All The Way Home

Meet The Boss


We drove all the way to the opposite side of the city, leaving the crummy part behind and entering the rich part. “If you don’t blink your eyes are going to fall out.” He said laughing I blushed and turned away from the window and looked towards the floor board. I had never seen so many nice buildings and cars and shops in my entire life so my eyes had practically been glued to the window. I had never even left my part of town. I glanced at Kris out of the corner of my eye and saw him looking at me with that weird expression again, “what?” I snap a little irritably, “Nothin.” He said and turned his attention back to driving but I saw the small smirk pulling at his beautiful lips. ‘Beautiful what? Aish Zitao get ahold of yourself.’ I think and try to block out the memory of kissing those lips.

He pulls into a parking garage in an upscale building and parked on the second level. Kris gets out and opens my door just before I do, I step out of the car and give him a small thanks. He walks ahead of me and opens the elevator door, holding it open until I get in. He presses the lobby button and when the door opens again we walk into the lobby. It’s brightly lit and is styled modernly with white seats, a bar, and a wide glass and steal desk in the middle. The lobby is so big you could fit an entire motel inside! I stumble over my feet trying to catch up to Kris as he reaches another elevator. He tries to cover his laugh but I still hear it.

He presses the twelve button and we ride in awkward silence all the way up. We get off and walk down a short hallway with only one door at the end. Kris takes out a set of keys and opens the door then gestures for me to walk ahead of him into the room, I raise my eyebrow in an ‘I’m not stupid’ kind of way he only rolls his eyes and walks inside. I stand in the hall a few seconds before walking inside and when I do I feel my jaw hit the floor. The whole opposite wall is made of glass and has a perfect view of the city, the kitchen is off to my right and is made of steal and beautiful black granite. Everything looks very modern and very expensive. It makes me not want to touch anything and jump and play with everything at the same time.

Smiling like a fool I walk over to the glass wall and press my hands against it, “This is your home? This is incredible!!” I exclaim and look at him. He walks over to me and puts his hands on the glass on both sides of my head, I blush and turn around towards him so that I’m pressed between his chest and the wall. I look up at him and he bends his head down and presses his lips against mine gently, I’m frozen. He parts his own and runs his tongue over my top lip asking for entrance, I moan and open my mouth a little to eagerly and feel him smile against my mouth. I blush as his tongue enters my mouth and begins every part of it. I move my mouth against his to deepen the kiss and feel one of his hands move to the back of my neck, tilting my head back for more access.

He pulls away and I let out an embarrassing sound if disappointment. “Come on I’ll show you your room.” He says walking away, I follow after him as we walk down a hallway that seemed to be glowing from the floor. “That’s my room and that’s the bathroom.” He says pointing towards two doors, “This Is your room. I use it as a spare room when I have people stay so it’s pretty bare, but well get you some paint and those things. You can do whatever you want to it.” He says cheerily. I peek around his body into the room, its huge with a high ceiling and a large bed pressed against the back wall. There aren’t any windows but a large screen tv and dresser are on the wall opposite of the bed.

“This is really mine?” I ask a little unsure, “Yea, do you like it?” He asks. “I love it! I’ve never seen anything so nice before.” I say walking into the room, any reservations I had about living with Kris was out the window when I saw where he lived. Call me materialistic but the nicest thing I’ve seen before this was the bathroom and McDonalds. I sit down on the bed and let out a little giggle as I bounce up and down on the soft mattress. “Do you have any clothes?” Kris asks walking towards the dresser, “Uhm no I don’t.” I say a little ashamed. “We’ll have to go shopping then sometime soon to get you some new clothes, we can pick up some stuff for you room too.”  “Why are you doing this?” I ask stating to feel worse and worse for everything he was doing for me, even if he was a thug that said I belonged to him.

He gives me that same goddamn look again, “I guess you don’t remember, but that’s okay.” He says looking upset then smiling quickly to cover it up, I’m about to ask what he means when he starts talking, “Well it’s getting late you should sleep. Busy day tomorrow.” he says gently walking over and cupping my cheek in his hand, leaning down to kiss my forehead. It feels so good. He pulls away but stays close to my face looking straight in my eyes, “You’re blushing again. If I didn’t know any better Zitao I’d think you had a crush on me.” He says cockily. I jerk away and push him back my face feels like its on fire. He leaves the room laughing like a maniac, “Stupid!!” I yell and throw a pillow off the bed at him but he closed the door before it hit him.

I hear him laughing from outside and flop backwards on the bed half laying half sitting. I try crossing my arms over my eyes so I can stop seeing him but he’s there in my brain, behind my eyelids. “Uhhhg” I groan still blushing I stand up and properly lay on the bed. I crawl under the blankets and try to sleep but I can’t seem to stop thinking about everything that’s happened to me lately.

“There is something wrong with me.” I mumble. I can’t stop thinking about Kris. 



Bo PeepBo Peep

Woop! man i cant stop writing! its like 3:30 in the morning!! My wrist is killling me! i have Venus by Hello Venus stuck in my head dear lord that song is so catchy!!! So how is everyone doing?? Is the story good? Its hard to tell it the stories good when your the one writing it


So anyways please comment and whatnot! 

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Chapter 9: new reader and i love it. btw whats the gif from?
Eshinco #2
Chapter 12: Omo I love it more please!!!
dinatly #3
Chapter 12: his hands loose around me and he runs them from my arm to my waist. I shiver at the touch and lean my head away from him to look at him again, “You should move your hand before you lose it.” I say smiling sweetly at him. “Heh sorry sorry.” He replies moving his hand off my and holds them up by his face, “You’re such a tease, cuddling up to me all night but I can’t even touch your .”

Hehehe loved that part!!!! You're so funny. Keep it up xD
Chapter 12: hehehe so cute~ Kris making some moves on my tao baby ಠ_ಠ dat ___ be mine jk jk ;3 you can have him krissy~ just remember sharing is caring
btw do you know where was that 1st gif from in chapter 9
Japanda #5
Chapter 12: great story, update soon?!!
Japanda #6
Chapter 2: if you dont mind me asking, what anime is that GIF from? (in chapter 1)
Chapter 12: Ohhh that's so adorable!
ekimide #8
Chapter 12: sweet morning for taoris
tosh_mrs_wufan #9
Chapter 11: please update soon !! :)) a cute fluff wake-up-morning scene would be perfect XD
miiiiiiyvv #10
Chapter 11: cu〜te♡ they are so sweet...♡