Curious [Sequel to Speechless]

Curious [Sequel to Speechless]

You played with Luhan's hair as he rested his head in your lap while reading a book he borrowed from the library. After finding out that your boyfriend had supernatural powers, things still haven't changed between the two of you. Well, besides the fact that you would ask him to show you his powers every now and then.

It was one of those days where you were especially curious. You didn't really know how to word your inquiry, afraid that it might come out as nonsense and you would embarrass yourself. You decided to keep your mouth shut and continue to play with your boyfriend's hair, running the soft strand through your fingers, twisting his hair this way and that.

"_______," Luhan mumbled as he turned the page of his book.


"Is something bugging you?" he asked, still not up from the novel in his hands.

You looked at him in confusion but then your eyes widened in horror, "Oh my gosh, can you read minds too?!"

Luhan laughed as he shut his book and placed it on the coffee table next to the couch the two of you occupied, "No, none of us can read minds, silly," he laughed and reached up to gently poke your forehead with his pointer. 

You rubbed your forehead as you scrunched up your nose, "Then how did you know that something was bugging me?"

"I just know you that well," he smiled.

You shook your head and smiled as you focused on your shirt instead of the boy who was resting his head on your lap.

"Hey," Luhan said quietly as he poked your forehead again, "What's wrong?"

"I was just wondering..." you mumbled, your sentence trailing off in the end as you twisted a lock of his hair with your finger.

"What are you wondering about, love?" he asked, looking up at you with his innocent brown eyes.

"Do your powers work on," you took a deep breath and looked into his eyes, "people?"

Luhan looked at you in confusion, his eyebrows knitting together and his nose scrunching up cutely, "I've never tried before."

"Do you think you could try on .... me?" you asked hesitantly.

You froze when Luhan abruptly sat up and turned to face you, "I don't think that's such a good idea," he said in a serious tone.

"Why not?" you asked.

Luhan just shook his head and stared down at his lap.

"Are you afraid something bad will happen?" you asked placing a hand lightly on his thigh. 

Luhan let out a sigh, "I just don't want to take the chance of you getting hurt."

"Please, Luhan," you begged, "I'm just curious to see what it would feel like, you don't have to lift me up that high!" 

"No, ______, it's too dangerous," Luhan said in a stern voice.

"Please, Hannie, please!!!" you pleaded.

'Not the nickname,' Luhan internally groaned. 

Luhan turned and saw that you were gaving him the puppy eyes that you know he can't refuse. 

"Okay," he said with a defeated sigh.

"Yay!" you cheered as you clapped your hands and attacked him in a hug, "Thank you, Oppa!" 

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he smiled as you gave him a quick kiss on his cheek, "But if we're going to do this, we're going to do this my way."


"You can't be serious," you said as you stared at Luhan.

Your boyfriend had just finished collecting every pillow, cushion, and blanket in your house and set them up in a big nest of fluffiness right in the center of your living room.

"Hey, take it or leave it," he said as he stood up, "This is the only way that I am going to try my powers on you."

"Fine!" you said giving up and made your way to the center of the pile and sat down.

Luhan followed after you and wobbled his way to sit in front of you.

"Okay so you have to stay absolutely still," he instructed you, "Whatever you do, do not move."

"Yes, sir!" you said as you crossed your legs and sat up straight.

Luhan smiled at your adorable attitude, "Okay, are you ready?"

You nodded your head excitedly as Luhan closed his eyes and look a deep breath. He held out one of his hands towards you and slowly started to lift it up. As he lifted his hand up higher, you felt yourself lifting of the ground as well.

You gasped as you left the pile of cushions and floated in the air.

Luhan opened his eyes to see you hovering about a foot off the ground before him. 

He laughed when you sent him a bright smile and willed you to float around the living room. After taking a few rounds around the living room, you floated into Luhan's open arms, sitting sideways on his laps.

"That was so cool!" you giggled excitedly, adrenaline still flowing through your body, "Do it again!"

Luhan laid down on the pile of cotton, pulling you down with him, "That's enough for today, let's take a nap."

You smiled and snuggled into Luhan's said, "Thanks, oppa, that was really fun," you said as you closed your eyes.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," he mumbled, placing a soft kiss on the top of your head and closing his eyes as well. 

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Chapter 1: read this for like, the 4th time and still got me blushing.
so cuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!!! bdukfgsjd,fgsdhg
tricia14 #2
Chapter 1: i love this story! its so cool...luhan is such a cutie
Chapter 1: And now I'm craving for flying feeling.-. I mean, I need Luhan OR kris .__.
Chapter 1: Awww it was really cute <3333
KpopLoverSelina #5
Chapter 1: SUPER CUTE!!
LisbethRguezz #6
Chapter 1: SUPER CUTEEE!!!!
Chapter 1: AWWWE. Luhan just can't say no to her. How sweet~ :3