
Body Heat

Why can't I fall asleep? Probably because it's winter. I love winter.

I quietly shuffled my body in bed so that I would be facing the window. I loved watching the snow fall on the group. Stick to the trees. Untouched. So pure. So simple. Black and white. Nothing was ever black and white. Nothing could ever be so simple. Maybe that's why i love the snow. But it's too damn cold. 

Dammit. It really is cold. Looking out the window isn't going to help anything. Ruffling the covers again, I sunk deeper into the matress. Im always so noisy. I have to be quiet so I don't wake her up. How can she sleep so soundly? I really do envy her. I wonder what she is dreaming about. Me, maybe? 

Ah, I always forget that I can't watch her while I am trying to fall alseep. My mind starts to wander. About her. About how peaceful she looks. About how I don't want to close my eyes. I don't want to fall asleep. I would miss her. A twitch in her sleep. A cute noise. Her beautiful face. Why would I waste a single second sleeping when I could spend a second more with her? 

Dammit. It's cold!



"Go back to sleep, Krys."

She cuddled up next to me. Head on my chest. Legs intertwined with mine. I felt her breathing change. She was fast asleep. 

I hate waking her.

Wait. I'm not cold anymore. I can feel her warm skin on mine. I think I can fall asleep now. Now that you are in my arms. 

Outside, the snow did'nt lighten up. 


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Chapter 1: short, straight to the point, and powerful! LOVE IT
Chapter 1: Its pretty short,but it makes me love the snow... :D
RukaiT #3
Chapter 1: Really neat for a first fic :)

I can't wait to read your other works.
Chapter 1: Sometimes that's all we need... someone else's warmth :)!