Victoria, Victoria

Neverland - Palace of Glass

Many years later~

"Mother, don't leave me!" The 15-year-old cried as she grasped her mother's upper arm tightly, kneeling by the bedside as the mddle-aged woman took shallow breaths painfully. "Be calm, my child. For I have something to tell you. It has been passed on to daughters by our mothers before, on their deathbeds." She whispered as she patted her daughter's blond hair gently.

"I have done a terrible thing, my daughter. In my lifetime, I have yet to find a way to reverse it but I have found out one thing. Her soul is depleted and only her essence remains. And on the day that her essence fades, a palace of glass shall appear. To destroy her, pierce her soul with the heart of the oldest. Remember, the Palace is safest. Safekeep this heirloom, and you will know when the time is right, Victoria, daughter of Victoria." With that, Tory's mother placed a necklace that held a clear glass marble on Tory's palms and closed her eyes to eternal sleep. Tory wept, distraught at the loss of her mother.

Tory knew of the legend. Her first great-great many times over great- grandmother was a powerful witch, named Victoria. 500 years ago, she had done something irreversible. Since then, for some reason, all daughters were named Victoria. Tory was 'Victoria the 17th'. The clear glass marble on a silver chain was the family heirloom, passed down to daughters only, along with the message from Victoria the 1st. Sniffling back the last of her tears, she slipped on the necklace around and rose to stand. 


Tory stooped to place a single white rose on her mother's grave in the middle of the forest, wiping tears from her eyes. If anything, Victorias in her family were strong, courageous, hardy women who never cried. Her head bowed, she whispered a last goodbye before turning and walking away from the grave. As she turned, lifting her head to the skies, she saw something sparkling in the horizon, where a large dense forest stood. 

Not believing her eyes, she rubbed them with the back of her hand, wondering if it was a trick of light. Yet when she opened them again, she saw a magnificent Glass Palace standing in the distance. She in a breath. "...A Palace of Glass shall appear..." She whispered to the wind that blew through the forest leaves and her hair. 

Gritting her teeth, she smiled determinedly, her blue eyes flashing with the propect of adventure as she took of running towards the mysterious palace in the distance.

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rion_01 #1
Chapter 18: It's finally over TT Beautiful ending~ Thank you so much for the meaningful story. I always love reading your updates <3
Chapter 18: Aww it's over! But that was a really nice ending! She found the princes again! It's sad that the actual princes had to leave though... Anyway, I loved this story! Thanks for sticking with it and writing it to the end!
Chapter 18: it's sad but nice ending <3 -sobs-
Yubynn #4
Chapter 17: Yay she killed the witch~ kinda sad this f
rion_01 #5
Chapter 17: Finally, that witch's gone~ lol Love the boys here. They're so cute~ I'm kinda sad that the final chapter's next because I really love this story. It's different from the others~ Anyway, update soon <3
Chapter 17: Yaaaay! She killed the witch and the boys are free! And despite being over 500 years old they still act like kids! Though knowing he boys of U-KISS, they probably will always be like this, even in real life, which is just another reason why I love them so much! Awesome story, it kinda that the next chapter is the last, but I'm still looking forward to it!
Casandra #7
Chapter 17: Wow. .hey can u do me a favour. .go to this link and vote for ukiss ok. . . thank u
Chapter 16: I just read this whole thing, and wow. This is really something! Great work, and update soon c:
Chapter 16: Ahhhh please update soon! Sooo intense! I seeriously looooove this story!