Rules & How to Join

☾ Dark Night Academy Roleplay: Twitter-based.

Every school has its own rules, right?


1) Subscribe to this thread for updates.

2) One account per person only. No double accounts. If the admins catch you having double accounts, out you go.

3) DO NOT follow anyone outside of this roleplay, nor interact with them. I will kill you if you do. ヽ(#`Д´)ノ

4) Respect everyone here and be friendly. Talk to everyone. We're all one big family, right? c:

5) No /yuri. Only straight couples are allowed. Pregnancy is also not allowed. We have nothing against it though. ^^;

6) Please be active. We're not asking you to come on every day. But please come on at least twice a week. We will have an activity check once every two weeks.

7) All -related stuff goes in the DM. Let's keep it an innocent environment, shall we? :D

8) If you have to go on a hiatus or semi-hiatus, inform one of the admins or the base account and put [H] or [SH] in your name.

9) Please act like your character as much as possible. For example if you are a guy, do not giggle. Admin Seohyun would be checking for this. XD

10) Use brackets when speaking in OOC. [[ ]] (( )) {{ }}

11) Keep drama to a minimum. We do not want people quitting one after another. .__.

12) Lastly, have fun! :D



How to Join:

1) Check the taken lists to see if the idol you wish to roleplay as is available.

2) Comment below in this format: "May I enroll in this academy as (idol's name) of (idol's group) as a (the mystical being you wish to be)?"

3) Wait for a confirmation before making your account.

4) Once you have been accepted, you have 3 days to create your account. If you do not create your account within 3 days, we will open your character's slot again.

5) Please make your username as: Dark_(idol's name)

6) Put this in your bio: ☾ — Verified Roleplayer of @DarkNightRP ¦ (idol's name) of (idol's group) ¦ #(liner) ¦ (the mystical being you are)

7) Follow the base account and the admins first before following anyone else. Mention the base account to get verified.

8) After you've been verified, you may follow the others from this roleplay. :D


Base account





; Woo Jiho aka Zico. 
#92 liner. Phoenix.
Block B's Leader. 

- "Ayo, whaddup`. It's Zico." 




; Son Naeun. 
#94 liner. 9 tailed-fox. 
A-Pink's Visual. 

- "Hello there! Do enjoy your stay at Dark Night Academy!"




; Seo Joohyun aka Seohyun. 
#91 liner. Pegasus. 
SNSD's maknae. 

- "Hello. I love gogumas." 

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EXOChenYeolSehoLu #1
May I enroll in this academy as Hayoung of A Pink as a vampire? ^^
gokugan #2
Chapter 2: May I enroll in this academy as Lee Donghae of SUJU as a Leviathan?
softcotton #3
May I enroll in this academy as Jiyeon of T-ARA as a vampire? c:
Chapter 3: I can still be Suzy, right? ^^
Chapter 1: May I enroll in this academy as Hyomin of T-ara as a 9 tailed-fox? ^^
xoxobaozi #6
Chapter 3: Hello~ Since I saw Qri's Twitter profile, saying she is the oldest, May I enroll in this academy as Boram of T-ARA as a devil too?
foreveralonee #7
Chapter 3: May I enroll in this academy as Eunji of A Pink as a goddess?
Chapter 3: Can i be sulli as a vampire? C:
Chapter 1: May I enroll in this academy as Hyeri of Girls' Day as an angel/fairy? idk eue