A Stranger Crying...

A Perfectly Starry Dream ✰

Sang Hee's POV

SHINee arrived in a large black van; all the girls started squealing. They all surrounded the van, anticipating SHINee's appearance. I stood up, unsure of what to do. As the manager first came out, he asked all the fans to back away so that the members could come out safely. The Shawols backed away in a mix of obedience and anticipation; I hesitantly approached the crowd. I stopped in my tracks as I recognized two girls from my class; they were Dae Myung's friends and also took delight in making fun of me. They were wearing tank tops, short skirts and stilettos.

I felt intimidated by their appearance; did I dress up in a too old-fashioned manner? Did SHINee really prefer that type of clothing? I felt my confidence slip away as I looked at myself, wearing a t-shirt, a frilled skirt that only came above my knees and kinda high heels. Will they think I look too innocent?

The SHINee members stepped out of the van and all the girls started screaming. I couldn't bring myself to look at them; I stood there, afraid the two girls would see me.

Please don't turn around... Please don't turn around...



The two girls were squealing as well, but they must've felt a presence behind, as they turned around. At my sight, they wore a shocked expression but soon after, they started laughing. Laughing wretched, heart-crushing laughs.

"Well, well," one of them said in a disdainful manner. "Look who we have here. I never knew she was a Shawol too~. Can you believe it?"

"Talk about a surprise," the other continued, sneering. "Hey you, why'd you bother coming here? Your little clothes aren't enough to attract SHINee's attention."

I couldn't dare look at them. I looked at the ground, throat tied in a knot and chest feeling heavy.

Why can't they leave me alone? Why did they have to ruin this? Why?!



"Go away," the first one said, glaring. "SHINee'd never want to go on a date with you. You're just being a nuisance, coming here. I bet they'd be ashamed to see such a pathetic girl like you here."

At those words, tears started to form themselves. I covered my face, hiding in vain from the shredding hurt and humiliation I felt. I wanted to hide from the world, from people who would hurt me. I couldn't understand why this was happening to me.

Why was there so much hate towards me? What did I do to deserve this...?



I heard them laugh again then turn around. I stood there, too hurt, scared, humiliated to move, like a helpless bird that lost the ability to fly. My throat felt like it was tied up; as the tears streamed down my cheeks, I started sobbing in the darkness my hands had created.


Why was this happening to me?










Jonghyun's POV

It's unfortunate that out of all these fans, we would have to choose only 5. I'm sorry, all the other Shawols we won't be choosing today~. I felt bad for wasting their time like this.

"The members will now pass around among the crowd and choose 1 lucky Shawol each," our manager said, obviously enjoying this. He's lucky that all he does is organize our schedule and accompany us.

Taemin made way into the crowd, smiling in his innocent way; Minho calmly entered the crowd, thanking all of them for coming; Onew walked amongst them, exchanging greetings; Key walked confidently, smiling while eyeing everyone. I walked among the fans, greeting everyone with the most enthusiasm and energy I had.

Most of the Shawols gave off a flirty impression; I couldn't blame them since this was a date. Alot of them kept on stating they were better than the others and that I wouldn't regret choosing them. Many of them followed me; everything was chaotic. My lack of energy certainly did not help me think clearly in this situation. How the hell was I supposed to choose?

As I walked amongst the fans, two girls in short skirts and stilettos got ahold tightly of each of my arms. Whoa, talk about daring.

"Choose either of us, Jonghyun-ah~," one of them said in a flirty voice.

"Or both of us~," the other added.

I had to hand it to them, they were quite bold to do this. But... bleh. It wouldn't feel right to choose either of them. I calmly made them let go of me and smiled at them. Well, I'm glad that, after 3 years in the entertainment industry, I'm able to fake a smile.

"Not until I see everyone," I said, laughing. "There's also the other members, don't forget that~."

At those words, they pouted and went to see the other members. I sighed of relief in my mind; I felt a bit bad for sending these girls after the rest of the members. Sorry fellow SHINee members~.







Mood song: Kotoba ni Dekinakute - BRIGHT



I looked around to make sure I had seen everybody when the lonely figure of a girl caught my eye, away from the crowd. Was she a Shawol too? She was covering her face with fragile-looking hands; she was wearing a frilled skirt that came slightly above her knees, a t-shirt with a colorful print and subtle high heels. What was she doing, far away from the crowd? Was she okay?

As I approached her, the sounds of sobbing and the trembling of her shoulders indicated that she was crying. My heart quivered at that sight; I couldn't leave her like this, not after knowing she was crying. I quickly walked over to her, took off my jacket then put it over her head.

"Cover your eyes with this," I whispered. "You're coming with me on a date."

I didn't care who she was. Shawol or not,  I just knew I had to do something. I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I had let her stand there, crying. I lead her through the crowd, towards the van, an arm around her shoulders; I could feel her trying to stop crying by the uneven trembling of her shoulders.

As we arrived at the side of the van, I saw that I was the last to have chosen someone; at her sight, the manager and the other members looked at me inquiringly. We went to stand next to Taemin and his chosen fan; I knew all the other fans were looking at us, jealous and surprised.


"Look at the girl Jonghyun chose."

"Why is she covering her face?"

"Bleh, what's so special about her?"

"Jonghyun deserves way better."


I couldn't believe what I was hearing. So this was what they meant when people talked about girl jealousy.
I knew she had heard those comments as well as I did. Her shoulders stiffened; she pulled the jacket over her face more. I saw a tear slowly stream down her cheek. I tightened my grip on her, as a means to comfort her. I didn't know what to do; I wanted this to stop, but they were our fans. I couldn't bring myself to hurt SHINee's reputation over one feeling I had.

I'm sorry I can't do anything...



The manager stepped in front and thanked all the other fans for coming. "Please come whenever there will be another guerilla date!" At those words, the fans started complaining and started to advance towards us. The manager told some of the staff that had accompanied us to lead each of us to our respective dating spots. He then called for other staff members to help him disperse the fans.

This was the main reason why we avoid guerilla dates. I do love the fans, I really do. But sometimes there's a limit to things...




My fan and I followed my hair stylist, who was designated to show us the way, to our dating spot. It's funny how she accompanies us even to guerilla dates. My date didn't say anything but the trembling of her shoulders had stopped. My mind eased a bit at that.

So fragile-looking...

I kept my arm around her as we walked. I felt that if I let go, she would start crying again.



It wasn't too far, so as to avoid attracting too much attention. A small concert hall stood in front of us. My hair stylist told us that the date was going to last 2 hours. The manager will come and get me once it'll be finished. At those instructions, she left, leaving an imposing silence looming over us. I wasn't sure whether it was an awkward or comfortable one; she didn't seem to mind though. She still had the jacket over her and seemed to want to hide her eyes. She looked just like an abandoned puppy: hurt, scared and innocent.


Did she regret having to come with me? I did force her to... It's not like I could've left her there though, crying...


I was starting to feel bad. I had forced someone I didn't even know, someone I wasn't sure wanted to go on a date with me. All that because I wanted to stop her crying, a stranger's crying.

I didn't know what to do; I didn't know what she was thinking. I couldn't bear the silence any longer though.




"Shall... we walk in?" I whispered, as to not startle her.

She didn't say anything at first, then nodded; she didn't move though, as if she was waiting for something. We stood there for a few seconds; I didn't understand at first, until I realized I still had my arm around her. I laughed a bit at myself; as if she understood what I was thinking, she smiled shyly. Hey~! A smile! Maybe I can cheer her up!

I led us into the concert hall. I had a new mission now; I chose to help her. I wasn't going to back away, not now.


Operation: Cheer a Shawol up commence~!






















Whew! I found this chapter particularly touching~. <3 Jonghyun's really too nice, isn't he?~ But I think that's what makes his personality charming!

Thank you to all my subscribers, for reading and supporting this story!

PS.: God do I love writing. I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much I enjoy writing it~! <3

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SaltandRust #1
You promised us an update... but yet you're still not. :(
LuvNTechnocolor #2
I know people can get busy and have writers block and all but im begging u please give an update as soon as you are able
Pllllllssssssss UPDATE !!!!!!
wendextie2 #4
Oh snaps...I'm such a Jjong bias but I'm sooooo loving Dae Myung right now! I say screw the idol and go for the trainee lololol xD But I'm lovin it! Keep up the good work! :3
LuvNTechnocolor #5
SaltandRust #6

Omo~ I love Daemyung! I dont know why I'm attached to this fictional character, but I can't help it. >.< Daemyung is an awesome guy... Can I have him? TROLOL... >_<
Update soon, Author. (But, seriously, update now. I want to know what will happen)
Btw, this story is BEAUTIFUL! original plot and lovable characters. I will definitely reccommend this story to my friends.
kidamazone #7
@royalvip: Kekeke yay, someone on Jonghyun's side! <3
It'd be so simpler if Sang Hee could know he had called, right? TTwTT
Thanks for commenting as always! <3
@ChocoPanda: Kekeke I try my best to make my readers feel compassion and confusion according to both potential lovers. :D
Thanks for commenting as always. <3
@MelonCandy: OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. I saw your comment, and I was like O____________________________________________O. <3333
Haha, I like how you stood up for DaeDae. <33 ^w^ He WAS jealous, so that explained his actions. :D
Yes, you're right, I have planned a lot of tears and good times for the three of them, kekeke. I hope you'll enjoy what I have in store for all of you. :D
Mmm even though she got hurt and all, I'm glad DaeDae and her will have been kinda "forced" to see each other again. I'm sure some of you are too. XD <3
And I love to show how confused my characters are when they are in that state. :3
Thank you for being so patient with me!!!!!!!! ^^ <33333 And also for commenting with such a longggggggggggggg comment! ^^ <3
MelonCandy #8
First of all, I don't like the comments saying Daemyung was in the wrong. In case you've all forgotten, Daemyung is like that to everyone except for Sanghee; that's his personality. Excuse him for being jealous and sticking up for the one he loves =__=

Eonni, it's a long comment again. Please prepare yourself.

Oh my gaaah!!! I can't believe it! So Jonghyun finally realising, well, ACCEPTS his feelings thanks to Daemyung but what could possibly happen next? It's not like he can be open about it others (maybe s but I'm not really confident he will) so my guess is that he's just going to ignore Daemyung's 'advice' or he's going to slowly distance himself from Sanghee so he won't hurt her. Which he'll actually be doing if he leaves her :L Either way, there're going to be tears xD And good times too of course! But more tears LOL

I hope Sanghee can make up with her parents in time but (I feel kinda bad for saying this) I'm kinda glad she had that fight with them and that Jjong couldn't pick up his phone in time; it gave DaeHee a chance to make up.. Poor Dae is suffering a lot T-T He really does love her :L But I have a feeling that things aren't going to go his way :L

Wheee!! One thing I am looking forward to is Stephy's return!! She'll definatly lighten the mood and make Sanghee happy :D I just KNOW IT!! >-<

Without knowing it, I just gave a review of the story =__=
OMG the things I do sometimes xD
We will wait PATIENTLY for your updates eonni, PATIENTLYYY~~ :DDDDD

PS: I love the whole internal conflicts they have ;) Daemyung's like 'Should I go? Should I leave? Nah, I should go. Maybe I'll stay' xDDDDD

And I smile everytime Sanghee voiced her feelings :)
Nope, I still prefer Jjong for Sang Hee :3 It was mean of Daemyung to tell him off like that! >:O
Sang Hee, call jjonggie and tell him you love him and ur not just a fan T^T