
Invisible Tempos


Waltz: slow flowing rhythms; sense of anticipation caused by the flurrying undertones; eventually coming to a soft elegant close, ending finally in perfect harmony.


After having gotten back from dropping Yixing off at his apartment and walking back to Lu Han’s, he wandered straight past the loving couple draping themselves over each other back towards the spare bedroom that he was currently occupying by himself (for certain reasons, Lu Han had insisted that Sehun stay with him in his room. The noises late at night proved just exactly why). Having shed his heavy coat and thick sweater on the way, he flopped onto the bed with a groan of exhaustion, edged with a bit of frustration. Recounting the details of the excursion and the trip back, Kai’s memory held onto one particular instance.


Winding their way back through the hurried streets of the immense city towards their starting destination, Kai had been gawking at all of the holiday displays that were being showcased in the large windows of the passing shops, seemingly not even noticing that he was getting further and further away from his guide. Suddenly, he felt a warm hand grip his frozen one. Looking up, startled, he let out a breath in relief that it was just Yixing making sure he hadn’t lost his young charge. Noticing the slight frown on the elder’s face, Kai opened his mouth to ask what was wrong, however soon discovering the cause of such an expression. Grasping both of the other’s hands in his own, Yixing slowly brought them up in front of his mouth, letting his warm exhalations wash over the trembling fingers. Kai’s breath undeniably hitched at the rather intimate action, causing a blush to start rising into his cheeks, hoping the other would pay no heed to the rather embarrassing tell of his that marked his arousal. Yixing just smiled with that gosh darn attractively charming dimple, letting go of one hand, but keeping a hold on the other, tugging a fumbling Kai behind him.


Kai grabbed a nearby decorative pillow, smashing the rough fabric against his face, trying to muffle his anguished squeals screams. He was quite well aware now just what he thought about his admittedly gorgeous Chinese acquaintance.




Saturday nights were usually reserved for quality time spent indoors. Kai usually looked forward to these few hours spent alone from the deafening incessant traffic and bustling crowds in Yixing’s apartment because it was always a gamble what kind of activities they did. Some nights they would sit on Yixing’s hideous, though comfy, vintage floral patterned couch watching the latest blockbuster that had been released (Yixing preferred action packed features and the occasional indie film, where Kai was always up for a sort of comedy). Other nights, they sat playing games, often switching from silly and childish board games to video games (something about expanding their media-based intellectual prowess). But more often than not, they would just sit side by side on the plush couch, shoulder to shoulder with feet up on the knobby wooden coffee table, relaxing and talking about anything and everything. That is, everything and everything that didn’t pertain to Kai’s newly found interest in Yixing.



In Kai’s mind, Yixing was just plain perfect. He was perfect when the sun shone on his wavy cocoa brown locks (the same color surfacing in his eyes), showing off the soft strands of burgundy and caramel. No need to draw even more attention to the adorable mischievous dimple that added a whole new dimension to his already impossibly handsome smile. His perfect pale neck that often appeared to be begging to be bitten and marked endlessly. His perfection carried on downwards to form the lean continuous planes of his torso that were firm with hidden muscle, while being simultaneously emanating a comforting warmth that enraptured the younger whenever he was embraced by the other. These planes fluctuated inward to create a pliant waist that was perfect for Kai to wrap his arms around. Eventually, the curves expanded to form sinful hips that were just hypnotizing while creating interpretive movements to real and imaginary beats, leading down to strong thighs and gorgeous calves. Overall, Kai was completely enraptured by the pure physicality of the nearly inhumanly perfect male.



Kai headed over to Yixing’s apartment with seemingly little interest in the cacophony of noises and just plain existences surrounding him. He was entirely too focused on trying to maintain what a little sanity remained in his love struck mind. From Yixing’s earlier text it appeared that tonight would be a quiet movie night watching a new comedy release. Rushing up the stairs to the modest abode, Kai gingerly knocked on the solid wood of the door, hoping that Yixing wouldn’t notice that anything was off. Kai had actually made an effort to dress in an outfit a couple of levels up from comfy staying-at-home attire with a fitted V-neck shirt and nice skinny jeans that emphasized the curvature of his . To complete the look, he had used some product to push his hair back and finally added a black leather jacket to complete his look. He was actually quite proud of himself, since he had actually managed to be complimented by his generally preoccupied best friend and said best friend’s boyfriend.


Looking at the floor, Kai heard the door open to reveal Yixing glancing at the attractively dressed male on his doorstep. Deciding it would be best to look up and give some kind of introduction, he noticed the elder take a subtle inventory of what he was wearing, and couldn’t help but feel a bit proud that the other had noticed his efforts. Kicking off his shoes and walking into the generous living area, he found refreshments and a few choice selections of different snack foods laid out on the table and the movie sitting on the open DVD player. Padding over to the hideous couch, he plopped down and watched the elder shift things about in the kitchen before he came over to join Kai on the couch, grabbing the remote to insert the DVD and reaching for the bowl of freshly popped buttery popcorn. Kai stared at the flickering screen, blindly watching the ads that refused to be skipped through. Throughout the fog in his mind, he seemed to register that his couch neighbor was saying something


“…birthday we can go out and see this or something. That is if you wanted to of course,” Yixing flippantly stated, quite aware that his companion was somewhere else. This observation was further proven when said subject turned his head and threw a questioning glance at the elder.


“I had said that maybe when my birthday comes around in two weeks, we should go out and see the movie they were advertising in the theatres,” Yixing repeated. He was very curious as to why the other was being so distant and couldn’t help but feel a slight stab of jealousy at the thought that maybe Kai had been hanging out with other people lately. It would explain his slightly dressed up look, because honestly why else would he wear something so attractive to something as simple as movie night? It was just so confusing and Yixing hadn’t really had any opportunity to experience these new feelings and learn how to cope with them.


Kai noticed the slight shift in Yixing’s demeanor and was slightly worried that he was the cause. Wanting to assuage the other, he brought his arm up to place it around Yixing’s shoulders, causing the other to lean into him slightly. He felt the older man tense up a bit, before slowly relaxing and giving in to the comforting heat.


As the movie was playing, both males sent looks in each other’s direction without really being successful in conveying the hidden messages and thoughts going through their heads. Yixing was really tempted to just blatantly ask Jongin if there was somewhere else he would rather be, but he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to handle himself if the answer was in the positive. Kai’s thoughts were more innocently placed, like how cute the older man was when he chuckled at all the cheesy jokes that were continuously scripted, seeming to make the tense air from before nearly evaporate completely.


By the time the credits were rolling, Kai was ready to just pass out. Yixing removed the arm that had remained across his shoulders for the majority of the movie to get up and bring the snack foods back into the kitchenette. Walking back to the sofa, he saw that in his short absence, the younger had fallen asleep. He stood watching the dancing lights of the television create abstract shadows along Kai’s plump lips and gorgeous bone structure. Not sure of why he head just wasted the last ten minutes in such a state, he walked over to the hall closet and grabbed a cozy blanket that his grandmother had quilted for him and gently tucked in the sleeping male. Quietly wishing him goodnight, Yixing padded to down the dark hall in his pink and purple unicorn slippers until he reached his room. The last audible noise was the sound of the door jam clicking into place.


Needless to say, when Yixing awoke the next morning he was a bit apprehensive as to what he would find. Padding out into the living space, he saw the quilt neatly folded on the edge of the couch with a scrap piece of paper on it. Looking more closely, it was a note from Kai thanking Yixing for his hospitality and apologizing for conking out on him. As he set down the note on the counter and reached for a mug to get his morning coffee, he couldn’t help but feel a slight spark of disappointment that Kai hadn’t bothered to wait until Yixing was up to just up and leave.


Walking back into Lu Han’s apartment, Kai was a bit surprised to see the two up and about; usually the pair didn’t emerge from Lu Han’s bedroom (hand-in-hand more often than not) until one to two hours after noon.


“Well, look what the cat dragged in. And in last night’s attire too? This is just precious,” Lu Han provided with a smirk. Sehun just smiled and kissed his boyfriend on the cheek whispering to the Chinese male that maybe he should cut Kai some slack, and at the moment said topic couldn’t agree more. He just wanted to take a nice hot relaxing shower to remove the obnoxious product from his hair and change into comfy clothes that were conducive to creating epic birthday plans, as that was the only thing on his agenda for the day. Moving past the couple, he made his way to the bathroom and began his morning ritual.


Fast forward five hours later, and Kai is lying on his bed, aimlessly staring at the ceiling and wondering just what exactly he was going to do. Placing his hands on his stomach, he began tapping out a random beat that was probably from some hit song on the radio. It was in the middle of these musings that a most ingenious idea struck him. Awhile back, way in the beginning of their friendship, Yixing had talked about the dance studio that he liked to visit occasionally. It was a nice place, kind of on the expensive side, but it was well worth it. There were quality sound systems and refreshment opportunities that wouldn’t be available at most other studios. Yixing hadn’t been able to really go since he was busy providing entertainment for Kai most of the time. It would be the perfect opportunity. He could make a delightful mix tape, bring some of Yixing’s favorite snacks, and maybe, just MAYBE, find the courage to tell the Chinese man just how important he was to him. All that was needed was to make a call and arrange the finances, and Operation: Perfect Birthday would be put into action.




“Kai, where are we going? Is it coming up soon?” Yixing asked yet again, and as with the previous times, Jongin just chuckled and tugged his companion by the hand further down the street. Hefting his backpack higher up on his shoulder, he looked around at his surroundings, making sure that this was the right direction. Nodding in affirmation, he walked down the busy street, looking over his shoulder to make sure the blindfolded young man was still behind him. If anything, though, not being able to see and being surrounded by loud video game themes and blaring music from the shops lining the street being sensed by heightened hearing had the slightly older male clinging to the smiling boy in front of him. Finally reaching the generically tall building, Kai pulled open the door, making sure that the temporarily blinded man made it inside. Leaning over to whisper in his ear, Kai told him to stay put. Walking over to the circular desk, Kai leaned over to tell the secretary his name and to receive the key to the room that he had reserved a few days before. Walking back over to the waiting male, he dragged him over to the bank of elevators. As an elevator, finally made its descent to the ground floor, Kai bounced nervously on the balls of his feet. He really hoped that the other would enjoy this gift, because if he didn’t then he would be at a loss of what to do. The door pinged open, and the pair stepped inside, one supporting the other. Pressing the button for the fourth floor, Kai watched as the doors slipped close, leaning over yet again to brush his lips against the smooth cartilage of Yixing’s ear, Kai whispered reassuring things to appease the other and remove his apprehension. After the elevator came to a stop and they stepped out, it was only a quick walk down the narrow hall to reach their final destination. Unlocking and opening the door, Kai placed Yixing directly under the doorframe so that he would have a good view across the whole spacious room. Untying the knot in the black silken fabric, Kai let the material slide sensually down from its place. Yixing blinked a bit to get used to the lighting, and once he was adjusted, let out an excited gasp at the sight before him. On the bar running along the mirrors and around the small window, there were multicolored Christmas lights that created a mild form of mood lighting. There was also a homemade banner wishing his a happy birthday, written in Kai’s messy characters (he had asked Lu Han earlier that day how to write it properly).  Yixing walked further into the room, seeing if there was anything else. Walking in after the excited man, Kai took off his backpack and ped the main pocket to pull out a mix CD and a few refreshments. Walking over to the CD player up against the wall, he inserted the CD and hoped that the other would like the compilation. The first song was a slow piece that had a beautiful flow and adorable lyrics to go with. Walking up behind the other, he lightly tapped him on the shoulder. As Yixing whirled around, Kai placed one hand on his waist and the grabbed his right hand, pulling him into the perfect slow dancing position. Slowly leading the other in circles, he heard the elder mumble something into his chest. Asking the other to repeat what he had been saying, Yixing pulled his head away.


“I said thank you for my present. It really is lovely,” he said with a wide smile, making Kai grin in return.


“Thanks. I thought it was quite clever if I do say so myself. I’m glad you’re enjoying it though. I especially hope so after what I have to say,” Kai replied unsurely. Pulling Yixing closer, he leaned forward to whisper into the other’s ear.


“Yixing, these last few months have been so fun with you. Honestly, I don’t think this trip could have gotten any better, since Sehun has Lu Han and trying to get a word in edgewise is just so impossible. So I’m just so glad that I met you. However, I’ve been afraid lately. My feelings have evolved and I’m just not quite sure what to do about them since everything has been going so well as is. I suppose this is me letting you know how I feel. At this point there is just absolutely no denying that I love you. Not in a platonic way, but the passion-infused, all-encompassing, and unconditional way. All I can really hope for is that you can even begin to feel the same way for me.”


The music continued to play as Kai finished his pleading. Continuing to sway with him, Yixing let the words settle into his hyperactive brain. He was new to this type of thing, and he was sure that Kai was aware of this. But he would be damned if he didn’t give it a shot with him. He just hoped that the other would be patient with his since he was bound to be naïve and unsure in some aspects.


“Well, Jongin, I guess the only thong I can really say to your…confession…is that I really like you too. You do know that I have no experience with this though, right? But I really do hope that we can make this wor—“ Yixing got out before being pleasantly interrupted by Jongin’s plump lips covering his. Closing his eyes, he leaned back and enjoyed the pleasant new feeling. Wanting to keep the feeling, Yixing pulled himself closer to the younger man feeling him sigh in pleasure and relief that finally he was able to act on his feelings. 

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Chapter 4: Hnnnnng~ This is so good! This story & your writing style, I love it. Kailay are so cute together. I hope to read more soon.
Chapter 4: Frick I want more Kaixing.
This was so cute,
I love your writing style.
Update soon, good luck ^^
Chapter 3: Omfg this was adorable. Loved itt ahhhhh<3 on a kailay spree and it's going well omaiii
Shirahime #4
Chapter 3: aww, I want to squish all of them for being adorable~~ KaiLay soo cute!! ^____^
Chapter 3: smashing the rough fabric against his face -- my raifu with naisu pillows. ugh yes. pillows. oh god the pillows need love to. and and the ending is naisu because *mwah* and <3

jimeme #6
Chapter 3: so adorable and perfect~~~~ ;A;
pika-ninja #7
Chapter 3: so cute!! omo ; ; -dies of feels;
Nari-shi #8
Chapter 2: Aww~ This is my first laykai fanfic and I am absolutely enjoying their chemistry here!
I love adorable and cute kai here! ^^
Update soon! Hwaiting! :)
Chapter 2: I love how Kai is adorable in this and acts like a child and it's super cute and stuffu. Little Kai would be adorable to imagine. '...dimple making a teasing appearance...' dimples tease~ dimples are cute! Can I become a staple in your life? I like how I'm writing this while you are literally sitting next to me. What even man? I really did like it though~
Chapter 1: omg, i need more! i don't know what to say, but i know that this will be fantastic!! please, uptade soon fygugihibivtdyvguxfuxg