
Come back to me love

Minho's POV

Taecyeon! You jerk, how could you. I keep on scratching my head while I was on my way to my class. I felt like I wanted to punch Taecyeon on the face. I couldn't stand it so I shouted, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" then everyone stopped and stared at me. I looked at them and act normal. "So embrassing," I mumbled. In class, I couldn't concentrate on anything. I wanted to talk to Taecyeon but if I talk to him, he will know that I like Krystal. What should I do?

I went home early after the first period, I was very sad that I didn't know that my friend was talking to me. I rushed to my bedroom and threw myself to my bed and tried to sleep, but I couldn't. I keep on turning right and left, I did that for several times then I lied straight and put my hand behind my head, thinking. It was stupid for me to think about Taecyeon, I felt like I was stupid. Krystal, Krystal. I wish I could talk to Krystal. without realising someone knocked my door and I was startled. I didn't hear someone knocked the front door, I stood up from my bed and said, "What?! What do you want? I opened the door. It was Krystal. "!" There I said it, I rushed to put a finger on my lips. I drummed my fingers to my lips. She looked at me with her innocent eyes, "Hey, sorry. I knocked the front door but no one answered so I just came in,"

"No its okay. What's up?" I asked her. "I just wanted to know if you're okay. You looked mad just now, I mean at school." She said. So sweet of her, It's everything about her that I liked. I never had a girl like this before. She's just so perfect. "Im okay, dont worry about me. Why do you come home early? Dont you have class after this?" I said. "Actually I have class, but im not in the mood to study. Do you wanna... Umm go out?" She said. OMG! I felt like I was the most happiest guy on earth! I thought to myself. I rushly said, "Sure! Watch movie?" She smiled," Sure, now?" Then off we went.


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soojungie94 #1
Please update
irmamaul #2
Chapter 3: I want taecstalllll please continue this:(
Eririn #3
Will you continue this? Taecstal is so rare. I wanna read the next chapter so bad.
taecsica_taecfany #4
agree with pipihb i want taecstal too v.v
is this a minstal story??Please tell me on my wall
Kibora #6
he kissed her! again! :D i really love this, please update soon! :)
pipihb #7
MinStal Kissed T.T TaecStal, me want them :(
@kibora i will ;)<br />
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@sitinur already :P
Kibora #9
it's awesome! i really like it! please update soon! :)
awww they are going to it!<br />
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next chap pleaseee...hwaiting!<br />