Chapter 2 (Part 1 of 2): Similarities

Walking on Water (Science and Faith)


CHAPTER 2 (Part 1 of 2)



Monday| October 1, 2012| 3:00 PM


Puddle of Mud - Blurry


Everything's so blurry and everyone's so fake

Everybody's empty and everything is so messed up

Pre-occupied without you,

I cannot live at all

My whole world surrounds you

I stumble and I crawl


You could be my ‘someone’

You can be my scene

You know that I'll protect you

From all of the obscene

I wonder what you’re doing,

Imagine where you are

There's oceans in between us,

But that's not very far


Can you take it all away

Can you take it all away

Well you shoved it in my face

This pain you gave to me


I was listening to my iPod while I was writing on my notebook or journal whatever this is. I couldn’t help sing the first chorus out loud. I guess it caught her attention ‘cause she was now standing in front of me. But the weird thing is she was offering something in her hand. Normally we’d be sitting on opposite sides of the hospital rooftop. This was the closest encounter we’ve ever had since the day she heard me screaming my lungs out.


I gave her a confused look. Not understanding her gesture, she must have read my mind ‘cause the next thing I knew she was kneeling beside me and used her hanky to wipe the tears that have fallen on my cheeks.


I guess it was what I was feeling at the moment.


How I really wish someone or something can take this pain away. It was all too fast… all too sudden.


This pain…


“Are you okay?”, the girl asked. I had a lot of things in my mind that I didn’t notice her face was closer than before.


And for the second time, I got lost in her eyes.


Eyes that were full of understanding, placed perfectly in a face so breath-taking.


If this were a movie, no doubt the background music for my point of view would be ‘I Caught Fire’ by The Used.


In your eyes,

I lost my place

Could stay a while

I’m melting


In your eyes,

Like my first time

That I caught fire


Just stay with me

Lay with me now


But this is not a movie, isn’t it?


It’s reality. No fairy tales and no happy endings.


“Hey.”, she spoke again placing her right hand on my left shoulder blade.


I think I lost it for a moment; my mind drifting off longer than it should be.


Back to reality [sigh]…


I nodded my head sideways to stop my mind from wandering off again.


But… why is does it feel like I’m still daydreaming?


Gosh… Those eyes again… and that beautiful face…




How is it possible that she’s glowing in the dark? I mean, I get it.. it’s still daytime but with this dark and gloomy weather. How come?


“Are you an angel?”




! , , !


I did not just say that out loud!


“W-w-what?”, she quickly replied.


She’s stuttering you goof head! She heard…


[Sigh] What to do…


I ended up biting my lower lip hard, bowing my head and just staring at my left sneaker. Good thing I was sitting comfortably and the weather was cold or else I would have been sweating hard or tapping my foot like a nervous wreck.


Author’s note: She was sitting with her left foot placed under her right leg which was propped up.


I slowly lift my head up and looked at her carefully. She was also biting her lower lip, still waiting for my answer?


“D-did you just… asked if I was an.. angel?”


Come on… Speak…




Say some words.


Damn. Now she’s smiling… That’s even worse than her just staring at me.


“Mmm…”, I nodded slowly. I guess I got too lost in her smile, that nodding was the only thing I ended up doing.



What’s that sound? Is she… is she laughing?


She fixed her position. Maybe her legs were staring to cramp from her kneeling. And now she’s sitting on my left.


I let her finish her action. I kinda liked it… hearing her laughter. Or has it just been that long since I heard someone doing that?


“You’re funny… and a bit weird…”, she spoke softly in between her laugh.


Laughter must really be contagious because after she said that I started laughing as well.


I guess anyone would have thought of me as weird… but wait… funny? She said I was funny?


And is she? Blushing?


I should be the one who’s embarrassed…


After her laughter faded, she gave me her left hand to shake the same time she said her name. “I’m Krystal.”


“Amber.”, now I wasn’t hesitating when I spoke.


“Aha! I knew you were a girl. You’re just too handsome to be a guy.”, she blurted out proudly.


Cute. But so awkward..


“Sorry… It’s just sometimes I don’t really think before I speak.”, she explained like she read my mind again.


“It’s alright… I guess you’re the one who’s weird.”, I said joking; finally getting a hold of myself.


“Yah.”, she hit me lightly, making me smile.


She noticed it and spoke again, “Finally. You smiled. ”


“What? We’re you waiting for it?”, I playfully retorted.


“N-no.”, she replied.


“Well.. You already made me laugh just a while ago didn’t you.”, I said then I elbowed her lightly.


“It’s just. I was starting to give you a nickname “Eore”, ‘cause you either looked so sad or angry; like your carrying the world on your shoulders or something.”, she clarified.


I laughed lightly after hearing what she said.


Wait. “Eore?”, I had to ask.


“Yeah. The dude from Winnie the Poo.”, she stated.


“Why?”, I asked again.


“Well… Like I said, you were always looking sad and angry.”, she explained.


“B-but Eore was never angry.”, I recalled.


“Same, same. And besides, it was also ‘cause you looked like a llama.”, she added.


“Eh? But Eore’s a donkey. And… Wait. What?! A llama?”, I said.


“It’s the same. Their all horses.”, she spoke absentmindedly.


Wow. She really is blunt.


“So I look like a horse?”, I asked. She was the first one who said that to me. My friends usually teased me as dino, as in that I looked like a dinosaur. But a llama?!


“No, I said you looked like a llama. A LLAMA. Weren’t you listening?”, she said now facing me.


“I-”, I was about to say something when she added, “Don’t worry! You’re not just an ordinary llama. You’re a HANDSOME llama.”, she spoke cheerfully, emphasizing the ‘handsome’ part.


“I’m not really sure if I should take that as a compliment or as an insult.”, I said laughing at her quirky antics.


“Yah! It’s totally a compliment. You should be lucky you know. You’re the first person I complimented.” She cutely bragged making me laugh again.


I guess she was making me laugh on purpose after all.


She was smiling at me while waiting for my laugh to subside.


“Thanks by the way... for… Uh… Yeah… Thanks…”, I spoke again while rubbing my neck.



“You’re very welcome.”, she said poking my left cheek.


We ended up staring at each other momentarily before she spoke once again saying, “I know you’re feeling down right now or maybe angry at some times, but just remember that there’s a reason for everything. You just have to look at the bright side. Cliché as it may sounds, but it’s true.”


“What if there’s no bright side to this…”, I muttered.


“There is… There always is. Life’s too short to be moping around you know…  Just start by looking at your blessings… There are plenty of people who have it worse than you. Trust me, I know… I’ve been there…”, she said, all too well.



Everything she said I’ve somehow heard from my friends, brother and grandmother. Not exactly the same way, but the message is there. They never really got to me. Or maybe I just didn’t let them.



But how come when she said it I’m starting to feel like there really is a brighter side?



Now you guys know that the main character/narrator was Amber, and that Krystal is the one with the cross tattoo on her wrist [I switched it. Hehe. You'll know why as the story goes]. Most of the chapters would be based on her POV unless I remind you guys otherwise. :)

The second part of this chapter would be based on Krystal's POV.


So how you guys like it so far? I hope you do. :D 


Side note:

For those who missed me? Hahaha. I'm going to be posting chapter 5 and 6 of Time and Confusion, finishing When You Got a Good Thing, aaand... finishing We Belong Together while at the same time updating this fic.

Wow, I just realized how many chapters I'd be uploading and editing now that I've said it. :P

Hopefully I'd be able to accomplish all of it by the end of this week. :)


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27camz #1
Chapter 14: this is reeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaally good!! now I am doubting myself if "You are my Song" is my favorite fanfic of yours.. lol... hope you update soon..
leejuyon14 #2
hello author just read your story it's really good,, I'll be waiting for your update.. :D
Chapter 14: Omg!!!!! my head hurts and my eyes are burning right now cause i cant stop reading your story.. Its soooo good please update soon ..
lostinlalaland #4
Chapter 14: yaaaay! update! :D kiss ... why do i have the feeling this isn't going to end good .... ?
laperlateehee2 #5
Chapter 14: oh gosh. Please say that you are not planning to update this story in 6 months later again. T.T
Bo-Remi #6
Chapter 14: Ash, Jessica, if you can see, you're the one who hurt your own sister by separate her her love of her life.
meewa321 #7
Chapter 14: Wow this is a highly educational fic omg i'm going to start watching Grey’s Anatomy again. Nice chapter thanks for the update author! keep up the good work :)
Bo-Remi #8
Chapter 10: is that a picture of Krystal when she was a kid, so cute.
Chapter 12: Aww I hope kryber can meet up again. Wow krystal is legal now lol
Chapter 12: Thank you for updating !!! :D !
Well, next year is just around the corner so I'll patiently wait ^_^!
Hope u are doing well, hwaiting!