Death is only the beginning.

Death is only the beginning.

   Nobody's POV


   That simple mix of words chained into a sentence echoed into his head on and on. His eyes full of horror, watched her dark blood on his hands, dripping on the floor. What kind of monster would do something like that to him. He was on ordinary guy, in his late teens, working at a damn hotel, living a hell of a ing normal live. How did that happen so fast. Seeing your girlfriend die in your own hands, was not something you would do when you have an one year anniversary of being together.


   That day he swore to himself. He will find the one who did this and that monster will PAY!



   Now two months later, Lee Hyukjae was on the plane № 766 to Berlin. He wanted to go away from that city. From that deadly place. He anted to forget the horror of losing his loved ones and get away from the annoyance that the police, the investigators and the endless interrogations, gave him.


   Two hours before the plane would land, Hyukjae pulled his iPod out of his pocket, slid his finger through the glass display and the next song started playing in his Beats.


   - Wow. I actually love this song!

   - I can’t believe it. I’m so into it too.

   - I guess we have a lot in common.

   - I guess we have. Do you want to go out?

   - Umm…

   - say yes. Say yes. – he prayed with crossed fingers.

   - Ok!


    - All passengers please buckle your seatbelts.


   Hyukjae jumped a little, as the flight attendant’s voice brought him back. That one, just that one song recalled a lot of memories. He was in a trance for an hour and a half. Hyukjae was so surprised by that fact. “I guess that will just leave a big scar.” He said to himself, while preparing for the landing.


   Hyukjae wasn’t so impressed by the sight of the airport. Air plains, a big amount of suitcases and never ending crowds of people.


   He went through the crowds, almost bumping into running children, probably brother and sister, and got out of the airport. Hyukjae waved at a random coming taxi. He got in and told the driver the hotel’s name and street.


   The car started moving.




    Hyukjae was in his room when someone knocked on the door. He got up lazily off the bed due to the jetlag. He opened and saw a familiar face. It was his cousin Jake.


    Hyukjae’s family had a lot of branches, spread all over the world. Well, Germany was where Jake’s family lived. Shocked by what has happened to Hyukjae, Jake’s parents proposed him to stay at their home. But Hyukjae quickly and politely rejected the really appealing offer. The teenager didn’t like being pitied and bewailed, he knew they will do that without intending to. Hyukjae and Jake’s families were rather close unlike the other families of “the big tree”.


    The boy wanted some peace. He wanted to depend only on himself. Well, he knew that he will need some help with the German and place to settle in. that’s the reason why Hyukjae called his cousin.


   - Hey. How’s our LA star?

   - Jake, stop with the strange nicknames. And I’m okey. A little jetlagged, but still ok. Not like half a month ago.

   - Yeah, about that… My sincerest condolences for the loss.

   - Yeah, thanks. – Hyukjae said, looking down at his cousin’s old sneakers and sighed silently. – well don’t just stand there. Come in.


   They talked all night long. Jake went to get something to drink and Hyukjae showed off his cooking skills. His mother loved showing him the family recipes. She even gave him a big notebook with dozens of written recipes. But the list abruptly stopped, leaving many empty pages, waiting patiently to be filled.


   When they finished their dinner, they fell asleep on the coach in front of the TV, which was still working.


   On the next morning, the first one to wake up was Hyukjae. Once again he got up with his chest going up and down hectically, sweat traveling through his hole body and his eyes filled with horror. That day hadn’t forgotten him! That day will haunt him down until he finally freaked out and lost all his sanity.


   Hyukjae got up and stretched. He looked around and silently thought to himself that he had to clean up. You know why? Only because Hyukjae knew his cousin was a heavy sleeper and probably wake up when the clock strikes 2 pm.


   After the boy finished with his morning routine, he started putting away all that rubbish whick was either on the floor, or on the table or even on the fuirniture. This was the perfect opportunity to think/muse about his dream last night. The dream before the nightmare. Actually it was a precious memory for Hyukjae. Oh how he wished they could stay like this. Maybe that nightmare wouldn’t have happened. Still, he only wished.



-Umma, do you like yours?


-Mmm. It’s pure delicious. Yours honey?


-It’s awesome. It’s was such a good idea to move here. Now it feels like I’m in heaven.


-Ehh, in heaven?? How come?


-Well you, your little brother, your umma and amazing chocolates all put together equals one big pack of happiness.


- Ohh.. I understand! Hyukkie did you finish your bar of choco?


-Not yet. Hyung you already finished yours?


-Yeah. It was so yummie I ate it on one go.


-In one go? Appa how can hyung eat something on one go? Is his mouth so big?


-Oh no Hyuk. It’s just that Chul ate it too fast.


-Oh ok



*munch faster*

*munch like a hamster*


-Ready Chullie-hyung. Let’s play.


-Come on everyone. You too honey, you can’t stay behind, right?


-Come on appa!!!


-Ok ok you win. Let’s go!



A/N well here is the first chapter. I hope you like it >.< i really hope that the story will live up your expectetions later >.< Rea~~lly thank you all for the support. Sorry i couldn't update it earlier, but school had me captured. 5 revise test in 4 days >.<"""" it was such a pain. And even two weeks went with the speed of light. Everyday doing the same and i just couldn't get hold of the time >.< Sorry! and also i didn't know what to put for pictuer so i just choose that one. >.<


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 1: interesting, please update soon
257471 #2
Chapter 1: what happen, waiting for the next update
Chapter 1: Very interesting ^^ waiting for the next update :D
Chapter 1: poor hyukk ;( hope he will find out who the monster is ><
this is soooo interesting.. xD thanks for update.
Chapter 1: wooooooooooo finally an update from u....hyuk...u are suffering arent u??who is the killer ggrrr..thank kyuuu for the update...cant wait for the next update ^^
michikokasiumi #6
waa...itsounds angsty...kkk... Im looking forward to it ;)
kiki-chan #7
omo cant wait for it

please update soon
I'll be waiting for this ^^
yay new fic from u after long hiatus ^^
i like the storyline...interesting...
do update soon neeee thank kyuuuuu ^^