Happiness Is A Myth

Ghost From The Past

Myungsoo had tossed and turned in his bed that night so much that even Dongwoo, who’s a deep sleeper, woke up and scolded him.

But Myungsoo could find no peace. Knowing Sungjong still loved him was worse than thinking he hated him. Every second felt like a waste to Myungsoo, since he was not spending it with Sungjong.

What does this mean for us?

Sungjong hadn’t rejected Myungsoo, but he hadn’t accepted him either. He had left the room because Sungjong said he needed some time alone. Myungsoo knew he deserved it after all that he’d been through. Myungsoo’s own heartbeat was erratic and his brain failed to cooperate. He knew Sungjong would talk to Howon about it, because he didn’t have it in his heart to deceive anyone.

And what would Howon say?

A knock at the door woke him up from his reverie. Myungsoo thought it was Dongwoo and Sunggyu, who had gone to the dining room to breakfast. But when he opened the door, it was Howon. He couldn’t say he was shocked out of his mind.

“Come in,” Myungsoo said politely. Howon didn’t look very angry.

“Thank you.” Howon smiled.

When they both sat down, Howon initiated the conversation.

“I know this is awkward for the both of us but I need to tell you something.”

“Yes, please do.”

“We are alone right?” Myungsoo nodded in the affirmative.

“Actually, I want to beg you for something.”

Myungsoo stared at Howon.

“Please, let me have Sungjong. I have never begged in my life but just this once, I’ll be on my knees if you want, but please give me my Sungjong back.”

Myungsoo was at a loss. He looked at Howon—the emotions in his voice were genuine. But he couldn’t be feeling sorry for someone else when his own heart was in such a pathetic state.

“I’m sure I can’t live without him. I have waited so long and it was so painful. And now when happiness seems to be at hand’s reach, I’m losing him.” Howon’s voice was heavy with tears.

“I-did you talk to Sungjong about this?” Myungsoo asked.

“Yes, he said he loves you. But he said he’ll accept me if I accept him. I know I can make him forget you, eventually. I’ll try my best. Please don’t go to him anymore. Please give me the chance.”

“Howon-sshi, Sungjong might love me but that doesn’t mean he’ll accept me after all these years. But I plan to ask him, one last time. In fact, let’s do it together. If he takes your hand, I’ll go far away from you and you’ll have my blessings. Because if someone can keep my Sungjong happy, it’s you.”

“Alright then, let’s do it right now.” Howon stood up.

“Now?” Myungsoo asked. He was scared to meet his fate so soon. He wanted to stall, but every moment brought him fresh agony.

“Yes, I want to do it as soon as possible. The happiness of my life is at stake.” Myungsoo knew how Howon felt. He was on the same boat after all.

“Howon-sshi, from now on, for one of us, happiness is a myth.”

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Drhr13 #1
Chapter 20: T.T I Really do love it
Chapter 20: Omg.... Poor hoya though. I'm rooting for hojong all along.... T.T but if this is the ending then can't do anything. Nice story btw. ^^
andaeriel #3
Chapter 20: Gyahahahahahaha so i re-read this story again.. Such a wonderful story.. I'm surprised that it's you who wrote it Delib~ so poetic and beautiful.. Sometimes the greasiness makes me cringe but i can totally pictures myungsoo say that.. He is greasy.. Lmao
Chapter 20: Another unique story of love. Myungjong love. Another story that made me smile and made my day. :)

Sorry for being like a stalker.. I badly wanted to read more Myungjong stories and I knew I could find them in your fic collection. I wanted to read your older stories that were not yet completed but I'm afraid I might like the stories so much and you might not complete them, so I've been reading the completed ones so far..

I love everything about this story. It's not too angsty, not too fluffy. It has the right amount of elements to evoke many kinds of emotions from a reader like me.

What Myungsoo did was wrong, but for all the right reasons. They all couldn't have gotten their happiness if he hadn't done that. Who knew Sungyeol and Hoya would find their happiness in each other? I'm really happy for them and for WooGyu and BaDong(?) too. But I'm most especially happy for Myungjong, who had found love, thought they have lost it, and found it again. I believe in forever because of them. <3
Chapter 9: The fact that they didn't are is just downright sad and I hate them for it. Woohyun is being very unreasonable and rude, its not like it was sungjongs fault AND he got leukemia so they should at least care a little
Chapter 20: I think I've finished reading all your completed Myungjong stories to date XD This story gave me so much feels, especially when I read those small italic paragraphs and see how well they cohere to the story and sums up the characters' feelings in a very poetic manner :D At first, from the introduction, I thought it would be an angsty/mystery/supernatural story but it hadn't turned out that way XD Nonetheless, it's still good :D Sungjong just has the charm and charisma to have everyone fall for him, doesn't he? I kinda pitied Woohyun and Sungyeol when he showed up because their lovers no longer had eyes for them. But how Sungjong treated the situation was really mature and selfless :) When Myungsoo had faked that ceremony, I was honestly appalled by his actions, he wasn't playing a fair game (Poor Hoya)and he had made the decision for Sungjong. But then I realised that his intentions were good (not wanting Sungjong to sacrifice his happiness, hoping Sungyeol to seek for the happiness he deserves and putting Woohyun's suspicious nerves at ease) :D I loved how you named the chapters as well! I'm glad everyone got their happy ending in the end! That ninja Yunho/Jaejoong was hilarious! Once again, sorry for the unorganised babbling XD I read this last night and am only commenting now :P
Chapter 20: Aigoo~~~ I'm in love with your stories. At this rate I'm gonna read all in 2 days
Chapter 20: i like this story...i used to ship myungyeol but lately i seem to like myungjong more....
Ivettie25 #10
Chapter 20: A really really nice story. I enjoyed reading it. Thanks for delivering such an awesome story. ^_^ ♥