They live in your house!!!!! Morimoto Ryutaro one-shot

They live in your house!!!!! Morimoto Ryutaro one-shot


You sit in your chair, wear your favorite jeans, and put on a cute shirt.

Your outfit:

Now, you relax and go to drawing manga. (It's your hobby) 


The doorbell rings. 

You open the door and see... Mimi?

Mimi starts. 

"Well, you see-" 

"Oi!!!!!!!" Konnichiwa~" 

Huh? Looking over Mimi, you see... Morimoto Ryutaro and Hey! Say! JUMP!?!?! 


You then notice that they look tired, so you let them in.

"You guys can come in!!!!!!!" And as those words come out of your mouth, 10 boys rush past you, sitting down on chairs and sofas.

Your room:

You sit down on a chair, and then one of the guys sit down on you and hugs you tight. 

Being a girl, you blush. 

The guy stares at your face for a really long time, and then ends up getting closer to your face, not stopping until you realize your faces are 5 centimeters apart. Then a hand pushes the guys face out of the way, you breathe out a sigh of relief. 

"Stop it Chinen, you were scaring her." 

"But she was so cute when she blushes!!!!!"

As they are having their conversation, I turn to Mimi, and she starts her story.

"I was walking around with my friends when they said that they had to leave. So I waved goodbye to them and started walking home. Then I see these 10 guys roaming around looking worried. So I go up to them.

I ask them, "What's wrong? Do you need something?" 

And then they start talking to me in gibberish.

But one guy says, "Hello. We are from a different country. Do you know anyone that speaks Japanese? 

I answered yes, and I brought them to you."

They all are sitting on chairs, and some of them are kind of pushing each other for the chairs.

"Well, I have to go. See ya!" Mimi says and dashes off.

You go to one of them, also known as Chinen, and ask him (in Japanese of course) "Why are you here?"

He replies, "Because we had a tour, and needed a place to stay and rest. The director's cousin lives here, so he is staying at their house. They didn't have enough room, and only some of us could sleep at his house. But we don't like to be separated.  And now we have to look for one. By ourselves."

I say, "Well, there's plenty of room here. I have 2 extra bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, besides my own. Each room has a bed fit for 3, and I have 3 sleeping bags, so I can have one person sleep in my bed, and I can sleep on the couch."

"Me! Me! I want to sleep in her room!"

"No! I want to!"

"No." says one dude. He looks like the same age as me, and says, "I will sleep on the couch.  She can sleep in her bed."

"Maybe," says Chinen. "I can sleep with the three people on the bed, and you can use the sleeping bag to sleep in her room!" 

A guy with curly hair says, "I know! Let's do a hat draw. She will pick a name from the hat, and then that will be the person she sleeps with." One dude with hair in front of his eyes turns to me. "We apologize. We forgot to ask you. What is your name?" I reply. "My name is Rakizawa Kina." "I'll go get the paper and pen." You dash off, you find a pen and paper, cut it up into 10 pieces, and then give everyone hands their paper in.

"OW!" says the dude with the same age as me. He has a paper cut. You go and get a band-aid, and do care on the cut. After everyone is finished with their papers, they all hand their papers in a dude's hat. I find out that the person's name is Takaki Yuya. 

I reach out to the hat to pick out a name. I grab ahold of it, and pull it out. Morimoto Ryutaro? Who's that?

He puts up his hand. Oh, Morimoto Ryutaro is the dude that looks like the same age as me. 

I take a look at the clock. Almost 6. Time to start dinner. Good thing I went shopping. 

"Hey guys, what do you want for dinner?"

They all turn around. They dash up to you and shout out all these kinds, but end up with steak. 

Getting the big steak out, you cut it into 2 big chunks, and then into 10 pieces. Since you have omuraisu left over from lunch, you have that for dinner. 

Put a little salt, some pepper, other spices, like cloves, and... done! When they look at their steaks, it looks like they're looking at 1,00 karat diamonds. As everyone says, "Itadakimasu! 

They dig in.

When you eat your omuraisu, you turn your head up, they are all looking at you. Since you have a pretty big size, you let everyone take a bite. When they finish eating, they are all too tired. They don't have PJ's, so you lend them pajamas meant for the guests. You have 20 pairs of pajamas in total, so it was fine. 

As you climb in bed, you say goodnight to Morimoto-kun, and switch the light off and go to sleep. 


Yawning, you wake up to see... Chinen-kun?! (Last night Morimoto-kun told you all of the member's names.) And on the other side... Yamada-kun?! Looking on the floor where Morimoto-kun should be is... Yaotome-kun, Yuto-kun and Inoo-kun?! To the left of them are... Yabu-kun and Daiki-kun?! 

You notice Keito-kun and Takaki-kun are the only ones not here. 

Here is your plan: Slowly step over them, get your clothes, and then head to the bathroom, change, and then walk over to the kitchen to start breakfast. 

As you begin to try and get your way out, Chinen-kun grabs your arm and snuggles up to it like a teddy bear! 

Aww~ you think in your head.

Just then, Yamada-kun grabs your other arm and uses it like a pillow. Now both of your arms are locked.

Now that they are both being used at the moment, you just lie there.

Luckily, Takaki-kun wakes up and walks across your room. 

"Good morning Rakizawa-san."

"You can call me Kina."

"Okay, Kina-san. I woke up and saw nobody in my room, and looked in 7's room, and only saw Keito. Either they actually woke up and went in your room, or has really bad sleepwalking problems."

He then disappears.

"Hey, wait!" You struggle, but can't move.

You look down, and realize that Morimoto-kun is waking up. 

When he looks around, he almost jumps too. Walking over to help you, he gets there, but then Yaotome-kun grabs his leg and he trips. 

You close your eyes.

When you open them, you see Morimoto-kun's face right in front of yours. You blush.


"What's going on?" Chinen-kun asks as he wakes up. 
"Aaaaah! Ryu-chan is lying right on top of Kina-chan!" 

Everyone wakes up in a instant, and says, "No fair!"

As Yamada-kun wakes up, he sees your arm, and apologizes right away. 

Chinen-kun, however, won't let go. 

"I will let go when Kina-chan gives me a good morning kiss on the cheek." 

Everyone tries to make him let go, but he clings on tighter until everyone has tried every method they had up their sleeves.

So, being the nice person you are, you gave him a kiss on the cheek. 

He perks up immediately, and walks out saying "Bye! I have to go change now! C'mon, Yama-chan! C'mon, Yuto-kun!" 

Daiki-kun shakes his head. Then everyone laughs, and leaves. 

You finally have some peace to change. This is what you change to:

They all say at once, "KAWAII~!!"

Chinen-kun lines up with you in his outfit and says, "We are both kawaii!!" 

After all of the commotion, you head over to make breakfast. There's a choice of pancakes or waffles.

"Hey guys, you want pancakes or waffles?" 

They all answer at once, and you heard someone say, "I want ichigo!" 

The only one that wasn't in all of that commotion was Morimoto-kun. So I asked him. 

"Morimoto-kun, what would you like? Pancakes or waffles?" 

He answers, "Pancakes please." So you start making the pancakes.

Yamada-kun helps you out.


"No problem. I do this all the time. Hey Ryu, help us out here!"

Morimoto-kun comes.

We are all mixing something when you notice Morimoto-kun mixing the flour, and you say, 

"Try to mix like your sifting, not stirring. Like this."

You put your hand over his without thinking and show him. Once you let go, he tries it.

"Good, good. Keep it up. The pancakes will be softer and fluffier." You return to where your station was and start mixing again.

But then you realize what you did but don't turn around.

When breakfast is served, you ask if they all want to go skating or skiing. 

In the end, it's skating.

"Ok, skating it is then. The rentals there are really good and cheap."

All of you head down there. After we finished renting, you all put the skates on. But some people had trouble putting on the skates, and you and Yabu-kun were the only ones able to put them on properly so you both ended up doing all of the rest of the member's skates for them.

You take a look at Morimoto-kun's skates and laugh so hard that your stomach starts to hurt. His skates are put on backwards, and he wore his skates with his shoes on. You help put his skates on.

Going on the ice, you are all having fun. But then realize that Yamada-kun is cornered... by Chizuru!

You run over, and listen to their conversation as they're talking.

"Your cute. Wanna hang out sometime?"

"Yamada-kun! There you are. I was looking for you. Come this way."

You drag him away.

"That is Nagahara Chizuru. She goes out with guys for fun. Basically a girl Casanova."

He skates off.

After 10 minutes or so, you see all of the girls focused on the guys. 

Then, Chizuru pushes you down on the floor. The guys notice and come rushing over.

"Oh, are you ok?"

"Can you stand up?"

"Where does it hurt?"

Chinen-kun hugs you, which makes some girls scream.

Yamada-kun pats you on the head, which makes some other girls scream.

Then, Morimoto-kun kisses you on the cheek and basically all of the girls scream. 

You sit out for a while and watch the guys skate. You notice Morimoto-kun exits the rink and heads out the door.

"You OK?"

You nod.

"Listen," he starts nervously. "I have something to tell you. I... I... I... I... think we should go and get a soda." He dashes off.

After a few hours, everyone heads home. The next day was nice, so you guys went to the beach.

As you step out of the stall, the members look at you and melt away.

"She is now my new younger sister!" states Yaotome-kun.

"No, she's mine!" argues Takaki-kun.

And then BEST begins to have a fight of who's sister I was.

Kina-chan/your bathing suit:

You all go swimming, and have lots of fun.

You suddenly come up with a idea.

"There's a hotel nearby, so we could spend the night there. It would be fun and I have a friend who is the manager of the hotel and she can let us stay for one night since she owes me."

Everyone whoops and hollers.

As everyone goes to change to their outfits, you head to your stall as well. But as you enter, you hear something.

Your outfit:

Your outfit to change into:

"Meet me at 8:45pm at the calm rocks. Come alone."

You were kinda scared, since  you never heard of that voice before, but you were the only one there, so you promised yourself you would go.

So at around 8:45pm, you go out to the calm rocks. 

After a bit, a pair of hands cover your eyes.

"Guess who I am."

You guess. "? Maybe... Yaotome-kun?" 

Turning around, you see Morimoto-kun in front of you. "Oh, hi Morimoto-kun. What did you ask me to come here? Everyone was a bit worried-"

He hugs you tight.

He then says,

"I love you, Kina-chan."

Letting go of you, you stare into each other's eyes.

"I will never let you go."

"Me neither."

He leans in and kisses you softly.

As you part, he smiles. You smile too.

He kisses you again, and then says, "I guess we should go back. The other's are going to be worried."

As you two head back, you can't wait to tell them about their relationship. 

But maybe not yet.

Not yet.



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aoikimiko #1
Chapter 1: Kawaii.....Its really cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: ITS SOOO KAWAIIIII!!!!!
gambatte na for the next chapter!
And it shall be a good fanfic!