Radio Star

After Filming Radio Star: Kyuhyuk Version

Eunhyuk stood outside of Kyuhyun's bedroom, his hand on the door. He sighed to himself, Kyuhyun was mad at him. For what you ask? Well, that's a simple question. You see, Eunhyuk was teasing Kyuhyun. And yes, so were Shindong, Siwon and Leeteuk. But the thing is, Kyuhyun was the maddest at Eunhyuk. Why? Well, Eunhyuk was Kyuhyun's boyfriend after all. Kyuhyun thought that at least Eunhyuk would have been a little nice to him. But no. Eunhyuk went along with the others and about what was going on. Thus, Kyuhyun became mad. And now, here Eunhyuk is. He is outside Kyuhyun's door and willing to apologise.

"...Kyuhyun-ah..." Eunhyuk called rather hesitantly. He stared at his maknae boyfriend sitting on the bed with a laptop. Eunhyuk knew what was hapening, Kyuhyun was ignoring him.

"..." No response.

"...Kyuhyun-ah..." Eunhyuk called once again. His heart stung at the fact Kyuhyun was ignoring him, but he predicted this situation to occur anyway.

"..." And just like the last time, no response was given.

"...Kyuhyun-ah." Eunhyuk called for the third time, his voice turning into a tone of pleading. He knew how Kyuhyun was when he was mad, and Eunhyuk was more than willing to swallow his pride.

"...Are you calling me?" Kyuhyun asked with a harsh and emotionless tone of voice. Eunhyuk gulped slightly.

"Yes, I was." Eunhyuk replied.

"...Why?" Kyuhyun asked, his eyes still glued onto the laptop screen.

"..Because I-" but as Eunhyuk was talking, he was cut off.

"Didn't I become arrogant or something? Doing the choreography wrong?" Kyuhyun questioned rhetorically, his voice as crisp as the Winter wind. Kyuhyun's eyes were glazed with ice.

"...Don't tell me you're still mad about that..." Eunhyuk muttered, almost immediately regreting what he had said. Kyuhyun stared at him coldly, then closed his laptop screen.

"To bad, because I am." Kyuhuyn whispered silently as he stood up and walked out. Eunhyuk questioned why his feet wouldn't let him move. And by the time they did, it was too late. Kyuhyun had already gone.


"...Jungsoo Hyung, help me." Eunhyuk muttered, seeing Leeteuk in the lounge room. The television was on, but they weren't watching it.

"Hm? What is it Hyukjae?" Leeteuk asked, Eunhyuk approached the elder and sat down.

"It's Kyuhyun, he's still mad at me." Eunhyuk sighed, Leeteuk gave a sympathetic look.

"...Kyuhyun's throwing a tantrum again? About Radio Star?" Leeteuk questioned rhetorically, Eunhyuk let out another sigh before looking at Leeteuk.

"It's not really a tantrum, but he's being really cold to me. He's ignoring me even." Eunhyuk groaned.

"Did you apologise?" Leeteuk asked.

"I apologised already, but he won't accept it." Eunhyuk replied.

"...Wait for a couple days, then apologise again. He's just being stubborn. You know how Kyuhyun can be." Leeteuk said, Eunhyuk already knew that.

"...He's stubborn for sure, but he also looked really hurt." Eunhyuk muttered, feeling some guilt.

"You know that Kyuhyun is very sensitive, right?" Leeteuk asked rhetorically.

"Yeah." Eunhyuk answered.

"You just need to let him calm down for a bit, and be nicer to him. Kyuhyun takes what you say personally." Leeteuk spoke, Eunhyuk nodded and listened to the leader.


A week later...

"Look, I'm really sorry about what I said." Eunhyuk repeated to Kyuhyun who was sitting on the couch, Kyuhyun sighed loudly. Eunhyuk raised a brow, not knowing what that sigh signified.

"...You don't mean it." Kyuhyun muttered.

"What? I do, I swear I do." Eunhyuk insisted.

"Then what are you sorry for?" Kyuhyun asked rhetorically.

"I'm sorry for teasing you." Eunhyuk replied, but it wasn't the wanted answer.

"Can you remember what you said to me?" Kyuhyun questioned.

"...I said..." Eunhyuk stopped and thought.

"And you told me that you were sorry, what a liar." Kyuhyun hissed through his teeth as he stood up and began walking.

"Kyuhyun-" Eunhyuk was cut off.

"If you're just going to lie to me then don't bother apologising in the first place!" Kyuhyun shouted angrily.

"But I'm not lying! I'm sorry!" Eunhyuk shouted back.

"How can you say that when you say that when you can't even remember what you said to me?!" Kyuhyun questioned with a betrayed expression. The type of expression which tore up Eunhyuk's heart.

"I don't remember what I said but I do know what I feel right now!" Eunhyuk retorted.

"And what's that?!" Kyuhyun yelled.

"I feel guilty you pabo! Do you really think I meant to hurt you?! I was just doing it for entertainment!" Eunhyuk shouted.

"...I know you didn't mean to hurt me,but it did and you can't change the past. Once they were said, they can only be forgiven. Not forgotten." Kyuhyun muttered, the look in his eyes never changing. Just like before, they were filled in hurt and betrayal.

"...What did I say that hurt the most?" Eunhyuk asked. Kyuhyun quickly bit his lip, running off into his room. And it hurt even more that Eunhyuk didn't even try to stop him.

"...Every word that came out of your mouth on Radio Star that day hurt me."


2 days later...

"...Kyuhyunnie, I'm sorry. Really, I'm sorry..." For the eighth time, Eunhyuk was apologising to his precious maknae. Eunhyuk was standing right next to him. Kyuhyun was in bed, it was about 12am midnight. Kyuhyun, being the gamer that he is, was still on his laptop. The blanket was over half his body and the laptop was sitting on his lap. Kyuhyun turned his head, it seemed that he was calmer than before.

"...For?" Kyuhyun questioned, his eyes expecting an answer. Kyuhyun wasn't really sure what answer he was expecting, but he knew that it was a type of answer that would make him just a little bit happy.

"For being an idiot and hurting your feelings. For saying things that caused you pain." Eunhyuk replied.

"..." Kyuhyun stayed silent, his eyes turned away from Eunhyuk.

"Huh? Kyuhyun?" Eunhyuk questioned.

Kyuhyun turned his head back to Eunhyuk. At first, Kyuhyun's expression was bored and cold. But after just a couple seconds, he let out another one of those breath-taking smiles. Eunhyuk sighed in relief after seeing that, Kyuhyun had seemed to forgive him. Just before Eunhyuk said anything else, Kyuhyun sat up and wrapped his arms around his older boyfriend's neck. He then pulled Eunhyuk over him, surprising the elder slightly.

"Good answer Hyukkie. Very good answer." Kyuhyun smiled adorably, his lips quickly moving closer to Eunhyuk's. And Eunhyuk, who was very impatient and in need of body contact, quickly stole a kiss from the maknae's lips. It was if time had stopped at that moment, it felt so gentle and sweet. Soon though, their lips parted.

"So... you forgive me now, right?" Eunhyuk asked, Kyuhyun let out his signature smirk.

"...Perhaps..." Kyuhyun muttered, Eunhyuk's eyes widened.

"Wha-" But before Eunhyuk could finish, he was cut off.

"Shut up and kiss me again. Now." Kyuhyun demanded selfishly with his arms still wrapped around Eunhyuk's neck. And well, Eunhyuk didn't complain.


Sorry, this isn't that good. I wanted to write but I'm supposed to be studying and doing homework!~ >_<

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Chapter 1: awwww...that is so adorable
carolina #2
Chapter 1: very cute...
Chapter 1: This is cute..
Chapter 1: Cute:)
michikokasiumi #5
Chapter 1: i watch it too... N did u remember when hyuk told about the accident n the tear's about to fall from his eyes n kyu make a funny comment..?
At that time i realy feels that kyu dont want to make hyukie cry . . . Soo sweeet TvT
EunHae986 #6
Chapter 1: HIHI! I like it! I watched it with my cousins and aunt and we were laughing like crazy! Though they did torment SiWon too~
But I guess Kyu's was really worse.
Chapter 1: I think I'm spamming now, but this was absolutely wonderful! I reaaally can't wait for the other two stories now :)
Never mindd i didn't see the second chapter ._. eheheh
I'm loving this different version thing :DD Can't wait for this one eitherr!