Chapter One: An Elapsed Love [ 경과된 사랑 ]

♥ S U P E R S T A R ♥ E X P R E S S ♥: The Love Cafe Special

“Sooman nim?” the girls of SK8tEr DoLLs, including Baoyu and Xue, raised their eyebrows as they looked at their manager, all dressed up in a white chef-like uniform. “You’re really Sooman nim?”

Sooman smiled, “Aigoo, aigoo~ of course I’m your manager! Anyways, I invited you girls here today to try my newly opened restaurant’s food!”

The girls all cheered happily after hearing the word ‘food’. “But then,” Alea stopped. “Aren’t you going to scold us from eating sweets? I mean, this is a pastry shop and I’m pretty sure most of the food here is full of sugar. This will destroy our diet then.”

“Don’t worry; I won’t scold you for eating sweets since this is my pastry shop. I’m going to let you try all the food here!”

“This is daebak day for me!” Minah bit her lower lip as she looked at the pancakes and chocolates beside her.

Hyunjae looked at their manager, “Sooman nim, why did you named this place Love Café? I mean, why not SMEnt Café?”

“Well, simply because I want those people who visits my café to feel loved and welcome; I want them to realize that love is everywhere no matter how you try to run away from it.”

Yui blinked, “Manager, you’re really weird today.”

“Arasso, I’m always weird.” Sooman pointed at one of the tables. “Please wait and seat on that table girls, I will be right back.”

The girls went and hurriedly sat at their respective chairs, Nao looked around. “This place is really beautiful!”

“I agree,” Yeonhae smiled as she smelled the fresh displayed crimson roses in front of her.

While the girls were waiting, a song played on the speakers. “Ah!” Kandi snapped her fingers. “I know this song…umm…yeah! Sisqo’s Incomplete!”

The others laughed at her, “Unnie, how could you know these songs?” Mimi asked. “They’re English songs and I thought you never listens to these songs ‘cause you said you don’t understand them?”

“I don’t, I just heard it from Minah’s mp3 player. She’s got these songs on her mp3.”

Minah smiled, “Now I know why Kandi unnie always borrows my mp3.”

They laughed and soon went silent. “Unnies,” Lala lifted her head to see all her unnies looking at her. “Do you ever forget your first heartbreak?”

They looked at Lala, Xue laughed nervously. “What is this? Let’s not talk about our first love.”

Baoyu looked at Xue. “Waeyo?”

“N-nothing! Aissh~ what’s taking manager so long?” Xue pretended to looked at her watch.

“I have an idea!” Hunni cried as the others looked at her, nervously. “Why don’t we talk about our first love? I mean, while waiting for the food, we should at least share more about ourselves.”

“Cool.” Yui agreed. “I just realize, we never talk about our past love.”

Yuna pulled out an empty bottle of water and put it on the table. “What’s this?” Sora asked, pointing at the bottle.

Yuna rolled her eyes. “It’s a bottle unnie; we’re going to do spin the bottle! Then, the person who got pointed by the bottle will tell her heartbreaking first love story.”

Everyone shot her a glare, “Yah, I was joking about the heartbreaking thing.”

“Let’s start then!” Kiara held up the bottle and spin it.

After a couple of seconds, the bottle stopped and pointed at Minah. She looked at them who were smiling at her, “Y-yah! Let’s spin it again; the bottle was pointing beside me!”

“Ani~ the bottle was pointing directly at you.” Xue pointed at Minah and smiled. “C’mon dongsaeng, tell us your first love story.”

Minah sighed, There is no other way I could escape the unnies and dongsaengs…fine.




[ Flashback… 12 years ago… ]

“U-um…umma?” Eight-years-old Minah looked around to find her mother gone. “Umma! Where are you?”

She looked around the crowd but saw no one who looked like her mother; she then rushed away and accidentally bumped at someone and fell. She lifted her head to see a cute boy, “Mian…hae.”

The boy smiled and helped her up, “Are you okay?”

Minah nodded and suddenly remembered she was lost. “Umm…oppa, could you help me look for my mother?”

He looked at her, “Waeyo? Did you get lost?”

She nodded as the boy hold her hand, he smiled. “I’m looking for my mother too, let’s both look for them. What was your mother wearing?”

“A white dress with floral design.” She looked around then realized she was standing in front of a huge building. The boy looked at her then rushed his glance from the bottom of the building and up to its top. “Oh, it’s Nam San Tower.”

“Nam San Tower?”


“Umma~” Minah went to hugged her mother tightly.

Her mother kneeled down and wiped the little girl’s tears. “Mianhae for leaving you, I didn’t know you weren’t following me anymore.”

Minah smiled then looked at the boy who was also hugging his mother. She bowed down, “Kamshamnida oppa~”

The boy smiled and stretched his arm towards her. “Annyeonghaseo~ I’m Kim Soohyun.”

Minah looked at the Eleven-years-old Soohyun and shook her hand with him. “Annyeonghaseo~ My name is Minah, Qian Minah.”

Their mothers smiled at each other and greeted each other friendly.



Seven years later…

Fifteen-years-old Minah and Seventeen-years-old Soohyun we’re walking towards the school grounds, “Oppa, why did you bring me here?” Minah asked Soohyun. “Aren’t we supposed to go to class now? It’s already our History class.”

Soohyun smiled at her then brushed his hand on Minah’s soft face, he snapped his fingers as a fellow student gave him a bunch of crimson roses.

Minah furrowed her eyebrows and looked around when she saw her schoolmates pulling out their phones and taking a picture of them. Some girls were squealing and screaming, even the teachers. She looked at Soohyun, “Oppa, what’s the meaning of this? What are you doing?”

Soohyun went down on his knees, “Minah,” he muttered. “I’ve always like you ever since the day we met in front of the Nam San Tower. We’ve been best friends for almost seven years now and I can’t help myself but fall for you, loving you more and more each day.”

She gulped then looked at Soohyun’s eyes, “Oppa…”

“Will you be my girl?”

Minah felt her heart skipped a beat, she was looking deeply at Soohyun’s eyes like her world stopped just by looking at him. She blinked and slowly carved a smile on her face, “N-neh, Soohyun oppa.”

The crowd around them screamed and squealed loudly.

Soohyun’s eyes widened, he stood up. “What? What did you say? Did you just say yes?”

She nodded as Soohyun jumped in happiness and hugged her. “Minah ah, gomawo! Jeongmal gomawo for loving me back!”

She laughed and looked at him in the eyes; she looked at his lips and kissed it passionately.



Soohyun sat at the couch as he waited for Minah to go downstairs.  Minutes passed, Minah walked down the stairs with her white shirt paired with a blue skirt. “How do I look?”

Soohyun smiled at how beautiful Minah looks, he walked towards her and gave her a peck on the lips. “You look beautiful. Happy second anniversary.”

She smiled and hugged him. Soohyun looked at her skirt, “Yah, why is your skirt too short?”

Minah looked at her skirt and smiled, “Wae? It’s the trend these days, don’t you like it?”

“I do but I’m afraid other guys might steal a look at your legs.”

“Well it’s not my fault if I have beautiful legs.” She teased, Soohyun frowned. Minah pinched her boyfriend’s cheeks, “Don’t worry, I still love you no matter what happens.”

He smiled and pulled her wrist, “Let’s go then.”

In front of Nam San Tower…

“Soohyun ah,” she looked at him. “Why did you bring me here?”

“Have you forgotten?” She looked at her. “This is where we first met.”

“Of course I won’t forget it, but then…I thought you told me you’ll be treating me to dinner.”

“I will.” He pulled her inside the Nam San Tower and took her on the highest floor of the building.

Minah looked down from the top, she trembled. “So-Soohyun ah, you know I’m afraid of heights. Let’s just go down and eat somewhere.”

Soohyun hugged her from the back, he kissed her cheeks. “Don’t worry, I’m here. Just think we’re at some restaurant, eating dinner; forget about the fact that we’re on top of the Nam San Tower.”

She looked at him with worried eyes then spotted a table beside Soohyun. Her eyes widened at the beautiful table with two red candles on top. “Y-you prepared this?”

He nodded and offered her to sit on the chair, she did. Minah laughed at Soohyun who sat in front of her, “Did you like it?”

Minah shook her head, Soohyun’s heart sank. She laughed and lifted his head to give him a peck but he insisted on giving her a passionate kiss. “Gomawo for all this.”

“Anything for you.” He smiled and ruffled Minah’s hair.

“Yah, stop messing my hair. Let’s just eat.”


Days later, Minah was worrying about Soohyun for he wasn’t answering her calls. She decided to go to his house, Soohyun’s younger sister told her Soohyun was taken to the hospital after he collapsed yesterday.

Minah then rushed towards Seoul Hospital and asked for Soohyun’s room number. After that, she rushed and opened the door to see Soohyun asleep on his hospital bed. Minah walked and sat at a chair beside him, she holds his hand and brushed her hands on Soohyun’s face.

Hours later, Soohyun slowly opened his eyes and was surprised to see Minah sleeping beside him. He felt relieved seeing her angelic face, his tears fell from his eyes. He immediately wiped away his tears and jumped off his bed; he carried Minah and laid her on the bed. He sat at the chair and sighed as he looked at her once again.

Suddenly, Minah’s eyes flew open. “Soohyun ah!” She looked around and saw Soohyun.

She jumped off the bed and hugged him which made him shock but smiled.

“Soohyun ah, are you okay? Why did you collapsed yesterday? Why didn’t you call me? Are you hungry? Thirsty? Should I bring you water? Yes, yes, you need water. Wait here.” She turned her back to leave but Soohyun stood up and hugged her tightly.

“Soohyun ah, is anything wrong?”

Just then, Soohyun broke down in tears. Minah held up his face and wiped the tears, he hugged her again. “Minah, promise me you won’t leave me.”

“I…I promise. Wae? What’s wrong?”

“Minah, I…I have brain tumor.”

Minah froze, ‘I have brain tumour….’ Those words hunted her mind.

Soohyun hugged her more tightly. “I…I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to handle this, please don’t leave me Minah. Please…”

She smiled and looked at him, “I won’t. I won’t leave you, I promise. Don’t worry, we’ll face this together.”

He smiled while his tears fell from his eyes.

Days before Soohyun’s operation, Minah went to talk to the doctor. “I’m sorry to say this but a person with brain tumour only has 50/50% of living. If he ever happens to survive the surgery, he may forget his past memories.”

“What do you mean forget?” Minah felt nervous while hearing this. “Does that mean…he won’t remember even his own name?”

The doctor nodded, “His name, his parents, his accomplishments in life, everything he learned from the moment he was born, he won’t remember them all…even you.”

This made Minah’s heart sank down, ‘He won’t remember me?’ she thought as her eyes went teary. She looked at the doctor, “Doctor, no matter what happens…please let him live. You must let him live.”

As Minah dragged herself in side Soohyun’s room, she looked around but saw no one. “S-Soohyun ah?” she started panicking until someone hugged her from the back and gave her a kiss on the cheeks. She turned to see Soohyun smiling at her, “Did I scare you that much?”

She punched him lightly, “Soohyun ah, do you want to go for a walk outside?”

He nodded and instantly pulled her out the hospital building. The two walked happily at the garden, Minah sat at a bench as Soohyun laid his head on her lap and opened a book to read. She looked at the book and furrowed her eyebrows as she read the title, “Hamlet? William Shakespeare’s theatre play?”

Soohyun smiled and continued reading. “Yah,” Minah muttered. “I didn’t know you read those kind of books. When did you start reading them?”

“A week ago, after I discovered about my brain tumour. I suddenly felt like reading books to keep my mind off the fact that I’m sick, and then I came with this book.”

“Why do you like reading Shakespeare books?”

He smiled, “It’s because his words and writings made me feel alive again, knowing that you’re here by my side.”

Minah smiled and looked at her watch, “Yah, let’s go back. You still need to take your medicine.”

Soohyun whined and pouted his lips, “I still want to be with you for awhile.”

“You need to take your medicine, Kim Soohyun.”

He whined and closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep. “If you don’t wake up, I’m going to poke your eyes.” She joked.

“You can’t hurt a patient like me.”

Minah snatched the book away from Soohyun, “Then If you don’t wake up, I’m going to throw all your Shakespeare books; including those you have in your room.”

Soohyun’s eyes flew open; he stood up and ruffled his hair. “Arasso, arasso. Let’s go.”



On the day of Soohyun’s operation…

“Are you ready?” Minah asked him as she put on his shirt for him. Minah fixed Soohyun’s hair.

Soohyun looked at her in the eyes, “Minah, I’m…scared.”

“Scared of what?”

He sighed, “Scared of dying…of not seeing you again.”

“Stop thinking about those things, have you forgotten what I told you before? I won’t leave you, I promise.”

Soohyun hugged her, “Thank you for taking care of me, thank you for loving me, thank you for being with me even until today…”

Minah’s eyes went teary but she controlled her feelings. “Yah, you talk like you’ll be leaving me soon.”

“Minah, could you promise me one thing again?”

She nodded, “What is it?”

“When I woke up…or if I even survive, I want you to be the first person I would see.”

“I promise.” She smiled and hugged him again.

The nurse went inside and told them to get ready for the operation would be starting any minute now. The two nodded but before they walked outside the room, Minah gave Soohyun her silver bracelet with the words destiny, written on it. She kissed his lips, feeling this would be the last time she would kiss him. Soohyun smiled as he deepened the kiss then went to looked at her.

“Soohyun ah, I want you to promise me one thing.” She held up him face. “Please, live for me.”

He smiled and nodded, “I will.”

“Mr. Kim Soohyun, please follow me.” the nurse went towards them. Soohyun, together with Minah, followed the nurse inside a room. The nurse asked him to lie on the hospital bed and relaxed. Minutes later, two doctors went inside the room together with some nurses and asked them to deliver Soohyun inside the operating room. Soohyun held onto Minah’s hand tightly, he looked at her and smiled. Before entering the operating room, Soohyun muttered the three simple words on Minah which almost made her heart sank; not knowing whether she will be able to hear these words from him again. “Saranghae…”

Inside the operating room, one of the nurse tried to take off Soohyun’s bracelet. “Hold on,” Soohyun stopped her. “Don’t take it.”

“Umm, but we need to removed every accessory your wearing.” The nurse replied.

He sighed, “Arasso but please take care of it and please put it on me before I go out of this room.

The nurse nodded and took off Soohyun’s bracelet and placed it on a table not far away from him. Just then, his sorroundings went black and blurry as the doctor injected tranquilizer on him and proceeded on injecting the anaesthesia.

Outside, Minah walked back and forth in front of the O.R. suddenly, her phone ranged. “Nogoseyo?”

“Yah, Minah!” Sooman cried on the other line. “Where are you? Have you forgotten that today was going to be your showcase?”

Minah’s eyes widened, “Omo, mianhae Sooman nim! I almost forgot.”

“You better get here in 30 minutes! Arasso?”

“N-neh? Uhh…Sooman nim, Soohyun’s having an operation right now. I can’t leave him, I promise to wait until he opens his eyes.”

“What?! You’re letting go of your dream all for him? You’re not even sure if he will live or not! What happens when your friends debuted without you and he didn’t open his eyes or even breathe anymore? You won’t be only losing him but also your dream! You have to choose Minah, otherwise you will be the one regretting in the end!”

Minah’s eyes fell as she looked at the operating room. “Mianhae Soohyun ah...Mianhae. I promise I will be back immediately, I promise…”

Minah made yet another promise to Soohyun, she trembled as she took a step backward…then another, then another, then she find herself running as fast as she can.

After the showcase, Minah tried to escape the media but failed. Her members pulled her away from the pool of reporters surrounding her, “Relax Minah,” Alea told her. “We’ll be debuting tomorrow.”

She smiled and nodded. “N-neh unnie.” She looked at her watch which showed 12:00, ‘The operation must be finished now’, she thought as she looked outside the window.



A week after SK8tEr DoLLs’ debut, Minah finally got the chance to visit Soohyun after Sooman finally gave her permission to take a break. “Soohyun ah, wait for me.” She rushed inside the hospital and opened Soohyun’s hospital room.

But she saw no one.

She went towards a nurse and asked about Soohyun, “Oh, Mr. Kim Soohyun? The patient with a brain tumour?”

She nodded.

“He got discharged yesterday and was brought to America by his parents for further treatments.” The nurse told her then turned to leave.

Minah pulled herself outside the hospital, holding a Shakespeare book in her right hand which she found at the table inside Soohyun’s hospital room.

She walked herself from the hospital to the crowded place of Myeondong. She sat in the middle of the crowd and cried herself out, Eunhyuk then saw her from afar and helped her up. He took her inside restaurant and let her cry in his arms. He didn’t dared to ask for he knows it might hurt Minah more so he remained silent while hugging her.



A year later…

“Minah ah~” T-Ara’s Eunjung smiled and hugged me. “Bogoshipo~”

Minah smiled at her, “I missed you too. But then, what brings you here?”

“Minah ah, could you eat lunch with me today?”


“At the filming set of my new drama ‘dream High’.”

“Dream High? What’s that?”

Eunjung gasped, “You don’t watch Dream High? Aigoo~ you should watch it! I’m in that drama.”

“Arasso, let’s just go and eat lunch.”

Eunjung cheered happily. After reaching Dream High’s filming set, Eunjung introduced Minah to the crews, staffs and he co-actors and actresses. Suddenly, someone caught her attention.

“Soohyun ah…”

Eunjung looked at her then to Soohyun. “Ah~ he’s Kim Soohyun, he plays the role of Samdong in Dream High. C’mon, I’ll introduce you to him.”

Minah let Eunjung dragged her towards Soohyun, her heart thumped as she realizes how close she was to him. She lifted her head and gulped, “Annyeong…Long time…no see.” She muttered softly.

Soohyun furrowed his eyebrows. “Long time no see? Uhh…have we met before?”

Minah felt her heart stopped beating, ‘It can’t be,’ she thought. ‘He forgot about…me?’

“A…aniyo!” she cried, finally. “I just thought…you were…uhh…someone I knew. Mianhae.”

He smiled. “It’s okay, nice to meet you Miss…uhh, what’s your name? I’m Kim Soohyun.”

Minah looked at his hand who was stretching in front of her, waiting for her to accept it and introduce herself. ‘He really can’t remember my name…’ she thought. ‘How can he…easily forgot my name?’

She faked a smile and shook her hands with him, “I’m Minah, Qian Minah. Nice to meet you.”

[ End of Flashback ]


Minah looked at her unnies and dongsaengs who were crying and feeling upset. “Unnie,” Yuna hugged her. “How can your life be so cruel?”

She laughed at the maknae’s actions. “Yah, stop crying. Let’s just forget about the past and move on to our new life!”

Everyone hugged her tightly, though she wanted to cry she controlled it after realizing what she had said awhile ago about forgetting the past. “Maybe some things are meant to be left unsaid in the past…”

She stood up and grabbed the bottle. “Let’s see whose next!”

Minah spin the bottle which ended up, pointing at Alea. “Unnie, you’re next!”



For those who haven’t fill up the form below, please fill it up so I could update faster JKamsahamnida~ [ eunhee960725 ]

Application for SK8tEr DoLLs’ members

AFF Username:

Character Name:

Tell me all about your first love (according to your character’s first love):

First Love (choose any famous celebrity in the entertainment to be your first love):

How do you want your past love to be? (romantic, funny, dramatic, tell me ^^):

Where do you want your first meeting to be? (like some café, concert, province, blah, blah, blah…):

How did you guys broke up?

How old are you when you first met him?

Any quotes or dramatic phrases that could give me more idea about what really happened? (for example: “I’ve love him for ten years now, I wish he knew…”):

Any suggestion on my next special issue? (you can scream at me and tell me to avoid being late, especially on updating special issues like this ^^ JK, please don’t scream at me):

Your theme song: [ give me 5 links ] 

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Thank you!


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Anonymous_15 #1
sounds good.............
Joanne0725 #2
@JadEeyore --> it's okay :) no need to worry abput it :)
OHH. I put my form in the Valentines Day Special comments. Is that okayy? o.o
Joanne0725 #4
@JadEeyore --> aniyo, the chapters won't be going on age order but on who submitted or filled up the application first :) since minah filled up the form first, she gets to be on the first chapter. after that, alea followed after her so that's the reason why she'sgoing to be on the second chapter :)
...TT.TT This is sooo sad D: He doesn't remember her at all? <br />
It's okay Minah dongsaeng! You have Eunhyukkie now :D HEHE. <br />
This was a really nice chapterrr :D I wonder what Alea Unnie's story is :O Is it going in age order from now on? o.o Can't wait till the next chapter. Update soon!!!! :DD MWAHHHA.<br />
<br />
Joanne0725 #6
you're welcome chingus! please answer the application i gave you guys below the 40th chapter of superstar express ... i need your infos about your first love! please do it quickly cause i cant start the first chapter once i haven't got the rest of the applications :) gomawo~ i love you too guys ^____^
chocolove #7
I'm excited for this!(:<br />
Lots of love and hwaiting!
I'm looking foreward to this~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
SARANGHAE Eunhee Unni!!!!<br />
your the best~!!!!
SARANGHAE Eunhee Unnie!!!!!!!!!!<br />
OMG!!!! You're my IDOL!!!!!!!!!!<br />
GOSH!!!!!! <br />
I can't wait for more stories/updates to come!!!<br />
LOL!!!!<br />
I'm so SadAppy[sad and happy]<br />
<br />
Update soon!!<br />
<br />
<3 a Lotz!!