counting luhans

[oneshot/drabble] counting luhans


"Why are we doing this again?" Luhan asked, trying to look behind him at what Yixing was doing.


"Stop squirming," Yixing said frustratedly, snapping up the back of the footed pajamas he'd put Luhan in. "Zitao said Minseok has been having trouble sleeping lately, so we're going to help."


Luhan sighed. "Qie…" 


Yixing wouldn't let him look in the mirror and had gotten him into the fleecy pajamas faster than he'd known what was happening. All he knew was that they were white, very fluffy, and had built-in mittens and socks, like a baby's pajamas.


He felt exceedingly… cute. And warm. And maybe a little sleepy himself.


This was not manly.


A few moments passed and Lay put a finishing touch on Luhan, a headband, it felt like. "Yixing what is this?"


He didn't answer, but instead said, "Do your best sheep impression."


Luhan stared. "Wh--"


"Just do it!"


"Miē, miē."


Yixing looked satisfied. "Okay, perfect. You can turn around then."


Luhan slowly turned and looked in the mirror. He was right: there was nothing manly about the way he was dressed. He was a fluffy sheep, with little floppy ears attached to the sides of his head. He really didn't want to know why Yixing had all of this. 


"…what," he deadpanned.


"He is going to count you, all you have to do is hop and say miē miē." Yixing looked exceedingly proud of himself, hopping to demonstrate how it should be done.


"I don't think this is going to work," Luhan said, staring at himself, face turning as white as his adorable outfit.


Yixing didn't answer and just pushed him out the door and into the room next to theirs. "Good luck!" he said, ducking back inside their room and locking the door. He couldn't have the sheep coming back, he wasn't the one who couldn't sleep.


He pressed his ear to the door, listening. It must have taken them a few seconds to notice Luhan in the doorway, but then he heard it: a frustrated miē miē followed by raucous laughter.

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Chapter 1: This was delightful and it was a nice change from my usual rated readings.
Now I can sleep in peace, dreaming of a Luhan sheep.
Chapter 1: God, this simply cracks me up XD
Chapter 1: Aaah this is precious and it made me smile! :3
yami0204 #4
Haha, the fact that a late night conversation turned into something so adorable makes me happy! Thanks for such a cute drabble~
nanzkee1 #5
It's so cute~ ^^ Continue please~