Day 1

An unexpected tour



Donghae's POV

"Omma~ I am going~"

"Neh~ be careful hae-ah"

"Neh" I wave my hands to umma and walk in to the waiting room. I look around and found the tour group.

Woaah! Like I as told, this is really a big group. I guess we are really more than 100 people in total.

I show them the name tag and sit down listening to the explanation. Well, it's actually a business trip for my parent but hearing it's to korea, I beg them for a week and finally here I am, will be going to korea, the place where my Idol is.

My korea friend has promised me to go to sukira together but need to see their schedule whether there is bora or not. I take out my cellphone to check twitter about their schedule as it will be updated today but I widen my eyes seeing the sukira update.



Why is this happened????

Finally I am able to visit korea but why are they not around?????

I want to see eunhyuk!!!!!!!!!!

Oh! Can I just cancel---

"Okay~ get ready. We are boarding now~"

Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T!


After few hours of flight, we reach korea. I feel so tired and sleepy right now.


"Neh hyung?" I rub my eyes while turning to the voice. A married man named Mr shin donghee who is older than me 15 years, so I just call him shindong hyung. He too joins the tour and he is sitting beside me during the flight.

"Come here. We need to wait for our luggage."

"Neh~~" I run beside him searching my luggage among bunch of luggages.

"Ah! That's mine!!" I pick mine and step backward giving space for other to look for theirs.

"Okay! I am done too!"

I hear shindong hyung cheers and he motions me to walk out from there.

"But hyung. Isn't the tour leader asks us to wait here?"

"Wait here and outside is the same." He drags his luggages, I look around seeing there are some people in the same bus with me walking out to arrival hall too. Well, since we are in a big group, wwe are divided into 4 buses. I am in bus 2.

Seeing distance between me and shindong hyung, I drag my luggage with me following him.

It's not very crowded but there are people chit-chatting in korean. Well, I do understand korean a bit because of korean drama and also suju boys' variety shows. But listening to koreans speaking is really first time for me.

Shindong hyung keeps looking around and finally turns to me."Where is the other? Are they coming out already?"

I feel like rolling my eyes. This fellow...

I already told him the tour leader asked us to wait inside but he insisted to go out and now being panic himself..



"I think I saw people holding banners referring to our group, hyung~"

"Where is it?" He looks around.

"There!" I point to the people who are holding banners written bus 1-4 with our tour leaders' name.

"Right! Let's walk to them" he chirps happily and walk faster.

I roll my eyes behind him and follow quietly.

"Excuse me. Are you fetching group xxx?"

"Neh! Which bus are you in?" A man who is holding banner written 'bus 1' asked.

"Me and him are in bus 2" shindong hyung points at me while talking to the man.

"Hyukjae-ah. They are bus 2." The man calls while looking behind us. I didn't really pay attention to the people as I am busy searchingg for wireless to see further update about suju boys.

"Where are the others?" I can hear the man asks again.

"I guess they are still inside." Shindong hyung explains while I just smile and nodding my head in agreement.

"I see. Please just wait for them"

I nod and drag my luggage to the side not wanting to block people's way, followed by shindong hyung.

I look at the 8 people which 4 of them are holding the banners while the other four with camera hanging on their bodies.

Few minutes of waiting, finally the others coming out following the tour leader of bus 2. They approach us and suddenly a woman holds a banner written 'bus 2' approach the tour leader.

"Long time no see, mike!"

Mr mike is the tour leader of bus 2.

"Long time no see, christy. How are you?"

"Fine! Are we complete now?" The woman who I gguess is the local tour guide of bus 2 asked.

"Yes we are."

She nods and turns to us."Okay~ follow me to go to our bus, okay?"

"Okay~" we all answer in smile and follow her.

I drag my luggage to follow while shindong hyung moving fast passing beside me. Now he is in urgent lol

We reach the roadside and asked to wait for the bus.

"Attention everyone. Don't be in rush okay? Just relax. We have enough spaces for all of you. There are total 38 people in bus 2. Just drag your luggage beside our bus and we will help to put it on the bus."

I just look around observing the local tour leaders group but then turn back my attention to my cellphone seeing so many mentions on my twitter.

HAVE YOU REACH? --- From sungmin hyung!


"Okay our bus is here." We all look up hearing christy noona's announcement. All the people look rush. Once the bus parks in front of us, most of them move quickly not minding they are banging to me.


Me too don't want to lose. Dragging my luggage beside the bus and let the man with cap picking the luggage up. I then walk in to the bus but there are already many people inside claiming the front seats.

I sigh inwardly and able to find seat in the middle. Shindong hyung sit on the 4th row with another middle-aged man who I guess is his friend. Most of them are all middle-aged couples while I guess I am the only one who is 21 years old here.

I settle down on my seat while looking at my cellphone.

Arghh!! No wireless anymore.

I look away from my cellphone and look at the airport.

Incheon airport.

I smile.

I can't believe I am here in korea, breathing the same air with my idols.

AhhhhhHhhhhhhhhhhhh I really want to meet suju boys!!!!


Mr mike who is counting the total of passengers told christy noona who is now standing in the front seat.

"Okay. You all must be hungry now right?"


"Poor thing. I know it. So we are going to have lunch first!!!"


"Woah~ so cheerful about foods" she said causing us to burst in laughters.

"First of all, welcome to south korea, a country known as ginseng country. Annyeonghaseyo." She bows in manner. "Let me introduce myself formally. I am christy, the local guide who will accompany you all during this 6-days trip in south korea."

She smiles warmly.

She looks friendly and kind, I thought.

"And...he is hyukkie. Since I am a woman, I am not as strong as other male guides. So he will be helping me during the whole trip. Well, he is A photographer who will help you all to take nice photo during the trip, okay?"

I nod in understanding. Oh~ so he is a photographer. But I didn't really pay attention on him as my cellphone rings again.

"It will take about an hour to reach the restaurant. I know everyone is hungry and tired, I won't talk too much and give you time for sleep now. Everyone close your eyes now~"

I look outside enjoying the scenery. There are really many mountains in south korea.

I smile, hope this gonna be an interesting trip.


"Okay~ have everyone feel energetic now?"


"Good~! Now we are going to everland. You can enjoy the games, 3D movie, animals etc etc. It's korea's disneyland. The journey takes 30minutes, everyone just rest first."


"Okay. We are here already~ we will take shuttle bus to go to everland."

Everyone then goes down the bus one by one. I walk beside shindong hyung since he is the one I know currently. Most of the people are old couples.

AhHhhhh I hope this trip won't be too boring!

"Okay. Line up." Christy unnie says."Let me teach you all how to greet people here. Annyeonghaseyo~" and she swings both her palms."This is the way of greeting in everland. One two three."

"Annyeonghaseyo." Everyone greets including me but I feel so embarassed. At the same time, I see someone is smiling happily, showing his gummy smile.

The photographer!

Who is his name already?


His eyes meet mine.

I smile as he smiles to me then I look away, observing people around me.

Woah! So many couples!

Pretty and handsome!

"Okay. Shuttle bus is here! Let's go!" As christy noona said, everyone walks up to the bus.

Just a few minutes, we reach the main gate of everland.

Omo! It's halloween theme!!!!!!!

So many pumpkins and cute transparent ghost doll!!!!!!!

"Line up everybody~ hyukkie is giving out tickets!"

"Ah gomawo" I said as I receive the tix from hyukkie hyung.

Well, my feeling tells me obviously he is older than me, so I should call him hyung right?

"Everyone got it?" Christy noona said while looking around."Okay~ let's take group picture first. Hyukkie?"

"Neh noona"

Mr mike gives us a group banner. Shindong hyung drags me to stand at the front, so I am holding the banner too.

As everyone is ready,

"One two three, kimchi!!!!"

I show a V sign and smile.

"Ok!!!" Hyukkie hyung said with his thumb up.

"Okay~ let's go to the cable car stop."

We follow christy noona and hyukkie hyung. Since shindong hyung is very rushing, him and I are lining up at the very front after christy noona and hyukkie hyung.


Why is the cable car is open type? Is it very high?

I feel so worried as seeing hyukkie hyung, suddenly I imagine something.

Will I ride the same cable car with him? Can I hug his hand?




What am I thinking???

I laugh at my non-sense thinking.


"Eh?" I turn to shindong hyung who looks at me weirdly. "N-nothing. It's open type. I am worried"

"Oh~ nvm. We will ride it together."

"Neh." I nod and look at the people ride it relax-ly.

"Wait for a while" christy noona blocks us."Hyukkie will go first."

We nod.

"Okay your turn. Two people?"


In a few moment, we are already on the cable car.

I sigh in relief. It's not that high though and it's just a short journey.

Hyukkie hyung reaches and gets ready with his camera down there.

Oh~ so he goes first to take pic for us on cable car.

He smiles and aims his camera as we almost reach.

I show v sign and smile again.

A light flashes and he smiles, thumbs up while his eyes are obviously looking at me.

I stutter a bit.


Maybe because of the wind. It's quite cold.

"We can go around already right?"

"I think so."

"Let's go to souvenir shop~" shindong hyung pulls my arm again.

We go in and my eyes catch a rabbit-ears hairband. So cute!!

I take it and put it on.

I look at the mirror. Quite cute too. I look away from the mirror and my eyes catch hyukkie who is looking around too.

Does he think this cute?


I shake my head again.

Why weird thinking appears?

He then walks out and i go to check on shindong hyung.

"Oh donghae-ah. It is quite cute! I should buy for my daughter too."

"Neh hyung"

He really buys many things lol. And after that he drags me around again.

Well, I feel quite annoyed seem he keeps pulling me here and there. I roll my eyes but follow him anyway.

"Let's rest near the restaurant."


Oh my! We are just walking for a while then he feels tired already? Aigooo~


Hyukkie hyung is talking with a man which I guess is the photographer of other buses since he is holding a camera too.

I sit down on the bench while stealing a few glances but then he is no where to be seen already.

Well, he is quite handsome though but...

"Let's go to have our dinner, donghae-ah."

"Huh? But hyung, it's just 5pm++"

"Eat earlier is better, so we don't need to rush to the meeting point later."

"Humm. You are right. Okay then. Let's go."

We walk in, order food with the coupon given earlier and found a seat.

I look around.

Not many people and...

He is not seen anywhere.




Ah!! Yah!!! I am not paying attention at him.

"Yah donghae-ah. Why keep shaking your head like that?" Shindong hyung asks me while eating his kimchi seafood fried rice.

"E-eh? N-nothing. Ah! Let's go to watch monkey later hyung!"

Jjust forget that.

"What? Monkey? No way!"


"You already look like a monkey!" He chuckles.

"Yah!!!! I look like a nemo than monkey!!!!"


Ps: Oh well, it's not a one-shot >w<


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berrymilk #1
Chapter 1: finally I'm here~
ohh I see, that photographer is the monkey!!
I mean a truly 'monkey'~
hae ah~~ just continue to fanboying eunhyukie~~
*hit photographer monkey* lol~
Chapter 1: /head is throbbing/
Chapter 1: Monkey , Hae ?
That photographer monkey ? Hahaha .
anchofish15 #4
Chapter 1: imagining me myself to be Hae and fly to Seoul to meet suju boys while reading this LOL~~
Update soon >w<
eastcandle90 #5
Chapter 1: "Let's go to watch monkey later hyung!"?????...which monkey hae????kekeke...i guess it's monkey holding a^_^
Oh ho~!!!
I think someone has caught Hae's interest~!!!^^
Lovechild1015 #7
Hae fanboying over hyuk? This is gonna be good! Waiting for the update ^^
SuJu boys??? =)
Meaning Hyukjae will be there?
Fanboying Hae soon. ^^
pralinces #9
awwww can't wait so please update.this is gonna be interesting kk childish Hae as a fan boy is a childish fan boy so...always cute and lovely but hope so that he'll show some y acts ;D what i'm talking about.i didin't even know about what this fic is :3 just add first chapter ;))