chapter 3 : Making a New Friend

I Feel For You More than A Friend...

They were panting so hard as they reached the main street & stoped. their eyes met each other and then

their hands, they uncouple their hands quickly. the situation was a little awkward.

Eunjung start talking : " thank you so much for rescuing me , you also helped me get back my money..."

Taecyeon : " You're welcome! from now on be carefull to not to go in such alleys, maybe there won't be any one to help you

& Thanks for helping me..." he said while smiling.

EJ: " yeah, I understand. I was thinking and wasn't aware where I was going and it happened suddenly & besides It was the

only thing I could do in that moment, you were in trouble because of me... " she replied smiling back.

EJ: " ummm, I should go, thank you , bye " and she bowed her head.

TY: " oh, yeah. bye"  he bowed back and they seprated. Taecyeon waited and took a taxi because he was late and didn't

want to get scolded by teachers.

Eunjung went to the bus stop and waited for one.


At Eunjung's new school

 Eunjung arrived at school gate, she was surprised with a big building that was in the heart of an extensive yard. she was

stucked there and was mesmerised with the view. She was in that state while some one bumped into her from behind and

cause both of them fall on the ground.

" UGHHHH ... I'm sorry, I was in a rush " said the stranger while rubbing her .

" Ehhh... It's ok, it was my fault too because I was blocking the way " said EJ while rubbing her palms.

" Any way, let me help you " she told and stand up then she offer her hand to Eunjung & help her to stand up.

EJ: "thanks".

Stranger: "  Ehmmm, sorry I'm late and I should go first, bye " and start running again.

EJ : " bye......" " WAIT!!!!" , she stoped and turn back. EJ: " would you please tell me where is principle's room? "

" Ahhh, follow my direction to the building and then turn right, you'll be able to see the signs, BYEEEEEE!!!! "

' wow, she was in such a rush, the classas haven't started yet! ' Eunjung shaked her head and started walking to the building. she saw

the sign as that girl told her and find her way to principle's room....


In The Class


Mrs. Kim was about to check students name that some one knock on the door, she went out when she saw Mr. Hwang.

After awhile she came back to the class with a little beautiful girl! all of the students looked at her.

" ok guys! we have a new transfere student here " she turned to Eunjung " would you please introduce your self? "

she bowed her head and said: " Hi, my name is Ham Eunjung, I'm transfere from Busan and I hope to make good friends with you "

" Thanks Eunjung and I hope you'll be one of the good students, ok! who wants to be Eunjung's first friend and share the seat?

one of the girls raised her hand... Eunjung looked at her and was surprised to see the girl that bumped to her earlier!

" Eunjung you can go and sit there..." and then she started checking students name.

she went there and sit beside the girl...

" Hi! My name is Park Hyomin! we met again and nice to meet you! " she offered her hand.

Eunjung smiled widely and shake hands with her " nice to meet you to, thanks for being friend with me and sharing your seat.

HM: " actually I've been sitting with someone that changed her school and I was alone and I'm happy for finding another friend! I'll

introduce you to my other friends "

 " PAPK HYOMIN!!!......"  Hyomin jumped from her seat and looked at angry Mrs.Kim.

Mrs. Kim: " I've been calling your name 3 times!!! give your attention to class and don't talk!  also you Eunjung! you have time after

class to know each other... " ------------   " sorry sam! " Eunjung and Hyomin told while looking at the ground from embarrassment. the

class laugh to their cuteness.

" Ok Taecyeon...." " Ok Taecyeon..." Ok Taecyeon...Isn't he present??? " meanwhile the door opened and Taecyeon was there " or he

is late like always" said Mrs.Kim. " Didn't you promise you'll never be late?!!!"

- " I'm sorry sam I didn't mean to be late but on my way to school I helped a girl with a dangerous rubber"

- " please Taecyeon, just don't make story like always!!! "

Eunjung was busy with her bag but when she heared the voice and explanation she looked up and saw her savior, she couldn't believe


- " he isn't lying! He really helped that girl & it was me" ..... Hyomin's eyes widen when she heared that

Taec search for the voice and saw Eunjun, he was really shocked. " YOU?!!! "

the class was shock as well they couldn't believe Taec will save some one and help them, not because he wasn't helpful or kind but it

was really unusuall!

- " Really? you're not lying right? "

- " No sam, I'm not! I was lost and there was a rubber, he came and helped me "

- " I told you but you never believe me! :( " he pouted...

- " ok! go and sit ".... Taecyeon was about ti sit ...." but WAIT!!! How come the victim is already here but you're late??? "

- " ohhhh! ehmm.... actually I saw an icecream man & I couldn't help and buy one! sorry sam, I promise it'll never happen again! " the

class burst to laugh, Eunjung was laughing too because of his cuteness.

- " Today you're forgiven because of your help but make sure this never happen again!!! "

- " ok'... "

- " you may sit... let's start our lesson"

- Hyo: " Eunjung are you really alright now? Did he do sth bad to you?! "

- EJ : " I'm alright, don't worry "

- " Ham Eunjung & Park Hyomin! pay attention please... " the both were really ashamed!






 ' here is fun! really... and I like you my new friend park Hyomin ' Eunjung tاhought to herself.





sorry my dear friends for late update!!! and thank you so much for your comments!

I'll try to update weekly.

please comment and I'll be happy to read them... Thanks!

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yasminajung #1
Chapter 3: update soon please...
Chapter 3: this is cute..please please update soon
Suzyhts #3
Chapter 3: Ugh. Im waiting for your updaye SOOO BAD.I wish you can update the fic weekly
1125 streak #4
Chapter 3: Yes another Taecjung ff Hyomin became friends with Eunjung and hope Jiyeon too. Hehehe
Chapter 3: I like ur story line...really nice n I like the fact that both taec sbd eunjung is in high school....but I hope u be a little careful with ur spellings....hahaha...n please update...:)
UmaMee #6
Chapter 2: PLease update soon!!
i like your story.. ^-^
eunyeonporeber #7
Chapter 3: Finally you update again!
I hope you can update weekly :)
Chapter 3: Wah, finally you update chingu,,
◦°◦みϱ\"̮みϱ\"̮みϱ (⌒˛⌒)◦°◦
Chapter 3: taecjung is cute and y couple thanks!!
Chapter 2: Please insert a deep romance in this story...

Coz actually I really want see eunjung on drama with taecyeon TT but now I just can hope it can be real hohoho...

So with this story I want you make it so real he.. thank you... n I curious about chansung ^^