Wolf or Doll?

A wolf with a face of an doll (wolf in disguise) (MirXJoon)


You can’t keep a straight face if someone you like comes upon your door and knocks it just to say hi in the middle of the night. Well, you can’t really keep a poker face either, when your friends, especially from the band you are in come in and says hi with a large deck of poker cards in their hands.

               “Mir, let’s play poker”, yes poker, just what I want in the middle of an exhausting night, Mir thought. Unfortunately, he couldn’t refuse; because he is the maknae, the maknae must always and always listen to the hyung (s), even if it meant sacrificing his precious sleeping time.

                “I forgot to tell you but we made a bet, who ever lose this game will have to dress as a girl in tomorrow’s concert,” Thunder smiled and fist bump with G.O. standing at the back of the room. The team members leaped into Mir’s room, and without permission they sat on his bed. Why night time? Mir thought again.

                In the dark room with little yellow lighting from the lamp which aglow faintly, sat 5 (hot) guys playing cards, seriously. Their pride was hanging on a thin line. The room which millions of fan girls dreamt to visit seems crowded, but did they care not, they concentrated as if it was a life and death situation.

                As time pass by team members won the game and left two members fighting for their pride. Joon watched Mir carefully as he drew the card up into his hand. The air that surrounded ‘Mr. Muscle monkey’ became more and more untouchable. Sweat ran down Joon’s and Mir’s cheeks in a ridiculously fast rate. Mir spotted a grin, a grin on that lovely face of Joon.

Mir gulped, Joon smiled wickedly, and other team members laughed.

                “I win this game! Royal flush, Woohoo! You are going to dress as a girl!”

                “Noooo! You cheated didn’t you? That is the reason why you came to my room. This is your plan right!? You just want to bully your cute and popular Maknae!” Mir threw the cards on the ground and tried to coerce his team members out of his room, but it was futile. Joon leaped back in and rolled onto the bed.

                “We have already prepared a dress and a wig for you! Tomorrow is the day where fan girls would adore your girly unmanly cuteness, ah…. They will also admire that gut of yours, the guts that enabled you to wear that in front of thousands.” Joon laughed hard until his abs went firmed. Aggressively, Mir pressed a pillow against Joon’s face blocking Joon’s airway.

                “A Deal is a deal now let me off!” Joon struggled to breathe but refuses to change the bet they had made. Meanwhile Joon is suffocating, and Mir bullying Joon, other team members slowly crept out of the room.

                Suddenly, without warning Mir stood up. He pulled Joon’s hand and forcefully pushed him out on to the balcony. The faint fragrance of Mir’s shampoo ran through Joon’s nose, his heart was beating rapidly and throbbing violently, throbbing so much that it aches. Blood ran right up to his face, changing his face to rose red.

                “Don’t be that mad!” Joon ignored the fact that his heart was racing so fast that he could barely keep a straight face or breathed, he forced a smile upon his face and patted Mir’s back. He avoided those pair of eyes, the eyes that pierce right through his heart. Mir didn’t back down, in fact, he pushed Joon even further back. “I’m going to fall down the balcony!” Joon warned Mir, but he knew something was off. Those eyes that always express a childish expression were no longer there, those eyes were serious.

                “Hmmm, I might actually push you down,” Mir whispered softly, his face was close to Joon’s ears, so close that he felt the warmth of Mir’s breathe showering on his skin. Mir moved his face even closer. Joon felt something on his ear; and before he knew it, Mir was nibbling on his it.

                “Geez, you are taking the prank too far!” Joon face’s temperature rose even more, he tried to push Mir away. Joon was sure he was stronger than Mir, he is heavier also taller, but he was wrong. Not only he couldn’t push Mir away, every time his eyes made contact with Mir’s his strength was drained away. “Can you please let me go?”

                “Sure, but only in one condition,” Joon saw a faint smile for a moment, but then in a blink of an eye it vanished. Mir leaned forward, his arms acted like a cage imprisoning Joon close to his body. Joon also leaned back. He felt the cold cement pressing on his back. He was about to fall in any second. He knew the Mir in front of him wasn’t kidding, he can push him and he will if he doesn’t agree.

                “Okay, whatever you say,” the moment Joon finished his sentence he was lifted. Mir carried him easily. Mir dropped Joon on his bed and walked to the doors. Click! Mir locked the doors and turned back facing Joon. Speechlessly, Joon stared at the Mir he doesn’t know.

                “I want to know the feeling, the feeling to embrace a man,” Mir said as he walked to Joon. Joon sighed and stood up. He took off his shirt quickly and pushed Mir flat on to the bed.

                “You mean to be embrace by a man didn’t you? I’ve read fan fictions wrote by fan girls before, the one about you and me. I’ll embrace you, make you scream my name all night long, I’ll find your special spot, and I’ll make you feel better than ever. I want that cute and girly face of yours to wear the expression you’ve never worn before.” Joon gently pressed his lips upon Mir’s, the temperature body of the two rose. They started to breathe heavily, but Mir grinned and giggled with his childish voice.

                “Joon you are so funny!” Shocked, Joon pulled his face away from Mir’s. Was he tricked? He meant the normal childish Mir is back! “Joon, I mean what I say. I want to embrace a guy, not to be embraced,” The situation changed, Mir coerce Joon to lie flat on the bed. “We’re going to get dirty indeed, very dirty.” The sweet fragrance of Joon’s made Mir berserk. He forced his lips upon Joon’s. Without any warnings, Mir starts to explore Joon’s body using everything he could. Joon tried to escape, but soon his energy was drained away by the lips on his. Slowly, Joon’s body was accepting the presence of Mir.

                He wanted to shout out, this is wrong! He is supposed to be the one embracing not embraced!

                “ah… this is wrong, no, no, not there! You should be lying on the bed ah… a… and… I should be the…. The” Before Joon was able to finish his sentence Mir silenced him with his Lips. A sweet taste ran into Joon’s mouth through a small gap between his lips. Mir was invading his mouth, no, not only his mouth. Mir was invading every part of his body. “Mi…no…not…na.”

                “I don’t actually have a ‘cute’, ‘Funny’ and ‘adorable’ personality. I’m bored with people pairing me up with you and making me the one screaming your name out at night. I can’t tell the world about the real me, it’ll destroy my image. But at least I want you to know, to know that I’m the type who embraces not the one who is embraced!” Mir said in a loud voice, but it wasn’t loud enough for Joon to hear, Joon can hardly think nor hear anything, his consciousness was running away. He can no longer strain his voice; it was forcing its way out. His body was dying to become one with Mir, his lips were dying to be kissed by those hot lips of Mir’s, and he was dying to scream out Mir’s name.  “Accept me,” that last sentence completely destroyed Joon’s control.  He knew he was going to become one with Mir, and hated it, hated the idea that he wants Mir, he needs Mir.

                He accepted the role of something he never thought he would.

                He never knew a guy with a cute face like Mir would make him feel this good.

                He never foresees this coming. But maybe, just maybe he might be pleased that he was the bottom.



                A peek of sunlight came running in to the room. The sweet scent linger. Joon slowly open his eyes. He stared at Mir sleeping’s face. He noticed that Mir’s face is a smooth as a lubricant; decorated with cute pink lips and he also have silky soft hair. How can someone with a face as cute as a doll become so wild? Joon turned away. He also noticed something weird about himself; his heart beats ridiculously hard every time he sees Mir’s face. He can no longer keep a straight face. He can still remember everything clearly, so clear that he is embarrassed by his own reactions.

                “Are you awake now?” Mir spoke in a soft voice. Joon turned back to face Mir. Mir quickly steals a morning kiss from Joon and giggled to himself. He flipped his body and faces the ceiling. “Isn’t it time for us to get ready for tonight’s concert and the rehearsals?” Mir said as wears his pants.

                “Oh by the way Mir, the deal isn’t off, you’ll still have to wear that wig and dress.”


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Chapter 1: naw i wonder why i never find this fict before ;;
its hot, well, hotter if you add the shag detail and all those other things
but i like it nevertheless :3