Kimchi Ramen?

A Perfectly Starry Dream ✰

Jonghyun's POV

She played well. Really well. I was really surprised actually. Her fingers swiftly yet softly played the notes on the piano; she caressed them, and in return, beautiful sounds resounded. She wasn't just a novice player; she had played for quite some years, as the level of her skill couldn't be attained in only a few months.

As I was sitting beside her on the piano stool, I could see the love she had for piano in her eyes; a gleaming and passionate gleam had taken hold of her eyes. I unconsciously smiled; it made me feel a bit happy to know there were still people who loved playing piano for the sheer pleasure, and not for fame or praise.

As she finished playing, I applauded her loudly, smiling. She looked at me with a slight touch of pink on her cheeks, probably embarassed by my outburst.

"You really play well~," I said cheerfully. "That was amazing."

Her cheeks flushed to a deeper pink. "No, that's too much," she said shyly. "I'm not really that good..."

"Are you kidding me? Not everyone can remember a piece so well and manage to play it with all the right feelings. You have alot of potential for this~."

At those words, she looked at me, shaking her head, a mix of gratefulness and embarassment in her eyes.


We continued showing each other pieces we knew, taking turns playing on the piano. It felt weird yet comforting somehow; I wasn't used to discuss and play an instrument with a fan. They weren't usually musicians and I always had to sing or play one for them. But Sang Hee knew how to play piano, knew what it was to love playing music.

I felt like a kid again; I eagerly showed her everything I knew about piano, happy that I had found someone who could understand how much I loved music. It felt like I could spend hours talking about how I used to practice guitar in the attic until my mom found out, about my ambitions for music, about the music-filled memories of my childhood. Sang Hee listened to me calmly and respectfully, a gleam of interest in her eyes; she smiled and laughed, an everlasting pink hue on her cheeks.


As I was playing another piece I knew, her stomach growled out of hunger; I softly stopped and looked at her with a mix of surprise and amusement. She was even more flustered than before and had a hand on her stomach.

"I'm sorry, I should have eaten more before coming," she said, embarassed.

I laughed light-heartedly. Poor girl~! We better go get something to eat. "No worries," I said kindly. "You don't need to be embarassed about this. Let's go get something to eat!"

I sat up and so did she; we walked off the stage together. We didn't say anything, but I found the atmosphere to be comforting. I wondered if she felt it too.

As we walked along the rows of seats, I became a bit nostalgic though: it had been a while since my parents came to support me for an event. We all knew it wasn't out of resentment though. It was out of lack of time. We were slowly drifting away: I was busy and so were they. I had practice, shows, events to attend to. They had their usual work, the usual routine to prolong. And yet, for some reason, my heart stinged at their absence, at those thoughts.

I stopped walking and looked at all the seats, remembering SHINee's debut; the blinding lights, the heat, the nervousness, the fans' shouts, the frantic beating of my heart. As the music started and I had looked for the first time in the crowd, Umma and Appa were seated in the crowd, a smile conveying all the love they had for me, all the pride they had. It was then that my fears disappeared at their gaze, at their love for me. I had never felt as grateful to them than I ever did, at that time. I unconsciously smiled, as I remembered.


Reality softly lead me back in the form of Sang Hee's shy voice.

"Jonghyun?" she said softly, a look of worry emanating from her eyes.

I really need to stop spacing out like that.

"Sorry, I just thought of something," I said, a bit embarassed of my mind wandering like that. "Anyways, what do you want to eat?"

She smiled a bit uneasily. "Umm... About that," she started. "I don't think you should go out. You are an idol and I don't want anything bad to happen."

I knew exactly what she was trying to tell me. That's really cute of her, to worry like that~.
I couldn't help but be a bit disappointed though. My status as an idol had started to shape my life again.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to hide my face with my jacket," I said as I made my way to take my jacket from the middle seats.

"N-No, I'll go alone and buy us something," she insisted, which surprised me. "I already owe you so much, so just stay here, okay?"

Huh? What did she owe me anyways?

I knew it was risky for me to go out somewhere with a fan but I didn't want to let her go alone. I knew myself too well; I was uneasy with that idea, to be honest. Uneasy because I wasn't sure if she'd cry again. What would I do if she came back, tears streaming down her cheeks?

I tried to shrug off that thought and told myself she was going to be alright. She survived the day she was born up until now without my help, right?

I sighed and smiled at her reluctantly.

"Alright, go get something quick," I said, still a bit unsure of my decision. "Don't you go tripping everywhere, Ms.Clumsy~."

At those words, she laughed and smiled, a hint of regret in her eyes, then made her way towards the door leading to outside. I sat down, took my jacket and put it over my face, resting my head on the seat.

I'm the guy on the date, but I made a poor Shawol go buy food for me. Kim Jonghyun, you are hopeless as a man~.



Sang Hee's POV

My heart was beating at a crazy rate as I walked out the concert hall; I tried not to think about Jonghyun, about knowing he was right there behind me, in the concert room.

I still couldn't believe things happened it had did: the crying, the jacket covering my eyes, his arm around my shoulders, the piano playing, us talking... Those thoughts made me blush out of amazement, out of shyness.

I'll be able to blush all I want when the date is over, but it's not! So snap out of it Sang Hee!

I softly slapped myself, trying to snap out of it, then walked at a more determined pace along the streets, a smile on my lips.

The sun shone down on the streets with an orange hue; it was spring with a tint of summer heat. The trees had started to grow foliage again and the birds had started chirping lightly again. The atmosphere radiated summer laziness and inner peace.

I looked at the passersby in the streets; some were in couple, some were walking alone, some were with family. They all had different auras surrounding them, like everyone of them were going through different emotions. I was a bit amazed as I realized that every single life that passed me had memories that accompanied them, events that changed their lives and important people who lead their hearts.

What about mine?


No need to ask myself, right?


I stepped into the store and walked in as I felt the weight of the manager and the customers' stares on me; I walked in casually, faking a façade while my interior was crumbling a bit of embarassment. I walked in along the alleys among bags of chips, cookie bags, candy sacks. I didn't want to buy something too light, yet not too heavy to bring.

I wonder what kind of food Jonghyun expects me to bring back... Coming back with only a few bags of chips would be so embarassing, so that's a definite no... Candies wouldn't be enough for both of us. Ice cream would've been okay, if only the temperature wasn't so hot outside. His reaction would've been really funny though.

I giggled a bit at that thought: Jonghyun looking at me with a baffled expression as I open the cup, only to reveal liquid ice cream.

I walked along in other alleys, until I found colorful ramen bowls, each of different flavors. There was Kimchi, Chicken, Beef, Pork, Seafood...

I think this is okay for now. Hopefully Jonghyun's not a stingy person~. What flavour should I take? I don't like beef, pork nor seafood, so it leaves Kimchi and Chicken...



After a few minutes of deliberation, I took two bowls of Kimchi-flavored ramen after a surge of korean pride took ahold of me. I went to the cashier, where an old ahjumma looked at me indifferently then scanned the bowls of ramen. 7 800 won...

How can two bowls of ramen cost so much?!

I sighed interiorly then handed over the money. She gave me back my change and I walked over to the distribution stand. I poured in hot water in both bowls, when sudden heat appeared, burning at my thumb. Ouch~! I quickly removed it from the cup's surface and bit it softly, trying to make the pain go away.

After the pain lessened, I took two pair of chopsticks and put them in my pocket. As I felt the weight of the two bowls in my hand, I knew I had to walk very slowly so the water won't spill.

Good going Sang Hee, good going...


As I exited the store, I got nervous suddenly as I dreaded the stares of all the passersby as I would walk in the streets, with two boiling ramen cups in my hands. I suddenly wanted to walk back into the store, to wait for the ramen to cool off. A thought occured to me: I was reminded of Jonghyun, picturing him waiting in the concert hall for me. Sudden courage filled me.

Sang Hee, ignore their stares. They don't know you anyways. This is for Jonghyun, this is for Jonghyun...

And so, I walked in the streets, avoiding everyone's stares and looking ahead of me, towards the concert hall where Jonghyun was waiting for me, where happiness awaited.






As I opened the door, I felt a surge of relief, embarassment and nervousness. It wasn't so bad, walking like a fool in the streets, not when I knew someone dear to me was waiting. It felt a bit surprising: even when I thought Jonghyun had helped me so much, he still managed to support me in the most surprising ways.

I saw him fumbling with his jacket like a kid, bored out of his mind, before turning around and smiling happily. I giggled a bit then walked slowly towards him, making sure the two cups wouldn't spill.

"There you are~! I was getting hungry, you know~," he said loudly in a fake angry tone.

He got up and walked towards me, radiant as an angel. My heart started throbbing; I was mesmerized by his glistening eyes and his heart-warming smile. The sound of our footsteps resounded as echoes in my mind. Suddenly, it felt like time had slowed down, like it had given me a chance to remark his beauty.

As we approached each other, he smiled at me softly and reached out for my hand. I found myself prey to a new need; the need to hold his hand. This new feeling baffled me yet bewitched me. It was so unusual for me to feel this way, to want something, when, my whole life, I had watched everything pass me by without a care.


Just as I reached out for his hand, a loud thud resounded. Slight steam appeared in front of me then dissipated. I looked down and saw one of the cups of ramen I was holding spilling its contents on the floor.


Ugh Sang Hee, you babo~!!











Clumsy clumsy Sang Hee~ But hey, that's part of her personality, right? <3 Sorry if it seemed a bit boring this time~ It was a necessary chapter though, right? <3

You guys want to know a secret~? I LOVE ramen. If only it was healthy~ I'd be eating it everyday LOL Chicken flavor ~! <3

PS.: Sorry if it took a while for this chapter~ I'm getting swarmed by exams!~ -insert long crying session- LOL

PSS.: 7 800 won is equal to about 7$~ Its almost 4$ for each cup. ;~;

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SaltandRust #1
You promised us an update... but yet you're still not. :(
LuvNTechnocolor #2
I know people can get busy and have writers block and all but im begging u please give an update as soon as you are able
Pllllllssssssss UPDATE !!!!!!
wendextie2 #4
Oh snaps...I'm such a Jjong bias but I'm sooooo loving Dae Myung right now! I say screw the idol and go for the trainee lololol xD But I'm lovin it! Keep up the good work! :3
LuvNTechnocolor #5
SaltandRust #6

Omo~ I love Daemyung! I dont know why I'm attached to this fictional character, but I can't help it. >.< Daemyung is an awesome guy... Can I have him? TROLOL... >_<
Update soon, Author. (But, seriously, update now. I want to know what will happen)
Btw, this story is BEAUTIFUL! original plot and lovable characters. I will definitely reccommend this story to my friends.
kidamazone #7
@royalvip: Kekeke yay, someone on Jonghyun's side! <3
It'd be so simpler if Sang Hee could know he had called, right? TTwTT
Thanks for commenting as always! <3
@ChocoPanda: Kekeke I try my best to make my readers feel compassion and confusion according to both potential lovers. :D
Thanks for commenting as always. <3
@MelonCandy: OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. I saw your comment, and I was like O____________________________________________O. <3333
Haha, I like how you stood up for DaeDae. <33 ^w^ He WAS jealous, so that explained his actions. :D
Yes, you're right, I have planned a lot of tears and good times for the three of them, kekeke. I hope you'll enjoy what I have in store for all of you. :D
Mmm even though she got hurt and all, I'm glad DaeDae and her will have been kinda "forced" to see each other again. I'm sure some of you are too. XD <3
And I love to show how confused my characters are when they are in that state. :3
Thank you for being so patient with me!!!!!!!! ^^ <33333 And also for commenting with such a longggggggggggggg comment! ^^ <3
MelonCandy #8
First of all, I don't like the comments saying Daemyung was in the wrong. In case you've all forgotten, Daemyung is like that to everyone except for Sanghee; that's his personality. Excuse him for being jealous and sticking up for the one he loves =__=

Eonni, it's a long comment again. Please prepare yourself.

Oh my gaaah!!! I can't believe it! So Jonghyun finally realising, well, ACCEPTS his feelings thanks to Daemyung but what could possibly happen next? It's not like he can be open about it others (maybe s but I'm not really confident he will) so my guess is that he's just going to ignore Daemyung's 'advice' or he's going to slowly distance himself from Sanghee so he won't hurt her. Which he'll actually be doing if he leaves her :L Either way, there're going to be tears xD And good times too of course! But more tears LOL

I hope Sanghee can make up with her parents in time but (I feel kinda bad for saying this) I'm kinda glad she had that fight with them and that Jjong couldn't pick up his phone in time; it gave DaeHee a chance to make up.. Poor Dae is suffering a lot T-T He really does love her :L But I have a feeling that things aren't going to go his way :L

Wheee!! One thing I am looking forward to is Stephy's return!! She'll definatly lighten the mood and make Sanghee happy :D I just KNOW IT!! >-<

Without knowing it, I just gave a review of the story =__=
OMG the things I do sometimes xD
We will wait PATIENTLY for your updates eonni, PATIENTLYYY~~ :DDDDD

PS: I love the whole internal conflicts they have ;) Daemyung's like 'Should I go? Should I leave? Nah, I should go. Maybe I'll stay' xDDDDD

And I smile everytime Sanghee voiced her feelings :)
Nope, I still prefer Jjong for Sang Hee :3 It was mean of Daemyung to tell him off like that! >:O
Sang Hee, call jjonggie and tell him you love him and ur not just a fan T^T