Glad You Came


"It isn't love if you are not willing to take the risk." 



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"Under the Cherry Blossoms"

(pls excuse the lame title XD)


“We have arranged everything already. You’ll have the chance to meet each other after the business trip. You understand?”  Mr. Kim, Hyoyeon’s father informs his daughter while signing some paper works. So, that’s it? As simple as that? Hyoyeon scoffed, clearly not amazed by her father’s words.


“I don’t understand why you have set me up for this. Dad, how could you do that to HyunJoo? Asking him to break up with me?”


“I and your mother want the best for you, and we are doing this for your own good.” His stern voice said it all. She obviously cannot do anything about this. What year is this? The 18th century where arranged marriages are a custom? This is the 21st century for crying out loud! She slumped back at her seat, tired of this argument. Why can’t she be like others? They get to choose who they’ll marry.


“I know that you’re really upset about this, but do give it a chance will you? He is a great man, he’s perfect for you.” Hyoyeon softened at her father’s voice. The authority is gone and replaced by a caring and gentle one. But she’s still not okay with all of this.


“Yeah, sure.” She got up from her seat, walking towards her father’s desk. She leans in and kissed his cheek. Turning around, she looks over her shoulder and waved a goodbye.


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Hyukjae checks his luggage, carefully running through his belongings, making sure that he’s got everything that he needs. With a last check, he closes the bag. He fumbles in his pocket, searching for his phone. He dials his friend’s number, walking to the couch in his room.


“Hey man, I’m all set. See you tomorrow?” He’s on the phone with Kyuhyun, one of his close friends. Since he has a week off, he agreed on going to a vacation with his friend. The two of them talked for a bit before Hyukjae decided to hang up. A vacation would do him good; he needs to relax a bit since something is coming his way.


He stands up and makes his way to the kitchen, taking a bottle of wine and a glass before propping himself at the counter. His mind unknowingly drifts to her. Hyoyeon. That day when she asked him out for coffee, he felt surreal and amused at the same time. He can’t lie to himself; the “sparks” are definitely there.


He can’t hide the fact he is attracted to her in a way. She’s a fun person to be with, and the both of them definitely had a good time. Something in her definitely draws him to her. And he can’t understand if that’s either a good thing or the opposite, considering that he’s under certain circumstances.


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 Cherry blossoms are on full bloom during this time of the year, and Hyoyeon can’t help herself but be amazed by the scenery displayed in front of her. Sure, she has come to Japan countless of times already, but she never really had the chance to see the famous sight. Her eyes wander around, taking the beautiful surrounding into her eyes. 


Earlier that day, she got into a fight with her parents…again. It’s what they’re basically doing for the past few days. And Hyoyeon is just tired of it all.


Sitting comfortably at a bench, she finally feels at peace for once since they got here at Tokyo. She wonders if someone across the globe has the same problem with her- having your boyfriend break up with you, an arranged married completely against your own will, and control freak parents.


A shiver escaped her body as the cold wind blew. She adjusted her coat, tugging the material covering her closer. Cherry blossoms started to fall over her and she looks up in delight seeing the pink colored flowers falling onto the ground. She brings her hands up, catching some of the flowers. Unconsciously, a part of her sleeve slipped a little bit, revealing the healing scar that she had. Her left arm hangs in the air as she stared at it as a warm small smile forms on her lips.




An unknown sensation flowed all throughout her, sending warmth and a tingling feeling inside her. She traces the scar on her wrist, remembering the events that occurred. She has to admit, meeting him that day was something she never expected…and as silly as it may sound she can say that because of him, she forgot about HyunJoo somehow.


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His steps led him towards a park, the chilly weather taking its toll on him and he adjusts his clothing in the hopes of keeping himself warm. He stuffs his hands in his pockets while casually walking to nowhere in particular. He keeps his head straight forward as passersby pass by him, all engrossed in their own world just like him.


Kyuhyun was off to somewhere, leaving him on his own for the rest of the day. Not that he minds of course, he’s actually happy to have some time alone; it’ll give him time to think.  


He argues inside his head if the decision he’s going to make is the right one. After all, he has no choice.


Stopping in his tracks, he looks up and sees cherry blossoms falling. He looks straight ahead, amazed by the view. It’s definitely something that is a must see. Despite the coldness of the atmosphere, he can’t help it but to enjoy the sight of a pink covered park.


His heart literally skipped a beat, seeing a familiar figure not far from him, sitting all alone in a wooden bench. Squinting his eyes a little, he takes a few strides forward. He tries to calm himself as an air of blissfulness surrounds him.


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Her eyebrows furrowed, feeling a strange sense that someone is looking at her. Shifting her head sideways, she is greeted by a man standing a few feet away from where she is, smiling at her like he knows or something. She tilts her head, rummaging inside her thoughts for endless possibilities.


She is about to run off when she sees him approaching her but stopped midway when he flashes her a smile that not in a  million years can she forget.




A warm smile tugs on her lips as she waits for him to come closer. And closer he came. Her breath got stuck in her chest as she takes in her eyes all of his perfection. Clad in a black coat, blue dress shirt and black pants, Hyoyeon can’t help but wonder how much more handsome can he be. She can feel the sides of her face burning immensely and a tingling sensation inside her stomach is on the works. Goodness, how dare he have this effect on her?


Standing right in front of her, Hyukjae places his hands on his coat pocket, the coldness taking its toll in him. He takes notice of her pink cheeks, must be from the coldness he thought. A few good minutes of silence passed between them, neither not knowing what to say. Shyness clearly overpowering everything.


Hyoyeon can feel his gaze on her, making her uncomfortable…and self conscious. Very self conscious. 


“Uhh..Hi?” Hyukjae laughs slightly, amused by Hyoyeon’s display of shyness. This woman in front of him was so lively and talkative the last time they have seen each other.


“Hello.” She replies shortly. Her feet shifting uncomfortably, panic rising for she doesn’t know what to do. It’s nearly killing her that he is here, and here she is being an embarrassment to her own self.


“So…fancy meeting you here huh?” He asks, hoping to somehow lighten the mood between them.


“Y-yeah. It really is un..unexpected.” She almost hit herself for being so shy and stupid in front of him. Where’s her usual self?


Hyukjae chuckles, finding her unspeakably cute for her own good.


“Why are you so shy all of a sudden?” He blurts out. Hyoyeon looks at him, her eyes wide and cheeks tinted with a redder color.


“I…I-I don’t know.”  She pouts unconsciously. Just why is she acting like this? She herself doesn’t know why.


“So, what brought you here?”


“I’m here with my parents, they’re having a business trip and I just decided to tag along. How about you?” They are now walking side by side, pink fluffy flowers falling above them. If they were lovers, then this scene would be most likely included in a drama.


“A friend of mine asked me to go along with him here. It’s nice to take a little time off from work anyways.” He shifts his head to the side to look at her, only to find her staring intently at him. She instantly looks away, but he caught the color forming on her cheeks.




Silence enveloped them again. Not that awful kind of silence, but the comfortable one. Hyoyeon quietly and carefully sneaks a glance at him, admiring his amazing features. But turned away immediately before she gets caught…again.


Hyukjae tries to keep inside him the smile that’s about to come out. The feeling of her next to him is so right yet so wrong at the same time. But everyone has to make some risks somehow right? Besides, you can’t always fight what you feel. So before he regrets anything, he does what he needs to do.


“Do you want to grab lunch with me?”


Hyoyeon blinks a few times; did she just hear that right? Stopping at her feet, her eyes trails from the ground up to him. They lock eyes for a moment, and Hyoyeon swears she sees something behind those orbs of his but she can’t quite figure it out. Hyukjae grew nervous, anticipating her response. Was he too quick? Hey, she also has asked him rather quickly at first…right? The coffee…remember?


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The day ended pretty much a bit too fast, to Hyoyeon and Hyukjae’s dismay. The time they spent together was fun. After eating lunch, neither of them was in a hurry so they ended up touring well, not really the whole, but almost all of Tokyo. With Hyoyeon leading the way since she has the city at the back of her head.


“Well, I had fun today.” She fixes the strap of her bag around her as they stand in front of her hotel. Hyukjae is pleased. A little too pleased. He’s ecstatic that Hyoyeon enjoyed his company.


“Me too. We should do this some other time again.” His words came like a waterfall and he wasn’t able to stop himself from saying those things.


“I mean if you want we can do this again, if you’re not busy or anything. I don’t want to be a nuisance anyways uhh…yeah.”


Her laughter was the only entire thing he heard. The butterflies in her stomach are dancing again. She thought she’s the only one that’s affected by his presence. It’s good to know that she has the same effect on him. Oh, how cute he looks right now.


“I’d love to.”  If she didn’t know any better, it’s as if he’s asking her out…on a date; which pretty much was all she thought the whole day she has spent with him.


“Uhh…are you free tomorrow?”


“hmm…actually, yes.”


“So can we see each other again?”


“ Are you asking me out on a date Hyukjae?” She teases. Though deep inside she hopes he is.


“What if I am, what will your answer be?”  He raises an eyebrow playfully, amused at how things are going.




“So it’s a date then.” 









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chap 2 :)


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AYOhyoyeon #1
Chapter 2: I'm afraid that this fanfic does not have an end. Please update soon. This story is so beautiful (=
zoewaders #2
Chapter 2: Update soon!!!
Chintianano #3
Chapter 2: Aishhh, seriously I love it. Update update, I will waiting for your update. ^^
Chapter 2: awesome >.< update soon :)
peachisflying #5
Chapter 1: It'll be really really really fantastic if they are really together!
Chapter 2: HyoHyuk moment is full of adorableness!!

Update soon <3
Chapter 2: awww this is too cute! their shyness....i can feel it here while reading! sigh, i will never stop loving this couple. hyohyuk <3 (':
multiliners #8
Chapter 2: so damn cute omg ;A;
rmpg33 #9
Chapter 2: skjdkljlkjkljad I cannot wait for the update.
That is so adorable! <3
Cheechul #10
Update soon please ><, here's a hyohyuk vitamin so you can continue this story LOL http://tia-ssi.tumblr.com/post/35559798995/hyohyuk-for-maxstep