love language

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i almost gave up. finally found some ok pictures. hope glasses is ok.
i dont like this poster. composition seems weird to me. somethings wrong. someone tell me if they can see it.

credit and upload to your own server. hotlink no bueno.

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closing requests now this gallery will be open until end of the year before i close the thread.


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Chapter 21: Very much detailed tutorial and the specialty of this tutorial is the images used in each step. People actually not prefer to read the writings instead they want to learn from visual explanation.
SedBau #2
Chapter 49: Downloading some of these lovely textures. thanks ^-^
Chapter 2: May I ask, what font did you use in "Lee Eunhyuk Snow Fairy" and in "Lee Donghae Lightning fairy?"
Chapter 33: I downloaded all of your beautiful textures <3 Thank you so much!
star_x #5
Chapter 63: i downloaded your textures. thanks a lot for them ^o^
Chapter 1: thank you for the textures XD
I love them <333
Aww how sad.. I didn't know you ended your requests lol I had a new project for you xD PM or write me when you ever get interested again okay love? ^-^ These posters look great btw ♡
Mary517 #8
OMG! vanessa!!!! where the heck have I been?!?!?!
the last 10 chaps are awesome!
seeing your beautiful colorizations makes me want to color again!!!!!
and omg your boxing makes me want to box again.... i was looking through old posters in my inspiratino folder and omg....IF posters....i just sob.....OTL
Wahh?? Your closing? :( where am i going to get some amazing posters now? I really like your shop :)

But well...I will respect your decision and if you ever do decide to make posters again i'll definitely be your first request hehe ^^
Chapter 65: wow la corda doro. That anime is the best