Chapter 1



                There are many depressing things in this world…. Tests, sermons…. Love letters?

                High school senior Byun Baekhyun sighed as he noticed another love letter sticking out from his locker at school that Monday morning.

                “And another one falls for that innocent face of yours, Byun Baekhyun,” Luhan, one of his close friends from school, can’t help but every time something like this happens.

                “Shut up, hyung. Just continue being all lovey-dovey with your boyfriend there and leave out the crappy teasing. Really, this has been going on for years, can’t they understand that I am in no mood for a relationship?” he can’t help but mutter.

                Luhan flicked him on the forehead. “Yah! Show some respect! I’m your hyung! And why not give the sender of the letter a chance? Maybe he is finally the person you’ve been waiting for all this while,” Luhan advised before kissing his boyfriend on the cheek. “I’ll go ahead you guys. See you later at our date, Sehunnie~!”

                “Neh, hyung,” his boyfriend replied before turning to look at Baekhyun. “Luhan-hyung’s right you know. Think about it Baek-hyung,” said the younger before turning around the corner to where his classes were located.

                But no matter what his friends say, Baekhyun just wouldn’t hear of it. He was in no market for any kind of romantic relationship. Period. He took a look at the letter which said,

To: Byun Baekhyun ♥♥♥

            Please come meet me in the school backyard during lunchtime. I will be waiting!

From: Lee Junghee

                This is getting tiring. Should I expect another slap?


                “I’m sorry, but I can’t go out with you!” Baekhyun said with a bow.


                Huh? I should be hearing a loud cry or be yelled at right now.

                He was surprised at the unexpected event before he looked up.

                And was met with the sight of an extremely tall, albeit too gorgeous guy, sporting a haircut which should have looked awful on others (what with its electrocuted appearance) but only served to give him an adorable aura. The guy had big soulful eyes, a cute nose and a nice pair of lips. Baekhyun eyes suddenly turned into big orbs.


                Baekhyun’s eyes widened before he turned his back around the guy, his mind yelling “That can’t be Lee Junghee right?”

                In his panic, he failed to notice the tall guy’s expression become thoughtful, seemingly thinking about Baekhyun’s statement, before his face darkened.

                Baekhyun meanwhile, knowing he had no choice but to apologize, slowly turned around to do exactly that.

                “Ex-excuse me, but looks like I mistook you for someone…” His voice was cut off when he saw the guy’s aura had turned menacing in a matter of minutes. He gulped in nervousness.

                Is he mad?

                His train of thought however, flew out the window when the guy suddenly grabbed his waist, pulled him close, tilted his chin and kissed him on the lips.

                “NNGGHHHHHHH??!!!!” Baekhyun tried to shout but he can’t get away from the guy’s brash grip him. His mind was screaming though.


                A rustle from behind alerted him to another presence on his back before a female’s voice spoke. “You’re cruel, Baekhyun-shii. You don’t have to dump me like this!”

                Baekhyun tried to free himself, to shout to the girl that this was all a misunderstanding and that he needed help from this crazy person who attacked him all of a sudden. When he was able to free his lips though, he caught sight of the girl’s back a distance away already.

                Baekhyun can feel his spirit already trying to escape from reality.

                Is this my punishment for dumping all those girls without even seeing their faces?

                His self-pitying was short-lived however, when he suddenly felt a hand slipping through the waistband of his pants. His heart gave a sickening jolt.


                The guy kissing him suddenly shifted from attacking Baekhyun’s lips to trailing wet kisses down his exposed neck. He can feel the guy’s hands roaming underneath the material of his uniform.

                Baekhyun tried to push him away, but the guy was strong for all his frail appearance.

                And just like that 20 year-old Byun Baekhyun was taken till the very end.


                “Thank you for the meal!” the guy said with a flourish.

                Baekhyun gritted his teeth. He was sitting on the ground, his uniform’s coat clutched tightly in his hands, his undershirt haphazardly buttoned, his shoulders still exposed. “I’m going to kill you…” he growled, which only looked to be cute to the other guy’s eyes.

“Even if you look at me growling like that, it’s not scary.”

                Baekhyun’s face was red as a tomato. He felt like bawling his eyes out at that moment. “That was my first kiss…. My first time having … and it was with a guy, and it was , outside no less,” he whispered to himself, on the verge of tears.

                The guy with his elfish ears seemed to have heard him though. “First time having ? Just now?” he asked.

                “Huh? Ah! No! That’s… Agh!” Baekhyun tried to deny.

                “I’m sooooo lucky,” the guy said, causing Baekhyun to blush. “Coz you see, you seemed pretty used to it…”

                No…. Stop… Ah!

                Stop?... Where?... Here?...


               “Yaaahhhh!!!” Baekhyun screamed. “Don’t  make me remember you !” Baekhyun can feel his face burning up, almost as if he was having a fever.

                The guy looked as if he was thinking of something before he went on bent knees beside Baekhyun on the ground. “I’m sorry, okay?”

                “Huh?!” Baekhyun’s head whirled around at the surprising statement. “What?! Why all of a sudden? You think one wretched sorry of yours is enough?”

                The guys had the decency to blush. “Well, you see, it’s my first time being rejected so I kind of got mad..”

                “Rejected?! You mean by me? What the hell! How can you be rejected when you did not even confess?”

                “Are you mad?”

                “What is this?! Of course, I am!”

                “But then our bodies felt like they were perfect for each other,” the guys said before leaning forward, his head in the crook of Baekhyun’s neck. “I’m seriously going to get addicted.”

                Baekhyun thinks he can’t blush any redder the way his face is now, plus he can feel his heart’s loud thumping from underneath his chest.

                Quiet down, heart!

                “So… Can I, well…” the guy continued the seemingly innocent statement with, “Can I do you once more?”

                Baekhyun’s innocent internal wonderland shattered into a thousand pieces. The guy seemed oblivious to it all though, chanting, “Name~ Tell me your name~”

                Is he an idiot?!

                Baekhyun punched him square in the face. “Don’t you ever come near me again!” Baekhyun shouted before storming off.

                What the heck was that?!

                The guy was left touching his bruised cheek, looking at Baekhyun’s retreating form. “Is this….”


                “Is this LOVE?” High school freshman Park Chanyeol asked his friends, Jongin and Kyungsoo, during their afternoon break.  His face was so happy stars can be practically seen sparkling in his eyes.

                “Pffffffttttt!” Jongin accidentally blurted out the juice he was drinking, all in the direction of his boyfriend, Kyungsoo’s face. Kyungsoo was quick to react though, having been with Jongin since they were kids. He easily transferred seats, thereby successfully avoiding having his uniform dirtied by the contents of his boyfriend’s mouth.

                Kai coughed, with Kyungsoo patting his back. He tried to calm himself before turning to look at Chanyeol. “I thought I already got used to Chanyeol’s weird thoughts and actions… Impossible! You? In love?” He pointed a finger at Chanyeol’s direction. “Who the hell encouraged this idiot?”

                Chanyeol’s wide eyes blinked, before he pointed to a sore spot on his cheek. “That’s what I want to know. I got punched when I asked.”

                Kyungsoo calmly took a sip of his own juice before commenting, “But it’s one of the students here, right?”

                Another blink of those eyes. “But I can’t remember the face.”

                Kyungsoo face palmed. “In the end, Chanyeol is Chanyeol.”

                Kai sighed, before patting Chanyeol on the shoulder. “Leave it all to me!” He smirked, and Kyungsoo knew that his boyfriend’s idea was up to no good.


                I can’t believe I almost fell for that guy’s words, even for a second…. The ….

                Baekhyun realized where his train of thought was going, and it made him sweat.

                Wait a minute! I fell for him? No, I was falling for him? But he’s a guy! And a on top of that! He persistently thought to himself. “Well, if it was a good-looking guy like him, who is pretty impressive, wouldn’t you fall too?” In his heart though, he told himself, Baekhyun, you stupid. No one would.

                “Aaaaagggghhhhh!!!! What happened to me?!” he shouted out loud. It took considerable effort but later, Baekhyun managed to calm himself.

                We-well, calm down. I’m just feeling hyper because I went through something unusual. That must be it! That must….. that…

                “Baekhyun-hyung,” It came from Sehun, standing by their classroom’s door. “Have you seen Luhan-hyung?” Sehun was about to whine he hasn’t seen his older boyfriend the whole afternoon when he saw Baekhyun looking at him in a weird way. “Hyung? What’s with you? I can almost see a dark aura surrounding you…”

                “Huh? Aura?” Baekhyun asked.

                Remembering something, Sehun smirked. “I see. Something happened during lunch right?” He always knew interesting things happen whenever Baekhyun issued another confession-rejection.

                Baekhyun can’t help but blush, remembering something as well. It was totally not the same as what Sehun was thinking of though.  “Wha… wha…. What do you mean?” he asked, reddened cheeks and all.

                Sehun was still smirking when he totally entered Baekhyun’s classroom and slammed his palms on top of Baekhyun’s table. “Don’t play dumb with me. I was there when you got that letter this morning, remember?”

                “Huh?” Baekhyun was confused for a moment, before, “Oh.”

                Oh, it was that…

                “So? Tell me all about it. What kind of girl was she?” Sehun was practically jumping on his toes in excitement. Hearing about Baekhyun’s misfortunes with those he rejected always did that to him. “Whoever that was, you rejected her, right?” Sehun pulled out a seat before sitting beside Baekhyun. He then leaned forward to examine Baekhyun’s face. “What? Why does it look like you weren’t slapped? You have bad luck when it comes to things like these.”

                Actually, it was me who hit somebody, not the other way around. Well, it’s his fault, Baekhyun reasoned with himself. He deserved that punch. He even had the guts to ask ‘Can I do you once more? At that thought, Baekhyun can feel his face heating up more, if it was even possible. Stop fooling around you !

                “But you’re really wasteful of your own popularity, you know?” Sehun was saying. “Hyung?” he was interrupted by Baekhyun standing up from his seat and taking his bag. “Going home?”

                “Yeah, I’m leaving.” No use thinking about it. It was all an unlucky incident. Besides, I haven’t seen him around before I doubt we’ll be seeing each other again. “I have a part-time job today.” He opened the door to get out and was met with the very person who was plaguing his thoughts-- kissing a girl right in front of his eyes.  He slammed the door closed. He can feel his world spinning… “Whaaaattttt???”

                “Huh? What’s wrong, hyung?” Sehun was surprised and was getting a little weirded out by his hyung’s uncharacteristic actions today. “Haven’t you seen Park Chanyeol doing that the whole day?”

               Baekhyun was about to shout a big fat NO when he realized Sehun’s words. Grabbing the younger by his shirt collar, he asked, “Come here you! You know him?”

                “Yah! Hyung! That hurts!”

                “Answer me, maknae.” Baekhyun was all but strangling poor Sehun.

                “He’s a transferee, same year as you.” Sehun pried Baekhyun’s fingers off his collar. “Where have you been living, under a rock? He’s pretty famous for being a playboy. He only got here say… a month maybe?”

                Hearing the truth about Chanyeol made Baekhyun feel all kinds of betrayed. , and here I was all worried for nothing. “And what is he doing kissing in front of our classroom?”


                “I’m calling it the Sleeping Beauty Plan!” Kai proudly told his boyfriend. “Yes, I know, I am such a genius. Yes, I am.” He was praising and mentally giving himself a pat on the back.

                Kyungsoo can only sigh at his boyfriend’s stupidity. Not that he’ll say it to his face though. “Why did I expect much again? I guess with your brain that’s how far it would go.”

                Kai pouted. “But baby! It’s not my fault he,” pointing a finger at Chanyeol (who was still busy kissing all the girls), “only remembers the touches of kissing and the actual insert--!” He was interrupted with Kyungsoo covering his mouth.

                “Yah, could you be any louder! Have some shame, you shameless twit.” Kyungsoo reprimanded his boyfriend. (Chanyeol, on the other hand… *kiss* Not this one. *kiss* Not this one either.)

                “Question is,” Kyungsoo said out loud, “Will the guy who punched him and ran away come all the way here just to be kissed?”


                The answer is, of course, NO, HE WON’T.

                Baekhyun was pissed. Utterly and irrevocably pissed with himself. Why am I torturing myself like this? His hands clenched. He made a beeline towards the other door of the classroom. Anyways, I’m leaving!

                The heavens must be against him that day, because when he opened the door, he bumped into this big and scary- ugly woman who in turn gave him the evil eye. He thought it was a wall at first, but no. The woman/wall was part of the long line of people lining up to kiss Park Chanyeol.  He closed the door and came running back to Sehun.

                “Sehun-ah! I feel like crying! What about my part-time job?!” He was THIS close to blurting out all his sorrows regarding Park Chanyeol.

                “There now, hyung. Take a deep breath…” Sehun himself was holding back his laughter. “What’s it to miss your part-time job for today? I don’t quite understand but it looks like Chanyeol-shii is also having a hard time.”

                “Sehunnie~ Sehunnie~” It was Luhan, waving a hand behind Baekhyun to get his boyfriend’s attention. Seeing Luhan was enough for Sehun to forget all thoughts of comforting Baekhyun, opting instead to snuggle in Luhan’s arms.

                “Luhan-hyung?” This from Baekhyun.

                “You guys hugging, Sehunnie?” Luhan asked. “Lemme join!”

                Sehun pouted. “No, we’re not. I was just comforting Baekhyun-hyung here, who was feeling like he had all the problems in the world. And where were you? I went to your class but you weren’t there.”

                This time, it was Luhan who got Baekhyun’s full attention. “Hyung! Where did you come in?”

                Luhan was, needless to say, confused. “Huh? Where? The front door of course.”

                “But how? The way’s too crowded!” Baekhyun.

                “Well…” Luhan proceeded to meticulously explain that by blinking his doe eyes and asking cutely the women at the door if he can pass through, he was able to enter the classroom. “Of course, that only works for me. You can try smiling at them and asking nicely if you want.”

                NO! The way is closed! Baekhyun lamented.

                “Oh, I see. Why the crowd in front of Chanyeol-shii though?” Sehun asked his Luhan.

                Luhan remembered something. “Well, it seems like Chanyeol-shii is looking for his Sleeping Beauty. You know, about the kiss and stuff. It was all stupid Jongin’s idea though.” Sehun and Jongin were best friends, and Luhan and Kyungsoo often whined about their respective boyfriends’ immaturity.

                “Sleeping Beauty? What the heck is that?”

                “It seems like it was someone he met during lunch.”

                Baekhyun flinched. Met during lunch? Wait…. Could it be…. ME?

                Sehun noticed Baekhyun blushing and mumbling to himself in the corner. “Hyung, what are you blushing there by yourself?”

                “But,” Luhan continued,  “seems like he doesn’t know the person’s name and face.”


              But Luhan was still not finished rubbing salt on Baekhyun’s wounds. “All he remembers is the touch of the lips and..”

                Sehun was dumbstruck. 


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Chapter 1: It can’t be one-shot. You just dropped that in a very exciting part. I know it’s about years, but... can you update please?
Chapter 1: Update soon!!!please!!!><i want to know what is going to happen next..pls!!!
Chapter 1: awwww :( was this really a oneshot?? it was so good thoand its over already lolz haha :) keep up the good work author-nim!!!
XD normally I don't read but somehow I really liked this one. It's so funny! Chanyeol how can you forget about how Baekhyun look like?? & the HunHan couple was so sweet it was adorable to read about, & the KaiSoo couple :D, how Kyungsoo actually loves Kai even though Kai is portrayed as a bit stupid here actually made me smile a lot :P Anyhoo hope you do update cos I can't wait to read more :3
KyuMinLover123 #5
Chapter 1: I don't know which Manga it is but I can almost imagine it being one I love Manga so much so I really like this story
eyethelaw #6
love it omg you gotta update soon poor beakhyun haha im looking foward to this :)))