A Goodbye


Cold and damp, knowing from the almost soft material I landed on, was the feeling that came upon me.


I have no idea where I was. I feel like I was lying on a mattress of some sort. But still, I have no clue. I was too afraid to open my eyes, and my limbs are even more paralyzed than me. My heart is filled with emotions I have never felt before. Fear? Excitement? Worry? I don’t know. It was rather ambiguous, until I felt some abrupt movements as well as faint sounds of chattering.

That’s it. I’m surrounded.

“Suho-ya… Suho-ya…” Someone whispered. Is he calling for me?

“Hey giant, stop it. He MUST BE resting right now, you know." A soft-spoken boy whispered mockingly in return.

Someone chuckled. I supposed he’s the giant one or someone else.

“A present for you, insoles, you, oily-faced bacon.” The voice is too deep. He really is a giant.

“Shut up! I’m a y piece of meat. I don’t need those.” The boy said, almost shouting.

That’s it, I’ve had enough. I’m gonna force my body to move. I opened my eyes and suddenly sat up. I was breathing heavily, as if I ran a hundred miles with that movement. It must have been my repressed emotions.

 “Another heaven? Everything’s white and… white.” I finally managed to speak. It’s so bright, I immediately hovered my hands in front of me.

I felt someone smacked the back of my head and said, “Pabo, you’re in the infirmary. You’re spaced out a while ago man and boom. You got the jackpot.”

I wandered my eyes around, and saw a tall guy leaning on my bed. He has big eyes, chest-nut colored curly hair and emphatically big ears, complementing his smile. The guy beside him has milky white skin, baby-faced with a dark brown hair chiseled perfectly to a clean cut hair. The two students blinked at me with an ostensibly concerned expression…. or it’s just me.

I looked at them, confused and said, “Jackpot, you say?”

“As we have told you, you are what the professor called you a while ago, stupefaction. Oh yeah, the professor threw his chalk at you, and got no response. He threw the eraser, no response. He threw his lesson plan, no response. He threw his bento, no response. He threw his thick Let’s Get Done with Calculus book… that’s when you screamed and then finally fainted. We’re so worried for you. The professor even got his suspension.” The milky skinned boy explained.

“Thanks man.” The curly boy tapped my shoulders and grinned.

I laughed at the word suspension.

“Chanyeol, Baekhyun. Thanks for escorting me here.” My eyes widened. “I know your names?!” I shouted.

“You sure got your head hit pretty hard. Internal bleeding, perhaps?” Chanyeol said, mockingly tapping my shoulders for nth time.

“Be serious, giant!” Baekhyun glared at him.

“Ani, this can’t be. Ani… ANIYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!”

I shouted, got off the bed and started running for my life like there’s no tomorrow. My feet moved on their own, knowing the lefts and rights as well as the ups and downs. As if there was an infused map in my mind, I know where I'm heading.

I passed through classrooms, classrooms and even more classrooms. After so much running, I finally reached where my destination is: the rooftop.

As soon as I arrived, thoughts are slowly invading my mind, giving me inculcated memories I am sure I never knew before. I got down on my knees, panted and pulled off strands of my hair because of the excruciating pain in my head.

“I can’t take this anymore! Someone help me!”

Cold yet soft hands carefully touched mine. “It’s okay. Everything will be okay. I’m here.” He shushed me.

I suddenly felt at peace and finally calmed down. I looked up to see a student whom I think looked fantastical. I mean, it was like Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy came to life, only Asian-looking.

“W-who are you?” I asked, my voice croaked.

He reached out his hands and helped me get up from my position. I almost collapsed but I still managed to get up. I regained my stance before he replied.

“Let me introduce myself. I am Kris.” He looked at me with those dreamy eyes of his.

“Kris? I think I know almost everyone, but not you.” My brows furrowed, trying hard to think my relations with this person.

He reached out to me, pointing his index finger on my forehead and the other on his. “I’ll make you remember everything... Choi Siwon.”

‘I'll be giving you one hundred days to accomplish whatever it is you have to do…’

‘I better bring you back there.' He smiled warmly at me. 'I can feel that you're excited and scared at the same time. Always remember that I'm here to help you. Now, get ready.'

'When you wake up from your slumber, you will begin a new life.'

I opened my eyes, finally remembering everything. “You... You're that angel that talked to me. So, your name’s Kris.” I am appalled.

“Bingo.” He replied, still not changing his facial expression. He walked towards the rusty steel iron that blocks students from possible suicide, I guess, and sat there, leaning his back onto it. Like a lost kid, I followed, imitating his movements and sat an inch away from him.

“What’s happening? I mean, why does this place seem to be so familiar? I almost knew every one, including my classmates Baekhyun and Chanyeol.” I looked at his direction, hoping for answers.

“Well, it was all my doing.” He looked up into the sky, as if looking for answers. “I replaced your previous identity as Choi Siwon to Kim Joomyeon, or Suho. Your father is the CEO of the world’s biggest technology firm while your mother is a famous fashion designer in Europe. Both are overseas working for your future. You will not remember any of your past as Choi Siwon but all you will remember is you, being Suho. To be fair, I still instilled fragments of memories that will be useful on your last journey here on earth. If you have any more questions, I will always be here to help you. Don’t worry. Don’t be afraid. I am your friend.”

I let his explanations sink profoundly to my brain, then to my heart. After a few minutes, I replied, “Alright. I will trust you. From now on, I am Suho. Thanks for this chance, Kris.” I said, not sure what to feel at the moment.

“I’ll take my leave, first.” Kris said standing up then waved goodbye. “Be very careful from now on.”

I stood up, regaining my composure, uneasy of what awaits me, but this is my last chance. I won’t waste any of this opportunity.

“Goodbye, Siwon. I am now Suho, Kim Suho. I can do this.”

I made my way downstairs, with regained hope and renewed perspective. I glanced at the time and it’s almost past 4 o’clock.

“Classes will end in a few more minutes.” I went to my locker, getting my things, assignments, and etc., when a girl bumped onto me causing my books and papers to scatter all over.

“Omo, mianhae! I wasn’t looking.” She looked down right away and immediately picked up everything. I haven’t even said anything yet. She hand me my things and said, “Here. Mianhae. I was in a hurry.”

I finally had the chance to glance at her face. My jaw dropped.

Nam Jihye. My love.

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