The Journey

N Loves W


I didn't have time to go through the whole thing to check for any wrong spellings or grammatical error. Besides, english is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there is any mistakes in this fic. But I don't thing there's going to be any. Have fun reading my first ever one-shot and a fluff one too. Do let me know what do you guys think about it. Leave as many comments as you like.. If this fic is a succes, I will consider writing a new one in the future.. 



*Wooyoung’s POV*


I felt the heat of the sun beaming into our room, it’s the sign that the sun had rise and its already morning. As a morning person, it is a must for me to get up as early as the sun. I carved a smile on my face without even opening my eyes. I lifted one of my arms and swung it to the other side of the bed in order to hug the love of my life. It had been a daily routine for me to do that. But today, there seems to be something wrong.


Khun is not in his place, this had never happened before, especially when Khun is not a morning person like me, he would have never woke up early in the morning without having someone to force him to do so. Where had he been? Last night he was here and he didn’t even say anything about leaving early in the morning.


I quickly got out of the bed and walked out of my room towards the living room, but he was not there. I tried to look for him in the kitchen and as expected he was nowhere to be found neither. I got much more worried by that time, a lot of things were playing in my mind.


Had something bad happened to him? I quickly walked towards the main entrance and planned to look for him outside in the yards or maybe a nearby park without even taking a bath or anything. But before I opened the door, I noticed there’s a sticky note on the wooden door. The note stated


“I have a surprised for you. But in order to get it you have to find me first. Where and how to find me? You have to go on a little journey by using all the clues that I had prepared for you. But before that, do take a bath first and make yourself as the most handsome guy in the whole Seoul for me, okay? ^_^ Owh ya, you can find the first clue on the passenger’s seat in your car. Have fun on your journey and I’ll be waiting for you. I’ll see you later. Love ya. Muahhh <3 ^^”


I quickly took a bath and do as he said; it took me a good one and a half hours to get ready in accordance to his request. I don’t even know what is his plan is, but it seems to be fun and I’m also curious of what kind of surprised he had in mind for me.


I got myself into the car, started the engine and open an envelope, which was place on the passenger’s seat next to mine. In my mind I said, what the H is this? Is he trying to make me do things like in the Running Man? I laughed a bit after reading the first clue. The first clue was


“I see that you decide to play along with my game. That’s good ^^. Okay, your first mission is to go to our favorite restaurant and there you’ll find your next clue. Have fun and be careful.”


I drove to a nearby restaurant; this is our favorite restaurant of all. They served good food and the most important things of all this is where the first time I met him. After a few minutes I finally arrived at the restaurant. I parked the car and got myself into the restaurant. I met with the son of the owner and greeted him good morning. He greeted me back and he seems to recognize me, I don’t know how but he seems to know me. Maybe he knows me from his father, because the owner knows us really well, because we are his loyal customers of course.


After I entered the shop, the owner’s son asked one of his waiters to take me to my seat and served me. I sat down on my normal seat, the seat that I had always used all this years. The exact same seat where I sat when the first time I met Khun in this restaurant. After sitting down the waiter left me without even taking my orders, but few second later he came back with a tray full of food. He served me my normal orders; I was shocked at first, how on earth this waiter knows what I’m going to order today.


Well, maybe he remembers that food that I always order each time I came to this place I presume. I finished up my food and walked towards the cashier. I asked how much does my meal cost, but the cashier said that its already paid and then he handed me with an envelope which inside was another clue. Now, I know that Khun was the one who ordered my normal dish and paid for it too.


I got myself into the car and was ready to set on for the next mission. The clue stated


“How was your breakfast? I think you are stuffed by now right? Like you had always been after going to that restaurant. Anyway, your next mission will be set on near the river cruise jetty, go and meet the ticket counter ahjumma and said your name and she will give you your next clue. Owh ya, after you arrived at the next stop, leave your car at the car park and locked it well okay. Cause you’ll be walking from that stop onwards. I’ll see you soon, be careful and have fun. ^^”


“Mwoya ige? (What is this?)” I said to myself but still end up smiling thinking of how cute his words are.


I arrived at the mentioned jetty and got myself to the ticket counter do as how he had asked me to do in the previous clue. The ahjumma gave me a river cruise ticket and another envelope. I walked towards the boat and got myself onto one of the boat, which was about to leave. The hotness of the blazing sun had already got into me. I’m sweating a bit by now. While I was on the boat I opened the envelope and read the next clue.


“Good job dear, you are almost there. I’ll meet you after mission in the next station. Come quickly.. I cant wait to meet you.. ;) Take your next clue at the newspaper stand outside of the jetty in the next station.


p.s: remember anything about this boat? :D”


I smiled again at his words. Remember anything? How could I not remember? This is the exact boat and place where the first time we went out on our date. While I was waiting to for this boat to arrive at the next station, I started to reminisce the old memories that we had together on this boat. It has been a while since we were on a date in romantic place like this. I sighed a little in the thought of, if only Khun was here with me.


While I was reminiscing my old memories suddenly the boat started to slow down as it reaches the jetty, which is also my next stop on this little journey. I got of the boat and walked towards the mentioned newspaper stand outside the jetty. I asked for an envelope and she complied with my request. But one funny thing had happened there. The ahjussi that was keeping the envelope asked me


“Excuse me, where is the camera crew? And when will this be aired?” I laughed after I heard what he had said to me just now.


“I’m sorry sir, but this is not Running Man, so there’s no camera crew and I’m not a celebrity neither. Sorry ahjussi” I smiled to him and gave a slight bow before I left him in confusion of why he had to keep an envelope that contains a clue like the famous TV program Running Man.


I quickly opened the envelope and read the instructions written on it.


“Congratulations for arriving this far. You are almost there. This is you LAST mission. Walk through the park in front of you and go through the cherry blossoms, it will take you to an open field, wait for me there and I will shortly arrive to take you on another journey of your lifetime. But don’t worry, this time I will go together with you.”


After reading the instructions, I quickly ran towards the park, as I can’t wait to meet my one and only, the love of my life. As I was running, somebody starts to run besides me and gave me a pink rose, as soon as he handed me the rose he then quickly ran away from me. I slowed down my pace and then stop from running. I scratched the back of my head; I was confused of what is his intention by giving me this rose? Was flirting with me? I smiled by myself when I had that thought.


I then continued walking slowly along the walkway, suddenly a small little girl pulled the end of my shirt from behind. I turned around and I received another pink rose and this time the same thing happen. She ran away like how the first guy did to me. It adds on to my confusion on what on earth is going on? As I walked and walked a long the path to the cherry blossoms, I had received more than a dozen pink roses from strangers that I do not know.


I finally arrived at the cherry blossoms park and I walked through it. I was awed and amaze at how lovely they were. I fell in love with that place, as I walked through the park. I arrived at an open field like how Khun had mentioned in his clue. I saw a sign said “Woo dear, wait for me here.”


After five minutes of waiting, suddenly I saw something big and round came flying up slowly from behind the cherry blossoms. After a few minutes I can clearly see’s that it’s a hot air balloon. I was mesmerized by it, I had never saw a real hot air balloon before, it had always been my dream to try flying in it for once in my lifetime. The other thing that caught my eyes was the big sign on the balloon. It stated a really big capital ‘N’ and also a big red heart and a big capital ‘W’. In my mind I said, it can’t be Khun, or could it? But moments later my questions are answered. It is him, he came out of the hot air balloon basket and walked towards me.


He grabs both of my hands and said


“Woo dear, thank you for coming. It must’ve been hard for you to go through the journey that I set for you today, alone. I’m sorry. For your information, I just put you on a rewind journey of our years that we had been together. Those two places were the most important places in our relationship. Without that restaurant, I might have not met the most handsome man in the whole Seoul, no, I meant the whole world, without that river cruise, we might have not end up being in a relationship like we do now. Now, I’m going to add another place that will be the most memorable and the most important place of them all for you and also for me. This will be the place where I’m going to propose to you to be mine forever”


I saw him kneeling down and then he opened up a box that contains the thing that I had been waiting for all this years. My eyes start to water.


“Jang Wooyoung, will you be mine forever?”  Khun asked me.


“YES!!!! I will” I cant hold back my tears anymore. It just flows out non-stop.


Khun stood up, put the ring on my finger and he hugged me as tight as he can and he lifted me up and swirled me around and around. He gave me a deep and passionate kiss and then he said


“Lets go on another journey of our life’s dear”


Khun than lifted me up, bridal style and put me in the hot air balloon basket. We fly up higher and higher on a new journey together. As we already up high in the sky, he gave me another hot and passionate kiss.


That was the best day of my life.




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New reader here! Awesome! :D
I like it~~~
Chapter 1: 대.....박...
Chapter 1: OMG oppa!! that was so friggin sweet! Khun!! you're sjfbskhjbvdfhdvbsgfvs sweet and damn who dun want him as a boyfriend? awww~ m melting by this oneshot~ awwwwww~ so sweet~
Chapter 1: romantic