Request [Sequel to Protector]

Request [Sequel to Protector]

You walked down one of the halls in your mansion, heading towards the kitchen to get something to eat. It's been a few months since the night that Kai saved you. You pouted and looked down at the floor as you thought of the teleporter. 


'I wonder where he is now?' you let out a sigh. 

You continued to stare down at your feet when you heard a sudden pop. You whipped your head up to see Kai's face directly in front of yours.

"Boo," he whispered. 

You gasped and flinched back as Kai laughed at your scared expression. You let out an angry sigh and sent him a glare. Kai laughed even harder when you harshly pushed him out of your way and continued to walk down the hall. 

"Did you miss me?" he asked with a smile after he caught up with you, his hands behind his back and his head tilted towards you.

"No," you grumbled, "I just saw you at breakfast this morning."

After Kai brought you home that night, your parents surprisingly agreed to him being your protector, he did save your life after all. So, for the past few months, Kai has been living with you and your family. The two of got closer as well. You shared your first kiss on the roof while the two of you were stargazing and Kai asked you to be his girlfriend while you were taking a walk together in the garden. But some days, the two of you barely got to see each other due to Kai having to go to training with the other bodyguards.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when you felt Kai's arms wrap around your waist from the back.

'Don't lie to yourself,' you heard Kai think as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. 

"Stop," you laughed as you tried, and failed, to wriggle out of his hold.

Kai turned you around to face him and smiled as he leaned down to kiss you. You got on your toes to meet him halfway but at the last second, pushed his face to the side and escaped out of his arms, giggling as you ran down the hall and towards the stairs.

Kai's jaw dropped as he watched you stick your tongue out at him before quickly sliding down the staircase's banister. 

'I can't believe I fell for that,' he thought as he shook his head and ran after you, totally forgetting that he could just teleport downstairs. 

You smiled to yourself as you hopped off the banister and looked behind you to see Kai quickly gaining on you. You were just about to round the corner and enter the kitchen when you heard your parents talking. You skidded to a stop and Kai to knock into you. He quickly wrapped his arms around you so the two of you wouldn't go crashing to the floor. 

Kai knitted his eyebrows together, wondering why you suddenly stopped running. He was just about to ask you when he heard your parents' hushed voices coming from the kitchen.

'What are they talking about?' he asked you using his mind.

You shrugged your shoulders as you strained to hear what they were saying.

"Do you think that this is the right thing to do?" your mom said in a reluctant voice.

"Whether it's right or wrong, it's going to happen eventually," your dad answered back.

"But, what if they hate us for doing this?" you could hear the worry in your mom's voice.

Your dad sighed, "We are doing this because we care about ______. Kai, too."

'Me?' you heard Kai think to himself.

"Yes, you too Kai," you heard your dad answer. 

Both of your eyes widened. Busted. 

You turned around to Kai and gave him a hard punch in the arm. 

"OW!" he mouthed and you rolled your eyes, shaking your head.

"Come on out kids," you heard your mom call.

You slowly walked into the kitchen, Kai following your while still rubbing his sore arm.

"Mom, Dad, what's going on?" you asked, a little afraid of their answer.

Your mom turned to your dad and he sighed, "Let's going into the living room. We have to talk to you two about something."


"What?!" you exclaimed, "You want us to do what?!"

You quickly looked from your mom to your dad while Kai just sat there in shock.

"We want you two to get married," your mom repeated slowly.

"Why?!" you asked, still not understanding their request.

"______-ah," your dad said softly, "You are the youngest mind reader in Asia."

You nodded your head.

"And if you and Kai get married and have children, there's a chance that we could have another mind reader in our family."

"So what your saying is," you said slowly, "you want me and Kai to get married so we can have little mind reader babies?"

"Okay, it sounds really bad when you put it that way," your mom admitted, "But we are really just looking out for the both of you. We know the two of you love each other and if we were to trust anyone with your life other than ourselves, it would be Kai." 

You turned your head to look at Kai at the same time Kai turned to look at you. You smiled when he sent you a small grin.

"You don't have to decide now," your dad said, "but just think about it, okay?"

The two of you nodded your heads. 


"What are we going to do?" you asked.

You and Kai were laying on a blanket in your backyard a couple days after the talk with your parents, you using one of his arms as a pillow. You both didn't expect your parents to request something like that. Isn't it usually the kids that request they get married, not the parents? 

"I don't know," Kai sighed as he closed his eyes.

You your side and faced Kai, "Would you want to get married to me?"

Kai's eyes snapped open and he turned his head towards you, "Of course I would."

You looked down at the blanket and started to draw imaginary patterns on it with your finger.

"Hey," Kai whispered as he his side and wrapped his other arms around you, "I would love it if I could call you my wife and you call me your husband. The real question is, do you want to marry me?"

You looked up at Kai, "Of course I do!"

"Then what's wrong?"

"I don't know," you mumbled, "It just seems kinda sudden and you didn't really ask me yourself."

"Okay, get up," Kai said as he sat up and pulled you to a standing position.

"Kai," you whined, already knowing what he was about to do.

Kai got down on one knee and took both of your hands in his, "Ms. Hwang ______,  I know I don't have money or a big diamond ring to give, but I love you, with all of my heart. I promised you when we first met that I would be your protector and I would always be by your side. Even if you say no, I'll still protect you when you're in danger, listen to you when you talk, hug you when you're scared, take care of you when you're hurt, and wipe your tears when you cry. So, would you do me the honor of marrying me?"

By this time, tears of happiness were already streaming down your face. You gave him a watery smile and you quickly nodded your head. 

Kai stood up and enveloped you into a hug, pressing a kiss to your temple as you tightly wrapped your arms around his waist. 

"Hey, why are you crying?" he laughed when he pulled away and cupped your face with his hands, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. 

"I don't know," you mumbled, looking down at the ground, you face still between Kai's hands.

Kai tilted your face up and smiled, "I love you," he said and pressed a kiss to you lips.

"I love you too," you whispered when you separated.

Kai released your face and slipped one hand into yours, "Come on, we have something to tell your parents."

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minniscule #1
Chapter 1: Beautiful. Sweet. I love this Kai here. <3
Chapter 1: Its beautiful, like this story (✽˘⌣˘✽)
Chapter 1: Oh. How sweet! <3
Chapter 1: loved it!
Chapter 1: I absolutely love this. Great sequel. My feels for Kai. :3
Chapter 1: OMG! It's so amazing! :D Thank you for the sequel!