the door of the car and found the thief -- a girl.

"Dara?" Jiyong, who opened the door of the damaged car, asked out of awe and disbelief.

The thief, who was half concious, responded. "Jiyong..I'm sorry." 

"Come here. Come here." he got her out gently from the car as the other officers revived the stolen jewelries at the back seat.

"Tell me this clearly. Were you a thief from the start or did somebody pay you?" Jiyong took the first move. 

"I've been like this Jiyong. From the start." she weakly answered.


"Jiyoung..." she cut him out. "I have something to tell you. First, sorry for what happened last night." she stated.


"Dara, listen. I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" 

"I..I like you."


"Dara, I only know the wrods 'yes' and 'no'. I don't know alien like 'uh' so please answer me. Do you accept my feelings? Yes? Or no?"

But suddenly, Dara's phone rang that made her say sorry and go away.

"Jiyong.. a thief will only live by stealing. Would you mind if I steal your heart?" she continued.

He was silent for a moment. He put the handcuff on her as he said. " Then, Dara, can I arrest you before I leave? Because you stole my heart."


A/N: Yey! Finished my oneshot for daragon :) Actually, I've been wanting to write one for them because I really like their couple. I ship DARAGON! Who else? Put yo hands uppp! (: 

Anyway, thanks for reading! Please look forward to more of my oneshots. COMiNG SOON! Hahah~ 


Byebye!~ Saranghaeyo ^^~


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Chapter 1: you had me there at Jiyong's " Then, Dara, can I arrest you before I leave? Because you stole my heart."
damn cute! lemme pinch ur cheeeeeks!!!!!
charmillesenica #2
Chapter 1: Cheesy hul! But what's going to happen to her now...
CassieJYJlhyn #3
Chapter 1: gheezzz...cheezy over load kyaaah!..like it^^
abya01 #4
Chapter 1: Please update soon :)
coldrabbit #5
Chapter 1: hahahaha omg...looks serious...but in the end soooo cheesy~~
Chapter 1: Authornim thank you very much 4 making dis story (^з^)-☆
I'm looking forward 4 your upcoming soon oneshots(^.^)
Authornim fighting \(^o^)/