.:::POISON: Chapter 15:::.


HyoSung helped HimChan sashaying into the highest floor. In fact, HimChan’s wound wasn’t that serious. It was just he wanted to get more attention from HyoSung so he kept pretending to be painful and couldn’t walk normally.

Easily, Zelo dragged JongUp to his own room and bandaged the wound on his leg because Zelo’s giant body wasn’t afraid of carrying any heavy thing.

YoungJae rushed to his laptop and powered up the whole computer system immediately. He couldn’t let any second be wasted or else something dangerous would happen to AhSeung when U-KISS found out that she wasn’t the real Princess.

 “But how could we find her?”, HyunAe sat down anxiously. She didn’t want anyone to be involved in this. However, AhSeung had to sacrifice for her, which made she feel so guilty.

“By faith!”, the clatter of YoungJae’s fingers typing on the keyboard getting faster and faster each second and he extremely concentrated on the screen.

“Jae… calm down!”, DaeHyun put his arm on YoungJae’s shoulder and tapped it slightly. The speed of his typing slowed down to the rhythm of DaeHyun’s taps. A best friend is always a best solution for everything.

YoungJae buried his head in both of his palms, claiming, “All I need now is trust! We need to trust in her and she has to trust in me—I mean, in us!”. Then he pointed to the big screen behind his laptop. A map appeared on it and everybody saw a red spot. “It’s her!”

“How didn’t they know that she was using a signal generator? They must have checked it!”, MinHee doubted, “What if they found out and used that signal to trap us?”

“No! I’m sure she’s safe. As we know, U-KISS needs Princess for finding Poison. I don’t think they will treat her badly, at least not until they find the gem!”, YongGuk explained and YoungJae nodded and flashed a smile back to him as an expression, “You’re right!”

“Erm… but Princess, do you know why they want to catch you? There must be some connections between you and that gem!”, YoungJae turned to HyunAe.

“I have no idea!”, HyunAe shook her head. “I wish I knew…”

“Well… Ok then! Hope we’ll find the answer from U-KISS”, DaeHyun had just got out from his room, taking some kinds of weapons in both of his hands. The one-shot killer was ready to confront U-KISS.

Zelo also stepped out from JongUp’s room after had cured the wound for him. Approaching the others sitting behind YoungJae and his laptop, Zelo only headed to MinHee. He knelt down in front of her and wore a bandage around her ankle. MinHee gasped when suddenly someone touched her leg.

“Yah what are you…”, but then she stopped as she realized what Zelo was doing. “Oh… thank you!”. She sprained it when she stumbled over the slippery floor of that disco club. But not to fuss things over, she handled the pain herself. Luckily, Zelo knew that.

“Shall we go now?”, Zelo stood up and asked the others. MinHee looked up at his face, which made her have to stretch her neck tensely as he was so tall.

“Of course we should go now!”, YoungJae closed his laptop and carried it in his hand, “It seems that there are only three of us left because Chan and Moon are resting and Bang will stay home with Princess”

“I want to go---“, HyunAe insisted, but was cut off by YongGuk’s hand covering . “You’ll only make things more complicated!”




DaeHyun stood on top of the spaceship, observed what was happening inside the building through the binoculars and shouted out to report to YoungJae who was sitting inside the spaceship, “There are two of them standing guard at the window!”

“Can you take care of them?”, YoungJae shouted back as a question.

“No! They’re moving non-stop. This place is too far from them, I can’t shoot the fire! I only can shoot something still from this distance”, DaeHyun climbed down from the top, into the spaceship.

“We need to get closer!”, YoungJae closed his laptop again. “Hee and Zelo stay here, tell us everything you see from that window, ok? If anything happens, your mission is to fly back to the hideout and ask for help. Get it?”, YoungJae only stepped out from the spaceship when he received nods from MinHee and Zelo.

With ease, Zelo climbed up the top of the spaceship and took a look through the binoculars.

“Hey! How about me?”, MinHee yelled from underneath. She felt mad and embarrassed as the same time since she was too short to climb on it.

“Oh sorry…”, Zelo jumped down, lifted her off the ground and pushed her so she could reach the top. “How dare you forget your partner?”, MinHee madly hit his shoulder, but his body was hard so the one being hurt was her. “Ouch!”, MinHee moaned softly. She sounded like a little kitten somehow.

“Are you ok?”, with a caring voice, Zelo grabbed her hand and kneaded it.

 In a huff, MinHee snatched it back and shouted at him, “I’m fine! Watch what is happening inside!”




HyoSung tenderly wore the bandage under HimChan’s armpit and around his shoulder to stop the blood from running out, which made her unintentionally touched his abs several times. HimChan didn’t feel anything but the warmth from her soft palms.

“Done… You should take a rest now!”, HyoSung stood up, gathering the bloody cotton balls and walked towards the bin.

“You don’t feel surprised at all to know this building is our hideout? You knew it right?”, leaning his back against the bedhead, HimChan didn’t leave his eyes from her every move.

“Well…”, HyoSung scratched her head, “I knew it…”. Then she padded back to HimChan’s bed.

“I wonder why you didn’t catch us sooner… I was longing to see you again!”, HimChan’s voice turned soft immediately, the kind of voice which could melt the coldest ice.

“I would have let you guys be the robbers for good if there hadn’t been this!”, HyoSung sat down next to him and leaned on his shoulder.

Putting his arm around her, HimChan asked, “You wanted us to protect Princess, then disguised yourself as the club owner to test us. There must be something suspicious here…”

HyoSung cut him off right away, in order not to let him think that she didn’t believe in him, “The Princess will know where to find Poison. And you know how important Poison is! So I have to check if you guys can do it… Actually, I wanted to create a reason to stay with you more than check you out. Because I always trust you!”, HyoSung leaned up to peck on his cheek and received a passionate kiss from him in return.




“Princess, are you ready to get married to me?”, SooHyun looked at AhSeung, who was wearing HyunAe’s mask and threw a smirk to her. She could reply nothing but a shake of her head as was covered by a sticking-plaster.

“Is everything ready?”, SooHyun asked his crew while opening the plaster for her. “Now Princess… you just need to say ‘I do’. That’s all! It’s easy!”, he lifted her chin up and gave her another smirk.

“Never!”, AhSeung yelled right to his face. From her eyes, there were two big flames glanced piercingly at him.

“Find… then I’ll force you!”, SooHyun locked her inside his arms and kissed her forcefully.

“OMG He’s kissing her!”, MinHee screamed through the micro earphone. At the moment YoungJae heard that, he almost dropped his laptop. He and DaeHyun finally could reach the building and they were about to sneak into it.

“Grr… If only we knew what exactly happens upstairs!”, YoungJae told DaeHyun after cursing. “Ah there it is!”, he pointed at the map on the screen, “we can follow this pipe. It leads upstairs!”.

DaeHyun nodded and started climbed up.

“Wow wow wow… He’s not dragging her to the bed, isn’t he?”, Zelo gave the binoculars to MinHee and asked her to check if he was wrong.

“Woah I think he’s really doing it!”, MinHee replied. They just talked to each other normally. However, the conversation could be heard by the others through the micro earphones so someone was burned up inside.

Kevin opened the antique book again and tried to ignore AhSeung’s screams, he read the words on the yellow page. “When the Princess says ‘I do’, that person will receive the special senses and they will lead him to Poison…”.

“Hurry up, hyung! There’s not much time left until the third two-moon day of this year!”, Eli urged SooHyun.

SooHyun went mad. He was trying his best to make the Princess his wife, so he could find Poison. While AhSeung kept struggling out of him, the mask was worn out. After taking off the mask, SooHyun threw it to the ground and stared at AhSeung, “! SHE’S NOT THE PRINCESS!”

Right away, AJ pointed the gun at her, “Where is the real Princess?”. Now AhSeung was totally panic. But still, she didn’t say a single word.

YoungJae and DaeHyun climbed into the pipe to the second floor, where they were keeping AhSeung. The pipe was big enough for them to sit up and watched everything from the port.

“What should we do now? They’ll kill her in no time!”, DaeHyun didn’t want to make YoungJae more worry but the situation was very dangerous.

“Shoot that toxic pot!”, YoungJae’s face turned bright again when he pointed his finger to a green pot on the table. “It is full of toxic gas. They’ll all be unconscious!”

“But then Seung… It’s toxic gas! She’ll be affected too!”, DaeHyun took out his gun already but was confused of the decision to shoot or not.

“It’s ok! Just do it!”, YoungJae urged him. Then he turned to his partner was seized with terror. “You’ll always bring it with you, right Seung?”.

DaeHyun made a shot and the bullet hit the exact object. The pot was smashed to fragments and the gas started spreading around the floor. All the U-KISS members fell down on the floor.

When AhSeung heard the shot, she knew that YoungJae had come to rescue her. The gas approached her slowly but she wasn’t afraid of it. AhSeung took out YoungJae’s handkerchief from her pocket and covered and nose.

Then YoungJae and DaeHyun jumped down from the pipe and brought her to the spaceship. They didn’t forget to take the map and the antique book with them.




HyunAe was shaking hard waiting for just a small piece of news. Her mind was full of absurd questions: “What if she’s dead?”, “No she’s dying for me!”, “Please don’t be dead! Please don’t die!”…

“She is ok!”, YongGuk shook her shoulders.

“Don’t say that just to make me feel better!”, HyunAe brushed his hands off.

“I don’t! Look!”, YongGuk pointed to the big screen and the red spot was moving back to the hideout. “See?”

“OMG!”, HyunAe couldn’t help her happiness so she jumped on him and screamed merrily.

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TriX209 #1
Chapter 13: I see ur kind of a fan of T-ara :D
Like ur stories by the way im really fan of Secret
And BAP while shipping them.
Chapter 9: Geez Yong Guk really does have a good method to make people eat!!!XDlol
Chapter 33: this story is DAEBAK!
i'm new here and one of my friends suggested me to read this. and i just love it so much. its just amazing. i don't think i would get bored of reading this story over and over again. now i shall start with the sequel :D <3
I've been re-reading this story. This story is great:d
Zeal95 #5
Chapter 33: Crying my eyes out omygawd Amazing that was amazing ;'(
Zeal95 #6
Chapter 33: Crying my eyes out omygawd Amazing that was amazing ;'(
daehyunswife #7
A sequel please!
Chapter 33: Ohmygod!! that was amazing!
i really loved it!
i'm hoping there would be a sequel to this story!
ChuRin #9
Chapter 33: Oh the ending T^T really liked this story!
samanthac #10
Chapter 33: Loved it im so happy I chose this story