
Welcome To Lotte World!


“Wow! This place looks sooo awesome!” Loren exclaimed as her bandmates and BigBang approached the entrance. “I want to ride ALL the rides!” Cassie proclaimed as she felt an arm wrap around her shoulder. “We will! And I can be your ride buddy” A disguised Seungri said with a smirk on his face. “Yah! Maknae, do you always have to flirt?” Daesung said while pulling him away from the girls.  The girls was in awe of how big the theme park was and how far they have come as a band. Who would have thought a small group of girls from LA would be in Korea signed to one of the top entertainment labels?! Since there was a lot of people, they broke up into two groups. Loren, GD, Alex, TOP and Taeyang in one group and Seungri, Cassie, Daesung, Nikki and Janelle in another.  Loren, GD and Taeyang went to look at cute headbands while Top and Alex went to go get ice cream. 

Cassie, Nikki, Seungri, and Daeusng got in line to ride The Astronomer, a super scary roller coaster full of dips, sharp turns, four loops and a terrifying 40 ft drop! “You guys sure you wanna ride this ride….?” Daesung asked nervously. “of course! It looks awesome! Dae Oppa, are you scared?” Janelle asked using her best aegeyo voice. “Ani! Of course not Janelle-ah it’s just… there’s a long wait for only a 3 minute ride. Daesung pointed out while rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “Come on Hyung! We have the whole day anyways! Plus we are able to get to know the girls better” Seungri said then winked at the girls. They ended up waiting an hour and a half in line. Daesung and Janelle were in their own world talking about everything and anything.  Janelle has always admired Daesung even before she joined Replay. He was and is one of her inspirations. The way he sang so passionately, the way he smiled that made his eyes disappear, his faith to God and happy go lucky personality. Practically everything about him made her heart beat ten times faster. Little does she know, Daesung has secretly been crushing on Janelle ever since he laid his eyes on her. He has just been to stubborn to admit it. Seungri always tries to make him confess but it just leads to a beat up maknae and an awkward atmosphere. 

As the two were talking, they heard a loud slap! “What happened?!” Janelle asked as she saw Seungri return with his hand on his face. “Seungri got tired of us ignoring him so he went off to flirt with a girl and I guess he said something offensive to her.” Cassie replied as she giggled. “Aish this playboy maknae. You can stay by me so you don’t get into anymore trouble.” Janelle told Seungri while grabbing his arm to keep him by her side. “okay Janelle-ah.” The mischievous maknae said with a smirk. “That seems more of a privilege than a punishment” Someone said from behind. A tall handsome guy with light blond hair, dark brown eyes and a billion dollar smile bowed at them and said “Annyonghasaeyo Dongwooimnida. What is a pretty lady like you doing here with THEM when you should be with me?” Daesung and Seungri were furious at his remark. Both their fists turned into balls getting ready to punch him in the face! Janelle was taken back by what he said so she smiled and interlocked her fingers with Daesungs and cuddled up to him. Daesung was shocked and started blushing like crazy. “I’m here with my friends and boyfriend, right Oppa?” said and turned to the very red and smiley Daesung. “Yeah so I suggest that you leave my jagiya alone before I knock the teeth out of your mouth!” Dae said to the now scared Dongwoo. Out of fear he left and walked back to a group of good looking boys that were laughing and mocking him. “Why is it that all good looking guys have such ugly personalities?Janelle said then looked at Dae as he was still holding her hand and smiling like crazy, “Thank you so much for helping me Dae” and kissed his cheek. Breaking out of his trance, he stuttered “ pr problem.” with a ginormous smile and a tomato red face that could not be erased. 

They didn’t even notice that they have been holding hands for half an hour until Seungri pointed it out. “Yah! Are you two really boyfriend and girlfriend?! Hahahahahahahaha” Seungri teased pointing at their hands. “Not yet!” Nikki said then high fived both Seungri and Cassie. Both of them were blushing like mad as they let go of each others hand. “What did we miss?” Loren asked as her, GD and Taeyang joined in the group. “Janelle and Daesung are a couple now.” Seungri teased as he hid behind Taeyang to avoid Janelle and Daesung’s hands that were ready to hit him. “No we are not! He just pretended to be my boyfriend cuz this guy tried hitting on me.” Janelle explained. “Yeah. So… Let’s go get some food!” Daesung suggested as he pulled Seungri by the neck towards the food court to get rid of the awkwardness.  Loren and Janelle let out a quiet squeal and high fived each other then followed the rest of the group. “Where’s Alex and TOP?” Nikki asked.

“Wooo Hooo! That was so awesome! Let’s go again!” Alex exclaimed as they go off the ride. “I haven’t has this much fun in so looong!” Top said as he chuckled at Alex and her silliness. She was hyper from all the ice cream and churros they ate earlier. Luckily she’s not lactose tolerant and has a big sweet tooth. “I don’t know why but I feel like dancing!” Alex exclaimed. So she started dancing silly not caring about all the people who looked at her like she was psycho. “Come on and dance with me! I heard they call you BinguTop because your awesome dance moves.” Alex  said as she pulled him to join her. At that moment, he retuned to his kiddie days and did his famous Bingu TOP dance. (The one he did when he went on Family Outing.) Together they we chooming and laughing till they heard a familiar voice call out to them. “Hey you silly people! Let’s all go to the haunted house together!” GD yelled to them from the food court. “Shall we go?” Top said to Alex holding his arm out for her to hold. “I think we shall!” Alex said then taking his arm in hers. Together they skipped happily to the haunted house. 

“Alright guys! Everyone grab a partner and we’ll see who can get in and out the fastest. But you cannot cover your eyes or run. The losing team has to buy breakfast tomorrow. Okay?!” GD explained as he grabbed Loren to be his partner. Top and Alex still had their arms linked together while Taeyang and Cassie high fived which meant that they have chosen each other as partners. Seungri put his arm around Nikki’s shoulders as Daesung did the same to Janelle. “Don’t worry Nikki noona! I’ll protect you! I’m not scared of ghosts and zombies! They fear me instead!” Seungri said confidently. “Yeah they are scared of the dark circles on your eyes! They think you are a zombie Panda man! Janelle said jokingly. “Whatever.” Seungri mumbled while rolling his eyes. “I’m just kidding Panda Oppa! You know I love your cute panda eyes! Just so cute!” Janelle said cutely as she pinched his cheeks. “Alright everyone! Let’s go!” Taeyang exclaimed! 

First team that entered was The Leaders GD and Loren.  Loren held on tightly to GD as they got to the first scare room. It looked like an entrance to an abandoned carnival. “I really hope there are no clowns…” Loren whispered to GD. “It’s okay LG, I got you. There’s no need to be scared. I won’t let anyone or anything hurt you. I promise.” GD gently whispered in her ear. As Loren looked up at GD, she could see the sincerity in his eyes and all the fear disappeared until a really ugly clown came down from the ceiling. “AHHH!”, They screamed. Once they realized that it was a toy, they just laughed. “You should have seen the look on your face!!” Loren said between laughs. “Hey! You should have seen yours! It was  twice as funny as mine.” GD said trying to catch his breath. “Hmm… The clown looks just like Zoey! AHHAHAHAHA!” She said as they moved on to the next room. They got out of the haunted house in 10.5 minutes. 

Next was Taeyang and Cassie. Both of them aren’t scared easily and loooove horror movies or any sort of scary thing. So they were called Team Fearless. While everyone was waiting for them to complete the haunted house, they heard laughing the whole time. Instead of screaming, they would just laugh at the actors that tryed to scare them but failed. They completed it in 7 mins and came out laughing and holding their stomachs from laughing so much. 

Next up was Alex and TOP. They walked confidently into the haunted house with fighting spirits. Alex was amazed by the decorations, fake blood, elaborate costumes and make-up all the actors had. It must have taken hours to put make-up on each actor everyday. “Whoaa look at all the fake blood! This is so awesome!” Alex said admiring the walls of what is supposed to be a crime scene of a girl that was cut into bits! Top wasn’t so amused by it, he was more queasy from all the gore that surrounded them. “A- Alex, ca- can we get ou- out of here? I’m n- not feeling so good…” Top said as his legs were starting to become weak. “Huh? Oh! Yeah of course! Let’s go.” Alex said holding onto TOP helping him keep his balance. He was super close to fainting but Alex got him out before he could. It took them 8 minutes which meant they didn’t have to buy breakfast tomorrow. “What’s wrong with Top hyung? He looks paler.” GD asked “I guess there was too much blood and gore for him to handle.” Alex replied as she handed Top a water bottle. “I just need some fresh air and water then I’ll be fine” Top said with a smile. “Thank you for helping me Alex” “No problem” Alex replied while trying to hide the huge grin on her face. 

Now it is Seungri and Nikki’s turn to go in. “If you get scared noona, feel free to hold onto me. I don’t mind at all.” Seungri confidently told Nikki. “All these ghosts, zombies, vampires, werwolves or mysterious creature is no match for VICTORY!!” “Yeah yeah yeah I get it. You’re a strong baby. I’ve heard your song plenty of times thanks to you.” Nikki said to the overly confident panda while rolling her eyes. “let’s go!” “AHHH!” screamed Nikki. “Wow you guys are doing a great job! Thanks for working hard. I was really scared. Please come to our concert next month! We’ll show you what real monsters look like!” Seungri told each and every actor trying to promote BigBang. He always works hard to let the world know about them. “Do you always bring work with you?” Nikki asked as they were walking down a creepy looking hallway. ”Being an idol is a full time job. Soon you guys will be come idols too and have to do this stuff. We always have to show everyone the good side of us. We can’t disappoint any of our fans either.” He explained. ”So we have to be perfect all the time? Don’t they remember that we are human too?” Nikki asked. “Well, perfection is impossible but we have to try our best not to get into any trouble. Our VIPs are number one and I know they have our backs until whenever.” he said with a smile thinking of all the VIPs who has supported them through each and every comeback, Daesung’s accidents and GDs incident. It has already been six years since they debuted at the YG Family Concert in 2006. “Well let’s get out of here so we don’t have to buy breakfast!” Nikki suggested. Their time was 8.5 minutes. 

Finally it’s the Scardy Cat Team, Daesung and Janelle. Both of them are the ones who are easily scared whether they are watching a movie or a scary commercial pops up on tv. They hide behind pillows or run out of the room everytime a scary movie is on. “Alright… I guess it’s our turn…” Daesung said to Janelle who was hiding behind him holding his arm shaking in fear. “D- Do we ha-have to?” She said quietly. “I’ll protect you! Don’t wor- AHH! What was that?!” Daesung jumped when he saw a fake skull near the entrance.  ”Let’s get this over with!” Janelle said as they slowly entered. Daesung led the way while Janelle held on to him with one hand and covered her eyes with the other. “Oppa I’m so scared! Why did we agree to do this?” She wined. ” I don’t know but I’ll get us out of here as fast as I can.” He said while hugging Janelle. “Omma!” he screamed everytime something popped out of the darkness. To reduce the fear, Janelle started to sing Daesung’s song Cotton Candy. “Geudaeneun somsatang ibsurae nogayoOMG!” she jumped as a fake spider fell down in front of them. “This place is no joke!” He said moving on to the next room. The next room looked like the place where they shot the Monster mv with lots of wires hanging down from the ceiling and a maze like pathway. When they turned a corner, a creature with horns and a chainsaw. “AHHHH! Let’s get out of here!” Janelle screamed as she noticed that Daesung wasn’t anywhere in sigh. “Omg! Oppa where are you?! AHH get off of me!” She yelled and felt something grab her leg. When she looked down, she saw Daesung on the floor. He fell earlier at the sight of the horrifying creature. So she helped him up and they ran towards the exit. All they had to do is go down one last corridor and they were free. As they head toward it, all the monsters and ghosts start coming towards them… Both of them screamed as loud as they could and started to sprint towards the door. Then a bright flash hit them. “I didn’t know they took a picture in there.” Taeyang said checking out everyone’s pictures at the booth in the souvenir shop. “I can’t wait to see Janelle and Daesung’s picture! I bet it’s hilarious!” Loren laughed at the thought of their scared reactions. 

“I’m NEVER EVER going in there EVER AGAIN!” Janelle pouted. It took them 20 minutes to get out. “Congrats guys! You two get to buy breakfast tomorrow!” Seungri said patting Daesungs back. He  is still shaken up from the mini heart attack he had five minutes ago. “Dude! Check out the pictures!” Alex said as she handed them everyone’s pictures that she bought as keep sakes. GD looked super serious while Loren was paying attention to where she was going so her face wasn’t too visible.  Taeyang and Cassie were cracking up in their picture. His famous eye smile and her adorable smile made them look like a cute couple. Top was holding onto Alex and they both put up peace signs near their eyes. In Seungri and Nikki’s picture, he put up his V.I. while she made a cute aegeyo pose. Last was Janelle and Dae’s picture. It was blurry because they were running but their faces in it were priceless! Dae’s mouth was wide open and the fear showed very well on his face. Janelle was paler than usual and buried half her face into Dae’s arm. “AHHHHAHAHA!” everyone laughed when they saw the scardy cat team’s picture. They all got an ab workout from laughing so hard. 

“Thanks for taking us out today guys. We had tons of fun and made a ton of wonderful memories.” Loren told the boys as they we headed towards the car. “Thank you for winning me a Doraemon Oppa.” Janelle told Daesung while giving it a big squeeze. “It will protect me from nightmares I will get from going in the haunted house.” “You’re welcome! If you do get nightmares, feel free to call me or knock on my door. I am only a few doors down anyways.” He said then gave her and Doraemon a big hug. “We should do this again whenever we have a day off.” TOP suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement and headed home. 

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