Oh, so i'm arranged marriage with Kim Myung-WHAT?

While walking, you hummed your favourite song, the chaser and felt a sudden pain a your stomach

"Ahh!" And you hold your stomach and sit down at the bench while l.joe saw it, he quickly ran to you

"Are you alright?"

"Y-ya, kamsahamnida"And he holded you up

"Wheres your house?"

"2 street far from here"

"Then you better take a cab!" And he called for the cab and soon it came

"Kamsahamnida!" And you wave to him and the cab drove away


After you paid the fare, you went home and saw that myungsoo is not at home

"Luckily he haven't come back"

"Where did you go?" And you felt shocked

"Oh my, you scare me!"

"Sorry, where did you go? Is jiyeon with you?"

"Ho-how did you know?"

"Jiyeon called me, she said that you are boring at home" And you nodded

"Sorry for not telling you"And he smiled

"If next time you're boring, call me okay. I'll come back and acompany you

"Ya, by the way, when can we go home?"

"Until you give birth"

"Huh, so i have to wait for 6 more months?"

"Anyway, i bought some kimchi here, come here and eat" He said walking to the dining room


"Wae? Are you sick?"And he touch your forehead

"Ani, is just that i have no appetite" You said putting his hand down and walked to the living room and watch tv

________________________________________Dinner time_______________________________________________________________

"Come and eat dinner!" And you shook your head

"No appetite?"And you nodded

"You can't be like this you know, if you keep don't have appetite, you will sick!"

"But i really have no-"

"Just come, i made salad" And he pulled you to the dining room and showed you the salad


"Cucumber?No, no, i hate the smell of cucumber"You said shaking your head while pouting

"Just kidding" And he showed you another one

"The cucumber one is mine, yours is this heart shape one"

"Wahh.. Pretty~" And you took one bite and nodded

"Emm.. Not bad! I will give you a present for that"

"What present?"

"Here" And you gave him a light green shirt


____________________________________3 months later__________________________________________________________-

"I'm boring, myungsoo"

"Wait for me to come back, i'll be back at 2 hours later"

"Yah, kim myungsoo" You yelled but not too loud

"I'm hanging up!" And he hung up

"Yah" And you closed your phone

Go and open the door, now

[sent] To: My lovely wife From: Your handsome husband


[sent] To: My handsome husband From: Your lovely wife

Just open it, palli~

[sent] To: My lovely wife From: Your handsome husband

"What is he up to again?" And you open the door and saw myungsoo holding a plastic cardboard

To my lovely wifey, your husband, is going to go to a trip with you to Singapore! So i know that you won't go unless i give you something, so i decided to buy a necklace with two ring in it for you!

And he ran to you handing the necklace


"Do you like it?"

"Ya, its pretty"

"So do you agree on the trip to singapore?"

"Ofcause! But do you know where to go in singapore?"

"I ofcause know! "

"When we will go?"


"So fast?" And he nodded


Updated! Subscribe and comment to know what happen next! Wah.. 66 subscribers! Kamsahamnida subbies~ *Deep bow*







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Sorry i cant update today because tomorrow is science exam so my teacher say must get band 1 very stress! Wish tomorrow will be a easy paper!


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Kksecret #1
Chapter 44: Why is gongju kind of mean and awkward with myungsoo? And the daehyun, who is he so~ mean toward myungsoo? He's so spoiled
Doojoon_Sunggyu #2
Chapter 44: Nice story xD continue writing !
Chapter 1: Aigoooo! Why l.joe's here again? Now i want him to be the main character! XD Anw, this story is good (it'd be better if l.joe's the main! LOL) just kidding. Author-nim create a story about l.joe too! Hahaha!
-LjoeMyungJae- #4
Chapter 44: ..uuhhhh i'm going to miss this story... nice ending author nim.. ^^
Chapter 44: wah~~happy ending!i like it!
extrangel #6
Chapter 44: I fin dis story in a day!!! ^^ great story u have here!! Daebakk!! ;P
Chapter 41: aigoo..Daehyun is so cute!but why Gongju is still like akward with Myungsoo..
Chapter 40: Whoa~! Daehyun is so cute!! L.joe is not his father! Myungsoo is his father~
Update soon~!
Chapter 40: Whoaaaa!!!! Daehyun needs to learn his manners!!!! I'm serious tho if he was my kid I would punish him for sure!!!!!
Chapter 40: eh..bad Daehyun!no manners at all!how dare he said L.Joe is his father..or maybe?haha