Chapter 13

Feel Your Soul Inside

Haejin watched Kai's face morph into shock, then she watched it change into confusion, and finally recognition, where it fell in soft layers on his smooth complexion, his brow starting to relax.

"Why?" Kai repeated her question, hopeless clarification that was only meant for him to buy time. He had a good reason to why he had kept his idol identity a secret, but he hadn't constructed his answer in a way that would make sense. Instead, he stared at the floor that he stood on, the waves of dark brown imprinted in the caramel wood suddenly becoming fascinating to him. He shuffled his foot, his left hand behind his back, gripping the side of his right arm, looking truly bashful as he bit his lower lip.

"Yeah, why? I would be honored if I were you. I'd tell every single person I knew if I were you," Haejin replied. Kai looked up, and she thought she saw a flicker of sadness, light blue ghosting across his dark brown eyes, but it was only a flicker; it came and went very quickly. He in a breath of air and began to speak, and he asked another question.

"Would you have thought differently of me if I told you to start out with?"

Kai's eyes studied Haejin's face, saw her brow furrow and her eyes narrow as she looked back at him. She wanted him to elaborate.

"If I told everyone that I was an idol in training, what would you think of me?" he asked.

It was Haejin's turn to look down at her feet, only to look back up in a matter of seconds.

"I would think you were lucky," she replied simply.

A little too simply.

"What else?" Kai pressed.

"Confident," Haejin added.

"That's it?"

"...Overconfident," Haejin admitted. She realized what the boy in front of her was getting at.

"You wouldn't have wanted to talk to me, either because you would have thought I was narcissistic, or you would have been..."

"Intimidated," Haejin finished. She wouldn't have shown him that she could dance, knowing that he was better than her, or so a contract in an entertainment organization said. She wouldn't have been so open, knowing, or thinking that since he was so full of himself, he wouldn't bother with such fragile dreams from the quiet broken girl. She would have thought that he didn't care.

Kai nodded. "You wouldn't have talked to me. You might have watched me from outside the dance room but you would never have talked to me. That day when I confronted you in there, had you felt that way about me, you wouldn't have been so open with your problems," he whispered.

"I wouldn't have talked to you," Haejin confirmed.

"Exactly," Kai replied. Haejin nodded.

The air was filled with a comfortable, yet uncomfortable silence. They awkwardly stood there, facing each other. The door behind Kai was open a crack and neither bothered to close it. The television on the other side of the room sputtered out jibberish that couldn't be understood at the low volume it was forced to be placed at. The two people looked at anything but the other in front of them, eyes finding remarkably and suddenly interesting objects to look at.

"And we're not supposed to tell anyone that we're in training anyways, so Suho-hyung messed up on that," Kai blurted out.

Haejin looked at Kai, and felt a fit of giggles rising from inside of her, foreign vibrations that shook the cobwebs from an untouched part of her soul. She began to laugh, and Kai did too, and they stood there, laughing at the sudden outburst. For a few seconds, the television was drowned out, much to its unheard protest, and the white noise was chased away by lighthearted chuckles.

They laughed until Haejin felt lightheaded, and she slowly stopped laughing, sitting down as if she were in slow motion. Her face paled a bit, but a smile was still playing on her face. Kai noticed this and his expresssion changed to one of caution. The laughter died instantly, but it echoed in the house, and it tickled the two kid's ears. Kai knelt down in front of Haejin, getting a view of her face. Haejin waved him away.

"I'm just a little lightheaded, still. Don't worry about me," she said softly. Kai wasn't convinced.

"Do you want something to eat? Or rather, do you need something to eat?" he questioned. Haejin shook her head.

"I'm not hungry," she replied. She watched him get up and walk over to the door, where he shut it completely. He then sat down next to her, not looking at her, but she could tell that he was thinking.

"You fainted," he started. Haejin nodded, but she knew that he saw the slight bobbing of the head.

"Not only do I not want to do this, but I can't do this." Her neck muscles became limp, and her head lowered drowsily. Her eyelids fluttered closed and she heaved a sigh.

Kai looked over at her and saw that his frail friend could hardly hold her head up. Gingerly, he reached over and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her towards him. It all seemed to happen so slowly, the only sounds heard were the sounds of clothes shifting on plush furniture, and a small exhalation of breath as Haejin's head rested gently on Kai's shoulder, and part of his neck. She could smell the faint scent of cologne; not too strong, not so vivid... Kai's arm was still around her shoulders, holding her in place as he stared off into space. Neither of them said anything. They were too engrossed in the comfortable silence of each other.

"So when are you going to tell them that you faint at the sight of internal organs?" Kai's voice held a hint of humor in it, but a large portion of the question was reserved for sincerity. Haejin merely hummed softly as a reply. Kai's mouth tilted upwards, a crooked smile that matched his face almost too perfectly. He ran a hand through his hair and looked down at the girl that was nearly asleep on his shoulder.

"You should tell them before it's too late and you get into another mess," he said softly. Haejin let out a monochromatic laugh.

"Suho-oppa told me the same thing today," she replied. She heard Kai make a "tsk" sound.

"So you're going to call Suho 'oppa' and not me, huh?" Kai pretended to be hurt, but Haejin had to make sure. She lifted her head to look at his face, and saw a small pout. His eyes were laughing, and that's what mattered.

"No, I'm not mad," Kai read her thoughts, and he guided her head to his shoulder again, and he absentmindedly her hair. Haejin felt his fingers softly run over her head, and her eyes fluttered closed involuntarily, but she was comfortably warm.

"How long are your parents gone?" Kai suddenly asked. It took Haejin a while to respond, and he wondered if she was asleep. He didn't want to move her, to check, to see for himself if the girl beside him truly was dozing off, fearing he might wake her, and she needed her rest.

"Three weeks," Haejin replied after a pause. "They'll be gone a lot over the next few months."

"Did they say why? Did you ask why?" Kai inquired.

"I didn't get a chance to." Haejin stifled a yawn, and her eyes watered against her will.

"I'm sleepy." Her subconscious made itself known as it spoke her thoughts, and Kai laughed softly.

"Go to sleep," he responded quietly.

"I just might; your voice isn't helping me stay awake." Haejin could feel Kai's voice vibrate softly through his neck, and with it being so deep, it was soothing to her.

"This might sound weird... but could you keep talking?" Haejin heard Kai contain his laughter, and she could hear his smile when he replied with a yes.

So Kai talked about anything and everything. He talked about his group of friends, EXO, talked about school, spoke passionately about his dream, and he eventually heard Haejin's breathing begin to slow, and her weight became more prominent. He leaned over a little, just a little, and saw the girl sleeping, lips slightly parted, eyelashes resting on her delicate cheekbones. Kai smiled, and he continued her hair, eventually dozing off as well.


"Appa, noona, I'm home." Kai arrived home an hour after he fell asleep, and he felt drowsiness slowly tug at his eyes with warm fingers. He rubbed them slightly, and kicked off his shoes. Walking towards his room, he heard his name being called.

"Jonginnie." Kai's head turned to his pet name, and saw Eunjung standing in the living room, her hands on her hips and one eyebrow raised.

"Where were you?" she questioned. There was a tone of strict authority in her voice, and Kai almost felt nervous to answer her.

"I was at a friend's house; she fainted today and I went over there to check on her, noona," he replied. Eunjung's jaw dropped.

"'She'? Who is 'she'?" she asked, gawking at her little brother behind black-rimmed glasses. Kai shuddered; his sister knew how to be intimidating.

'Jung Haejin-ssi. She's a friend and classmate of mine," he responded. Eunjung nodded.

"So she's a friend, and you were at her house... Her parents weren't there?"

"They're on a business trip for three weeks. They'll be gone a lot for the next few months."

"They're making extra money?" Eunjung shrugged and then nodded. "I don't blame them; their daughter is going off to college soon. Or maybe it's for their own indulgence. Business trips bring a lot of money to the people who take part in it and..."

Kai listened to his sister ramble on, and he let her, knowing that she was in ecstasy when it came to talking about her passion, but he was missing her unintentional point.

He would soon find out what it was, and the pieces would bring themselves together soon.



Hey guys! Sorry for being gone for a little bit. I made this chapter a longer one to make up for the last chapter. ^^

GUYS. 450 VIEWS. 450!!!! This story now has 450 views!

Are you guys purposely doing this stuff just to make me spaz in happiness? hahaha

I love you all. Seriously. ;o;

See you soon~!

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nice!!! i loooveee thiss!!
kaaaaaaaai !! love ya babes !! nice story!!
misscarat #3
Chapter 2: AWWW I know exactly how she feels since I'm the exact same and my parents also don't want me to dance D':
immarktuans #4
Chapter 33: Sequel~ :)
immarktuans #5
immarktuans #6
Chapter 26: Awe OMG OMG OMG AH!!!!!!!!!
immarktuans #7
Chapter 24: Wow. Her parent's seem like they aren't even her parents. No parent should control their child. That's just messed up.....
immarktuans #8
Chapter 23: Awe. The mom ruined the moment :( *sigh*
Wonder what happened...
immarktuans #9
Chapter 21: Eh....that outfit is okay. She should've wore a dress ya know~? XD
Just my opinion~
immarktuans #10
Chapter 11: How does she become a doctor when she can't even cut open a heart thing?!?!
I fell sorry for her :(