

"I want to break up." Eunhyuk stated bluntly, Kyuhyun's eyes widened.

"What? Why?" Kyuhyun questioned.

"...I don't want to be in this relationship, it doesn't do anything for me." Eunhyuk replied, but that really couldn't have been a proper answer.

"How could you say that? Do you not remember us?" Kyuhyun asked rhetorically.

"Kyuhyun, I can't be bothered dealing with this anymore." Eunhyuk simply said, Kyuhyun bit his lip.

"...Bastard, of all the ways to break up with a person, you chose this damn way." Kyuhyun muttered as he quickly walked away, the anger was there but so was the sadness,

"Hyukjae." A voice called, it was Yesung's. He was standing and watching from another area.

"...Hyung..." Eunhyuk whispered.

"...Why did you break up with Kyuhyun?" Yesung asked, it's pathetic when people don't know the answer to a question such as this.

"...I simply cannot handle this relationship anymore. It's difficult and it's confusing." Eunhyuk spoke.

"But you looked so happy with him yesterday..." Yesung mumbled.

"The past is the past. I'm not going to remember it. Besides, with the way Kyuhyun keeps acting, I always get annoyed. I'm sick of it." Eunhyuk said plainly, but he wasn't even sure if that was true.

“Hyukjae... One day, you're going to miss him chasing you, you're going to miss him annoying you, you're going to miss him being there...and most of all, you're going to miss how much he cared about you. Hyukjae, Kyuhyun loved you so much.” Yesung spoke softly, staring into Eunhyuk's seemingly emotionless eyes.

“...Hyung, that day won't come any time soon.” Eunhyuk replied, coldly looking back into Yesung's.

But of course, Eunhyuk was wrong.

He was completely and utterly wrong.

Eunhyuk missed Kyuhyun so much.

Eunhyuk woke up in the morning just like before, but not like any of the mornings before. Usually, when he woke up from sleep, the bed was completely warm. But today, the bed was just cold. A little too cold for his liking. Eunhyuk turned to his side and moved closer to the middle. And all of a sudden, he remembered. He wasn't with Kyuhyun anymore. From this day forward, Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun were no longer a couple. They were 2 single people who were not together. And that was exactly why the bed was cold.  Usually, it will be just him and Kyuhyun. Lying in bed. Without a single care in the world. But now, it was different.
Eunhyuk was in his room, completely and utterly bored. He wasn't sure what to do, but there were over a thousand thoughts floating through his head. There was nothing at all to do. He sighed, if only there was someone to be with him. Then, Eunhyuk remembered something. Kyuhyun told him that he would teach him how to play Starcraft.

"...Kyu-" As Eunhyuk spoke, he quickly covered his mouth with his hand. They weren't together anymore.
Eunhyuk walked as he heard footsteps behind him. At first, Eunhyuk thought they were Kyuhyun's. But then, he could hear the steps. They were heavier and less secretive, much different from the way Kyuhyun walked. And then, just like in the two other situations, he realised that he and Kyuhyun weren't together. Eunhyuk felt like an idiot, why did he keep remembering Kyuhyun?

"...Kyuhyun..." Muttered Eunhyuk as he walked along.
Eunhyuk sighed, and put his hand on his forehead. For a while now, he had been having a headache. Eunhyuk didn't want to think of this, but he did. He thought that if Kyuhyun was here, then he would have gotten Eunhyuk some medicine and a cup of water. Then, Kyuhyun would have taken Eunhyuk's hand and made him feel better. Maybe Eunhyuk was so used to life with Kyuhyun there, that he wasn't sure what to do without the maknae anymore.Even though Kyuhyun was annoying, a bully, and completely rude, he did care about Eunhyuk the most. Out of all the other Super Junior members, Kyuhyun definitely cared for Eunhyuk the most out of everyone else.

“Kyu...” Eunhyuk called through the piercing silence. Somehow, he was given a chance to be alone with Kyuhyun. None of the other Super Junior members were there, which was good since Eunhyuk wouldn't have done this with people around.

“...” Eunhyuk was disappointed to see that Kyuhyun didn't reply to his call, even though a small part his heart still predicted such a cold response. Kyuhyun gulped slightly, hoping Eunhyuk would simply vanish.

“Kyu...Kyuhyun...” Eunhyuk called once again, Kyuhyun was sitting on the couch with a laptop on his lap. It seemed that Eunhyuk didn't realise that the screen was completely black, Kyuhyun was pretending.

“...” And still, no response from the maknae.

“Kyuhyun, I-” Before Eunhyuk was able to finish his sentence, Kyuhyun interrupted. Kyuhyun could pretty much predict the words which Eunhyuk were about to say, and he simply did not want to hear them.

“Shut up and leave me alone.” Kyuhyun sharply spoke, his eyes never moving away from the dark laptop screen. His voice was hoarse and strained, it seemed that he had been crying.

“K-K-Kyuhyunnie? Wha-” Eunhyuk was quickly cut off. Kyuhyun didn't want to hear that voice, the voice which haunted dreams every single night. Kyuhyun just couldn't bear it anymore.

“Don't call me with such an informal name. My name is Kyuhyun. I wish to be properly addressed by that.” Kyuhyun muttered quietly, using his formal language instead of the informal language he normally spoke with.

“...Kyuhyun, please, I'm-” As Eunhyuk spoke, Kyuhyun groaned. He just wanted him to stop.

“I said shut up and leave me alone.” Kyuhyun repeated in a louder and sterner voice. Eunhyuk gulped, his pride was getting in the way again. But quickly, Eunhyuk swallowed it.

“Kyuhyun, I'm sorry.” Eunhyuk mumbled with a sad tone in his voice. Kyuhyun didn't dare to look.

“...For?” Kyuhyun breathed sharply, he didn't want to ask that question. But for some reason, it was the way his body reacted.

“...For breaking your heart. It's just, I was stressed and my mind was clouded-” Eunhyuk wasn't sure what to say, and Kyuhyun shivered. To him, these were just stupid excuses.

“Apologises don't heal broken hearts, I don't want it.” Kyuhyun spoke in a hushed tone.

“Kyuhyun-ah, I want you back.” Eunhyuk took a single step closer.

“Hyung, we don't always get what we want in this life. Besides, I know that isn't true.” Kyuhyun hissed lightly, letting the sentence linger in the air surrounding them. He wanted his words to be heard clearly.

“...Please, Kyuhyun, I need you. I love you-” Eunhyuk's words simply wouldn't get through to Kyuhyun.

“Do you know what I've learnt from being with you? Simple. It's easy to believe things with someone when they say exactly what you want to hear.” Kyuhyun spoke with a bitter taste in his mouth but an expressionless face.

“...Kyu, but-” Eunhyuk was a fool.

"I said don't call me that!” Kyuhyun yelled angrily.

“...Kyuhyun, it's true though.” Muttered Eunhyuk.

“Hyung, if it were true, then you wouldn't have to be begging for me to come back to you. If it were true, then you wouldn't have let me go. But look at what has happened. Right now you're asking for me back after tearing my heart apart.” Kyuhyun replied in a hushed tone.

“...You've changed...” Whispered Eunhyuk with a hurt expression.

“I really hate it when people tell me that, you didn't know me in the first place.” Retorted Kyuhyun.

“...Kyuhyun, you know yourself that it's not true. I knew you better than anyone else.” Eunhyuk said. Kyuhyun didn't want to acknowledge those words, but they were absolutely true.

“Shut up. If you knew me better than anyone else, you would have known how much pain I went through with you.” Kyuhyun hissed.

“Kyu-” Eunhyuk was cut off.

“I hate it when I miss someone, and they don't care.” Kyuhyun muttered quietly, Eunhyuk gulped.

“I-” Kyuhyun didn't want to hear it.

“I hate it when I get taken for granted. I hate it when I get foolish and think you actually used to care for me. I hate it when I have more stupid dreams and they're just filled it you. I hate it when I remember how much I loved you. And most of all, I hate you. So leave me alone and get out of my life because I never asked you to be here." Kyuhyun finally growled, Eunhyuk gave a pained look. But then he noticed, Kyuhyun was crying.

"..." With silent steps, Eunhyuk walked closer.

"...What are you doing-" Kyuhyun was cut off by Eunhyuk. And at that moment, Eunhyuk pressed his lips against Kyuhyun's. There was a moment of silence. Kyuhyun's eyes widened and Eunhyuk's stared into them. After 3 seconds, they parted.

"What was that for?!" Kyuhyun shouted angrily, pushing Eunhyuk away from him.

"I just wanted to let you know I still love you." Eunhyuk replied softly.

"Liar!" Kyuhyun exclaimed angrily.

"...Kyuhyun, I already said I'm sorry. You know that life is hard on me..." Muttered Eunhyuk sadly.

"Really... Do you think you're the only one that's suffering in this damned relationship??!! Hyung, I cry every night because of you!! Do you think I don't care when other girls are with you??!! Do you think I don't care when you keep promoting this 'EunHae' stuff??!! Do you think I don't care when you leave for a schedule and return back late??!!" Kyuhyun shouted angrily, standing up from his seat. Eunhyuk was a little taken back.

"..." Eunhyuk stared, completely silent. For once, he could see the pain in Kyuhyun's eyes.

"Hyukjae hyung, I already know life is hard on you. And that's exactly why I never complained about anything. But you know what? Life's getting pretty hard on me a well... Yes, I'm stupid and foolish enough to be like this because of love... Damn it, Hyung, don't act like a damned victim when you aren't the one whose hurting the most..." Kyuhyun let out a short whimper and wiped his watery eyes.

"Kyuhyun..." Eunhyuk muttered.

"...Idiot..." Kyuhyun mumbled.

"Don't cry... really, I'm sorry... I was being an idiot, I didn't even think... Please forgive me..." Eunhyuk replied, his emotions turning into guilt.

"You know, sometimes giving someone a second chance is like giving them an extra bullet for their gun because they missed you the first time." Kyuhyun muttered bitterly. Eunhyuk froze, what was he supposed to do to get Kyuhyun's forgiveness?

"...But I don't own a gun." Eunhyuk replied with slight wit, Kyuhyun let out a short and depressing laugh.

"Well if you don't have a gun, there's no point in giving you an extra bullet." Kyuhyun spoke with soft and quiet words, his feet frozen to the floor. This was always what he wanted to hear, but Kyuhyun wasn't sure of whether to trust it. Yes, it felt good to know that Eunhyuk wanted him back. But it hurt oh so very much at the moment.

"Come on Kyu... please.... You know how I am, when I'm stressed and angry, I do illogical things." Eunhyuk pleaded, and Kyuhyun knew that was true. You see, Eunhyuk didn't really have a temper. He wasn't the type of person who would just begin yelling randomly. He was the type to hold in his anger and never let it out. And it could have been the reason Eunhyuk broke up with Kyuhyun, to release some stress. But still, Kyuhyun wasn't sure.

"...I know that... but..." Kyuhyun bit his quivering lip, what was he supposed to do?

"I love you, Kyuhyun." Eunhyuk said, looking into Kyuhyun's slightly blurred eyes. The maknae's voice hitched.

"...I..." Kyuhyun stared for a moment, he didn't want to look away.

"...You love me too, don't you?" Eunhyuk asked with a hopeful look, he wanted to be forgiven. He wanted to be given another chance. Another chance to be able to love Kyuhyun. It's lucky for him that Kyuhyun could always see the truth in people.

"...Pabo, of course I love you." Kyuhyun muttered quietly. As Eunhyuk heard those words, he let out a slight smile.

"Really, I'm sorry." Eunhyuk muttered as he gave Kyuhyun a kiss, the type of kiss that said he didn't want to be away from Kyuhyun.

With that feeling, Kyuhyun smiled gently, he was sure to get Eunhyuk to make up for this.


Hehe, sorry for the long update, I was doing my homework and stuff. Plus, I went for my tutoring lessons today. At the place I go, students usually get a year or 2 education above their grade. For example, year 5s and 6s would take year 7 courses. And year 7s would take year 8 or 9 courses. So difficult, I swear >_<

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Chapter 1: both of them are really stubborn...
michikokasiumi #2
Omegaaaawd XD
Chapter 1: I love the part with the bullet. It's something amazing.
Or maybe it's just me loving guns xD
I love your stories <3
hippocat #4
Chapter 1: luv the 'gun n bullets' part..hahaha
noname022 #5
Chapter 1: awww. what a story.. cc:
i love how they make up their relationship.. they really love each other.. cc:
spread the KyuHyuk love.. haha
hwaiting authornim.. ^^
Chapter 1: omo omo u update!!!!!!! thank kyuuuuuu...im glad they are back together...separation just make them more longing for each other..thank kyuuuuuu for the update authornim even u are busy neee
omo this sounds awesome!!!
kiki-chan #8
sound amazing

cant wait for the first chapter!!!

update soon please!!1
michikokasiumi #9
kyaaa... Kyuhyuuuk.... Sukisukisukiii XD
EriiAR #10
Kekeke I'll wait patiently for you to update! :D